Aug 21, 2019 2:37:54 PM (5 years ago)

removed comments in 'Former revisions' section that are older than 01.01.2019

1 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/boundary_conds.f90

    r4102 r4180  
    4444! OpenACC port for SPEC
    46 ! 3589 2018-11-30 15:09:51Z suehring
    47 ! Move the control parameter "salsa" from salsa_mod to control_parameters
    48 ! (M. Kurppa)
    49 !
    50 ! 3582 2018-11-29 19:16:36Z suehring
    51 ! variables documented
    52 !
    53 ! 3467 2018-10-30 19:05:21Z suehring
    54 ! Implementation of a new aerosol module salsa.
    55 !
    56 ! 3347 2018-10-15 14:21:08Z suehring
    57 ! Bugfix in setting boundary conditions in offline nesting
    58 !
    59 ! 3341 2018-10-15 10:31:27Z suehring
    60 ! changes concerning modularization of ocean option
    61 !
    62 ! 3274 2018-09-24 15:42:55Z knoop
    63 ! Modularization of all bulk cloud physics code components
    64 !
    65 ! 3241 2018-09-12 15:02:00Z raasch
    66 ! unused variables removed
    67 !
    68 ! 3183 2018-07-27 14:25:55Z suehring
    69 ! Rename some variables concerning LES-LES as well as offline nesting
    70 !
    71 ! 3182 2018-07-27 13:36:03Z suehring
    72 ! - Use wall function for e_p and diss_p in case of rans_tke_e
    73 ! - move limitation of diss_p from tcm_prognostic
    74 !
    75 ! 2938 2018-03-27 15:52:42Z suehring
    76 ! Set boundary condition for TKE and TKE dissipation rate in case of nesting
    77 ! and if parent model operates in RANS mode but child model in LES mode.
    78 ! mode
    79 !
    80 ! 2793 2018-02-07 10:54:33Z suehring
    81 ! Removed preprocessor directive __chem
    82 !
    83 ! 2718 2018-01-02 08:49:38Z maronga
    84 ! Corrected "Former revisions" section
    85 !
    86 ! 2696 2017-12-14 17:12:51Z kanani
    87 ! Change in file header (GPL part)
    88 ! Adjust boundary conditions for e and diss in case of TKE-e closure (TG)
    89 ! Implementation of chemistry module (FK)
    90 !
    91 ! 2569 2017-10-20 11:54:42Z kanani
    92 ! Removed redundant code for ibc_s_b=1 and ibc_q_b=1
    93 !
    94 ! 2365 2017-08-21 14:59:59Z kanani
    95 ! Vertical grid nesting implemented: exclude setting vertical velocity to zero
    96 ! on fine grid (SadiqHuq)
    97 !
    98 ! 2320 2017-07-21 12:47:43Z suehring
    99 ! Remove unused control parameter large_scale_forcing from only-list
    100 !
    101 ! 2292 2017-06-20 09:51:42Z schwenkel
    102 ! Implementation of new microphysic scheme: cloud_scheme = 'morrison'
    103 ! includes two more prognostic equations for cloud drop concentration (nc) 
    104 ! and cloud water content (qc).
    105 !
    106 ! 2233 2017-05-30 18:08:54Z suehring
    107 !
    108 ! 2232 2017-05-30 17:47:52Z suehring
    109 ! Set boundary conditions on topography top using flag method.
    110 !
    111 ! 2118 2017-01-17 16:38:49Z raasch
    112 ! OpenACC directives removed
    113 !
    114 ! 2000 2016-08-20 18:09:15Z knoop
    115 ! Forced header and separation lines into 80 columns
    116 !
    117 ! 1992 2016-08-12 15:14:59Z suehring
    118 ! Adjustments for top boundary condition for passive scalar
    119 !
    120 ! 1960 2016-07-12 16:34:24Z suehring
    121 ! Treat humidity and passive scalar separately
    122 !
    123 ! 1823 2016-04-07 08:57:52Z hoffmann
    124 ! Initial version of purely vertical nesting introduced.
    125 !
    126 ! 1822 2016-04-07 07:49:42Z hoffmann
    127 ! icloud_scheme removed. microphyisics_seifert added.
    128 !
    129 ! 1764 2016-02-28 12:45:19Z raasch
    130 ! index bug for u_p at left outflow removed
    131 !
    132 ! 1762 2016-02-25 12:31:13Z hellstea
    133 ! Introduction of nested domain feature
