Changeset 4493 for palm/trunk

Apr 10, 2020 9:49:43 AM (4 years ago)

Merge brach resler

9 edited


  • palm/trunk

  • palm/trunk/SOURCE

  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/Makefile

  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/biometeorology_mod.f90

  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/check_parameters.f90

  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/init_3d_model.f90

  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/radiation_model_mod.f90

    r4481 r4493  
    2828! -----------------
    2929! $Id$
     30! Avoid unstable direct normal radiation near horizon
     32! 4481 2020-03-31 18:55:54Z maronga
    3033! use statement for exchange horiz added
    454457                sky_trans,                       & !< sky transmissivity
    455458                time_radiation = 0.0_wp,         & !< time since last call of radiation code
    456                 trace_fluxes_above = -1.0_wp       !< NAMELIST option for debug tracing of large radiative fluxes (W/m2;W/m3)
     459                trace_fluxes_above = -1.0_wp,    & !< NAMELIST option for debug tracing of large radiative fluxes (W/m2;W/m3)
     460                min_stable_coszen = 0.0262_wp      !< 1.5 deg above horizon, eliminates most of circumsolar
    458462    INTEGER(iwp) ::  day_of_year   !< day of the current year
    58065810     REAL(wp)                          ::  area_surf          !< total area of surfaces in all processor
    58075811     REAL(wp)                          ::  area_hor           !< total horizontal area of domain in all processor
     5812     REAL(wp)                          ::  sun_direct_factor  !< factor for direct normal radiation from direct horizontal
    58085813#if defined( __parallel )
    58095814     REAL(wp), DIMENSION(1:7)          ::  combine_allreduce   !< dummy array used to combine several MPI_ALLREDUCE calls
    60196024        mrtinlw(imrt) = mrtsky(imrt) * rad_lw_in_diff(j,i)
    60206025     ENDDO
    6022      !-- direct radiation
     6027!--  Direct radiation
    60236028     IF ( cos_zenith > 0 )  THEN
    6024         !--Identify solar direction vector (discretized number) 1)
    6025         !--
     6030!--     To avoid numerical instability near horizon depending on what direct
     6031!--     radiation is used (slightly different zenith angle, considering
     6032!--     circumsolar etc.), we use a minimum value for cos_zenith
     6033        sun_direct_factor = 1._wp / MAX(min_stable_coszen, cos_zenith)
     6035!--     Identify solar direction vector (discretized number) (1)
    60266036        j = FLOOR(ACOS(cos_zenith) / pi * raytrace_discrete_elevs)
    60276037        i = MODULO(NINT(ATAN2(sun_dir_lon, sun_dir_lat)               &
    60346044           i = surfl(ix, isurf)
    60356045           surfinswdir(isurf) = rad_sw_in_dir(j,i) *                        &
    6036                 costheta(surfl(id, isurf)) * dsitrans(isurf, isd) / cos_zenith
     6046                costheta(surfl(id, isurf)) * dsitrans(isurf, isd) * sun_direct_factor
    60376047        ENDDO
    60426052           i = mrtbl(ix, imrt)
    60436053           mrtinsw(imrt) = mrtinsw(imrt) + mrtdsit(imrt, isd) * rad_sw_in_dir(j,i) &
    6044                                      / cos_zenith / 4.0_wp ! normal to sphere
     6054                                     * sun_direct_factor / 4.0_wp ! normal to sphere
    60456055        ENDDO
    60466056     ENDIF
    60856095                   pc_abs_frac = 1.0_wp - exp(pc_abs_eff * lad_s(k,j,i))
    6087 !--                isd has already been established, see 1)
     6097!--                isd has already been established, see (1)
    60886098                   pcbinswdir(ipcgb) = rad_sw_in_dir(j, i) * pc_box_area &
    60896099                                       * pc_abs_frac * dsitransc(ipcgb, isd)
    7869 !--     Raytrace to canopy boxes to fill dsitransc TODO optimize
     7879!--     Raytrace to canopy boxes to fill dsitransc
     7880!--     TODO: consider replacing by DSI rays toward surfaces
    78707881        dsitransc(:,:) = 0._wp
    78717882        az0 = 0._wp
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/urban_surface_mod.f90

