Nov 22, 2019 10:13:38 AM (5 years ago)

Output of indoor temperature revised (to avoid non-defined values within buildings)

1 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/indoor_model_mod.f90

    r4267 r4299  
    2626! -----------------
    2727! $Id$
     28! Output of indoor temperature revised (to avoid non-defined values within
     29! buildings)
     31! 4267 2019-10-16 18:58:49Z suehring
    2832! Bugfix in initialization, some indices to access building_pars where wrong.
    2933! Introduction of seasonal parameters.
    16691673!--       Average indoor temperature. Note, in case a building is completely
    16701674!--       surrounded by higher buildings, it may have no facade elements
    1671 !--       at some height levels, will will lead to a divide by zero. If this
    1672 !--       is the case, indoor temperature will be set to -1.0.
     1675!--       at some height levels, which will lead to a divide by zero.
    16731676          DO  k = buildings(nb)%kb_min, buildings(nb)%kb_max
    16741677             IF ( buildings(nb)%num_facade_h(k) +                              &
    16771680                               REAL( buildings(nb)%num_facade_h(k) +           &
    16781681                                     buildings(nb)%num_facade_v(k), KIND = wp )
    1679              ELSE
    1680                 buildings(nb)%t_in(k) = -1.0_wp
     1682             ENDIF
     1683          ENDDO
     1685!--       If indoor temperature is not defined because of missing facade
     1686!--       elements, the values from the above-lying level will be taken.
     1687!--       At least at the top of the buildings facades are defined, so that
     1688!--       at least there an indoor temperature is defined. This information
     1689!--       will propagate downwards the building.
     1690          DO  k = buildings(nb)%kb_max-1, buildings(nb)%kb_min, -1
     1691             IF ( buildings(nb)%num_facade_h(k) +                              &
     1692                  buildings(nb)%num_facade_v(k) <= 0 )  THEN
     1693                buildings(nb)%t_in(k) = buildings(nb)%t_in(k+1)
    16811694             ENDIF
    16821695          ENDDO
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