May 25, 2018 10:47:54 AM (7 years ago)

check for setting of fast_io_catalog, update of default .palm.config.default

1 edited


  • TabularUnified palm/trunk/SCRIPTS/.palm.config.default

    r2834 r3043  
    22#column 1          column 2
    3 #name of variable  value of variable (~ must not be used)
    4 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     3#name of variable  value of variable (~ must not be used except for base_data)
     5# working directory from where palmrun or palmbuild are called
    56%base_directory    $HOME/palm/current_version
     8# directory where PALM I/O is stored (used in .palm.iofiles)
    69%base_data         ~/palm/current_version/JOBS
     11# path to PALM's FORTRAN sources (installation folder)
    712%source_path       $HOME/palm/current_version/trunk/SOURCE
     14# path to user interface routines
    815%user_source_path  $base_directory/JOBS/$jobname/USER_CODE
    9 #
     17# path to file system with fast discs (if available). This folder
     18# is used for temporary catalogs generated by palmrun and to store large
     19# I/O files (used in .palm.iofiles). This folder must be accessible from
     20# all compute nodes, i.e. it must reside in a global file system
     21%fast_io_catalog   <replace by a folder name which allows for fast I/O>
     23# folder for job protocols
     24#%local_jobcatalog    $HOME/job_queue
     26# folder for job protocols to be used on the remote host
     27#%remote_jobcatalog   <path/to/directory on remote host>
     29# local ip of your computer. Use if you are running PALM
     30# in interactive mode on your local computer
    1031%local_ip            <replace by your computers IP address>
     33# your local UNIX username
    1134%local_username      <replace by your unix username>
    12 %fast_io_catalog     <replace by a folder name which allows for fast I/O>
     36# ip address of the remote host
     37#%remote_ip           <ip>
     39# username on the remote host
     40#%remote_username     <username>
     42# ssh-key to be used for ssh/scp calls to the remote host
     43#%ssh_key             ~/.ssh/id_rsa
     45# name of login-node on the remote machine
     46#%remote_loginnode    <loginnode>
     48# default queue to be used if palmrun-option -q is omitted
     49#%defaultqueue        <queue>
     51# command to submit batch jobs
     52#%submit_command      /opt/moab/default/bin/msub -E
     54# compilername to generate MPI executables
    1355%compiler_name       mpif90
     57# compilername to generate non-MPI executables running on one core
    1458%compiler_name_ser   ifort
     60# preprocessor directives to be used for compiling the PALM code
    1561%cpp_options         -cpp -D__parallel -DMPI_REAL=MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION -DMPI_2REAL=MPI_2DOUBLE_PRECISION -D__fftw -D__netcdf
     63# used for parallel compilation
    1664%make_options        -j 4
     66# options to be used to compile PALM
    1767%compiler_options    -openmp -fpe0 -O3 -xHost -fp-model source -ftz -fno-alias -no-prec-div -no-prec-sqrt -ip -nbs -I /muksoft/packages/fftw/3.3.4/include -L/muksoft/packages/fftw/3.3.4/lib64 -lfftw3 -I /muksoft/packages/netcdf/4_intel/include -L/muksoft/packages/netcdf/4_intel/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdff
     69# options to be used to link the PALM executable
    1870%linker_options      -openmp -fpe0 -O3 -xHost -fp-model source -ftz -fno-alias -no-prec-div -no-prec-sqrt -ip -nbs -I /muksoft/packages/fftw/3.3.4/include -L/muksoft/packages/fftw/3.3.4/lib64 -lfftw3 -I /muksoft/packages/netcdf/4_intel/include -L/muksoft/packages/netcdf/4_intel/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdff
     72# name of hostfile to be used
    1973%hostfile            auto
     75# command to start the PALM executable
    2076%execute_command     mpiexec  -machinefile hostfile  -n {{mpi_tasks}}  palm
    21 #
     78# memory request per core
     79#%memory              2300
     81# module commands to load required libraries
     82#%module_commands     module load fftw cray-hdf5-parallel cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel
     84# special commands to be carried out at login and start of batch jobs on the remote host
     85#%login_init_cmd      module switch craype-ivybridge craype-haswell
    2389# INPUT-commands, executed before running PALM - lines must start with "IC:"
    25 #IC:
     91#IC:ulimit -s unlimited
    2894# ERROR-commands - executed when program terminates abnormally
    30 EC:[[ \$locat = execution ]]  &&  cat  RUN_CONTROL
    31 EC:[[ \$locat = execution ]]  &&  cat  PARTICLE_INFOS/*
     96#EC:[[ \$locat = execution ]]  &&  cat  RUN_CONTROL
    3499# OUTPUT-commands - executed when program terminates normally
    36 #
    37 # Combine 1D- and 3D-profile output (these files are not usable for plotting)
    38 OC:[[ -f LIST_PROFIL_1D     ]]  &&  cat  LIST_PROFIL_1D  >>  LIST_PROFILE
    39 OC:[[ -f LIST_PROFIL        ]]  &&  cat  LIST_PROFIL     >>  LIST_PROFILE
    40 #
    41 # Combine all particle information files
    42 OC:[[ -f PARTICLE_INFOS/_0000 ]]  &&  cat  PARTICLE_INFOS/* >> PARTICLE_INFO
     101#OC:echo "PALM job finished" | mailx user@somewhere
     105# Directives to be used for batch jobs
     106# Lines must start with "BD:". If $-characters are required, hide them with \
     107# Internal variables can be used as {{variable_name}}. Please see documentation.
     110BD:#PBS -N {{job_id}}
     111BD:#PBS -l walltime={{cpu_hours}}:{{cpu_minutes}}:{{cpu_seconds}}
     112BD:#PBS -l nodes={{nodes}}:ppn={{tasks_per_node}}
     113BD:#PBS -o {{job_protocol_file}}
     114BD:#PBS -j oe
     115BD:#PBS -q {{queue}}
     119# Directives for batch jobs used to send back the jobfiles from a remote to a local host
     120# Lines must start with "BDT:". If $-characters are required, excape them with triple backslash
     121# Internal variables can be used as {{variable_name}}. Please see documentation.
     124BDT:#PBS -N job_protocol_transfer
     125BDT:#PBS -l walltime=00:30:00
     126BDT:#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
     127BDT:#PBS -o {{job_transfer_protocol_file}}
     128BDT:#PBS -j oe
     129BDT:#PBS -q dataq
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