Changeset 3593 for palm/trunk/SOURCE

Dec 3, 2018 1:51:13 PM (6 years ago)

Bugfix for missing array allocation (biometeorology_mod), remove degree symbol (biometeorology_mod, indoor_model_mod, multi_agent_system_mod, surface_mod, wind_turbine_model_mod)

5 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/biometeorology_mod.f90

    r3582 r3593  
    2727! -----------------
    2828! $Id$
     29! Bugfix: additional tmrt_grid allocation in case bio_mrt not selected as ouput,
     30! replace degree symbol by degree_C
     32! 3582 2018-11-29 19:16:36Z suehring
    2933! Consistently use bio_fill_value everywhere,
    3034! move allocation and initialization of output variables to bio_check_data_output
    129133!-- Declare all global variables within the module (alphabetical order)
    130     REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::  tmrt_grid  !< tmrt results (°C)
    131     REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::  perct      !< PT results   (°C)
    132     REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::  utci       !< UTCI results (°C)
    133     REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::  pet        !< PET results  (°C)
     134    REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::  tmrt_grid  !< tmrt results (degree_C)
     135    REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::  perct      !< PT results   (degree_C)
     136    REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::  utci       !< UTCI results (degree_C)
     137    REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::  pet        !< PET results  (degree_C)
    135139!-- Grids for averaged thermal indices
    136140    REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  mrt_av_grid   !< time average mean
    137     REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::  perct_av      !< PT results (aver. input)   (°C)
    138     REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::  utci_av       !< UTCI results (aver. input) (°C)
    139     REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::  pet_av        !< PET results (aver. input)  (°C)
     141    REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::  perct_av      !< PT results (aver. input)   (degree_C)
     142    REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::  utci_av       !< UTCI results (aver. input) (degree_C)
     143    REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::  pet_av        !< PET results (aver. input)  (degree_C)
    637641!-- Allocate a temporary array with the desired output dimensions.
    638        CASE ( 'bio_mrt')
     642       CASE ( 'bio_mrt' )
    639643          unit = 'degree_C'
    640644          IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( tmrt_grid ) )  THEN
    1187 !-- Calculate biometeorology MRT from local radiation
    1188 !   fluxes calculated by RTM and assign into 2D grid
    1189     tmrt_grid = bio_fill_value
     1191!-- Calculate biometeorology MRT from local radiation fluxes calculated by RTM and assign
     1192!-- into 2D grid. Depending on selected output quantities, tmrt_grid might not have been
     1193!-- allocated in bio_check_data_output yet.
     1194    IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( tmrt_grid ) )  THEN
     1195       ALLOCATE( tmrt_grid (nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) )
     1196    ENDIF
     1197    tmrt_grid = REAL( bio_fill_value, KIND = wp )
    11901199    DO  l = 1, nmrtbl
    11911200       i = mrtbl(ix,l)
    12251234!-- Output parameters
    1226     REAL(wp), INTENT ( OUT )    ::  tmrt  !< Mean radiant temperature        (°C)
    1227     REAL(wp), INTENT ( OUT )    ::  ta    !< Air temperature                 (°C)
     1235    REAL(wp), INTENT ( OUT )    ::  tmrt  !< Mean radiant temperature        (degree_C)
     1236    REAL(wp), INTENT ( OUT )    ::  ta    !< Air temperature                 (degree_C)
    12281237    REAL(wp), INTENT ( OUT )    ::  vp    !< Vapour pressure                 (hPa)
    12291238    REAL(wp), INTENT ( OUT )    ::  ws    !< Wind speed    (local level)     (m/s)
    13231332    REAL(wp) ::  clo          !< Clothing index                (no dimension)
