Changeset 4110 for palm/trunk

Jul 22, 2019 5:05:21 PM (6 years ago)

last changes documented

11 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/advec_ws.f90

    r4109 r4110  
    2020! Current revisions:
    2121! ------------------
     24! Former revisions:
     25! -----------------
     26! $Id$
    2227! - Separate initialization of advection flags for momentum and scalars. In this
    2328!   context, resort the bits and do some minor formatting.
    3843!   advection
    40 ! Former revisions:
    41 ! -----------------
    42 ! $Id$
     45! 4109 2019-07-22 17:00:34Z suehring
    4346! Implementation of a flux limiter according to Skamarock (2006) for the
    4447! vertical scalar advection. Please note, this is only implemented for the
    122125! Change in file header (GPL part)
    123126! Implement advection for TKE-dissipation in case of RANS-TKE-e closure (TG)
    124 ! Allocate advc_flags_m/2 within ws_init_flags instead of init_grid
     127! Allocate advc_flags_1/2 within ws_init_flags instead of init_grid
    125128! Change argument list for exchange_horiz_2d_int (MS)
    137140! 2232 2017-05-30 17:47:52Z suehring
    138 ! Rename wall_flags_0 and wall_flags_00 into advc_flags_m and advc_flags_m,
     141! Rename wall_flags_0 and wall_flags_00 into advc_flags_m and advc_flags_1,
    139142! respectively.
    140 ! Set advc_flags_m/2 on basis of wall_flags_0/00 instead of nzb_s/u/v/w_inner.
    141 ! Setting advc_flags_m/2 also for downward-facing walls
     143! Set advc_flags_1/2 on basis of wall_flags_0/00 instead of nzb_s/u/v/w_inner.
     144! Setting advc_flags_1/2 also for downward-facing walls
    143146! 2200 2017-04-11 11:37:51Z suehring
    262265! vector version.
    263266! Degradation of the applied order of scheme is now steered by multiplying with
    264 ! Integer advc_flags_m. 2nd order scheme, WS3 and WS5 are calculated on each
     267! Integer advc_flags_1. 2nd order scheme, WS3 and WS5 are calculated on each
    265268! grid point and mulitplied with the appropriate flag.
    266269! 2nd order numerical dissipation term changed. Now the appropriate 2nd order
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/bulk_cloud_model_mod.f90

    r4109 r4110  
    2020! Current revisions:
    2121! ------------------
    22 ! Pass integer flag array as well as boundary flags to WS scalar advection
    23 ! routine
    2524! Former revisions:
    2625! -----------------
    2726! $Id$
     27! Pass integer flag array as well as boundary flags to WS scalar advection
     28! routine
     30! 4109 2019-07-22 17:00:34Z suehring
    2831! Added microphyics scheme 'morrision_no_rain'
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/chem_modules.f90

    r4109 r4110  
    2222! Current revisions:
    2323! -----------------
    24 ! +cs_advc_flags_s
    2626! Former revisions:
    2727! -----------------
    2828! $Id$
     29! +cs_advc_flags_s
     31! 4109 2019-07-22 17:00:34Z suehring
    2932! - introduced namelist item chem_modules@emiss_lod as future
    3033! - replacement to chem_modules@mode_emis.  Currently keeping both
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/chemistry_model_mod.f90

    r4109 r4110  
    2222! Current revisions:
    2323! -----------------
     26! Former revisions:
     27! -----------------
     28! $Id$
    2429! - Decycling boundary conditions are only set at the ghost points not on the
    2530!   prognostic grid points
    3338!   oscillations caused by horizontal advection discretization.
    35 ! Former revisions:
    36 ! -----------------
    37 ! $Id$
     40! 4109 2019-07-22 17:00:34Z suehring
    3841! Slightly revise setting of boundary conditions at horizontal walls, use
    3942! data-structure offset index instead of pre-calculate it for each facing
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/init_grid.f90