    r4481 r4493  
    2828! -----------------
    2929! $Id$
     30! J.Resler, 2020/03/19
     31! - remove reading of deprecated input parameters c_surface and lambda_surf
     32! - and calculate them from parameters of the outer wall/roof layer
     34! 4481 2020-03-31 18:55:54Z maronga
    3035! use statement for exchange horiz added
    219224!> Further work:
    220225!> -------------
    221 !> 1. Remove global arrays surfouts, surfoutl and only keep track of radiosity
    222 !>    from surfaces that are visible from local surfaces (i.e. there is a SVF
    223 !>    where target is local). To do that, radiosity will be exchanged after each
    224 !>    reflection step using MPI_Alltoall instead of current MPI_Allgather.
    225 !>
    226 !> 2. Temporarily large values of surface heat flux can be observed, up to
    227 !>    1.2 Km/s, which seem to be not realistic.
    228 !>
    229226!> @todo Output of _av variables in case of restarts
    230227!> @todo Revise flux conversion in energy-balance solver
    231 !> @todo Check optimizations for RMA operations
    232 !> @todo Alternatives for MPI_WIN_ALLOCATE? (causes problems with openmpi)
    233 !> @todo Check for load imbalances in CPU measures, e.g. for exchange_horiz_prog
    234 !>       factor 3 between min and max time
    235228!> @todo Check divisions in wtend (etc.) calculations for possible division
    236229!>       by zero, e.g. in case fraq(0,m) + fraq(1,m) = 0?!
    237230!> @todo Use unit 90 for OPEN/CLOSE of input files (FK)
    238 !> @todo Move plant canopy stuff into plant canopy code
     231!> @todo remove reading of old csv inputs
    240233 MODULE urban_surface_mod
    375368    INTEGER(iwp) ::  ind_alb_win_gfl       = 77   !< index in input list for albedo_type of window fraction ground floor level
    376369    INTEGER(iwp) ::  ind_alb_win_r         = 115  !< index in input list for albedo_type of window fraction roof
    377     INTEGER(iwp) ::  ind_c_surface         = 45   !< index in input list for heat capacity wall surface
    378     INTEGER(iwp) ::  ind_c_surface_green   = 48   !< index in input list for heat capacity green surface
    379     INTEGER(iwp) ::  ind_c_surface_win     = 47   !< index in input list for heat capacity window surface
    380370    INTEGER(iwp) ::  ind_emis_wall_agfl    = 14   !< index in input list for wall emissivity, above ground floor level
    381371    INTEGER(iwp) ::  ind_emis_wall_gfl     = 32   !< index in input list for wall emissivity, ground floor level
    425415    INTEGER(iwp) ::  ind_lai_w_agfl        = 5    !< index in input list for LAI on wall, above ground floor level
    426416    INTEGER(iwp) ::  ind_lai_w_gfl         = 25   !< index in input list for LAI on wall, ground floor level
    427     INTEGER(iwp) ::  ind_lambda_surf       = 46   !< index in input list for thermal conductivity of wall surface
    428     INTEGER(iwp) ::  ind_lambda_surf_green = 50   !< index in input list for thermal conductivity of green surface
    429     INTEGER(iwp) ::  ind_lambda_surf_win   = 49   !< index in input list for thermal conductivity of window surface
    430417    INTEGER(iwp) ::  ind_tc1_agfl          = 9    !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at first wall layer,
    431418                                                  !< above ground floor level
    34383425    END SUBROUTINE usm_init_material_model
    34423429! Description:
    36873674           surf_usm_h%zw_window(nzb_wall+3,m)       = building_pars(ind_thick_4_win_r,building_type)
    3689            surf_usm_h%c_surface(m)           = building_pars(ind_c_surface,building_type) 
    3690            surf_usm_h%lambda_surf(m)         = building_pars(ind_lambda_surf,building_type) 
    3691            surf_usm_h%c_surface_green(m)     = building_pars(ind_c_surface_green,building_type) 
    3692            surf_usm_h%lambda_surf_green(m)   = building_pars(ind_lambda_surf_green,building_type) 
    3693            surf_usm_h%c_surface_window(m)    = building_pars(ind_c_surface_win,building_type) 
    3694            surf_usm_h%lambda_surf_window(m)  = building_pars(ind_lambda_surf_win,building_type) 
    36963676           surf_usm_h%green_type_roof(m)     = building_pars(ind_green_type_roof,building_type)
    38493829              surf_usm_v(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall+3,m)       = building_pars(ind_thick_4_win,building_type)
    3851               surf_usm_v(l)%c_surface(m)           = building_pars(ind_c_surface,building_type) 
    3852               surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf(m)         = building_pars(ind_lambda_surf,building_type)
    3853               surf_usm_v(l)%c_surface_green(m)     = building_pars(ind_c_surface_green,building_type) 
    3854               surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf_green(m)   = building_pars(ind_lambda_surf_green,building_type)
    3855               surf_usm_v(l)%c_surface_window(m)    = building_pars(ind_c_surface_win,building_type) 
    3856               surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf_window(m)  = building_pars(ind_lambda_surf_win,building_type)
    38583831           ENDDO
    38593832        ENDDO
    39533926                 surf_usm_h%zw_window(nzb_wall+3,m)       = building_pars(ind_thick_4_win_r,st)
    3955                  surf_usm_h%c_surface(m)           = building_pars(ind_c_surface,st) 
    3956                  surf_usm_h%lambda_surf(m)         = building_pars(ind_lambda_surf,st)
