Oct 24, 2018 6:39:32 PM (6 years ago)

new surface-data output; renamed output variables (pt to theta, rho_air to rho, rho_ocean to rho_sea_water)

1 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/netcdf_data_input_mod.f90

    r3404 r3421  
    2525! -----------------
    2626! $Id$
     27! add default values of origin_x/y/z
     29! 3404 2018-10-23 13:29:11Z suehring
    2730! Consider time-dependent geostrophic wind components in offline nesting
    328331       LOGICAL ::  from_file_w      = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether w is already initialized from file
    330        REAL(wp) ::  fill_msoil       !< fill value for soil moisture
    331        REAL(wp) ::  fill_pt          !< fill value for pt
    332        REAL(wp) ::  fill_q           !< fill value for q
    333        REAL(wp) ::  fill_tsoil       !< fill value for soil temperature
    334        REAL(wp) ::  fill_u           !< fill value for u
    335        REAL(wp) ::  fill_v           !< fill value for v
    336        REAL(wp) ::  fill_w           !< fill value for w
    337        REAL(wp) ::  latitude         !< latitude of the southern model boundary
    338        REAL(wp) ::  longitude        !< longitude of the western model boundary
    339        REAL(wp) ::  origin_x         !< x position of the western model boundary
    340        REAL(wp) ::  origin_y         !< y position of the northern model boundary
    341        REAL(wp) ::  origin_z         !< reference height of input data
    342        REAL(wp) ::  rotation_angle   !< rotation angle of input data
     333       REAL(wp) ::  fill_msoil              !< fill value for soil moisture
     334       REAL(wp) ::  fill_pt                 !< fill value for pt
     335       REAL(wp) ::  fill_q                  !< fill value for q
     336       REAL(wp) ::  fill_tsoil              !< fill value for soil temperature
     337       REAL(wp) ::  fill_u                  !< fill value for u
     338       REAL(wp) ::  fill_v                  !< fill value for v
     339       REAL(wp) ::  fill_w                  !< fill value for w
     340       REAL(wp) ::  latitude                !< latitude of the southern model boundary
     341       REAL(wp) ::  longitude               !< longitude of the western model boundary
     342       REAL(wp) ::  origin_x = 0.0_wp       !< x position of the western model boundary (default: Hannover)
     343       REAL(wp) ::  origin_y = 0.0_wp       !< y position of the northern model boundary (default: Hannover)
     344       REAL(wp) ::  origin_z = 0.0_wp       !< reference height of input data (default: Hannover)
     345       REAL(wp) ::  rotation_angle = 0.0_wp !< rotation angle of input data
    344347       REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE ::  msoil_1d     !< initial vertical profile of soil moisture
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