    134 !
    135 ! 1742 2016-01-13 09:50:06Z raasch
    136 ! bugfix for outflow Neumann boundary conditions at bottom and top
    137 !
    138 ! 1717 2015-11-11 15:09:47Z raasch
    139 ! Bugfix: index error in outflow conditions for left boundary
    140 !
    141 ! 1682 2015-10-07 23:56:08Z knoop
    142 ! Code annotations made doxygen readable
    143 !
    144 ! 1410 2014-05-23 12:16:18Z suehring
    145 ! Bugfix: set dirichlet boundary condition for passive_scalar at model domain
    146 ! top
    147 !
    148 ! 1399 2014-05-07 11:16:25Z heinze
    149 ! Bugfix: set inflow boundary conditions also if no humidity or passive_scalar
    150 ! is used.
    151 !
    152 ! 1398 2014-05-07 11:15:00Z heinze
    153 ! Dirichlet-condition at the top for u and v changed to u_init and v_init also
    154 ! for large_scale_forcing
    155 !
    156 ! 1380 2014-04-28 12:40:45Z heinze
    157 ! Adjust Dirichlet-condition at the top for pt in case of nudging
    158 !
    159 ! 1361 2014-04-16 15:17:48Z hoffmann
    160 ! Bottom and top boundary conditions of rain water content (qr) and
    161 ! rain drop concentration (nr) changed to Dirichlet
    162 !
    163 ! 1353 2014-04-08 15:21:23Z heinze
    164 ! REAL constants provided with KIND-attribute
    166 ! 1320 2014-03-20 08:40:49Z raasch
    167 ! ONLY-attribute added to USE-statements,
    168 ! kind-parameters added to all INTEGER and REAL declaration statements,
    169 ! kinds are defined in new module kinds,
    170 ! revision history before 2012 removed,
    171 ! comment fields (!:) to be used for variable explanations added to
    172 ! all variable declaration statements
    173 !
    174 ! 1257 2013-11-08 15:18:40Z raasch
    175 ! loop independent clauses added
    176 !
    177 ! 1241 2013-10-30 11:36:58Z heinze
    178 ! Adjust ug and vg at each timestep in case of large_scale_forcing
    179 !
    180 ! 1159 2013-05-21 11:58:22Z fricke
    181 ! Bugfix: Neumann boundary conditions for the velocity components at the
    182 ! outflow are in fact radiation boundary conditions using the maximum phase
    183 ! velocity that ensures numerical stability (CFL-condition).
    184 ! Hence, logical operator use_cmax is now used instead of bc_lr_dirneu/_neudir.
    185 ! Bugfix: In case of use_cmax at the outflow, u, v, w are replaced by
    186 ! u_p, v_p, w_p 
    187 !
    188 ! 1115 2013-03-26 18:16:16Z hoffmann
    189 ! boundary conditions of two-moment cloud scheme are restricted to Neumann-
    190 ! boundary-conditions
    191 !
    192 ! 1113 2013-03-10 02:48:14Z raasch
    193 ! GPU-porting
    194 ! dummy argument "range" removed
    195 ! Bugfix: wrong index in loops of radiation boundary condition
    196 !
    197 ! 1053 2012-11-13 17:11:03Z hoffmann
    198 ! boundary conditions for the two new prognostic equations (nr, qr) of the
    199 ! two-moment cloud scheme
    200 !
    201 ! 1036 2012-10-22 13:43:42Z raasch
    202 ! code put under GPL (PALM 3.9)
    203 !
    204 ! 996 2012-09-07 10:41:47Z raasch
    205 ! little reformatting
    206 !
    207 ! 978 2012-08-09 08:28:32Z fricke
    208 ! Neumann boudnary conditions are added at the inflow boundary for the SGS-TKE.
    209 ! Outflow boundary conditions for the velocity components can be set to Neumann
    210 ! conditions or to radiation conditions with a horizontal averaged phase
    211 ! velocity.
    212 !
    213 ! 875 2012-04-02 15:35:15Z gryschka
    214 ! Bugfix in case of dirichlet inflow bc at the right or north boundary
    215 !
    216 ! Revision 1.1  1997/09/12 06:21:34  raasch
    217 ! Initial revision
    218 !
    22047! Description:
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