    3957                  surf_usm_h%c_surface_green(m)     = building_pars(ind_c_surface_green,st) 
    3958                  surf_usm_h%lambda_surf_green(m)   = building_pars(ind_lambda_surf_green,st)
    3959                  surf_usm_h%c_surface_window(m)    = building_pars(ind_c_surface_win,st) 
    3960                  surf_usm_h%lambda_surf_window(m)  = building_pars(ind_lambda_surf_win,st)
    39623928                 surf_usm_h%green_type_roof(m)     = building_pars(ind_green_type_roof,st)
    41224088                    surf_usm_v(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall+3,m)       = building_pars(ind_thick_4_win,st)
    4124                     surf_usm_v(l)%c_surface(m)           = building_pars(ind_c_surface,st) 
    4125                     surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf(m)         = building_pars(ind_lambda_surf,st)
    4126                     surf_usm_v(l)%c_surface_green(m)     = building_pars(ind_c_surface_green,st) 
    4127                     surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf_green(m)   = building_pars(ind_lambda_surf_green,st)
    4128                     surf_usm_v(l)%c_surface_window(m)    = building_pars(ind_c_surface_win,st) 
    4129                     surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf_window(m)  = building_pars(ind_lambda_surf_win,st)
    41324090                 ENDIF
    41334091              ENDDO
    42754233                                    building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)         
    42764234                 surf_usm_h%lambda_h(nzb_wall+1,m) =                           &
    4277                                     building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)       
     4235                                    building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)
    42784236              ENDIF
    42794237              IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i) /=                     & 
    42924250                                     building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)         
    42934251                 surf_usm_h%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+1,m) =                     &
    4294                                      building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)       
     4252                                     building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)
    42954253              ENDIF
    42964254              IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i) /=                     &
    43094267                                     building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)         
    43104268                 surf_usm_h%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+1,m) =                    &
    4311                                      building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)       
     4269                                     building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)
    43124270              ENDIF
    43134271              IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i) /=                     &     
    44154373                 surf_usm_h%zw_green(nzb_wall+3,m) =                           &
    44164374                                   building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_4_agfl,j,i)
    4418               IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_c_surface,j,i) /=               &       
    4419                    building_pars_f%fill )                                      &
    4420                  surf_usm_h%c_surface(m) =                                     &
    4421                                     building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_c_surface,j,i)
    4423               IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_lambda_surf,j,i) /=             &       
    4424                    building_pars_f%fill )                                      &
    4425                  surf_usm_h%lambda_surf(m) =                                   &
    4426                                     building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_lambda_surf,j,i)
    44274375           ENDDO
    45644512                                          building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)   
    45654513                       surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+1,m) =                  &
    4566                                           building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i) 
     4514                                          building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)
    45674515                    ENDIF
    45684516                    IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i) /=               & 
    45814529                                           building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)   
    45824530                       surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+1,m) =            &
    4583                                            building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i) 
     4531                                           building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)
    45844532                    ENDIF
    45854533                    IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i) /=               &