    r4109 r4110  
    2020! Current revisions:
    2121! -----------------
    22 ! - Separate initialization of advection flags for momentum and scalars.
    23 ! - Change subroutine interface for ws_init_flags_scalar to pass boundary flags
    2524! Former revisions:
    2625! -----------------
    2726! $Id$
     27! - Separate initialization of advection flags for momentum and scalars.
     28! - Change subroutine interface for ws_init_flags_scalar to pass boundary flags
     30! 4109 2019-07-22 17:00:34Z suehring
    2831! Fix bad commit
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/land_surface_model_mod.f90

    r4109 r4110  
    2020! Current revisions:
    2121! -----------------
     24! Former revisions:
     25! -----------------
     26! $Id$
    2227! Relax checks for non-consistent initialization in case static or dynamic
    2328! input is provided. For example, soil_temperature or deep_soil_temperature
    2631! available.
    28 ! Former revisions:
    29 ! -----------------
    30 ! $Id$
     33! 4109 2019-07-22 17:00:34Z suehring
    3134! Further revision of last commit in order to avoid any side effects when
    3235! albedo type is not set in namelist and default albedo type changes.
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/modules.f90

    r4109 r4110  
    2020! Current revisions:
    2121! ------------------
    22 ! -advc_flags_1, advc_flags_2
    23 ! +advc_flags_m, advc_flags_s
    2524! Former revisions:
    2625! -----------------
    2726! $Id$
     27! -advc_flags_1, advc_flags_2
     28! +advc_flags_m, advc_flags_s
     30! 4109 2019-07-22 17:00:34Z suehring
    2831! remove old_dt
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/ocean_mod.f90

    r4109 r4110  
    2020! Current revisions:
    2121! -----------------
    22 ! Pass integer flag array as well as boundary flags to WS scalar advection
    23 ! routine
    2524! Former revisions:
    2625! -----------------
    2726! $Id$
     27! Pass integer flag array as well as boundary flags to WS scalar advection
     28! routine
     30! 4109 2019-07-22 17:00:34Z suehring
    2831! implemented ocean_actions
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/prognostic_equations.f90

    r4109 r4110  
    2020! Current revisions:
    2121! ------------------
     24! Former revisions:
     25! -----------------
     26! $Id$
    2227! pass integer flag array to WS scalar advection routine which is now necessary
    2328! as the flags may differ for scalars, e.g. pt can be cyclic while chemical
    2429! species may be non-cyclic. Further, pass boundary flags.
    26 ! Former revisions:
    27 ! -----------------
    28 ! $Id$
     31! 4109 2019-07-22 17:00:34Z suehring
    2932! Application of monotonic flux limiter for the vertical scalar advection
    3033! up to the topography top (only for the cache-optimized version at the
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/salsa_mod.f90

    r4109 r4110  
    2121! Current revisions:
    2222! -----------------
    23 ! Pass integer flag array as well as boundary flags to WS scalar advection
    24 ! routine
    2625! Former revisions:
    2726! -----------------
    2827! $Id$
     28! Pass integer flag array as well as boundary flags to WS scalar advection
     29! routine
     31! 4109 2019-07-22 17:00:34Z suehring
    2932! Slightly revise setting of boundary conditions at horizontal walls, use
    3033! data-structure offset index instead of pre-calculate it for each facing
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/turbulence_closure_mod.f90

    r4109 r4110  
    2020! Current revisions:
    2121! -----------------
    22 ! pass integer flag array as well as boundary flags to WS scalar advection
    23 ! routine
    2524! Former revisions:
    2625! -----------------
    2726! $Id$
     27! pass integer flag array as well as boundary flags to WS scalar advection
     28! routine
     30! 4109 2019-07-22 17:00:34Z suehring
    2831! - Modularize setting of boundary conditions for TKE and dissipation
    2932! - Neumann boundary condition for TKE at model top is set also in child domain
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