Jul 27, 2018 1:36:03 PM (6 years ago)

New Inifor features: grid stretching, improved command-interface, support start dates in different formats in both YYYYMMDD and YYYYMMDDHH, Ability to manually control input file prefixes (--radiation-prefix, --soil-preifx, --flow-prefix, --soilmoisture-prefix) for compatiblity with DWD forcast naming scheme; GNU-style short and long option; Prepared output of large-scale forcing profiles (no computation yet); Added preprocessor flag netcdf4 to switch output format between netCDF 3 and 4; Updated netCDF variable names and attributes to comply with PIDS v1.9; Inifor bugfixes: Improved compatibility with older Intel Intel compilers by avoiding implicit array allocation; Added origin_lon/_lat values and correct reference time in dynamic driver global attributes; corresponding PALM changes: adjustments to revised Inifor; variables names in dynamic driver adjusted; enable geostrophic forcing also in offline nested mode; variable names in LES-LES and COSMO offline nesting changed; lateral boundary flags for nesting, in- and outflow conditions renamed

1 edited


  • palm/trunk/UTIL/inifor/tests/test-interpolation.f90

    r2718 r3182  
    2121! Current revisions:
    2222! -----------------
    23 !
     23! Updated test for new grid_definition
    2526! Former revisions:
    7677                              xmin = -5.0 * TO_RADIANS, xmax = 5.5 * TO_RADIANS, &
    7778                              ymin = -5.0 * TO_RADIANS, ymax = 6.5 * TO_RADIANS, &
    78                               zmin =  0.0, zmax = 10.0,                        &
    7979                              x0 = 0.0, y0 = 0.0, z0 = 0.0,                    &
    8080                              nx = nlon-1, ny = nlat-1, nz = nlev-1)
    8686    res = assert_equal( (/cosmo_grid%lat(0), cosmo_grid % lon(0),              &
    8787                          cosmo_grid%lat(2), cosmo_grid % lon(2),              &
    88                           cosmo_grid%dx*TO_DEGREES, cosmo_grid%dy*TO_DEGREES/),&
     88                          (cosmo_grid%lon(1) - cosmo_grid%lon(0))*TO_DEGREES,  &
     89                          (cosmo_grid%lat(1) - cosmo_grid%lat(0))*TO_DEGREES/),&
    8990                        (/-5.0 * TO_RADIANS, -5.0 * TO_RADIANS,                &
    9091                           6.5 * TO_RADIANS,  5.5 * TO_RADIANS,                &
    9798                              xmin = 0.0, xmax = 1.0,                          &
    9899                              ymin = 0.0, ymax = 1.0,                          &
    99                               zmin = 0.0, zmax = 1.0,                          &
    100100                              x0 = 0.0, y0 = 0.0, z0 = 0.0,                    &
    101101                              nx = 1, ny = 1, nz = 1)
    127127    ! Act
    128128    CALL find_horizontal_neighbours(cosmo_grid % lat, cosmo_grid % lon,        &
    129        cosmo_grid % dxi, cosmo_grid % dyi, palm_grid % clat, palm_grid % clon, &
    130        palm_grid % ii, palm_grid % jj)
     129                                    palm_grid % clat, palm_grid % clon,        &
     130                                    palm_grid % ii, palm_grid % jj)
    132132    ! Assert
    178178    ! Act
    179179    CALL find_horizontal_neighbours(cosmo_grid % lat, cosmo_grid % lon,        &
    180        cosmo_grid % dxi, cosmo_grid % dyi, palm_grid % clat, palm_grid % clon, &
    181        palm_grid % ii, palm_grid % jj)
     180                                    palm_grid % clat, palm_grid % clon,        &
     181                                    palm_grid % ii, palm_grid % jj)
    183183    CALL compute_horizontal_interp_weights(cosmo_grid % lat, cosmo_grid % lon, &
    184        cosmo_grid % dxi, cosmo_grid % dyi, palm_grid % clat,                   &
    185        palm_grid % clon, palm_grid % ii, palm_grid % jj, palm_grid % w_horiz)
     184                                           palm_grid % clat, palm_grid % clon, &
     185                                           palm_grid % ii, palm_grid % jj,     &
     186                                           palm_grid % w_horiz)
    187188    ! Assert
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