Changeset 3474 for palm/trunk/SOURCE/netcdf_data_input_mod.f90
- Timestamp:
- Oct 30, 2018 9:07:39 PM (6 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r3472 r3474 25 25 ! ----------------- 26 26 ! $Id$ 27 ! Add UV exposure model input (Schrempf) 28 ! 29 ! 3472 2018-10-30 20:43:50Z suehring 27 30 ! Salsa implemented 28 31 ! … … 446 449 END TYPE int_2d_8bit 447 450 ! 451 !-- 8-bit Integer 3D 452 TYPE int_3d_8bit 453 INTEGER(KIND=1) :: fill = -127 !< fill value 454 INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_3d !< respective variable 455 456 LOGICAL :: from_file = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether an input variable is available and read from file or default values are used 457 END TYPE int_3d_8bit 458 ! 448 459 !-- 32-bit Integer 2D 449 460 TYPE int_2d_32bit … … 464 475 465 476 ! 466 !-- Define data type to read 2D real variables477 !-- Define data type to read 3D real variables 467 478 TYPE real_3d 468 479 LOGICAL :: from_file = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether an input variable is available and read from file or default values are used … … 629 640 TYPE(int_2d_8bit) :: vegetation_type_f !< input variable for vegetation type 630 641 TYPE(int_2d_8bit) :: water_type_f !< input variable for water type 631 642 ! 643 !-- Define 3D variables of type NC_BYTE 644 TYPE(int_3d_8bit) :: building_obstruction_f !< input variable for building obstruction 645 TYPE(int_3d_8bit) :: building_obstruction_full !< input variable for building obstruction 632 646 ! 633 647 !-- Define 2D variables of type NC_INT … … 636 650 !-- Define 2D variables of type NC_FLOAT 637 651 TYPE(real_2d) :: terrain_height_f !< input variable for terrain height 652 TYPE(real_2d) :: uvem_irradiance_f !< input variable for uvem irradiance lookup table 653 TYPE(real_2d) :: uvem_integration_f !< input variable for uvem integration 638 654 ! 639 655 !-- Define 3D variables of type NC_FLOAT … … 642 658 TYPE(real_3d) :: root_area_density_lad_f !< input variable for root area density - resolved vegetation 643 659 TYPE(real_3d) :: root_area_density_lsm_f !< input variable for root area density - parametrized vegetation 644 660 TYPE(real_3d) :: uvem_radiance_f !< input variable for uvem radiance lookup table 661 TYPE(real_3d) :: uvem_projarea_f !< input variable for uvem projection area lookup table 645 662 ! 646 663 !-- Define input variable for buildings … … 670 687 CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: input_file_dynamic = 'PIDS_DYNAMIC' !< Name of file which comprises dynamic input data 671 688 CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: input_file_chem = 'PIDS_CHEM' !< Name of file which comprises chemistry input data 689 CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: input_file_uvem = 'PIDS_UVEM' !< Name of file which comprises static uv_exposure model input data 672 690 CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: input_file_vm = 'PIDS_VM' !< Name of file which comprises virtual measurement data 673 691 674 692 CHARACTER (LEN=25), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: string_values !< output of string variables read from netcdf input files 675 693 676 694 INTEGER(iwp) :: id_emis !< NetCDF id of input file for chemistry emissions: TBD: It has to be removed 677 695 … … 681 699 LOGICAL :: input_pids_dynamic = .FALSE. !< Flag indicating whether Palm-input-data-standard file containing dynamic information exists 682 700 LOGICAL :: input_pids_chem = .FALSE. !< Flag indicating whether Palm-input-data-standard file containing chemistry information exists 701 LOGICAL :: input_pids_uvem = .FALSE. !< Flag indicating whether uv-expoure-model input file containing static information exists 683 702 LOGICAL :: input_pids_vm = .FALSE. !< Flag indicating whether input file for virtual measurements exist 684 703 685 704 LOGICAL :: collective_read = .FALSE. !< Enable NetCDF collective read 686 705 … … 749 768 MODULE PROCEDURE netcdf_data_input_var_real_2d 750 769 END INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_var 770 771 INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_uvem 772 MODULE PROCEDURE netcdf_data_input_uvem 773 END INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_uvem 751 774 752 775 INTERFACE get_variable … … 791 814 terrain_height_f, vegetation_pars_f, vegetation_type_f, & 792 815 water_pars_f, water_type_f 816 ! 817 !-- Public uv exposure variables 818 PUBLIC building_obstruction_f, input_file_uvem, input_pids_uvem, & 819 netcdf_data_input_uvem, & 820 uvem_integration_f, uvem_irradiance_f, & 821 uvem_projarea_f, uvem_radiance_f 793 822 794 823 ! … … 804 833 netcdf_data_input_var, get_attribute, get_variable, open_read_file 805 834 835 806 836 CONTAINS 807 837 … … 826 856 INQUIRE( FILE = TRIM( input_file_chem ) // TRIM( coupling_char ), & 827 857 EXIST = input_pids_chem ) 858 INQUIRE( FILE = TRIM( input_file_uvem ) // TRIM( coupling_char ), & 859 EXIST = input_pids_uvem ) 828 860 INQUIRE( FILE = TRIM( input_file_vm ) // TRIM( coupling_char ), & 829 861 EXIST = input_pids_vm ) … … 2497 2529 ! Description: 2498 2530 ! ------------ 2531 !