Changeset 4659 for palm/trunk/UTIL/inifor/src
- Timestamp:
- Aug 31, 2020 11:21:17 AM (5 years ago)
- Location:
- palm/trunk/UTIL/inifor/src
- Files:
- 6 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r4523 r4659 21 21 ! Current revisions: 22 22 ! ----------------- 23 ! 24 ! 23 ! 24 ! 25 25 ! Former revisions: 26 26 ! ----------------- 27 27 ! $Id$ 28 ! List all warnings after successful run 29 ! Only define netCDF variables in enabled IO groups 30 ! 31 ! 32 ! 4523 2020-05-07 15:58:16Z eckhard 28 33 ! respect integer working precision (iwp) specified in inifor_defs.f90 29 34 ! … … 118 123 origin_lon, & 119 124 output_file, & 120 output_var_table, &121 125 p0, & 122 126 phi_centre, & … … 199 203 !-- the corresponding netCDF dimensions for each output variable 200 204 CALL setup_variable_tables( cfg%ic_mode ) 201 CALL log_runtime( 'time', 'write' )202 203 !204 !-- Add the output variables to the netCDF output file205 CALL setup_netcdf_variables( output_file%name, output_var_table )206 207 205 CALL setup_io_groups 208 206 CALL log_runtime( 'time', 'init' ) 207 ! 208 !-- Add the output variables to the netCDF output file 209 CALL setup_netcdf_variables( output_file%name, io_group_list) 210 CALL log_runtime( 'time', 'write' ) 209 211 210 212 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ … … 236 238 !-- potential temperature is computed from the absolute temperature and 237 239 !-- pressure. 238 CALL preprocess( group, input_buffer, cosmo_grid , iter)240 CALL preprocess( group, input_buffer, cosmo_grid ) 239 241 CALL log_runtime( 'time', 'comp' ) 240 242 … … 591 593 !CALL fini_grids 592 594 CALL log_runtime( 'time', 'alloc' ) 593 CALL log_runtime( 'report', 'void' ) 594 595 message = "Finished writing dynamic driver '" // TRIM( output_file%name ) 596 597 IF ( n_wrngs > 0 ) THEN 598 message = TRIM( message ) // "' with " // TRIM( str( n_wrngs ) ) // & 599 " warning(s). Please see logfile '" // LOG_FILE_NAME // "'." 600 ELSE 601 message = TRIM( message ) // "' successfully." 602 END IF 603 604 CALL report( 'main loop', message ) 595 596 CALL report_warnings 597 CALL report_success( output_file%name ) 598 CALL report_runtime 605 599 CALL close_log 606 600 -
r4523 r4659 21 21 ! Current revisions: 22 22 ! ----------------- 23 ! 24 ! 23 ! 24 ! 25 25 ! Former revisions: 26 26 ! ----------------- 27 27 ! $Id$ 28 ! List warnings after successful run or abort 29 ! Produce failure exit code (1) on program abort for test automation 30 ! Improved code formatting 31 ! 32 ! 33 ! 4523 2020-05-07 15:58:16Z eckhard 28 34 ! respect integer working precision (iwp) specified in inifor_defs.f90 29 35 ! … … 87 93 88 94 USE inifor_defs, & 89 ONLY: COPYRIGHT, LNAME, LOG_FILE_NAME, VERSION, iwp, wp95 ONLY: COPYRIGHT, LNAME, LOG_FILE_NAME, PATH, VERSION, iwp, wp 90 96 USE inifor_util, & 91 ONLY: real_to_str, real_to_str_f 97 ONLY: real_to_str, real_to_str_f, str 92 98 93 99 IMPLICIT NONE 94 100 95 CHARACTER (LEN=5000) :: message = '' !< log message buffer 96 CHARACTER (LEN=5000) :: tip = '' !< optional log message buffer for tips on how to rectify encountered errors 97 INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: u !< Fortran file unit for the log file 98 INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: n_wrngs = 0 !< Fortran file unit for the log file 101 INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: u !< Fortran file unit for the log file 102 INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: n_max_wrngs = 512 !< Fortran file unit for the log file 103 INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: n_wrngs = 0 !< Fortran file unit for the log file 104 CHARACTER (LEN=5000) :: message = '' !< log message buffer 105 CHARACTER (LEN=5000) :: tip = '' !< optional log message buffer for tips on how to rectify encountered errors 106 CHARACTER (LEN=5000), SAVE :: warnings(n_max_wrngs) !< log of warnings 99 107 100 108 CONTAINS … … 112 120 !> to it. 113 121 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 114 SUBROUTINE report( routine, message, debug)122 SUBROUTINE report( routine, message, debug ) 115 123 116 124 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: routine !< name of calling subroutine of function … … 128 136 129 137 suppress_message = .FALSE. 130 IF ( PRESENT( debug) ) THEN138 IF ( PRESENT( debug ) ) THEN 131 139 IF ( .NOT. debug ) suppress_message = .TRUE. 132 140 ENDIF 133 141 134 142 IF ( .NOT. suppress_message ) THEN 135 WRITE(*, '(A)') "inifor: " // TRIM(message) // " [ " // TRIM(routine) // " ]" 136 WRITE(u, '(A)') TRIM(message) // " [ " // TRIM(routine) // " ]" 143 CALL write_to_sdtout_and_logfile( & 144 TRIM( message ) // " [ " // TRIM( routine ) // " ]" & 145 ) 137 146 ENDIF 138 147 139 148 END SUBROUTINE report 149 150 151 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 152 ! Description: 153 ! ------------ 154 !> This routine writes the given message to SDTOUT as well as to the INIFOR log 155 !> file. 156 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 157 SUBROUTINE write_to_sdtout_and_logfile( message ) 158 159 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: message 160 161 WRITE(*, '(A)') "inifor: " // TRIM( message ) 162 WRITE(u, '(A)') TRIM( message ) 163 164 END SUBROUTINE write_to_sdtout_and_logfile 140 165 141 166 … … 150 175 !> continue. 151 176 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 152 SUBROUTINE warn( routine, message)177 SUBROUTINE warn( routine, message ) 153 178 154 179 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: routine !< name of calling subroutine or function 155 180 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: message !< log message 156 181 182 CALL cache_warning( routine, message ) 183 CALL report( routine, "WARNING: " // TRIM( message ) ) 184 185 END SUBROUTINE warn 186 187 188 SUBROUTINE cache_warning( routine, message ) 189 190 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: routine !< name of calling subroutine or function 191 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: message !< log message 192 157 193 n_wrngs = n_wrngs + 1 158 CALL report(routine, "WARNING: " // TRIM(message)) 159 160 END SUBROUTINE warn 194 warnings(n_wrngs) = " WARNING: " // TRIM( message ) // & 195 " [ " // TRIM( routine ) // " ]" 196 197 END SUBROUTINE cache_warning 198 199 200 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 201 ! Description: 202 ! ------------ 203 !> 204 !> This routine writes all warnings cached with cache_warning() to STDOUT 205 !> and the INIFOR log file. 206 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 207 SUBROUTINE report_warnings() 208 209 INTEGER(iwp) :: warning_idx 210 211 IF (n_wrngs > 0) THEN 212 message = 'Encountered the following '// TRIM( str( n_wrngs ) ) // " warning(s) during this run:" 213 CALL report( 'report_warnings', message ) 214 215 DO warning_idx = 1, n_wrngs 216 CALL write_to_sdtout_and_logfile( warnings(warning_idx) ) 217 ENDDO 218 ENDIF 219 220 END SUBROUTINE report_warnings 221 222 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 223 ! Description: 224 ! ------------ 225 !> 226 !> Report successful run. To be called at the end of the main loop. 227 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 228 SUBROUTINE report_success( output_file_name ) 229 230 CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), INTENT(IN) :: output_file_name 231 232 message = "Finished writing dynamic driver '" // TRIM( output_file_name ) 233 message = TRIM( message ) // "' successfully." 234 IF (n_wrngs > 0) THEN 235 message = TRIM( message ) // " Some warnings were encountered." 236 ENDIF 237 CALL report( 'main loop', message ) 238 239 END SUBROUTINE report_success 240 241 242 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 243 ! Description: 244 ! ------------ 245 !> 246 !> Report runtime statistics 247 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 248 SUBROUTINE report_runtime() 249 250 CALL log_runtime( 'report', 'void' ) 251 252 END SUBROUTINE report_runtime 161 253 162 254 … … 171 263 !> INIFOR from continueing. 172 264 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 173 SUBROUTINE inifor_abort( routine, message)265 SUBROUTINE inifor_abort( routine , message ) 174 266 175 267 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: routine !< name of calling subroutine or function 176 268 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: message !< log message 177 269 178 CALL report(routine, "ERROR: " // TRIM(message) // " Stopping.") 270 CALL report( routine, "ERROR: " // TRIM( message ) // " Stopping." ) 271 CALL report_warnings 179 272 CALL close_log 180 STOP273 CALL EXIT(1) 181 274 182 275 END SUBROUTINE inifor_abort … … 185 278 SUBROUTINE close_log() 186 279 187 CLOSE( u)280 CLOSE( u ) 188 281 189 282 END SUBROUTINE close_log … … 209 302 !> accumulates them in timing budgets. 210 303 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 211 SUBROUTINE log_runtime( mode, budget)304 SUBROUTINE log_runtime( mode, budget ) 212 305 213 306 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: mode !