Apr 3, 2018 11:54:58 AM (7 years ago)

Fixes for spinup and sky-view-factor (SVF) treatment

1 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/radiation_model_mod.f90

    r2932 r2941  
    2828! -----------------
    2929! $Id$
     30! No read of nsurfl from SVF file since it is calculated in
     31! radiation_interaction_init,
     32! allocation of arrays in radiation_read_svf only if not yet allocated,
     33! update of 2920 revision comment.
     35! 2932 2018-03-26 09:39:22Z maronga
    3036! renamed radiation_par to radiation_parameters
    3743! 2920 2018-03-22 11:22:01Z kanani
    3844! - Bugfix: Initialize pcbl array (=-1)
    39 ! moh.hefny:
    40 ! - Use precalculated apparent solar positions for direct irradiance
    41 ! - Cumulative commit for radiation changes - merged RTM version 2.0:
    42 ! - New version of radiation interaction
    43 ! - Added new 2D raytracing process using whole vertical column at once (e.g.
    44 !   memory efficiency & much less RMA)
    45 ! - Removed virtual surfaces
    46 ! - Separate processing of direct and diffuse solar radiation, new discreti
    47 !   zation by azimuth and elevation angles
    48 ! - Diffuse radiation processed cumulatively using sky view factor
    49 ! - Enabled limiting of number of view factors between real surfaces, thus
    50 !   greatly enhancing scalability
    51 ! - Minor bugfixes and enhancements
    52 ! - Fixing bugs from moving radiation interaction from urban_surface_mod
    53 !
     45! RTM version 2.0 (Jaroslav Resler, Pavel Krc, Mohamed Salim):
     46! - new major version of radiation interactions
     47! - substantially enhanced performance and scalability
     48! - processing of direct and diffuse solar radiation separated from reflected
     49!   radiation, removed virtual surfaces
     50! - new type of sky discretization by azimuth and elevation angles
     51! - diffuse radiation processed cumulatively using sky view factor
     52! - used precalculated apparent solar positions for direct irradiance
     53! - added new 2D raytracing process for processing whole vertical column at once
     54!   to increase memory efficiency and decrease number of MPI RMA operations
     55! - enabled limiting the number of view factors between surfaces by the distance
     56!   and value
     57! - fixing issues induced by transferring radiation interactions from
     58!   urban_surface_mod to radiation_mod
     59! - bugfixes and other minor enhancements
    5561! 2906 2018-03-19 08:56:40Z Giersch
    66496655        INTEGER(iwp)                 :: fsvf = 88
    66506656        INTEGER(iwp)                 :: i
     6657        INTEGER(iwp)                 :: nsurfl_from_file = 0
    66516658        CHARACTER(rad_version_len)   :: rad_version_field
    66526659        CHARACTER(svf_code_len)      :: svf_code_field
    66706677!--             read nsvfl, ncsfl
    6671                 READ ( fsvf ) nsvfl, ncsfl, nsurfl
     6678                READ ( fsvf ) nsvfl, ncsfl, nsurfl_from_file
    66726679                IF ( nsvfl <= 0  .OR.  ncsfl < 0 )  THEN
    66736680                    WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Wrong number of SVF or CSF'
    66786685                    CALL location_message( message_string, .TRUE. )
    66796686                ENDIF
     6687                IF ( nsurfl_from_file /= nsurfl )  THEN
     6688                    WRITE( message_string, * ) 'nsurfl from SVF file does not ', &
     6689                                               'match calculated nsurfl from ',  &
     6690                                               'radiation_interaction_init'
     6691                    CALL message( 'radiation_read_svf', 'PA0490', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 )
     6692                ENDIF
    6681                 ALLOCATE(skyvf(nsurfl))
    6682                 ALLOCATE(skyvft(nsurfl))
    6683                 ALLOCATE(svf(ndsvf,nsvfl))
    6684                 ALLOCATE(svfsurf(idsvf,nsvfl))
     6694                IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( skyvf ) )    ALLOCATE( skyvf(nsurfl) )
     6695                IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( skyvft ) )   ALLOCATE( skyvft(nsurfl) )
     6696                IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( svf ) )      ALLOCATE( svf(ndsvf,nsvfl) )
     6697                IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( svfsurf ) )  ALLOCATE( svfsurf(idsvf,nsvfl) )
    66856698                READ(fsvf) skyvf
    66866699                READ(fsvf) skyvft
    66886701                READ(fsvf) svfsurf
    66896702                IF ( plant_canopy )  THEN
    6690                     ALLOCATE(csf(ndcsf,ncsfl))
    6691                     ALLOCATE(csfsurf(idcsf,ncsfl))
     6703                    IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( csf ) )      ALLOCATE( csf(ndcsf,ncsfl) )
     6704                    IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( csfsurf ) )  ALLOCATE( csfsurf(idcsf,ncsfl) )
    66926705                    READ(fsvf) csf
    66936706                    READ(fsvf) csfsurf
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