    1324     REAL(wp) ::  ta           !< Air temperature                  (°C)
     1333    REAL(wp) ::  ta           !< Air temperature                  (degree_C)
    13251334    REAL(wp) ::  vp           !< Vapour pressure                  (hPa)
    13261335    REAL(wp) ::  ws           !< Wind speed    (local level)      (m/s)
    13271336    REAL(wp) ::  pair         !< Air pressure                     (hPa)
    1328     REAL(wp) ::  perct_ij     !< Perceived temperature            (°C)
    1329     REAL(wp) ::  utci_ij      !< Universal thermal climate index  (°C)
    1330     REAL(wp) ::  pet_ij       !< Physiologically equivalent temperature  (°C)
    1331     REAL(wp) ::  tmrt_ij      !< Mean radiant temperature         (°C)
     1337    REAL(wp) ::  perct_ij     !< Perceived temperature            (degree_C)
     1338    REAL(wp) ::  utci_ij      !< Universal thermal climate index  (degree_C)
     1339    REAL(wp) ::  pet_ij       !< Physiologically equivalent temperature  (degree_C)
     1340    REAL(wp) ::  tmrt_ij      !< Mean radiant temperature         (degree_C)
    14241433!-- Input parameters
    1425     REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  ta   !< Air temperature                  (°C)
     1434    REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  ta   !< Air temperature                  (degree_C)
    14261435    REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  vp   !< Vapour pressure                  (hPa)
    14271436    REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  ws   !< Wind speed    (local level)      (m/s)
    14281437    REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  pair !< Air pressure                     (hPa)
    1429     REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  tmrt !< Mean radiant temperature         (°C)
     1438    REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  tmrt !< Mean radiant temperature         (degree_C)
    14301439    REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  dt   !< Time past since last calculation (s)
    14311440    REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  age  !< Age of agent                     (y)
    14381447!-- Both, input and output parameters
    14391448    Real(wp), INTENT ( INOUT )  ::  energy_storage    !< Energy storage   (W/m²)
    1440     Real(wp), INTENT ( INOUT )  ::  t_clo   !< Clothing temperature       (°C)
     1449    Real(wp), INTENT ( INOUT )  ::  t_clo   !< Clothing temperature       (degree_C)
    14411450    Real(wp), INTENT ( INOUT )  ::  clo     !< Current clothing in sulation
    14421451    Real(wp), INTENT ( INOUT )  ::  actlev  !< Individuals activity level
    14451454!-- Output parameters
    1446     REAL(wp), INTENT ( OUT ) ::  ipt    !< Instationary perceived temp.   (°C)
     1455    REAL(wp), INTENT ( OUT ) ::  ipt    !< Instationary perceived temp.   (degree_C)
    14481457!-- If clo equals the initial value, this is the initial call
    14851494!-- Type of input of the argument list
    1486     REAL(WP), INTENT ( IN )  ::  ta_in    !< Local air temperature (°C)
     1495    REAL(WP), INTENT ( IN )  ::  ta_in    !< Local air temperature (degree_C)
    14871496    REAL(WP), INTENT ( IN )  ::  vp       !< Loacl vapour pressure (hPa)
    14881497    REAL(WP), INTENT ( IN )  ::  ws_hag   !< Incident wind speed (m/s)
    1489     REAL(WP), INTENT ( IN )  ::  tmrt     !< Local mean radiant temperature (°C)
     1498    REAL(WP), INTENT ( IN )  ::  tmrt     !< Local mean radiant temperature (degree_C)
    14901499    REAL(WP), INTENT ( IN )  ::  hag      !< Height of wind speed input (m)
    14921501!-- Type of output of the argument list
    1493     REAL(wp), INTENT ( OUT ) ::  utci_ij  !< Universal Thermal Climate Index (°C)
    1495     REAL(WP) ::  ta           !< air temperature modified by offset (°C)
     1502    REAL(wp), INTENT ( OUT ) ::  utci_ij  !< Universal Thermal Climate Index (degree_C)
     1504    REAL(WP) ::  ta           !< air temperature modified by offset (degree_C)
    14961505    REAL(WP) ::  pa           !< air pressure in kPa      (kPa)
    1497     REAL(WP) ::  d_tmrt       !< delta-tmrt               (°C)
     1506    REAL(WP) ::  d_tmrt       !< delta-tmrt               (degree_C)