< name of the calling mode … … 226 319 227 320 228 SELECT CASE( TRIM(mode))229 230 CASE( 'init')321 SELECT CASE( TRIM( mode ) ) 322 323 CASE( 'init' ) 231 324 CALL CPU_TIME(t0) 232 325 233 CASE( 'time')326 CASE( 'time' ) 234 327 235 328 CALL CPU_TIME(t1) 236 329 237 SELECT CASE( TRIM(budget))238 239 CASE( 'alloc')330 SELECT CASE( TRIM( budget ) ) 331 332 CASE( 'alloc' ) 240 333 t_alloc = t_alloc + t1 - t0 241 334 242 CASE( 'init')335 CASE( 'init' ) 243 336 t_init = t_init + t1 - t0 244 337 245 CASE( 'read')338 CASE( 'read' ) 246 339 t_read = t_read + t1 - t0 247 340 248 CASE( 'write')341 CASE( 'write' ) 249 342 t_write = t_write + t1 - t0 250 343 251 CASE( 'comp')344 CASE( 'comp' ) 252 345 t_comp = t_comp + t1 - t0 253 346 254 347 CASE DEFAULT 255 CALL inifor_abort('log_runtime', "Time Budget '" // TRIM(mode) // "' is not supported.") 348 CALL inifor_abort( & 349 'log_runtime', & 350 "Time Budget '" // TRIM( mode ) // "' is not supported." & 351 ) 256 352 257 353 END SELECT … … 259 355 t0 = t1 260 356 261 CASE( 'report')357 CASE( 'report' ) 262 358 t_total = t_init + t_read + t_write + t_comp 263 359 264 CALL report( 'log_runtime', " *** CPU time ***")265 266 CALL report( 'log_runtime', "Initialization: " // TRIM( real_to_str( t_init ) ) // &267 " s (" // TRIM( real_to_str( 100 * t_init / t_total, fmt ) ) // " %)" )268 269 CALL report( 'log_runtime', "(De-)Allocation: " // TRIM( real_to_str( t_alloc ) ) // &270 " s (" // TRIM( real_to_str( 100 * t_alloc / t_total, fmt ) ) // " %)" )271 272 CALL report( 'log_runtime', "Reading data: " // TRIM( real_to_str( t_read ) ) // &273 " s (" // TRIM( real_to_str( 100 * t_read / t_total, fmt ) ) // " %)" )274 275 CALL report( 'log_runtime', "Writing data: " // TRIM( real_to_str( t_write ) ) // &276 " s (" // TRIM( real_to_str( 100 * t_write / t_total, fmt ) ) // " %)" )277 278 CALL report( 'log_runtime', "Computation: " // TRIM( real_to_str( t_comp ) ) // &279 " s (" // TRIM( real_to_str( 100 * t_comp / t_total, fmt) ) // " %)" )280 281 CALL report( 'log_runtime', "Total: " // TRIM( real_to_str( t_total ) ) // &282 " s (" // TRIM( real_to_str( 100 * t_total / t_total, fmt ) ) // " %)")360 CALL report( 'log_runtime', "*** CPU time ***" ) 361 362 CALL report( 'log_runtime', "Initialization: " // TRIM( real_to_str( t_init ) ) // & 363 " s (" // TRIM( real_to_str( 100 * t_init / t_total, fmt ) ) // " %)" ) 364 365 CALL report( 'log_runtime', "(De-)Allocation: " // TRIM( real_to_str( t_alloc ) ) // & 366 " s (" // TRIM( real_to_str( 100 * t_alloc / t_total, fmt ) ) // " %)" ) 367 368 CALL report( 'log_runtime', "Reading data: " // TRIM( real_to_str( t_read ) ) // & 369 " s (" // TRIM( real_to_str( 100 * t_read / t_total, fmt ) ) // " %)" ) 370 371 CALL report( 'log_runtime', "Writing data: " // TRIM( real_to_str( t_write ) ) // & 372 " s (" // TRIM( real_to_str( 100 * t_write / t_total, fmt ) ) // " %)" ) 373 374 CALL report( 'log_runtime', "Computation: " // TRIM( real_to_str( t_comp ) ) // & 375 " s (" // TRIM( real_to_str( 100 * t_comp / t_total, fmt) ) // " %)" ) 376 377 CALL report( 'log_runtime', "Total: " // TRIM( real_to_str( t_total ) ) // & 378 " s (" // TRIM( real_to_str( 100 * t_total / t_total, fmt ) ) // " %)" ) 283 379 284 380 CASE DEFAULT 285 CALL inifor_abort( 'log_runtime', "Mode '" // TRIM(mode) // "' is not supported.")381 CALL inifor_abort( 'log_runtime', "Mode '" // TRIM(mode) // "' is not supported." ) 286 382 287 383 END SELECT … … 289 385 END SUBROUTINE log_runtime 290 386 387 291 388 END MODULE inifor_control -
r4568 r4659 201 201 ACHAR( 10 ) // ' Copyright 2017-2020 Deutscher Wetterdienst Offenbach' !< Copyright notice 202 202 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: LOG_FILE_NAME = 'inifor.log' !< Name of INIFOR's log file 203 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: VERSION = ' 1.4.16'!< INIFOR version number203 CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: VERSION = '2.0.0' !< INIFOR version number 204 204 205 205 END MODULE inifor_defs -
r4568 r4659 21 21 ! Current revisions: 22 22 ! ----------------- 23 ! 24 ! 23 ! 24 ! 25 25 ! Former revisions: 26 26 ! ----------------- 27 27 ! $Id$ 28 ! Only define netCDF variables in enabled IO groups 29 ! Added cloud and precipitation quantiteis (cloud water, cloud ice, rain, snow 30 ! and graupel content, as well as surface forcings of rain, snow and graupel) 31 ! Check for presence of precipitation files 32 ! Removed unused code for deaccumulation of summed up and averaged fields 33 ! Improved code formatting and documentation 34 ! 35 ! 36 ! 4568 2020-06-19 11:56:30Z eckhard 28 37 ! Handle COSMO soil data with and without additional surface temperature 29 38 ! Imporved messaging … … 180 189 PIDS_ORIGIN_Z 181 190 USE inifor_io, & 182 ONLY: get_cosmo_grid, get_input_file_list, get_netcdf_attribute, &191 ONLY: file_is_present, get_cosmo_grid, get_input_file_list, get_netcdf_attribute, & 183 192 get_netcdf_dim_vector, get_netcdf_variable, set_palm_origin, & 184 parse_command_line_arguments, validate_config, &193 netcdf_variable_present_in_file, parse_command_line_arguments, validate_config, & 185 194 has_surface_value 186 195 USE inifor_transform, & … … 287 296 INTEGER(iwp) :: nlev !< number of levels in target grid (COSMO-DE) 288 297 INTEGER(iwp) :: ndepths !< number of COSMO-DE soil layers 289 INTEGER(iwp) :: start_hour_flow !< start of flow forcing in number of hours relative to start_date290 INTEGER(iwp) :: start_hour_soil !< start of soil forcing in number of hours relative to start_date, typically equals start_hour_flow291 INTEGER(iwp) :: start_hour_radiation !< start of radiation forcing in number of hours relative to start_date, 0 to 2 hours before start_hour_flow to reconstruct hourly averages from one- to three hourly averages of the input data292 INTEGER(iwp) :: start_hour_ soilmoisture !< start of forcing for the soil moisture spin-up in number of hours relative to start_date, typically -672 (-4 weeks)298 INTEGER(iwp) :: start_hour_flow !< start of flow forcing in number of hours relative to start_date 299 INTEGER(iwp) :: start_hour_soil !< start of soil forcing in number of hours relative to start_date, typically equals start_hour_flow 300 INTEGER(iwp) :: start_hour_radiation !< start of radiation forcing in number of hours relative to start_date, 0 to 2 hours before start_hour_flow to reconstruct hourly averages from one- to three hourly averages of the input data 301 INTEGER(iwp) :: start_hour_precipitation !< start of forcing for precipitaiton forcing in number of hours relative to start_date 293 302 INTEGER(iwp) :: end_hour !< simulation time in hours 294 INTEGER(iwp) :: end_hour_soilmoisture !< end of soil moisture spin-up in hours relative to start_hour_flow295 303 INTEGER(iwp) :: step_hour !< number of hours between forcing time steps 296 304 … … 372 380 CHARACTER(LEN=LNAME) :: nc_source_text = '' !< Text describing the source of the output data, e.g. 'COSMO-DE analysis from ...' 373 381 374 CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: flow_files 375 CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: soil_moisture_files !< list of precipitation input files (<prefix> CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: soil_files 377 CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: radiation_files 378 379 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: input_prefix !< prefix of input files, e.g. 'laf' for COSMO-DE analyses380 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: flow_prefix !< prefix of flow input files, e.g. 'laf' for COSMO-DE analyses381 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: soil_prefix !< prefix of soil input files, e.g. 'laf' for COSMO-DE analyses382 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: radiation_prefix !< prefix of radiation input files, e.g. 'laf' for COSMO-DE analyses383 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: soilmoisture_prefix !< prefix of input files for soil moisture spin-up, e.g. 'laf' for COSMO-DE analyses384 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: flow_suffix !< suffix of flow input files, e.g. 'flow'385 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: soil_suffix !< suffix of soil input files, e.g. 'soil'386 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: radiation_suffix !< suffix of radiation input files, e.g. 'radiation'387 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: soilmoisture_suffix !< suffix of input files for soil moisture spin-up, e.g. 'soilmoisture'382 CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: flow_files !< list of atmospheric input files (<prefix> 383 CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: precip_files !< list of precipitation input files (<prefix> 384 CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: soil_files !< list of soil input files (temperature, moisture, <prefix> 385 CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: radiation_files !< list of radiation input files (<prefix> 386 387 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: input_prefix !< prefix of input files, e.g. 