    45984546                                     building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)         
    45994547                       surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+1,m) =           &
    4600                                      building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)       
     4548                                     building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)
    46014549                    ENDIF
    46024550                    IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i) /=               &     
    47074655                                   building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_4_agfl,j,i)
    4709                     IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_c_surface,j,i) /=         &       
    4710                          building_pars_f%fill )                                &
    4711                        surf_usm_v(l)%c_surface(m) =                            &
    4712                                      building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_c_surface,j,i)
    4714                     IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_lambda_surf,j,i) /=       &       
    4715                          building_pars_f%fill )                                &
    4716                        surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf(m) =                          &
    4717                                     building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_lambda_surf,j,i)
    47194657              ENDDO
    47204658           ENDDO
    50985036        CALL usm_init_material_model()
     5038!--     init skin layer properties
     5039!--     (can be done after initialization of wall layers)
     5041        DO  m = 1, surf_usm_h%ns
     5042            i = surf_usm_h%i(m)
     5043            j = surf_usm_h%j(m)
     5045            surf_usm_h%c_surface(m)           = surf_usm_h%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall,m) *              &
     5046                                                surf_usm_h%dz_wall(nzb_wall,m) * 0.25_wp
     5047            surf_usm_h%lambda_surf(m)         = surf_usm_h%lambda_h(nzb_wall,m) *                &
     5048                                                surf_usm_h%ddz_wall(nzb_wall,m) * 2.0_wp
     5049            surf_usm_h%c_surface_green(m)     = surf_usm_h%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall,m) *              &
     5050                                                surf_usm_h%dz_wall(nzb_wall,m) * 0.25_wp
     5051            surf_usm_h%lambda_surf_green(m)   = surf_usm_h%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall,m) *          &
     5052                                                surf_usm_h%ddz_green(nzb_wall,m) * 2.0_wp
     5053            surf_usm_h%c_surface_window(m)    = surf_usm_h%rho_c_window(nzb_wall,m) *            &
     5054                                                surf_usm_h%dz_window(nzb_wall,m) * 0.25_wp
     5055            surf_usm_h%lambda_surf_window(m)  = surf_usm_h%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall,m) * &
     5056                                                surf_usm_h%ddz_window(nzb_wall,m) * 2.0_wp
     5057        ENDDO
     5059        DO  l = 0, 3
     5060            DO  m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
     5061                i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m) + surf_usm_v(l)%ioff
     5062                j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m) + surf_usm_v(l)%joff
     5064                surf_usm_v(l)%c_surface(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall,m) *              &
     5065                                             surf_usm_v(l)%dz_wall(nzb_wall,m) * 0.25_wp
     5066                surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall,m) *                &
     5067                                               surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_wall(nzb_wall,m) * 2.0_wp
     5068                surf_usm_v(l)%c_surface_green(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall,m) *              &
     5069                                                   surf_usm_v(l)%dz_green(nzb_wall,m) * 0.25_wp
     5070                surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf_green(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall,m) *           &
     5071                                                     surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_green(nzb_wall,m) * 2.0_wp
     5072                surf_usm_v(l)%c_surface_window(m)    = surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall,m) *            &
     5073                                                       surf_usm_v(l)%dz_window(nzb_wall,m) * 0.25_wp
     5074                surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf_window(m)  = surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall,m) * &
     5075                                                       surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_window(nzb_wall,m) * 2.0_wp
     5076            ENDDO
     5077        ENDDO
    51005080!--     init anthropogenic sources of heat
    78397819        DO  m = 1, surf_usm_h%ns
    7841 !--       During spinup set green and window fraction to zero and restore
    7842 !--       at the end of the loop.