    14981507    REAL(WP) ::  va           !< wind speed at 10 m above ground level    (m/s)
    1499     REAL(WP) ::  offset       !< utci deviation by ta cond. exceeded      (°C)
     1508    REAL(WP) ::  offset       !< utci deviation by ta cond. exceeded      (degree_C)
    15001509    REAL(WP) ::  part_ta      !< Air temperature related part of the regression
    15011510    REAL(WP) ::  ta2          !< 2 times ta
    18231832! Description:
    18241833! ------------
    1825 !> calculate_perct_static: Estimation of perceived temperature (PT, degC)
     1834!> calculate_perct_static: Estimation of perceived temperature (PT, degree_C)
    18261835!> Value of perct is the Perceived Temperature, degree centigrade
    18601869    REAL(wp) ::  pmv_s          !< Fangers predicted mean vote for summer clothing
    18611870    REAL(wp) ::  pmva           !< adjusted predicted mean vote
    1862     REAL(wp) ::  ptc            !< perceived temp. for cold conditions (°C)
     1871    REAL(wp) ::  ptc            !< perceived temp. for cold conditions (degree_C)
    18631872    REAL(wp) ::  d_std          !< factor to threshold for sultriness
    18641873    REAL(wp) ::  pmvs           !< pred. mean vote considering sultrieness
    1865     REAL(wp) ::  top            !< Gagge's operative temperatures (°C)
     1874    REAL(wp) ::  top            !< Gagge's operative temperatures (degree_C)
    18671876    INTEGER(iwp) :: ncount      !< running index
    22442253    REAL(wp) ::  heat_convection  !< energy loss by autocnvection       (W)
    22452254    REAL(wp) ::  activity     !< persons activity  (must stay == actlev, W)
    2246     REAL(wp) ::  t_skin_aver  !< average skin temperature               (°C)
     2255    REAL(wp) ::  t_skin_aver  !< average skin temperature               (degree_C)
    22472256    REAL(wp) ::  bc           !< preliminary result storage
    22482257    REAL(wp) ::  cc           !< preliminary result storage
    22502259    REAL(wp) ::  ec           !< preliminary result storage
    22512260    REAL(wp) ::  gc           !< preliminary result storage
    2252     REAL(wp) ::  t_clothing   !< clothing temperature                   (°C)
     2261    REAL(wp) ::  t_clothing   !< clothing temperature                   (degree_C)
    22532262    REAL(wp) ::  hr           !< radiational heat resistence
    22542263    REAL(wp) ::  clo          !< clothing insulation index              (clo)
    28922901    REAL(wp), INTENT(in) ::  height     !< Persons height       (m)
    28932902    REAL(wp), INTENT(in) ::  work       !< Current workload     (W)
    2894     REAL(wp), INTENT(in) ::  ta         !< Air Temperature      (°C)
     2903    REAL(wp), INTENT(in) ::  ta         !< Air Temperature      (degree_C)
    28952904    REAL(wp), INTENT(in) ::  vp         !< Vapor pressure       (hPa)
    28962905    REAL(wp), INTENT(in) ::  ws         !< Wind speed in approx. 1.1m (m/s)
    2897     REAL(wp), INTENT(in) ::  tmrt       !< Mean radiant temperature   (°C)
     2906    REAL(wp), INTENT(in) ::  tmrt       !< Mean radiant temperature   (degree_C)
    28982907    REAL(wp), INTENT(in) ::  pair       !< Air pressure         (hPa)
    28992908    REAL(wp), INTENT(in) ::  dt         !< Timestep             (s)
    30843093!> SUBROUTINE ipt_cycle
    30853094!> Calculates one timestep for the instationary version of perceived
    3086 !> temperature (iPT, °C) for
     3095!> temperature (iPT, degree_C) for
    30873096!>  - standard measured/predicted meteorological values and TMRT
    30883097!>    as input;
    31003109!-- Type of input of the argument list
    3101     REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  ta      !< Air temperature             (°C)
     3110    REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  ta      !< Air temperature             (degree_C)
    31023111    REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  vp      !< Vapor pressure              (hPa)
    3103     REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  tmrt    !< Mean radiant temperature    (°C)
     3112    REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  tmrt    !< Mean radiant temperature    (degree_C)