> Reads uvem lookup table information. 2532 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 2533 SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_uvem 2534 2535 USE indices, & 2536 ONLY: nxl, nxr, nyn, nys 2537 2538 IMPLICIT NONE 2539 2540 CHARACTER(LEN=100), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_names !< variable names in static input file 2541 2542 2543 INTEGER(iwp) :: id_uvem !< NetCDF id of uvem lookup table input file 2544 INTEGER(iwp) :: nli = 35 !< dimension length of lookup table in x 2545 INTEGER(iwp) :: nlj = 9 !< dimension length of lookup table in y 2546 INTEGER(iwp) :: nlk = 90 !< dimension length of lookup table in z 2547 INTEGER(iwp) :: num_vars !< number of variables in netcdf input file 2548 ! 2549 !-- Input via uv exposure model lookup table input 2550 IF ( input_pids_uvem ) THEN 2551 2552 #if defined ( __netcdf ) 2553 ! 2554 !-- Open file in read-only mode 2555 CALL open_read_file( TRIM( input_file_uvem ) // & 2556 TRIM( coupling_char ), id_uvem ) 2557 ! 2558 !-- At first, inquire all variable names. 2559 !-- This will be used to check whether an input variable exist or not. 2560 CALL inquire_num_variables( id_uvem, num_vars ) 2561 ! 2562 !-- Allocate memory to store variable names and inquire them. 2563 ALLOCATE( var_names(1:num_vars) ) 2564 CALL inquire_variable_names( id_uvem, var_names ) 2565 ! 2566 ! 2567 !-- uvem integration 2568 IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'int_factors' ) ) THEN 2569 uvem_integration_f%from_file = .TRUE. 2570 ! 2571 !-- Input 2D uvem integration. 2572 ALLOCATE ( uvem_integration_f%var(0:nlj,0:nli) ) 2573 2574 CALL get_variable( id_uvem, 'int_factors', uvem_integration_f%var, 0, nli, 0, nlj ) 2575 ELSE 2576 uvem_integration_f%from_file = .FALSE. 2577 ENDIF 2578 ! 2579 ! 2580 ! 2581 !-- uvem irradiance 2582 IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'irradiance' ) ) THEN 2583 uvem_irradiance_f%from_file = .TRUE. 2584 ! 2585 !-- Input 2D uvem irradiance. 2586 ALLOCATE ( uvem_irradiance_f%var(0:nlk, 0:2) ) 2587 2588 CALL get_variable( id_uvem, 'irradiance', uvem_irradiance_f%var, 0, 2, 0, nlk ) 2589 ELSE 2590 uvem_irradiance_f%from_file = .FALSE. 2591 ENDIF 2592 ! 2593 ! 2594 ! 2595 !-- uvem porjection areas 2596 IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'projarea' ) ) THEN 2597 uvem_projarea_f%from_file = .TRUE. 2598 ! 2599 !-- Input 3D uvem projection area (human geometgry) 2600 ALLOCATE ( uvem_projarea_f%var(0:2,0:nlj,0:nli) ) 2601 2602 CALL get_variable( id_uvem, 'projarea', uvem_projarea_f%var, 0, nli, 0, nlj, 0, 2 ) 2603 ELSE 2604 uvem_projarea_f%from_file = .FALSE. 2605 ENDIF 2606 ! 2607 ! 2608 ! 2609 !-- uvem radiance 2610 IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'radiance' ) ) THEN 2611 uvem_radiance_f%from_file = .TRUE. 2612 ! 2613 !-- Input 3D uvem radiance 2614 ALLOCATE ( uvem_radiance_f%var(0:nlk,0:nlj,0:nli) ) 2615 2616 CALL get_variable( id_uvem, 'radiance', uvem_radiance_f%var, 0, nli, 0, nlj, 0, nlk ) 2617 ELSE 2618 uvem_radiance_f%from_file = .FALSE. 2619 ENDIF 2620 ! 2621 ! 2622 ! 2623 !-- Read building obstruction 2624 IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'obstruction' ) ) THEN 2625 building_obstruction_full%from_file = .TRUE. 2626 !-- Input 3D uvem building obstruction 2627 ALLOCATE ( building_obstruction_full%var_3d(0:44,0:2,0:2) ) 2628 CALL get_variable( id_uvem, 'obstruction', building_obstruction_full%var_3d,0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 44 ) 2629 ELSE 2630 building_obstruction_full%from_file = .FALSE. 2631 ENDIF 2632 ! 2633 IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'obstruction' ) ) THEN 2634 building_obstruction_f%from_file = .TRUE. 2635 ! 2636 !-- Input 3D uvem building obstruction 2637 ALLOCATE ( building_obstruction_f%var_3d(0:44,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) 2638 ! 2639 CALL get_variable( id_uvem, 'obstruction', building_obstruction_f%var_3d, & 2640 nxl, nxr, nys, nyn, 0, 44 ) 2641 ELSE 2642 building_obstruction_f%from_file = .FALSE. 2643 ENDIF 2644 ! 2645 ! 2646 ! 2647 ! 2648 !-- Close uvem lookup table input file 2649 CALL close_input_file( id_uvem ) 2650 #else 2651 CONTINUE 2652 #endif 2653 ENDIF 2654 END SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_uvem 2655 2656 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! 2657 ! Description: 2658 ! ------------ 2499 2659 !> Reads orography and building information. 2500 2660 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
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