'laf' for COSMO-DE analyses 388 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: flow_prefix !< prefix of flow input files, e.g. 'laf' for COSMO-DE analyses 389 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: soil_prefix !< prefix of soil input files, e.g. 'laf' for COSMO-DE analyses 390 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: radiation_prefix !< prefix of radiation input files, e.g. 'laf' for COSMO-DE analyses 391 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: precipitation_prefix !< prefix of input files for precipitation forcing, e.g. 'laf' for COSMO-DE analyses 392 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: flow_suffix !< suffix of flow input files, e.g. 'flow' 393 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: soil_suffix !< suffix of soil input files, e.g. 'soil' 394 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: radiation_suffix !< suffix of radiation input files, e.g. 'radiation' 395 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: precipitation_suffix !< suffix of input files for precipition forcing, e.g. 'precip' 388 396 389 397 TYPE(nc_file) :: output_file !< metadata of the dynamic driver … … 408 416 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 409 417 cfg%start_date = '2013072100' 410 end_hour = 2411 start_hour_soil = -2412 start_hour_soilmoisture = - (4 * 7 * 24) - 2413 418 414 419 ! … … 429 434 start_hour_soil = 0 430 435 start_hour_radiation = 0 431 start_hour_soilmoisture = start_hour_flow - 2 432 end_hour_soilmoisture = start_hour_flow 436 start_hour_precipitation = start_hour_flow 433 437 step_hour = FORCING_STEP 434 438 … … 438 442 cfg%soil_prefix = input_prefix 439 443 cfg%radiation_prefix = input_prefix 440 cfg% soilmoisture_prefix = input_prefix444 cfg%precipitation_prefix = input_prefix 441 445 442 446 flow_suffix = '-flow' 443 447 soil_suffix = '-soil' 444 448 radiation_suffix = '-rad' 445 soilmoisture_suffix = '-soilmoisture'449 precipitation_suffix = '-precip' 446 450 447 451 cfg%debug = .FALSE. … … 472 476 radiation_prefix = TRIM(cfg%input_prefix) 473 477 soil_prefix = TRIM(cfg%input_prefix) 474 soilmoisture_prefix = TRIM(cfg%input_prefix)478 precipitation_prefix = TRIM(cfg%input_prefix) 475 479 IF (cfg%flow_prefix_is_set) flow_prefix = TRIM(cfg%flow_prefix) 476 480 IF (cfg%radiation_prefix_is_set) radiation_prefix = TRIM(cfg%radiation_prefix) 477 481 IF (cfg%soil_prefix_is_set) soil_prefix = TRIM(cfg%soil_prefix) 478 IF (cfg% soilmoisture_prefix_is_set) soilmoisture_prefix = TRIM(cfg%soilmoisture_prefix)482 IF (cfg%precipitation_prefix_is_set) precipitation_prefix = TRIM(cfg%precipitation_prefix) 479 483 480 484 output_file%name = cfg%output_file … … 483 487 boundary_variables_required = TRIM( cfg%bc_mode ) == 'real' 484 488 ls_forcing_variables_required = TRIM( cfg%bc_mode ) == 'ideal' 485 surface_forcing_required = . FALSE.489 surface_forcing_required = .TRUE. 486 490 487 491 IF ( ls_forcing_variables_required ) THEN … … 502 506 CALL report('setup_parameters', " forcing mode: " // TRIM(cfg%bc_mode)) 503 507 CALL report('setup_parameters', " averaging mode: " // TRIM(cfg%averaging_mode)) 508 CALL report('setup_parameters', " averaging angle: " // real_to_str(cfg%averaging_angle)) 504 509 CALL report('setup_parameters', " averaging angle: " // real_to_str(cfg%averaging_angle)) 505 510 CALL report('setup_parameters', " data path: " // TRIM(cfg%input_path)) … … 508 513 CALL report('setup_parameters', " namelist file: " // TRIM(cfg%namelist_file)) 509 514 CALL report('setup_parameters', " output data file: " // TRIM(output_file%name)) 515 IF (cfg%process_precipitation ) THEN 516 CALL report('setup_parameters', " precipitation: enabled") 517 ELSE 518 CALL report('setup_parameters', " precipitation: disabled") 519 ENDIF 510 520 IF (cfg%debug ) CALL report('setup_parameters', " debugging mode: enabled") 511 521 … … 543 553 ! 544 554 !-- Generate input file lists 545 CALL get_input_file_list( &546 cfg%start_date, start_hour_flow, end_hour, step_hour, &555 CALL get_input_file_list( & 556 cfg%start_date, start_hour_flow, end_hour, step_hour, & 547 557 cfg%input_path, flow_prefix, flow_suffix, flow_files) 548 CALL get_input_file_list( &549 cfg%start_date, start_hour_soil, end_hour, step_hour, &558 CALL get_input_file_list( & 559 cfg%start_date, start_hour_soil, end_hour, step_hour, & 550 560 cfg%input_path, soil_prefix, soil_suffix, soil_files) 551 CALL get_input_file_list( &552 cfg%start_date, start_hour_radiation, end_hour, step_hour, &553 cfg%input_path, radiation_prefix, radiation_suffix, radiation_files , nocheck=.TRUE.)554 CALL get_input_file_list( &555 cfg%start_date, start_hour_ soilmoisture, end_hour_soilmoisture, step_hour,&556 cfg%input_path, soilmoisture_prefix, soilmoisture_suffix, soil_moisture_files, nocheck=.TRUE.)561 CALL get_input_file_list( & 562 cfg%start_date, start_hour_radiation, end_hour, step_hour, & 563 cfg%input_path, radiation_prefix, radiation_suffix, radiation_files) 564 CALL get_input_file_list( & 565 cfg%start_date, start_hour_flow, end_hour, step_hour, & 566 cfg%input_path, precipitation_prefix, precipitation_suffix, precip_files ) 557 567 558 568 ! … … 2137 2147 INTEGER(iwp) :: ngroups 2138 2148 2139 ngroups = 1 62149 ngroups = 17 2140 2150 ALLOCATE( io_group_list(ngroups) ) 2141 2151 … … 2214 2224 !-- rain 2215 2225 io_group_list(8) = init_io_group( & 2216 in_files = soil_moisture_files, &2226 in_files = precip_files, & 2217 2227 out_vars = output_var_table(33:33), & 2218 2228 in_var_list = input_var_table(8:8), & 2219 kind = ' accumulated'&2220 ) 2221 io_group_list(8)%to_be_processed = .FALSE.2229 kind = 'surface' & 2230 ) 2231 io_group_list(8)%to_be_processed = cfg%process_precipitation 2222 2232 ! 2223 2233 !-- snow 2224 2234 io_group_list(9) = init_io_group( & 2225 in_files = soil_moisture_files, &2235 in_files = precip_files, & 2226 2236 out_vars = output_var_table(34:34), & 2227 2237 in_var_list = input_var_table(9:9), & 2228 kind = ' accumulated'&2229 ) 2230 io_group_list(9)%to_be_processed = .FALSE.2238 kind = 'surface' & 2239 ) 2240 io_group_list(9)%to_be_processed = cfg%process_precipitation 2231 2241 ! 2232 2242 !-- graupel 2233 2243 io_group_list(10) = init_io_group( & 2234 in_files = soil_moisture_files, &2244 in_files = precip_files, & 2235 2245 out_vars = output_var_table(35:35), & 2236 2246 in_var_list = input_var_table(10:10), & 2237 kind = ' accumulated'&2238 ) 2239 io_group_list(10)%to_be_processed = .FALSE.2247 kind = 'surface' & 2248 ) 2249 io_group_list(10)%to_be_processed = cfg%process_precipitation 2240 2250 ! 2241 2251 !-- evapotranspiration 2242 2252 io_group_list(11) = init_io_group( & 2243 in_files = soil_moisture_files, &2253 in_files = precip_files, & 2244 2254 out_vars = output_var_table(37:37), & 2245 2255 in_var_list = input_var_table(11:11), & … … 2250 2260 !-- 2m air temperature 2251 2261 io_group_list(12) = init_io_group( & 2252 in_files = soil_moisture_files, &2262 in_files = precip_files, & 2253 2263 out_vars = output_var_table(36:36), & 2254 2264 in_var_list = input_var_table(12:12), & … … 2293 2303 io_group_list(16)%to_be_processed = .FALSE. 2294 2304 2305 !-- fog and cloud water 2306 io_group_list(17) = init_io_group( & 2307 in_files = flow_files, & 2308 out_vars = output_var_table(65:94), & !qc, qi, qr, qs, qg 2309 in_var_list = input_var_table(11:15), & !QC, QI, QR, QS, QG 2310 kind = 'scalar' & 2311 ) 2312 io_group_list(17)%to_be_processed = .TRUE. 2313 2314 CALL validate_io_groups( io_group_list ) 2315 2295 2316 END SUBROUTINE setup_io_groups 2317 2318 2319 SUBROUTINE validate_io_groups( io_group_list ) 2320 TYPE(io_group), TARGET, INTENT(INOUT) :: io_group_list(:) 2321 2322 INTEGER(iwp) :: group_idx, file_idx, outvar_idx 2323 TYPE(io_group), POINTER :: group 2324 CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), POINTER :: filename 2325 TYPE(nc_var), POINTER :: outvar, invar 2326 2327 DO group_idx = 1, SIZE( io_group_list ) 2328 group => io_group_list(group_idx) 2329 2330 IF (group%to_be_processed) THEN 2331 DO file_idx = 1, SIZE( group%in_files ) 2332 filename => group%in_files(file_idx) 2333 2334 IF (.NOT. file_is_present( filename, 'input', message )) THEN 2335 IF (group%is_optional) THEN 2336 2337 !-- deactivate group, warn and continue 2338 group%to_be_processed = .FALSE. 2339 message = "Optional IO group '" // TRIM( group%kind ) // "' was deactivated" // & 2340 " because the required file '" // TRIM( filename ) // "' was not found." 2341 CALL warn( 'validate_io_groups', message ) 2342 ELSE 2343 !-- abort due to missing input file 2344 message = "The input file '" // TRIM( filename ) // "' of the" // & 2345 " mandatory IO group '" // TRIM( group%kind ) // "' was not found." 2346 CALL inifor_abort( 'validate_io_groups', message ) 2347 ENDIF 2348 ELSE 2349 message = "Set up input file name '" // TRIM(filename) // "'" 2350 CALL report('verify_file', message) 2351 ENDIF 2352 2353 ENDDO 2354 2355 !-- deactivate all optional output variables that have missing inputs 2356 DO outvar_idx = 1, SIZE(group%out_vars) 2357 outvar => group%out_vars(outvar_idx) 2358 2359 IF (outvar%is_optional) THEN 2360 2361 !