    31043113    REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  ws      !< Wind speed                  (m/s)
    31053114    REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  pair    !< Air pressure                (hPa)
    31113120!-- In and output parameters
    31123121    REAL(wp), INTENT (INOUT) ::  storage     !< Heat storage            (W)
    3113     REAL(wp), INTENT (INOUT) ::  t_clothing  !< Clothig temperature     (°C)
     3122    REAL(wp), INTENT (INOUT) ::  t_clothing  !< Clothig temperature     (degree_C)
    31153124!-- Type of output of the argument list
    3116     REAL(wp), INTENT ( OUT ) ::  ipt  !< Instationary perceived temperature (°C)
     3125    REAL(wp), INTENT ( OUT ) ::  ipt  !< Instationary perceived temperature (degree_C)
    31183127!-- Type of internal variables
    31923201!--  Input argument types
    3193     REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  ta       !< Air temperature          (°C)
    3194     REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  tmrt     !< Mean radiant temperature (°C)
     3202    REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  ta       !< Air temperature          (degree_C)
     3203    REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  tmrt     !< Mean radiant temperature (degree_C)
    31953204    REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  pa       !< Vapour pressure          (hPa)
    31963205    REAL(wp), INTENT ( IN )  ::  pair     !< Air pressure             (hPa)
    32063215    REAL(wp), INTENT (INOUT) ::  s  !< storage var. of energy balance (W/m2)
    3207     REAL(wp), INTENT (INOUT) ::  t_cloth  !< clothing temperature (°C)
     3216    REAL(wp), INTENT (INOUT) ::  t_cloth  !< clothing temperature (degree_C)
    32093218!-- Internal variables
    32123221    REAL(wp) ::  f_cl         !< Increase in surface due to clothing    (factor)
    32133222    REAL(wp) ::  heat_convection  !< energy loss by autocnvection       (W)
    3214     REAL(wp) ::  t_skin_aver  !< average skin temperature               (°C)
     3223    REAL(wp) ::  t_skin_aver  !< average skin temperature               (degree_C)
    32153224    REAL(wp) ::  bc           !< preliminary result storage
    32163225    REAL(wp) ::  cc           !< preliminary result storage
    32183227    REAL(wp) ::  ec           !< preliminary result storage
    32193228    REAL(wp) ::  gc           !< preliminary result storage
    3220     REAL(wp) ::  t_clothing   !< clothing temperature                   (°C)
     3229    REAL(wp) ::  t_clothing   !< clothing temperature                   (degree_C)
    32213230!     REAL(wp) ::  hr           !< radiational heat resistence
    32223231    REAL(wp) ::  clo          !< clothing insulation index              (clo)
    33393348!-- Input arguments:
    3340     REAL(wp), INTENT( IN ) ::  ta    !< Air temperature             (°C)
    3341     REAL(wp), INTENT( IN ) ::  tmrt  !< Mean radiant temperature    (°C)
     3349    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN ) ::  ta    !< Air temperature             (degree_C)
     3350    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN ) ::  tmrt  !< Mean radiant temperature    (degree_C)
    33423351    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN ) ::  v     !< Wind speed                  (m/s)
    33433352    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN ) ::  vpa   !< Vapor pressure              (hPa)
    33463355!-- Output arguments:
    3347     REAL(wp), INTENT ( OUT ) ::  pet_ij  !< PET                     (°C)
     3356    REAL(wp), INTENT ( OUT ) ::  pet_ij  !< PET                     (degree_C)
    33493358!-- Internal variables:
    33603369    REAL(wp) ::  rtv
    33613370    REAL(wp) ::  vpts       !< Sat. vapor pressure over skin        (hPa)
    3362     REAL(wp) ::  tsk        !< Skin temperature                     (°C)
    3363     REAL(wp) ::  tcl        !< Clothing temperature                 (°C)
     3371    REAL(wp) ::  tsk        !< Skin temperature                     (degree_C)
     3372    REAL(wp) ::  tcl        !< Clothing temperature                 (degree_C)
    33643373    REAL(wp) ::  wetsk      !< Fraction of wet skin                 (factor)
    34123421!-- Input arguments:
    34133422    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN )  ::  pair      !< air pressure             (hPa)
    3414     REAL(wp), INTENT( IN )  ::  ta        !< air temperature          (°C)
     3423    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN )  ::  ta        !< air temperature          (degree_C)
    34153424    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN )  ::  vpa       !< vapor pressure           (hPa)
    34163425    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN )  ::  age       !< Persons age              (a)
    34743483    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN )  ::  int_heat  !< internal heat production (W)
    34753484    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN )  ::  pair   !< Air pressure             (hPa)
    3476     REAL(wp), INTENT( IN )  ::  ta     !< Air temperature          (°C)
    3477     REAL(wp), INTENT( IN )  ::  tmrt   !< Mean radiant temperature (°C)
     3485    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN )  ::  ta     !< Air temperature          (degree_C)
     3486    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN )  ::  tmrt   !< Mean radiant temperature (degree_C)
    34783487    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN )  ::  v      !< Wind speed               (m/s)
    34793488    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN )  ::  vpa    !< Vapor pressure           (hPa)
    34923501    REAL(wp), INTENT( OUT ) ::  rdcl   !< Diffusion resistence of clothing (factor)
    34933502    REAL(wp), INTENT( OUT ) ::  rdsk   !< Diffusion resistence of skin (factor)
    3494     REAL(wp), INTENT( OUT ) ::  tcl    !< Clothing temperature         (°C)
    3495     REAL(wp), INTENT( OUT ) ::  tsk    !< Skin temperature             (°C)
     3503    REAL(wp), INTENT( OUT ) ::  tcl    !< Clothing temperature         (degree_C)
     3504    REAL(wp), INTENT( OUT ) ::  tsk    !< Skin temperature             (degree_C)
    34963505    REAL(wp), INTENT( OUT ) ::  vpts   !< Sat. vapor pressure over skin (hPa)
    34973506    REAL(wp), INTENT( OUT ) ::  wetsk  !< Fraction of wet skin (dimensionless)
    35093518!-- Internal variables
    3510     REAL(wp) ::  c(0:10)        !< Core temperature array           (°C)
     3519    REAL(wp) ::  c(0:10)        !< Core temperature array           (degree_C)
    35113520    REAL(wp) ::  cbare          !< Convection through bare skin
    35123521    REAL(wp) ::  cclo           !< Convection through clothing
    37533762    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN ) ::  rdsk  !< diffusion resistence of skin (factor)
    37543763    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN ) ::  rtv   !< respiratory volume
    3755     REAL(wp), INTENT( IN ) ::  ta    !< air temperature              (°C)
    3756     REAL(wp), INTENT( IN ) ::  tcl   !< clothing temperature         (°C)
    3757     REAL(wp), INTENT( IN ) ::  tsk   !< skin temperature             (°C)
     3764    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN ) ::  ta    !< air temperature              (degree_C)
     3765    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN ) ::  tcl   !< clothing temperature         (degree_C)
     3766    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN ) ::  tsk   !< skin temperature             (degree_C)
    37583767    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN ) ::  vpts  !< sat. vapor pressure over skin (hPa)
    37593768    REAL(wp), INTENT( IN ) ::  wetsk !< fraction of wet skin (dimensionless)
    37613770!-- Output arguments:
    37623771    REAL(wp), INTENT( OUT ) ::  aeff     !< effective surface area       (m²)
    3763     REAL(wp), INTENT( OUT ) ::  pet_ij   !< PET                          (°C)
     3772    REAL(wp), INTENT( OUT ) ::  pet_ij   !< PET                          (degree_C)
    37653774!-- Cconstants:
    37823791    REAL ( wp ) ::  rclo              !< Radiational loss of clothing   (W/m²)
    37833792    REAL ( wp ) ::  rsum              !< Radiational loss or gain       (W/m²)
    3784     REAL ( wp ) ::  tex               !< Temperat. of exhaled air       (°C)
     3793    REAL ( wp ) ::  tex               !< Temperat. of exhaled air       (degree_C)