    7843 !--       Note, this is a temporary fix and need to be removed later. 
     7821!--        During spinup set green and window fraction to zero and restore
     7822!--        at the end of the loop.
     7823!--        Note, this is a temporary fix and need to be removed later.
    78447824           IF ( during_spinup )  THEN
    78457825              frac_win   = surf_usm_h%frac(m,ind_wat_win)
    7962 !--          Calculate water vapour pressure at saturation
     7942!--           Calculate water vapour pressure at saturation
    79637943              e_s = 0.01_wp * 610.78_wp * EXP( 17.269_wp * ( t_surf_green_h(m) &
    79647944                            - 273.16_wp ) / ( t_surf_green_h(m) - 35.86_wp ) )
    80278007                                     surf_usm_h%rad_lw_out(m)
    8029 !--     numerator of the prognostic equation
    8030 !--     Todo: Adjust to tile approach. So far, emissivity for wall (element 0)
    8031 !--     is used
     8009!--        numerator of the prognostic equation
     8010!--        Todo: Adjust to tile approach. So far, emissivity for wall (element 0)
     8011!--        is used
    80328012           coef_1 = surf_usm_h%rad_net_l(m) +                                  &
    80338013                 ( 3.0_wp + 1.0_wp ) * surf_usm_h%emissivity(m,ind_veg_wall) * &
    80558035                                       f_shf_green * surf_usm_h%pt1(m) +       &
    80568036                                       lambda_surface_green * t_green_h(nzb_wall,m)
    8057           ENDIF
     8037           ENDIF
    80598039!--        denominator of the prognostic equation
    83208300              ENDIF
    8322 !--          Get indices of respective grid point
     8302!--           Get indices of respective grid point
    83238303              i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
    83248304              j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
    8328 !--          TODO - how to calculate lambda_surface for horizontal (??? do you mean verical ???) surfaces
    8329 !--          (lambda_surface is set according to stratification in land surface model).
    8330 !--          Please note, for vertical surfaces no ol is defined, since
    8331 !--          stratification is not considered in this case.
     8308!--           Please note, for vertical surfaces no ol is defined, since
     8309!--           stratification is not considered in this case.
    83328310              lambda_surface = surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf(m)
    83338311              lambda_surface_window = surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf_window(m)
    83348312              lambda_surface_green = surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf_green(m)
    8336 !            pt1  = pt(k,j,i)
     8314!             pt1  = pt(k,j,i)
    83378315              IF ( humidity )  THEN
    83388316                 qv1 = q(k,j,i)
    83518329              ENDIF
    8353 !--          Calculation of r_a for vertical surfaces
     8331!--           Calculation of r_a for vertical surfaces
    8355 !--          heat transfer coefficient for forced convection along vertical walls
    8356 !--          follows formulation in TUF3d model (Krayenhoff & Voogt, 2006)
     8333!--           heat transfer coefficient for forced convection along vertical walls
     8334!--           follows formulation in TUF3d model (Krayenhoff & Voogt, 2006)
    8358 !--          H = httc (Tsfc - Tair)
    8359 !--          httc = rw * (11.8 + 4.2 * Ueff) - 4.0
     8336!--           H = httc (Tsfc - Tair)
     8337!--           httc = rw * (11.8 + 4.2 * Ueff) - 4.0
    83618339!--                rw: wall patch roughness relative to 1.0 for concrete
    83698347!--                zH: height of the convective layer
    83708348!--                wstar = (g/Tcan*Qs*zH)**(1./3.)
    8371 !--          Effective velocity components must always
    8372 !--          be defined at scalar grid point. The wall normal component is
    8373 !--          obtained by simple linear interpolation. ( An alternative would
    8374 !--          be an logarithmic interpolation. )
    8375 !--          Parameter roughness_concrete (default value = 0.001) is used
    8376 !--          to calculation of roughness relative to concrete
     8349!--           Effective velocity components must always
     8350!--           be defined at scalar grid point. The wall normal component is
     8351!--           obtained by simple linear interpolation. ( An alternative would
     8352!--           be an logarithmic interpolation. )
     8353!--           Parameter roughness_concrete (default value = 0.001) is used
     8354!--           to calculation of roughness relative to concrete
    83778355              surf_usm_v(l)%r_a(m) = rho_cp / ( surf_usm_v(l)%z0(m) /           &
    83788356                         roughness_concrete * ( 11.8_wp + 4.2_wp *              &
    83838361                            )  - 4.0_wp  )
    8385 !--          Limit aerodynamic resistance
     8363!--           Limit aerodynamic resistance
    83868364              IF ( surf_usm_v(l)%r_a(m) < 1.0_wp )  surf_usm_v(l)%r_a(m) = 1.0_wp   
    85408518              t_surf_green_v_p(l)%t(m) = t_surf_green_v_p(l)%t(m) + dt_3d * tsc(3) *       &
    85418519                                 surf_usm_v(l)%tt_surface_green_m(m)
    85438522!--           Store surface temperature. Further, in case humidity is used
  • palm/trunk/UTIL

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