Changeset 4211 for palm/trunk/TESTS/cases/oceanml/INPUT/oceanml_p3d
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- Sep 2, 2019 2:09:37 PM (6 years ago)
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r4002 r4211 2 2 !-- INITIALIZATION PARAMETER NAMELIST 3 3 ! Documentation: 4 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 ! This is a setup for generating an ocean mixed layer including the effects 6 ! of Stokes drift (Langmuir circulation) and wave breaking, based on the 7 ! case described in Noh, Y., H.S. Min and S. Raasch (2004): Large-eddy 8 ! simulation of the ocean mixed layer: The effects of wave breaking and 9 ! Langmuir circulation. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 34, 720-735. 4 10 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 11 &initialization_parameters … … 7 13 !-- grid parameters 8 14 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 nx = 63, ! Number of gridboxes in x-direction (nx+1) 10 ny = 63, ! Number of gridboxes in y-direction (ny+1) 11 nz = 64, ! Number of gridboxes in z-direction (nz) 15 nx = 63, ! Number of gridboxes in x-direction (nx+1) 16 ! For Noh et al. change to nx = 239 17 ny = 63, ! Number of gridboxes in y-direction (ny+1) 18 ! For Noh et al. change to nx = 239 19 nz = 64, ! Number of gridboxes in z-direction (nz) 12 20 13 dx 14 dy 15 dz 21 dx = 1.25, ! Size of single gridbox in x-direction 22 dy = 1.25, ! Size of single gridbox in y-direction 23 dz = 1.25, ! Size of single gridbox in z-direction 16 24 ! 17 25 !-- initialization 18 26 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 initializing_actions 27 initializing_actions = 'set_constant_profiles', ! initial conditions 20 28 21 latitude = 55.6, 29 latitude = 55.0, ! corresponds to a Coriolis parameter 30 ! f = 1.2**-4 s-1 22 31 23 ug_surface = 0.0, ! u-comp of geostrophic windat surface24 vg_surface = 0.0, ! v-comp of geostrophic windat surface32 ug_surface = 0.0, ! u-comp of geostrophic flow at surface 33 vg_surface = 0.0, ! v-comp of geostrophic flow at surface 25 34 26 pt_surface 35 pt_surface = 300.0, ! initial surface potential temp 27 36 ! 28 37 !-- boundary conditions 29 38 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 bc_uv_b = 'neumann', 31 bc_uv_t = 'neumann', 32 bc_pt_b = 'neumann', 33 bc_pt_t = 'neumann', 34 bc_p_b = 'neumann', 35 bc_p_t = 'neumann', 36 bc_s_b = 'initial_gradient', 37 bc_s_t = 'neumann', 39 bc_uv_b = 'neumann', 40 bc_uv_t = 'neumann', 41 bc_pt_b = 'neumann', 42 bc_pt_t = 'neumann', 43 bc_p_b = 'neumann', 44 bc_p_t = 'neumann', 38 45 39 use_top_fluxes 40 use_surface_fluxes 41 constant_flux_layer 46 use_top_fluxes = .T., 47 use_surface_fluxes = .F., 48 constant_flux_layer = .F., 42 49 43 top_momentumflux_u = -0.0001,44 top_momentumflux_v 50 top_momentumflux_u = -0.0001, ! corresponds to u* = 0.01 m/s 51 top_momentumflux_v = 0.0, 45 52 46 top_heatflux = 0.0, 53 top_heatflux = 1.02e-4, ! gives weak cooling at ocean 54 ! surface to initiate buoyancy driven 55 ! turbulence, 56 ! see surface_cooling_spinup_time 57 ! below 47 58 ! 48 59 !-- numerics 49 60 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 fft_method 61 fft_method = 'temperton-algorithm', ! build-in fft method 51 62 52 momentum_advec = 'pw-scheme', ! use Piacsek and Williams scheme 53 scalar_advec = 'pw-scheme', ! use Piacsek and Williams scheme 63 momentum_advec = 'ws-scheme', ! attention: Noh et al. used the 64 ! Piascek-Williams advection scheme 65 scalar_advec = 'ws-scheme', ! attention: Noh et al. used the 66 ! Piascek-Williams advection scheme 54 67 55 68 / ! end of initialization parameter namelist … … 63 76 !-- run steering 64 77 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65 end_time = 300.0, ! simulation time of the 3D model 78 end_time = 120.0, ! simulation time of the 3D model 79 ! For Noh et al. change to 28800.0 s 66 80 67 create_disturbances 68 dt_disturb = 60.0, ! interval for random perturbations69 disturbance_ energy_limit = 1.0e-4, ! upper limit for perturbation energy70 disturbance_amplitude = 0.25e-1, ! maximum perturbation amplitude 81 create_disturbances = .TRUE., ! randomly perturbate horiz. velocity 82 ! at beginning of the run 83 disturbance_amplitude = 0.25e-3, ! maximum perturbation amplitude 84 71 85 ! 72 86 !-- data output 73 87 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74 dt_run_control = 0.0, ! output interval for run control88 netcdf_data_format = 2, ! output in NetCDF3 64bit offset format 75 89 76 data_output_pr = 'e', 77 'e*', 78 '#theta', 90 dt_run_control = 0.0, ! output interval for run control 91 92 ! remove the following line to create output of time series 93 dt_dots = 100000.0, 94 95 dt_dopr = 120.0, ! For Noh et al. change to 1800.0 96 97 averaging_interval_pr = 120.0, ! For Noh et al. change to 600.0 98 dt_averaging_input_pr = 10.0 99 data_output_pr = 'e', 'e*', '#theta', 100 'prho', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'km', 'kh', 'l', 101 'u*2', 'v*2', 'w*2', 'theta*2', 'w*3', 102 'wu', 'w*u*', 'w"u"', 103 'wv', 'w*v*', 'w"v"', 104 'w*e*', 'w*p*', 105 'w*u*u*:dz', 'w*p*:dz', 'w"e:dz', 106 107 ! uncomment following lines to create some of the output that is shown in 108 ! the Noh et al. paper 109 ! dt_data_output = 3600.0, 110 ! data_output = 'w', 'theta', 79 111 80 112 / ! end of runtime parameter namelist 113 81 114 82 115 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 85 118 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86 119 &ocean_parameters 87 ! 88 !-- top boundary condition for salinity 120 121 stokes_waveheight = 1.0 ! results in a turbulent Langmuir 122 ! number La = 0.45 123 stokes_wavelength = 40.0, ! results in a turbulent Langmuir 124 ! number La = 0.45 125 wave_breaking = .F., ! The implemented parameterization is 126 ! designed for a vertical grid spacing 127 ! of dz = 1.25m and time steps of 128 ! about 4 s. It will probably fail for 129 ! other setups. 130 ! Attention: 131 ! For Noh et al. switch to .T. 132 surface_cooling_spinup_time = 900.0, ! add a surface cooling only at start 133 ! in order to initiate turbulence 134 135 salinity = .TRUE., ! salinity switched on just for 136 ! testing the salinity code 137 ! remove this and the following two 138 ! parameters for simulating the 139 ! Noh et al. case 89 140 bc_sa_t = 'neumann', 90 91 ! zero salinityflux at ocean surface 92 top_salinityflux = 0.0, 141 top_salinityflux = 0.0, ! zero salinityflux at ocean surface 93 142 94 143 / ! end of ocean parameters 144 95 145 ! WARNING: do not remove this blank line from the end of this file
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