    37853794    REAL ( wp ) ::  vpex              !< Vapor pressure of exhaled air  (hPa)
    37863795    REAL ( wp ) ::  xx                !< Delta PET per iteration        (K)
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/indoor_model_mod.f90

    r3524 r3593  
    2626! -----------------
    2727! $Id$
     28! Replace degree symbol by degree_C
     30! 3524 2018-11-14 13:36:44Z raasch
    2831! working precision added to make code Fortran 2008 conform
    182185    REAL(wp) ::  schedule_d                  !< activation for internal loads (low or high + low)
    183186    REAL(wp) ::  skip_time_do_indoor = 0.0_wp  !< [s] Indoor model is not called before this time
    184     REAL(wp) ::  theta_air                   !<! [°C] air temperature of the RC-node
    185     REAL(wp) ::  theta_air_0                 !<! [oC] air temperature of the RC-node in equilibrium
    186     REAL(wp) ::  theta_air_10                !<! [oC] air temperature of the RC-node from a heating capacity of 10 W/m²
    187     REAL(wp) ::  theta_air_ac                !< [oC] actual room temperature after heating/cooling
    188     REAL(wp) ::  theta_air_set               !< [oC] Setpoint_temperature for the room
    189     REAL(wp) ::  theta_int_c_set             !< [oC] Max. Setpoint temperature (summer)
    190     REAL(wp) ::  theta_int_h_set             !< [oC] Max. Setpoint temperature (winter)
    191     REAL(wp) ::  theta_m                     !<! [oC} inner temperature of the RC-node
    192     REAL(wp) ::  theta_m_t                   !<! [oC] (Fictive) component temperature timestep
    193     REAL(wp) ::  theta_m_t_prev              !< [oC] (Fictive) component temperature previous timestep (do not change)
    194     REAL(wp) ::  theta_op                    !< [oC] operative temperature
    195     REAL(wp) ::  theta_s                     !<! [oC] surface temperature of the RC-node
     187    REAL(wp) ::  theta_air                   !<! [degree_C] air temperature of the RC-node
     188    REAL(wp) ::  theta_air_0                 !<! [degree_C] air temperature of the RC-node in equilibrium
     189    REAL(wp) ::  theta_air_10                !<! [degree_C] air temperature of the RC-node from a heating capacity of 10 W/m²
     190    REAL(wp) ::  theta_air_ac                !< [degree_C] actual room temperature after heating/cooling
     191    REAL(wp) ::  theta_air_set               !< [degree_C] Setpoint_temperature for the room
     192    REAL(wp) ::  theta_int_c_set             !< [degree_C] Max. Setpoint temperature (summer)
     193    REAL(wp) ::  theta_int_h_set             !< [degree_C] Max. Setpoint temperature (winter)
     194    REAL(wp) ::  theta_m                     !<! [degree_C} inner temperature of the RC-node
     195    REAL(wp) ::  theta_m_t                   !<! [degree_C] (Fictive) component temperature timestep
     196    REAL(wp) ::  theta_m_t_prev              !< [degree_C] (Fictive) component temperature previous timestep (do not change)
     197    REAL(wp) ::  theta_op                    !< [degree_C] operative temperature
     198    REAL(wp) ::  theta_s                     !<! [degree_C] surface temperature of the RC-node
    196199    REAL(wp) ::  time_indoor = 0.0_wp        !< [s] time since last call of indoor model
    197200    REAL(wp) ::  time_utc_hour               !< Time in hours per day (UTC)
    279282                                                 + near_facade_temperature )   &
    280283                                   ) / h_tr_2                                  &
    281                )                                                                !< [oC] Eq. (C.5)
     284               )                                                                !< [degree_C] Eq. (C.5)
    283286    !< Calculation of component temperature at factual timestep
    286289                  )                                                              &
    287290                  /   ( ( c_m / 3600 ) + 0.5 * ( h_tr_3 + h_tr_em ) )            &
    288                 )                                                               !< [oC] Eq. (C.4)
     291                )                                                               !< [degree_C] Eq. (C.4)