-- only check first input file, assuming files at later times have the 2362 !-- same contents 2363 filename => group%in_files(LBOUND( group%in_files, 1)) 2364 invar => group%in_var_list(outvar%input_id) 2365 2366 !-- if corresponding invar not present, deactivate output_var 2367 IF ( .NOT.netcdf_variable_present_in_file( invar%name, filename ) ) THEN 2368 ! deactivate output variable variable, warn and continue 2369 invar%to_be_processed = .FALSE. 2370 outvar%to_be_processed = .FALSE. 2371 message = "Optional output variable '" // TRIM( outvar%name ) // "' was deactivated" // & 2372 " because the corresponding input variable was not found in file '" // TRIM( filename ) // "'." 2373 CALL warn( 'validate_io_groups', message ) 2374 ENDIF 2375 ENDIF 2376 2377 !IF ( .NOT.netcdf_variable_present_in_file( invar%name, filename ) ) THEN 2378 !-- ! abort due to missing input variable 2379 ! message = "The mandatory input variable '" // TRIM( invar%name ) // & 2380 ! " was not found in the input file '" // TRIM( filename ) // "'." 2381 ! CALL inifor_abort( 'validate_io_groups', message ) 2382 ! ENDIF 2383 !IF ( .NOT.netcdf_variable_present_in_file( invar%name, filename ) ) THEN 2384 !-- ! abort due to missing input variable 2385 ! message = "The mandatory input variable '" // TRIM( invar%name ) // & 2386 ! " was not found in the input file '" // TRIM( filename ) // "'." 2387 ! CALL inifor_abort( 'validate_io_groups', message ) 2388 ! ENDIF 2389 !ENDIF 2390 !-- outvar loop 2391 ENDDO 2392 2393 !-- group%to_be_processed conditional 2394 ENDIF 2395 2396 !-- groups loop 2397 ENDDO 2398 2399 END SUBROUTINE validate_io_groups 2400 2296 2401 2297 2402 … … 2307 2412 !> on the output quantity Theta. 2308 2413 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 2309 FUNCTION init_io_group(in_files, out_vars, in_var_list, kind, &2414 FUNCTION init_io_group(in_files, out_vars, in_var_list, kind, & 2310 2415 n_output_quantities) RESULT(group) 2311 2416 CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), INTENT(IN) :: in_files(:) … … 2321 2426 group%n_inputs = SIZE(in_var_list) 2322 2427 group%kind = TRIM(kind) 2323 ! 2324 !-- For the 'thermodynamics' IO group, one quantity more than input variables 2325 !-- is needed to compute all output variables of the IO group. Concretely, in 2326 !-- preprocess() the density is computed from T,P or PP,QV in adddition to 2327 !-- the variables Theta, p, qv. In read_input_variables(), 2328 !-- n_output_quantities is used to allocate the correct number of input 2329 !-- buffers. 2330 IF ( PRESENT(n_output_quantities) ) THEN 2428 2429 ! 2430 !-- Set the number of output quantities, which is used to allocate input buffers 2431 !-- in the preprocess() routine. For passive scalars, there is a one-to-one 2432 !-- correspondance of input and output quantities. For instance, for every water 2433 !-- phase input variable (e.g. cloud water QC), there is a corresponding output 2434 !-- quantity (qc, which lead to a number of output netCDF variables: 2435 !-- init_atmosphere_qc, ls_forcing_left_qc, etc.) 2436 !-- If more output quantities than input quantities are to be produced, 2437 !-- n_output_quantities can be set through the optional subroutine parameter. 2438 !-- For the 'thermodynamics' IO group, one quantity more than input variables is 2439 !-- needed to compute all output variables of the IO group. Concretely, in 2440 !-- preprocess() the density is computed from T,P or PP,QV in adddition to the 2441 !-- variables Theta, p, qv. In read_input_variables(), n_output_quantities is 2442 !-- used to allocate the correct number of input buffers. 2443 2444 IF ( PRESENT(n_output_quantities) ) THEN 2331 2445 group%n_output_quantities = n_output_quantities 2332 2446 ELSE … … 2393 2507 2394 2508 n_invar = 17 2395 n_outvar = 642509 n_outvar = 94 2396 2510 ALLOCATE( input_var_table(n_invar) ) 2397 2511 ALLOCATE( output_var_table(n_outvar) ) … … 2461 2575 2462 2576 var => input_var_table(11) 2463 var%name = ' AEVAP_S'2577 var%name = 'QC' 2464 2578 var%to_be_processed = .TRUE. 2465 var%is_upside_down = . FALSE.2579 var%is_upside_down = .TRUE. 2466 2580 2467 2581 var => input_var_table(12) 2468 var%name = ' T_2M'2582 var%name = 'QI' 2469 2583 var%to_be_processed = .TRUE. 2470 var%is_upside_down = . FALSE.2584 var%is_upside_down = .TRUE. 2471 2585 2472 2586 var => input_var_table(13) 2473 var%name = ' ASWDIFD_S'2587 var%name = 'QR' 2474 2588 var%to_be_processed = .TRUE. 2475 var%is_upside_down = . FALSE.2589 var%is_upside_down = .TRUE. 2476 2590 2477 2591 var => input_var_table(14) 2478 var%name = ' ASWDIR_S'2592 var%name = 'QS' 2479 2593 var%to_be_processed = .TRUE. 2480 var%is_upside_down = . FALSE.2594 var%is_upside_down = .TRUE. 2481 2595 2482 2596 var => input_var_table(15) 2483 var%name = ' ASOB_S'2597 var%name = 'QG' 2484 2598 var%to_be_processed = .TRUE. 2485 var%is_upside_down = . FALSE.2599 var%is_upside_down = .TRUE. 2486 2600 2487 2601 var => input_var_table(16) 2488 var%name = ' ATHB_S'2489 var%to_be_processed = . TRUE.2602 var%name = '--' 2603 var%to_be_processed = .FALSE. 2490 2604 var%is_upside_down = .FALSE. 2491 2605 … … 3332 3446 output_var_table(64)%averaging_grid => west_averaged_scalar_profile 3333 3447 output_var_table(64)%to_be_processed = .NOT. cfg%ug_defined_by_user 3448 3449 output_var_table(65) = init_nc_var( & 3450 name = 'init_atmosphere_qc', & 3451 std_name = "", & 3452 long_name = "initial cloud water mixture fraction", & 3453 units = "kg/kg", & 3454 kind = "init scalar", & 3455 input_id = 1_iwp, & 3456 output_file = output_file, & 3457 grid = palm_grid, & 3458 intermediate_grid = palm_intermediate, & 3459 is_profile = (TRIM(ic_mode) == 'profile') & 3460 ) 3461 IF (TRIM(ic_mode) == 'profile') THEN 3462 output_var_table(65)%averaging_grid => averaged_initial_scalar_profile 3463 ENDIF 3464 output_var_table(65)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3465 3466 output_var_table(66) = init_nc_var( & 3467 name = 'ls_forcing_left_qc', & 3468 std_name = "", & 3469 long_name = "large-scale forcing for left model boundary for the cloud water mixture fraction", & 3470 units = "kg/kg", & 3471 kind = "left scalar", & 3472 input_id = 1_iwp, & 3473 output_file = output_file, & 3474 grid = scalars_west_grid, & 3475 intermediate_grid = scalars_west_intermediate & 3476 ) 3477 output_var_table(66)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3478 3479 output_var_table(67) = init_nc_var( & 3480 name = 'ls_forcing_right_qc', & 3481 std_name = "", & 3482 long_name = "large-scale forcing for right model boundary for the cloud water mixture fraction", & 3483 units = "kg/kg", & 3484 kind = "right scalar", & 3485 input_id = 1_iwp, & 3486 output_file = output_file, & 3487 grid = scalars_east_grid, & 3488 intermediate_grid = scalars_east_intermediate & 3489 ) 3490 output_var_table(67)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3491 3492 output_var_table(68) = init_nc_var( & 3493 name = 'ls_forcing_north_qc', & 3494 std_name = "", & 3495 long_name = "large-scale forcing for north model boundary for the cloud water mixture fraction", & 3496 units = "kg/kg", & 3497 kind = "north scalar", & 3498 input_id = 1_iwp, & 3499 output_file = output_file, & 3500 grid = scalars_north_grid, & 3501 intermediate_grid = scalars_north_intermediate & 3502 ) 3503 output_var_table(68)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3504 3505 output_var_table(69) = init_nc_var( & 3506 name = 'ls_forcing_south_qc', & 3507 std_name = "", & 3508 long_name = "large-scale forcing for south model boundary for the cloud water mixture fraction", & 3509 units = "kg/kg", & 3510 kind = "south scalar", & 3511 input_id = 1_iwp, & 3512 output_file = output_file, & 3513 grid = scalars_south_grid, & 3514 intermediate_grid = scalars_south_intermediate & 3515 ) 3516 output_var_table(69)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3517 3518 output_var_table(70) = init_nc_var( & 3519 name = 'ls_forcing_top_qc', & 3520 std_name = "", & 3521 long_name = "large-scale forcing for top model boundary for the cloud water mixture fraction", & 3522 units = "kg/kg", & 3523 kind = "top scalar", & 3524 input_id = 1_iwp, & 3525 output_file = output_file, & 3526 grid = scalars_top_grid, & 3527 intermediate_grid = scalars_top_intermediate & 3528 ) 3529 output_var_table(70)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3530 3531 output_var_table(71) = init_nc_var( & 3532 name = 'init_atmosphere_qi', & 3533 std_name = "", & 3534 long_name = "initial cloud ice mixture fraction", & 3535 units = "kg/kg", & 3536 kind = "init scalar", & 3537 input_id = 2_iwp, & 3538 output_file = output_file, & 3539 grid = palm_grid, & 3540 intermediate_grid = palm_intermediate, & 3541 is_profile = (TRIM(ic_mode) == 'profile') & 3542 ) 3543 IF (TRIM(ic_mode) == 'profile') THEN 3544 output_var_table(71)%averaging_grid => averaged_initial_scalar_profile 3545 ENDIF 3546 output_var_table(71)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3547 3548 output_var_table(72) = init_nc_var( & 3549 name = 'ls_forcing_left_qi', & 3550 std_name = "", & 3551 long_name = "large-scale forcing for left model boundary for the cloud ice mixture fraction", & 3552 units = "kg/kg", & 3553 kind = "left scalar", & 3554 input_id = 2_iwp, & 3555 output_file = output_file, & 3556 grid = scalars_west_grid, & 3557 intermediate_grid = scalars_west_intermediate & 3558 ) 3559 output_var_table(72)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3560 3561 output_var_table(73) = init_nc_var( & 3562 name = 'ls_forcing_right_qi', & 3563 std_name = "", & 3564 long_name = "large-scale forcing for right model boundary for the cloud ice mixture fraction", & 3565 units = "kg/kg", & 3566 kind = "right scalar", & 3567 input_id = 2_iwp, & 3568 output_file = output_file, & 3569 grid = scalars_east_grid, & 3570 intermediate_grid = scalars_east_intermediate & 3571 ) 3572 output_var_table(73)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3573 3574 output_var_table(74) = init_nc_var( & 3575 name = 'ls_forcing_north_qi', & 3576 std_name = "", & 3577 long_name = "large-scale forcing for north model boundary for the cloud ice mixture fraction", & 3578 units = "kg/kg", & 3579 kind = "north scalar", & 3580 input_id = 2_iwp, & 3581 output_file = output_file, & 3582 grid = scalars_north_grid, & 3583 intermediate_grid = scalars_north_intermediate & 3584 ) 3585 output_var_table(74)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3586 3587 output_var_table(75) = init_nc_var( & 3588 name = 'ls_forcing_south_qi', & 3589 std_name = "", & 3590 long_name = "large-scale forcing for south model boundary for the cloud ice mixture fraction", & 3591 units = "kg/kg", & 3592 kind = "south scalar", & 3593 input_id = 2_iwp, & 3594 output_file = output_file, & 3595 grid = scalars_south_grid, & 3596 intermediate_grid = scalars_south_intermediate & 3597 ) 3598 output_var_table(75)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3599 3600 output_var_table(76) = init_nc_var( & 3601 name = 'ls_forcing_top_qi', & 3602 std_name = "", & 3603 long_name = "large-scale forcing for top model boundary for the cloud ice mixture fraction", & 3604 units = "kg/kg", & 3605 kind = "top scalar", & 3606 input_id = 2_iwp, & 3607 output_file = output_file, & 3608 grid = scalars_top_grid, & 3609 intermediate_grid = scalars_top_intermediate & 3610 ) 3611 output_var_table(76)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3612 3613 output_var_table(77) = init_nc_var( & 3614 name = 'init_atmosphere_qr', & 3615 std_name = "", & 3616 long_name = "initial rain water mixture fraction", & 3617 units = "kg/kg", & 3618 kind = "init scalar", & 3619 input_id = 3_iwp, & 3620 output_file = output_file, & 3621 grid = palm_grid, & 3622 intermediate_grid = palm_intermediate, & 3623 is_profile = (TRIM(ic_mode) == 'profile') & 3624 ) 3625 IF (TRIM(ic_mode) == 'profile') THEN 3626 output_var_table(77)%averaging_grid => averaged_initial_scalar_profile 3627 ENDIF 3628 output_var_table(77)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3629 3630 output_var_table(78) = init_nc_var( & 3631 name = 'ls_forcing_left_qr', & 3632 std_name = "", & 3633 long_name = "large-scale forcing for left model boundary for the rain water mixture fraction", & 3634 units = "kg/kg", & 3635 kind = "left scalar", & 3636 input_id = 3_iwp, & 3637 output_file = output_file, & 3638 grid = scalars_west_grid, & 3639 intermediate_grid = scalars_west_intermediate & 3640 ) 3641 output_var_table(78)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3642 3643 output_var_table(79) = init_nc_var( & 3644 name = 'ls_forcing_right_qr', & 3645 std_name = "", & 3646 long_name = "large-scale forcing for right model boundary for the rain water mixture fraction", & 3647 units = "kg/kg", & 3648 kind = "right scalar", & 3649 input_id = 3_iwp, & 3650 output_file = output_file, & 3651 grid = scalars_east_grid, & 3652 intermediate_grid = scalars_east_intermediate & 3653 ) 3654 output_var_table(79)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3655 3656 output_var_table(80) = init_nc_var( & 3657 name = 'ls_forcing_north_qr', & 3658 std_name = "", & 3659 long_name = "large-scale forcing for north model boundary for the rain water mixture fraction", & 3660 units = "kg/kg", & 3661 kind = "north scalar", & 3662 input_id = 3_iwp, & 3663 output_file = output_file, & 3664 grid = scalars_north_grid, & 3665 intermediate_grid = scalars_north_intermediate & 3666 ) 3667 output_var_table(80)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3668 3669 output_var_table(81) = init_nc_var( & 3670 name = 'ls_forcing_south_qr', & 3671 std_name = "", & 3672 long_name = "large-scale forcing for south model boundary for the rain water mixture fraction", & 3673 units = "kg/kg", & 3674 kind = "south scalar", & 3675 input_id = 3_iwp, & 3676 output_file = output_file, & 3677 grid = scalars_south_grid, & 3678 intermediate_grid = scalars_south_intermediate & 3679 ) 3680 output_var_table(81)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3681 3682 output_var_table(82) = init_nc_var( & 3683 name = 'ls_forcing_top_qr', & 3684 std_name = "", & 3685 long_name = "large-scale forcing for top model boundary for the rain water mixture fraction", & 3686 units = "kg/kg", & 3687 kind = "top scalar", & 3688 input_id = 3_iwp, & 3689 output_file = output_file, & 3690 grid = scalars_top_grid, & 3691 intermediate_grid = scalars_top_intermediate & 3692 ) 3693 output_var_table(82)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3694 3695 output_var_table(83) = init_nc_var( & 3696 name = 'init_atmosphere_qs', & 3697 std_name = "", & 3698 long_name = "initial snow mixture fraction", & 3699 units = "kg/kg", & 3700 kind = "init scalar", & 3701 input_id = 4_iwp, & 3702 output_file = output_file, & 3703 grid = palm_grid, & 3704 intermediate_grid = palm_intermediate, & 3705 is_profile = (TRIM(ic_mode) == 'profile') & 3706 ) 3707 IF (TRIM(ic_mode) == 'profile') THEN 3708 output_var_table(83)%averaging_grid => averaged_initial_scalar_profile 3709 ENDIF 3710 output_var_table(83)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3711 3712 output_var_table(84) = init_nc_var( & 3713 name = 'ls_forcing_left_qs', & 3714 std_name = "", & 3715 long_name = "large-scale forcing for left model boundary for the snow mixture fraction", & 3716 units = "kg/kg", & 3717 kind = "left scalar", & 3718 input_id = 4_iwp, & 3719 output_file = output_file, & 3720 grid = scalars_west_grid, & 3721 intermediate_grid = scalars_west_intermediate & 3722 ) 3723 output_var_table(84)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3724 3725 output_var_table(85) = init_nc_var( & 3726 name = 'ls_forcing_right_qs', & 3727 std_name = "", & 3728 long_name = "large-scale forcing for right model boundary for the snow mixture fraction", & 3729 units = "kg/kg", & 3730 kind = "right scalar", & 3731 input_id = 4_iwp, & 3732 output_file = output_file, & 3733 grid = scalars_east_grid, & 3734 intermediate_grid = scalars_east_intermediate & 3735 ) 3736 output_var_table(85)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3737 3738 output_var_table(86) = init_nc_var( & 3739 name = 'ls_forcing_north_qs', & 3740 std_name = "", & 3741 long_name = "large-scale forcing for north model boundary for the snow mixture fraction", & 3742 units = "kg/kg", & 3743 kind = "north scalar", & 3744 input_id = 4_iwp, & 3745 output_file = output_file, & 3746 grid = scalars_north_grid, & 3747 intermediate_grid = scalars_north_intermediate & 3748 ) 3749 output_var_table(86)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3750 3751 output_var_table(87) = init_nc_var( & 3752 name = 'ls_forcing_south_qs', & 3753 std_name = "", & 3754 long_name = "large-scale forcing for south model boundary for the snow mixture fraction", & 3755 units = "kg/kg", & 3756 kind = "south scalar", & 3757 input_id = 4_iwp, & 3758 output_file = output_file, & 3759 grid = scalars_south_grid, & 3760 intermediate_grid = scalars_south_intermediate & 3761 ) 3762 output_var_table(87)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3763 3764 output_var_table(88) = init_nc_var( & 3765 name = 'ls_forcing_top_qs', & 3766 std_name = "", & 3767 long_name = "large-scale forcing for top model boundary for the snow mixture fraction", & 3768 units = "kg/kg", & 3769 kind = "top scalar", & 3770 input_id = 4_iwp, & 3771 output_file = output_file, & 3772 grid = scalars_top_grid, & 3773 intermediate_grid = scalars_top_intermediate & 3774 ) 3775 output_var_table(88)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3776 3777 output_var_table(89) = init_nc_var( & 3778 name = 'init_atmosphere_qg', & 3779 std_name = "", & 3780 long_name = "initial graupel mixture fraction", & 3781 units = "kg/kg", & 3782 kind = "init scalar", & 3783 input_id = 5_iwp, & 3784 output_file = output_file, & 3785 grid = palm_grid, & 3786 intermediate_grid = palm_intermediate, & 3787 is_profile = (TRIM(ic_mode) == 'profile') & 3788 ) 3789 IF (TRIM(ic_mode) == 'profile') THEN 3790 output_var_table(89)%averaging_grid => averaged_initial_scalar_profile 3791 ENDIF 3792 output_var_table(89)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3793 3794 output_var_table(90) = init_nc_var( & 