    290293    !< Calculation of mean inner temperature for the RC-node in actual timestep
    291     theta_m = ( theta_m_t + theta_m_t_prev ) * 0.5                              !< [oC] Eq. (C.9)
     294    theta_m = ( theta_m_t + theta_m_t_prev ) * 0.5                              !< [degree_C] Eq. (C.9)
    293296    !< Calculation of mean surface temperature of the RC-node in actual timestep
    296299                )                                                                           &
    297300                / ( h_tr_ms + h_tr_w + h_tr_1 )                                             &
    298               )                                                                 !< [oC] Eq. (C.10)
     301              )                                                                 !< [degree_C] Eq. (C.10)
    300303    !< Calculation of the air temperature of the RC-node
    301304    theta_air = ( h_tr_is * theta_s + h_ve * near_facade_temperature         &
    302                                     + phi_ia + phi_hc_nd_dummy ) / ( h_tr_is + h_ve ) !< [oC] Eq. (C.11)
     305                                    + phi_ia + phi_hc_nd_dummy ) / ( h_tr_is + h_ve ) !< [degree_C] Eq. (C.11)
    304307 END SUBROUTINE im_calc_temperatures
    11001103!--          Calculate the operating temperature with weighted mean temperature of air and mean solar temperature
    11011104!--          Will be used for thermal comfort calculations
    1102              theta_op     = 0.3 * theta_air_ac + 0.7 * theta_s          !< [°C] operative Temperature Eq. (C.12)
     1105             theta_op     = 0.3 * theta_air_ac + 0.7 * theta_s          !< [degree_C] operative Temperature Eq. (C.12)
    11041107!--          Heat flux into the wall. Value needed in urban_surface_mod to
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/multi_agent_system_mod.f90

    r3587 r3593  
    2525! -----------------
    2626! $Id$
     27! Replace degree symbol by degree_C/degrees
     29! 3587 2018-11-30 13:52:19Z sward
    2730! Added output of agent substep time
    237240        REAL(wp)     ::  speed_x              !< speed of agent in x
    238241        REAL(wp)     ::  speed_y              !< speed of agent in y
    239         REAL(wp)     ::  ipt                  !< instationary thermal index iPT (°C)
     242        REAL(wp)     ::  ipt                  !< instationary thermal index iPT (degree_C)
    240243        REAL(wp)     ::  windspeed            !< absolute value of windspeed at agent position
    241244        REAL(wp)     ::  x                    !< x-position
    363366    INTEGER(iwp)                :: a     !< agent iterator
    364367    !-- local meteorological conditions
    365     REAL(wp)                    :: tmrt  !< mean radiant temperature        (°C)
    366     REAL(wp)                    :: ta    !< air temperature                 (°C)
     368    REAL(wp)                    :: tmrt  !< mean radiant temperature        (degree_C)
     369    REAL(wp)                    :: ta    !< air temperature                 (degree_C)
    367370    REAL(wp)                    :: vp    !< vapour pressure                 (hPa)
    368371    REAL(wp)                    :: v     !< wind speed    (local level)     (m/s)
    45754578! !--    forces that are located outside of a sight radius of
    4576 ! !--    200° (-> COS(100./180.*pi) = COS(.555*pi)) of
     4579! !--    200 degrees (-> COS(100./180.*pi) = COS(.555*pi)) of
    45774580! !--    current agent are considered to have an effect of 50%
    45784581!        IF ( force_d_x * agents(nl)%speed_e_x +               &
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/surface_mod.f90

    r3572 r3593  
    2626! -----------------
    2727! $Id$
     28! Replace degree symbol by 'degrees'
     30! 3572 2018-11-28 11:40:28Z suehring
    2831! Define short- and longwave radiation flux arrays (e.g. diffuse, direct,
    2932! reflected, resedual) for all surfaces. This is required to surface outputs
    376379       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::  frac              !< relative surface fraction (LSM: vegetation, water, pavement; USM: wall, green, window)
    378        REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  aldif           !< albedo for longwave diffusive radiation, solar angle of 60°
    379        REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  aldir           !< albedo for longwave direct radiation, solar angle of 60°
    380        REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  asdif           !< albedo for shortwave diffusive radiation, solar angle of 60°
    381        REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  asdir           !< albedo for shortwave direct radiation, solar angle of 60°
    382        REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  rrtm_aldif      !< albedo for longwave diffusive radiation, solar angle of 60°
    383        REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  rrtm_aldir      !< albedo for longwave direct radiation, solar angle of 60°
    384        REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  rrtm_asdif      !< albedo for shortwave diffusive radiation, solar angle of 60°
    385        REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  rrtm_asdir      !< albedo for shortwave direct radiation, solar angle of 60°
     381       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  aldif           !< albedo for longwave diffusive radiation, solar angle of 60 degrees
     382       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  aldir           !< albedo for longwave direct radiation, solar angle of 60 degrees
     383       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  asdif           !< albedo for shortwave diffusive radiation, solar angle of 60 degrees
     384       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  asdir           !< albedo for shortwave direct radiation, solar angle of 60 degrees
     385       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  rrtm_aldif      !< albedo for longwave diffusive radiation, solar angle of 60 degrees
     386       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  rrtm_aldir      !< albedo for longwave direct radiation, solar angle of 60 degrees
     387       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  rrtm_asdif      !< albedo for shortwave diffusive radiation, solar angle of 60 degrees
     388       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  rrtm_asdir      !< albedo for shortwave direct radiation, solar angle of 60 degrees
    387390       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE   ::  q_surface         !< skin-surface mixing ratio
  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/wind_turbine_model_mod.f90

    r3274 r3593  
    2626! -----------------
    2727! $Id$
     28! Replace degree symbol by 'degrees'
     30! 3274 2018-09-24 15:42:55Z knoop
    2831! Modularization of all bulk cloud physics code components
    15361539             turb_cl_sel2 = 0.0_wp
    1538              turb_cd_tab(1,iir) = 0.0_wp  ! For -180° (iialpha=1) the values   
     1541             turb_cd_tab(1,iir) = 0.0_wp  ! For -180 degrees (iialpha=1) the values   
    15391542             turb_cl_tab(1,iir) = 0.0_wp  ! for each radius has to be set
    15401543                                          ! explicitly             
    15451548             turb_cl_sel2 = turb_cl_table(:,t2)
    1547 !--          For -180° (iialpha=1) the values for each radius has to be set
     1550!--          For -180 degrees (iialpha=1) the values for each radius has to be set
    15481551!--          explicitly
    15491552             turb_cd_tab(1,iir) = ( weight_a * turb_cd_table(1,t1) + weight_b  &
    25442547!--    The yaw controller computes a 30s running mean of the wind direction.
    25452548!--    If the difference between turbine alignment and wind direction exceeds
    2546 !--    5°, the turbine is yawed. The mechanism stops as soon as the 2s-running
    2547 !--    mean of the missalignment is smaller than 0.5°.
     2549!--    5 degrees, the turbine is yawed. The mechanism stops as soon as the 2s-running
     2550!--    mean of the missalignment is smaller than 0.5 degrees.
    25482551!--    Attention: If the timestep during the simulation changes significantly
    25492552!--    the lengths of the running means change and it does not correspond to
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