3795 name = 'ls_forcing_left_qg', & 3796 std_name = "", & 3797 long_name = "large-scale forcing for left model boundary for the graupel mixture fraction", & 3798 units = "kg/kg", & 3799 kind = "left scalar", & 3800 input_id = 5_iwp, & 3801 output_file = output_file, & 3802 grid = scalars_west_grid, & 3803 intermediate_grid = scalars_west_intermediate & 3804 ) 3805 output_var_table(90)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3806 3807 output_var_table(91) = init_nc_var( & 3808 name = 'ls_forcing_right_qg', & 3809 std_name = "", & 3810 long_name = "large-scale forcing for right model boundary for the graupel mixture fraction", & 3811 units = "kg/kg", & 3812 kind = "right scalar", & 3813 input_id = 5_iwp, & 3814 output_file = output_file, & 3815 grid = scalars_east_grid, & 3816 intermediate_grid = scalars_east_intermediate & 3817 ) 3818 output_var_table(91)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3819 3820 output_var_table(92) = init_nc_var( & 3821 name = 'ls_forcing_north_qg', & 3822 std_name = "", & 3823 long_name = "large-scale forcing for north model boundary for the graupel mixture fraction", & 3824 units = "kg/kg", & 3825 kind = "north scalar", & 3826 input_id = 5_iwp, & 3827 output_file = output_file, & 3828 grid = scalars_north_grid, & 3829 intermediate_grid = scalars_north_intermediate & 3830 ) 3831 output_var_table(92)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3832 3833 output_var_table(93) = init_nc_var( & 3834 name = 'ls_forcing_south_qg', & 3835 std_name = "", & 3836 long_name = "large-scale forcing for south model boundary for the graupel mixture fraction", & 3837 units = "kg/kg", & 3838 kind = "south scalar", & 3839 input_id = 5_iwp, & 3840 output_file = output_file, & 3841 grid = scalars_south_grid, & 3842 intermediate_grid = scalars_south_intermediate & 3843 ) 3844 output_var_table(93)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3845 3846 output_var_table(94) = init_nc_var( & 3847 name = 'ls_forcing_top_qg', & 3848 std_name = "", & 3849 long_name = "large-scale forcing for top model boundary for the graupel mixture fraction", & 3850 units = "kg/kg", & 3851 kind = "top scalar", & 3852 input_id = 5_iwp, & 3853 output_file = output_file, & 3854 grid = scalars_top_grid, & 3855 intermediate_grid = scalars_top_intermediate & 3856 ) 3857 output_var_table(94)%is_optional = .TRUE. 3334 3858 3335 3859 ! … … 3711 4235 3712 4236 CALL report('fini_file_lists', 'Deallocating file lists', cfg%debug) 3713 DEALLOCATE( flow_files, soil_files, radiation_files, soil_moisture_files )4237 DEALLOCATE( flow_files, soil_files, radiation_files, precip_files ) 3714 4238 3715 4239 END SUBROUTINE fini_file_lists … … 3727 4251 !> array will match a COSMO-DE scalar array. 3728 4252 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 3729 SUBROUTINE preprocess( group, input_buffer, cosmo_grid, iter)4253 SUBROUTINE preprocess( group, input_buffer, cosmo_grid ) 3730 4254 3731 4255 TYPE(io_group), INTENT(INOUT), TARGET :: group 3732 4256 TYPE(container), INTENT(INOUT), ALLOCATABLE :: input_buffer(:) 3733 4257 TYPE(grid_definition), INTENT(IN) :: cosmo_grid 3734 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: iter3735 4258 3736 4259 REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE :: basic_state_pressure(:) 3737 4260 TYPE(container), ALLOCATABLE :: preprocess_buffer(:) 3738 INTEGER(iwp) :: hour, dt3739 4261 INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k 3740 4262 INTEGER(iwp) :: nx, ny, nz … … 3935 4457 input_buffer(:)%is_preprocessed = .TRUE. 3936 4458 3937 CASE( 'accumulated' ) !3938 message = "De-accumulating '" // TRIM(group%in_var_list(1)%name) //&3939 "' in iteration " // TRIM(str(iter))3940 CALL report('preprocess', message)3941 3942 hour = iter - 1_iwp3943 dt = MODULO(hour, 3_iwp) + 1_iwp ! averaging period3944 SELECT CASE(dt)3945 3946 !3947 !-- input has been accumulated over one hour. Leave as is3948 !-- input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:) carrries one-hour integral3949 CASE(1)3950 3951 !3952 !-- input has been accumulated over two hours. Subtract previous step3953 !-- input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:) carrries one-hour integral3954 !-- input_buffer(2)%array(:,:,:) carrries two-hour integral3955 CASE(2)3956 CALL deaverage( &3957 avg_1 = input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:), t1 = 1.0_wp, &3958 avg_2 = input_buffer(2)%array(:,:,:), t2 = 1.0_wp, &3959 avg_3 = input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:), t3 = 1.0_wp )3960 !3961 !-- input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:) carrries one-hour integral of second hour3962 3963 !3964 !-- input has been accumulated over three hours. Subtract previous step3965 !-- input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:) carrries three-hour integral3966 !-- input_buffer(2)%array(:,:,:) still carrries two-hour integral3967 CASE(3)3968 CALL deaverage( &3969 avg_1 = input_buffer(2)%array(:,:,:), t1 = 1.0_wp, &3970 avg_2 = input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:), t2 = 1.0_wp, &3971 avg_3 = input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:), t3 = 1.0_wp )3972 !3973 !-- input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:) carrries one-hour integral of third hourA3974 3975 CASE DEFAULT3976 message = "Invalid averaging period '" // TRIM(str(dt)) // " hours"3977 message = "Invalid averaging period '" // TRIM(str(dt)) // " hours"3978 CALL inifor_abort('preprocess', message)3979 3980 END SELECT3981 input_buffer(:)%is_preprocessed = .TRUE.3982 3983 CASE( 'running average' ) !3984 message = "De-averaging '" // TRIM(group%in_var_list(1)%name) // &3985 "' in iteration " // TRIM(str(iter))3986 CALL report('preprocess', message)3987 3988 hour = iter - 1_iwp3989 !3990 !-- averaging period3991 dt = MODULO(hour, 3_iwp) + 1_iwp3992 SELECT CASE(dt)3993 !3994 !-- input has been accumulated over one hour. Leave as is3995 !-- input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:) carrries one-hour integral3996 CASE(1)3997 3998 !3999 !-- input has been accumulated over two hours. Subtract previous step4000 !-- input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:) carrries one-hour integral4001 !-- input_buffer(2)%array(:,:,:) carrries two-hour integral4002 CASE(2)4003 CALL deaverage( input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:), 1.0_wp, &4004 input_buffer(2)%array(:,:,:), 2.0_wp, &4005 input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:), 1.0_wp)4006 !4007 !-- input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:) carrries one-hour integral of second hour4008 4009 !4010 !-- input has been accumulated over three hours. Subtract previous step4011 !-- input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:) carrries three-hour integral4012 !-- input_buffer(2)%array(:,:,:) still carrries two-hour integral4013 CASE(3)4014 CALL deaverage( input_buffer(2)%array(:,:,:), 2.0_wp, &4015 input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:), 3.0_wp, &4016 input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:), 1.0_wp)4017 !4018 !-- input_buffer(1)%array(:,:,:) carrries one-hour integral of third hourA4019 4020 CASE DEFAULT4021 message = "Invalid averaging period '" // TRIM(str(dt)) // " hours"4022 CALL inifor_abort('preprocess', message)4023 4024 END SELECT4025 input_buffer(:)%is_preprocessed = .TRUE.4026 4027 4459 CASE DEFAULT 4028 4460 message = "IO group kind '" // TRIM(group%kind) // "' is not supported." -
r4569 r4659 21 21 ! Current revisions: 22 22 ! ----------------- 23 ! 24 ! 23 ! 24 ! 25 25 ! Former revisions: 26 26 ! ----------------- 27 27 ! $Id$ 28 ! New command-line option '--precipitation' enables output of precipitation 29 ! surface forcing 30 ! Only define netCDF variables in enabled IO groups 31 ! Improved code formatting 32 ! 33 ! 34 ! 4569 2020-06-19 12:46:17Z eckhard 28 35 ! Removed unused variable 29 36 ! … … 450 457 cfg%radiation_prefix_is_set = .FALSE. 451 458 cfg%soil_prefix_is_set = .FALSE. 452 cfg%soilmoisture_prefix_is_set = .FALSE. 459 cfg%precipitation_prefix_is_set = .FALSE. 460 cfg%process_precipitation = .FALSE. 453 461 cfg%static_driver_is_set = .FALSE. 454 462 cfg%ug_defined_by_user = .FALSE. … … 538 546 cfg%soil_prefix_is_set = .TRUE. 539 547 540 CASE( '--soilmoisture-prefix') 541 CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) 542 cfg%soilmoisture_prefix = TRIM(arg) 543 cfg%soilmoisture_prefix_is_set = .TRUE. 548 CASE( '--precipitation-prefix') 549 CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) 550 cfg%precipitation_prefix = TRIM(arg) 551 cfg%precipitation_prefix_is_set = .TRUE. 552 553 CASE( '--precipitation') 554 cfg%process_precipitation = .TRUE. 544 555 545 556 CASE( '-o', '--output' ) … … 567 578 PRINT *, "" 568 579 PRINT *, & 569 "For documentation and a list of available command-line options " // NEW_LINE( " ") // &580 "For documentation and a list of available command-line options " // NEW_LINE( " " ) // & 570 581 " please visit" 571 582 STOP … … 628 639 SUBROUTINE get_input_file_list( start_date_string, start_hour, end_hour, & 629 640 step_hour, input_path, prefix, suffix, & 630 file_list , nocheck)641 file_list ) 631 642 632 643 CHARACTER (LEN=DATE), INTENT(IN) :: start_date_string … … 634 645 INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: start_hour, end_hour, step_hour 635 646 CHARACTER(LEN=*), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: file_list(:) 636 LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: nocheck637 638 INTEGER(iwp) :: i639 LOGICAL :: check_files640 647 641 648 CALL get_datetime_file_list( start_date_string, start_hour, end_hour, & … … 643 650 file_list ) 644 651 645 check_files = .TRUE.646 IF ( PRESENT ( nocheck ) ) THEN647 IF ( nocheck ) check_files = .FALSE.648 ENDIF649 650 IF ( check_files ) THEN651 652 tip = "Please check if you specified the correct file prefix " // &653 "using the options --input-prefix, --flow-prefix, etc."654 655 DO i = 1, SIZE(file_list)656 CALL verify_file(file_list(i), 'input', tip)657 ENDDO658 659 ENDIF660 661 652 END SUBROUTINE get_input_file_list 662 653 … … 667 658 !> Abort INIFOR if the given file is not present. 668 659 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 669 SUBROUTINE verify_file(file_name, file_kind, tip) 660 LOGICAL FUNCTION file_is_present( filename, file_kind, message ) 661 662 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: filename, file_kind 663 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: message 664 665 file_is_present = file_present(filename) 666 667 IF (.NOT. file_is_present) THEN 668 669 IF (LEN( TRIM( filename ) ) == 0) THEN 670 message = "No name was given for the " // TRIM( file_kind ) // " file." 671 ELSE 672 message = "The " // TRIM( file_kind ) // " file '" // & 673 TRIM( filename ) // "' was not found." 674 ENDIF 675 676 ENDIF 677 678 END FUNCTION file_is_present 679 680 681 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 682 ! Description: 683 ! ------------ 684 !> Abort INIFOR if the given file is not present. 685 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 686 SUBROUTINE verify_file( file_name, file_kind ) 670 687 671 688 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name, file_kind 672 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: tip 673 674 IF (.NOT. file_present(file_name)) THEN 675 676 IF (LEN(TRIM(file_name)) == 0) THEN 677 678 message = "No name was given for the " // TRIM(file_kind) // " file." 679 680 ELSE 681 682 message = "The " // TRIM(file_kind) // " file '" // & 683 TRIM(file_name) // "' was not found." 684 685 IF (PRESENT(tip)) THEN 686 message = TRIM(message) // " " // TRIM(tip) 687 ENDIF 688 689 ENDIF 690 691 CALL inifor_abort('verify_file', message) 692 693 ENDIF 694 695 message = "Set up input file name '" // TRIM(file_name) // "'" 696 CALL report('verify_file', message) 689 690 IF (.NOT. file_is_present( file_name, file_kind, message )) THEN 691 692 CALL inifor_abort( 'verify_file', message ) 693 694 ENDIF 695 696 message = "Set up input file name '" // TRIM( file_name ) // "'" 697 CALL report( 'verify_file', message ) 697 698 698 699 END SUBROUTINE verify_file 699 700 701 700 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 702 701 ! Description: … … 705 704 !> i+1 of the argument list. 706 705 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 707 SUBROUTINE get_option_argument( i, arg)706 SUBROUTINE get_option_argument( i, arg ) 708 707 CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), INTENT(INOUT) :: arg 709 708 INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: i 710 709 711 710 i = i + 1 712 CALL GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT( i, arg)711 CALL GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT( i, arg ) 713 712 714 713 END SUBROUTINE … … 720 719 !> Checks the INIFOR configuration 'cfg' for plausibility. 721 720 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 722 SUBROUTINE validate_config( cfg)721 SUBROUTINE validate_config( cfg ) 723 722 TYPE(inifor_config), INTENT(IN) :: cfg 724 723 725 CALL verify_file( cfg%hhl_file, 'HHL')726 CALL verify_file( cfg%namelist_file, 'NAMELIST')727 CALL verify_file( cfg%soiltyp_file, 'SOILTYP')724 CALL verify_file( cfg%hhl_file, 'HHL' ) 725 CALL verify_file( cfg%namelist_file, 'NAMELIST' ) 726 CALL verify_file( cfg%soiltyp_file, 'SOILTYP' ) 728 727 729 728 ! 730 729 !-- Only check optional static driver file name, if it has been given. 731 IF (TRIM( cfg%static_driver_file) .NE. '') THEN732 CALL verify_file( cfg%static_driver_file, 'static driver')733 ENDIF 734 735 SELECT CASE( TRIM( cfg%ic_mode) )736 CASE( 'profile', 'volume' )730 IF (TRIM( cfg%static_driver_file ) .NE. '') THEN 731 CALL verify_file( cfg%static_driver_file, 'static driver' ) 732 ENDIF 733 734 SELECT CASE( TRIM( cfg%ic_mode ) ) 735 CASE( 'profile', 'volume' ) 737 736 CASE DEFAULT 738 message = "Initialization mode '" // TRIM( cfg%ic_mode) //&737 message = "Initialization mode '" // TRIM( cfg%ic_mode ) //& 739 738 "' is not supported. " //& 740 739 "Please select either 'profile' or 'volume', " //& … … 747 746 CASE( 'real', 'ideal') 748 747 CASE DEFAULT 749 message = "Forcing mode '" // TRIM( cfg%bc_mode) //&748 message = "Forcing mode '" // TRIM( cfg%bc_mode ) //& 750 749 "' is not supported. " //& 751 750 "Please select either 'real' or 'ideal', " //& … … 755 754 END SELECT 756 755 757 SELECT CASE( TRIM( cfg%averaging_mode) )756 SELECT CASE( TRIM( cfg%averaging_mode ) ) 758 757 CASE( 'level' ) 759 758 CASE( 'height' ) 760 message = "Averaging mode '" // TRIM( cfg%averaging_mode) //&759 message = "Averaging mode '" // TRIM( cfg%averaging_mode ) //& 761 760 "' is currently not supported. " //& 762 761 "Please use level-based averaging by selecting 'level', " //& … … 764 763 CALL inifor_abort( 'validate_config', message ) 765 764 CASE DEFAULT 766 message = "Averaging mode '" // TRIM( cfg%averaging_mode) //&765 message = "Averaging mode '" // TRIM( cfg%averaging_mode ) //& 767 766 "' is not supported. " //& 768 767 ! "Please select either 'height' or 'level', " //& … … 782 781 IF ( .NOT. cfg%static_driver_is_set .AND. .NOT. cfg%z0_is_set ) THEN 783 782 message = & 784 "The vertical origin of the PALM grid has not been defined. " // NEW_LINE( " ") // &785 "Please specify the right value for your setup by either " // NEW_LINE( " ") // &786 " - using the command-line option --elevation <height above sea level>, or by" // NEW_LINE( " ") // &787 " - specifying a static driver file using --static <filename> in order to use " // NEW_LINE( " ") // &783 "The vertical origin of the PALM grid has not been defined. " // NEW_LINE( " " ) // & 784 "Please specify the right value for your setup by either " // NEW_LINE( " " ) // & 785 " - using the command-line option --elevation <height above sea level>, or by" // NEW_LINE( " " ) // & 786 " - specifying a static driver file using --static <filename> in order to use " // NEW_LINE( " " ) // & 788 787 " use the value of origin_z (and origin_lon and origin_lat) specifed therein." 789 788 CALL inifor_abort( 'validate_config', message ) … … 902 901 !> 903 902 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 904 SUBROUTINE get_soil_layer_thickness( depths, d_depth)903 SUBROUTINE get_soil_layer_thickness( depths, d_depth ) 905 904 906 905 REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: depths(:) … … 916 915 !> Check whether the given file is present on the filesystem. 917 916 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 918 LOGICAL FUNCTION file_present( filename)917 LOGICAL FUNCTION file_present( filename ) 919 918 CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), INTENT(IN) :: filename 920 919 921 INQUIRE( FILE=filename, EXIST=file_present)920 INQUIRE( FILE=filename, EXIST=file_present ) 922 921 923 922 END FUNCTION file_present … … 1126 1125 !> Defines the netCDF variables to be written to the dynamic driver file 1127 1126 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 1128 SUBROUTINE setup_netcdf_variables(filename, output_variable_table) 1129 1130 CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: filename 1131 TYPE(nc_var), INTENT(INOUT), TARGET :: output_variable_table(:) 1132 1133 TYPE(nc_var), POINTER :: var 1134 INTEGER(iwp) :: i 1135 INTEGER :: ncid 1136 LOGICAL :: to_be_written 1127 SUBROUTINE setup_netcdf_variables(filename, io_group_list) 1128 1129 CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: filename 1130 TYPE(io_group), INTENT(IN), TARGET :: io_group_list(:) 1131 1132 TYPE(io_group), POINTER :: group 1133 TYPE(nc_var), POINTER :: var 1134 INTEGER(iwp) :: group_idx, var_idx, n_var 1135 INTEGER :: ncid 1136 LOGICAL :: to_be_written 1137 1137 1138 1138 message = "Defining variables in dynamic driver '" // TRIM(filename) // "'." … … 1142 1142 CALL check(nf90_redef(ncid)) 1143 1143 1144 DO i = 1, SIZE(output_variable_table) 1145 1146 var => output_variable_table(i) 1147 1148 !to_be_written = ( var%to_be_processed .AND. .NOT. var%is_internal) .OR. & 1149 ! ( var%is_internal .AND. debug ) 1150 to_be_written = ( var%to_be_processed .AND. .NOT. var%is_internal) 1151 1152 IF ( to_be_written ) THEN 1153 message = " variable #" // TRIM(str(i)) // " '" // TRIM(var%name) // "'." 1154 CALL report('setup_netcdf_variables', message) 1155 1156 CALL netcdf_define_variable(var, ncid) 1157 CALL netcdf_get_dimensions(var, ncid) 1158 ENDIF 1144 n_var = 0 1145 DO group_idx = 1, SIZE( io_group_list ) 1146 1147 group => io_group_list(group_idx) 1148 DO var_idx = 1, SIZE( group%out_vars ) 1149 1150 to_be_written = .FALSE. 1151 1152 IF (ALLOCATED( group%out_vars )) THEN 1153 var => group%out_vars(var_idx) 1154 n_var = n_var + 1 1155 1156 to_be_written = ( & 1157 group%to_be_processed .AND. var%to_be_processed & 1158 .AND. .NOT. var%is_internal & 1159 ) 1160 ENDIF 1161 1162 IF ( to_be_written ) THEN 1163 message = " variable #" // TRIM(str(n_var)) // " '" // TRIM(var%name) // "'." 1164 CALL report('setup_netcdf_variables', message) 1165 1166 CALL netcdf_define_variable(var, ncid) 1167 CALL netcdf_get_dimensions(var, ncid) 1168 ENDIF 1169 1170 ENDDO 1159 1171 1160 1172 ENDDO … … 1202 1214 ! 1203 1215 !-- radiation budgets, precipitation 1204 IF ( group%kind == 'running average' .OR.&1205 group%kind == 'accumulated') THEN1206 1207 IF ( SIZE(group%in_var_list) .GT. 1 ) THEN1216 IF ( group%kind == 'running average' .OR. & 1217 group%kind == 'accumulated' ) THEN 1218 1219 IF ( SIZE( group%in_var_list ) .GT. 1 ) THEN 1208 1220 message = "I/O groups may not contain more than one " // & 1209 1221 "accumulated variable. Group '" // TRIM(group%kind) //& 1210 "' contains " // &1211 TRIM( str( SIZE(group%in_var_list, kind=iwp)) ) // "."1212 CALL inifor_abort( 'read_input_variables | accumulation', message)1222 "' contains " // & 1223 TRIM( str( SIZE( group%in_var_list, kind=iwp ) ) ) // "." 1224 CALL inifor_abort( 'read_input_variables | accumulation', message ) 1213 1225 ENDIF 1214 1226 … … 1242 1254 1243 1255 ! 1244 !-- Allocate one input buffer per input_variable. If more quantities1256 !-- Allocate one input buffer per output quantity. If more quantities 1245 1257 !-- have to be computed than input variables exist in this group, 1246 1258 !-- allocate more buffers. For instance, in the thermodynamics group, … … 1248 1260 !-- necessart (P, Theta, Rho, qv) for the corresponding output fields 1249 1261 !-- (p0, Theta, qv, ug, and vg) 1250 nbuffers = MAX( group%n_inputs, group%n_output_quantities ) 1251 ALLOCATE( buffer(nbuffers) ) 1262 ALLOCATE( buffer(group%n_output_quantities) ) 1252 1263 CALL log_runtime('time', 'alloc') 1253 1264 … … 1258 1269 input_var => group%in_var_list(ivar) 1259 1270 1260 ! 1261 ! Check wheather P or PP is present in input file 1262 IF (input_var%name == 'P') THEN 1263 input_var%name = TRIM( get_pressure_varname(input_file) ) 1264 CALL log_runtime('time', 'read') 1271 IF ( input_var%to_be_processed ) THEN 1272 ! Check wheather P or PP is present in input file 1273 IF (input_var%name == 'P') THEN 1274 input_var%name = TRIM( get_pressure_varname(input_file) ) 1275 CALL log_runtime('time', 'read') 1276 ENDIF 1277 1278 CALL get_netcdf_variable(input_file, input_var, buffer(ivar)%array) 1279 1280 IF ( input_var%is_upside_down ) CALL reverse(buffer(ivar)%array) 1281 CALL log_runtime('time', 'comp') 1265 1282 ENDIF 1266 1267 CALL get_netcdf_variable(input_file, input_var, buffer(ivar)%array)1268 1269 IF ( input_var%is_upside_down ) CALL reverse(buffer(ivar)%array)1270 CALL log_runtime('time', 'comp')1271 1283 1272 1284 ENDDO … … 1663 1675 1664 1676 1677 LOGICAL FUNCTION netcdf_variable_present_in_file( varname, filename ) 1678 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME), INTENT(IN) :: varname 1679 CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), INTENT(IN) :: filename 1680 1681 INTEGER :: ncid, varid 1682 1683 netcdf_variable_present_in_file = ( & 1684 nf90_open( TRIM( filename ), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid ) .EQ. NF90_NOERR .AND. & 1685 nf90_inq_varid( ncid, varname, varid ) .EQ. NF90_NOERR .AND. & 1686 nf90_close( ncid ) .EQ. NF90_NOERR & 1687 ) 1688 1689 END FUNCTION netcdf_variable_present_in_file 1690 1691 1665 1692 END MODULE inifor_io 1666 1693 #endif -
r4568 r4659 21 21 ! Current revisions: 22 22 ! ----------------- 23 ! 24 ! 23 ! 24 ! 25 25 ! Former revisions: 26 26 ! ----------------- 27 27 ! $Id$ 28 ! Added flag in support of new command-line option '--precipitation' 29 ! Improved code formatting 30 ! 31 ! 32 ! 4568 2020-06-19 11:56:30Z eckhard 28 33 ! Handle COSMO soil data with and without additional surface temperature 29 34 ! … … 123 128 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: radiation_prefix !< Prefix of radiation input files, e.g 'laf' for COSMO-DE analyses 124 129 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: soil_prefix !< Prefix of soil input files, e.g. 'laf' for COSMO-DE analyses 125 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: soilmoisture_prefix !< Prefix of input files for soil moisture spin-up, e.g 'laf' for COSMO-DE analyses130 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: precipitation_prefix !< Prefix of input files for precipitation forcing, e.g 'laf' for COSMO-DE analyses 126 131 127 132 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: averaging_mode !< destinguishes between level-based and heigh-based averaging … … 142 147 LOGICAL :: radiation_prefix_is_set !< indicates whether the radiation prefix was set manually 143 148 LOGICAL :: soil_prefix_is_set !< indicates whether the soil prefix was set manually 144 LOGICAL :: soilmoisture_prefix_is_set !< indicates whether the soilmoisture prefix was set manually 149 LOGICAL :: precipitation_prefix_is_set !< indicates whether the precipitation prefix was set manually 150 LOGICAL :: process_precipitation !< indicates whether precipitation should be processed 145 151 LOGICAL :: static_driver_is_set !< indicates whether a static driver was given 146 152 LOGICAL :: ug_defined_by_user !< indicates whether ug was set manually … … 247 253 LOGICAL :: to_be_processed = .FALSE. !< INIFOR flag indicating whether variable shall be processed 248 254 LOGICAL :: is_internal = .FALSE. !< INIFOR flag indicating whether variable shall be written to netCDF file (.FALSE.) or kept for later (.TRUE.) 255 LOGICAL :: is_optional = .FALSE. !< Flag indicating whether INIFOR may continue if the the netCDF variable cannot be processed, e.g. if files are missing 249 256 LOGICAL :: is_read = .FALSE. !< INIFOR flag indicating whether variable has been read 250 257 LOGICAL :: is_upside_down = .FALSE. !< INIFOR flag indicating whether vertical dimension is reversed (typically the case with COSMO-DE atmospheric fields) … … 252 259 TYPE(grid_definition), POINTER :: grid !< Pointer to the corresponding output grid 253 260 TYPE(grid_definition), POINTER :: intermediate_grid !< Pointer to the corresponding intermediate grid 254 TYPE(grid_definition), POINTER :: averaging_grid !< Pointer to the corresponding intermediate grid261 TYPE(grid_definition), POINTER :: averaging_grid !< Pointer to the corresponding intermediate grid 255 262 END TYPE nc_var 256 263 … … 265 272 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 266 273 TYPE io_group 267 INTEGER(iwp) :: nt !< maximum number of output time steps across all output variables 268 INTEGER(iwp) :: nv !< number of netCDF output variables 269 INTEGER(iwp) :: n_inputs !< number of input variables 270 INTEGER(iwp) :: n_output_quantities !< number of physical quantities required for computing netCDF output variables 271 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: kind !< kind of I/O group 272 CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), ALLOCATABLE :: in_files(:) !< list of nt input files 273 TYPE(nc_var), ALLOCATABLE :: out_vars(:) !< list of output variables 274 TYPE(nc_var), ALLOCATABLE :: in_var_list(:) !< list of input variables 274 INTEGER(iwp) :: nt !< maximum number of output time steps across all output variables 275 INTEGER(iwp) :: nv !< number of netCDF output variables 276 INTEGER(iwp) :: n_inputs !< number of input variables 277 INTEGER(iwp) :: n_output_quantities !< number of physical quantities required for computing netCDF output variables 278 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: name !< name of I/O group 279 CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME) :: kind !< kind of I/O group 280 CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), ALLOCATABLE :: in_files(:) !< list of nt input files 281 TYPE(nc_var), ALLOCATABLE :: out_vars(:) !< list of output variables 282 TYPE(nc_var), ALLOCATABLE :: in_var_list(:) !< list of input variables 275 283 LOGICAL :: to_be_processed = .FALSE. !< Inifor flag indicating whether I/O group shall be processed 276 284 LOGICAL :: is_accumulated = .FALSE. !< Flag indicating whether this I/O group contains accumulated variables 285 LOGICAL :: is_optional = .FALSE. !< Flag indicating whether INIFOR may continue if group cannot be processed, e.g. if files are missing 277 286 LOGICAL :: is_preprocessed = .FALSE. !< Inifor flag indicating whether the I/O group has been preprocessed 278 287 END TYPE io_group
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