Changeset 22 for palm/trunk
- Timestamp:
- Feb 28, 2007 7:37:45 AM (18 years ago)
- Location:
- palm/trunk
- Files:
- 1 added
- 3 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
set to
set to
r9 r22 1 1 #!/bin/ksh 2 # mbuild - Programmuebersetzungsscript Version: @(#)MBUILD 1.0 10/02/072 # mbuild - Programmuebersetzungsscript Version: @(#)MBUILD 1.0 28/02/07 3 3 4 4 # Prozedur zur Uebersetzung von Programmteilen mittels make-Mechanismus … … 79 79 # 07/02/07 - Siggi - adapted for RIAM (neck) 80 80 # 10/02/07 - Siggi - all hpmuk-related code removed 81 # 28/02/07 - Siggi - compilation of utility programs added (option -u) 81 82 82 83 83 84 84 85 # VARIABLENVEREINBARUNGEN + DEFAULTWERTE 86 compile_utility_programs=false 85 87 config_file=.mrun.config 86 88 host=all … … 122 124 123 125 # SHELLSCRIPT-OPTIONEN EINLESEN 124 while getopts :c:h:m:rs: option126 while getopts :c:h:m:rs:u option 125 127 do 126 128 case $option in … … 130 132 (r) remote_mode=batch;; 131 133 (s) suf=$OPTARG;; 134 (u) compile_utility_programs=true;; 132 135 (\?) printf "\n +++ unknown option $OPTARG \n"; 133 136 locat=parameter; exit;; … … 754 757 fi 755 758 759 remote_ud=${remote_source_path}/../UTIL 756 760 757 761 # REMOTE-PFAD FUER MAKE-DEPOSITORY ERMITTELN … … 1222 1226 1223 1227 1228 # GLEICHE AKTIONEN FUER DIE UTILITY-PROGRAMME DURCHFUEHREN 1229 # AKTUELLE QUELLTEXTVERSION INS REMOTE-QUELLTEXTVERZEICHNIS KOPIEREN 1230 # FALLS DIESES NOCH NICHT EXISTIERT, WIRD ES ERZEUGT 1231 if [[ $compile_utility_programs = true ]] 1232 then 1233 1234 echo " *** copying utility programs to \"${remote_addres}:${remote_ud}/\" " 1235 cd ${local_source_path}/../UTIL 1236 echo " remote_ud=\"$remote_ud\" " 1237 1238 if [[ $remote_host != lctit ]] 1239 then 1240 ssh ${remote_username}@${remote_addres} "[[ ! -d ${remote_ud} ]] && (echo \" *** ${remote_ud} will be created\"; mkdir -p ${remote_ud})" 1241 else 1242 # TIT ERLAUBT NUR DIE AUSFÜHRUNG GANZ BESTIMMTER KOMMANDOS 1243 # MIT SSH, DESHALB AUFRUF PER PIPE 1244 print "[[ ! -d ${remote_ud} ]] && (echo \" *** ${remote_ud} will be created\"; mkdir -p ${remote_ud})" | ssh ${remote_username}@${remote_addres} 2>&1 1245 fi 1246 1247 if [[ $local_host = decalpha ]] 1248 then 1249 # DECALPHA BENUTZT BEI NICHTANGABE DES VOLLSTÄNDIGEN PFADES 1250 # IRGENDEIN ANDERES SCP (WAS NICHT FUNKTIONIERT). AUSSERDEM 1251 # KOENNEN DOLLAR-ZEICHEN NICHT BENUTZT WERDEN 1252 remote_ud=`echo $remote_ud | sed 's/\$HOME\///'` 1253 /bin/scp Makefile *.f90 ${remote_username}@${remote_addres}:${remote_ud} 1254 else 1255 scp Makefile *.f90 ${remote_username}@${remote_addres}:${remote_ud} 1256 fi 1257 1258 1259 1260 # MAKE MIT ZUVOR ERMITTELTEN OPTIONEN AUF REMOTE RECHNER AUSFUEHREN 1261 # KOMMANDOUEBERGABE AN SSH PER PIPE, DA SO DIE SYSTEM- UND 1262 # BENUTZERPROFILE VOLLSTAENDIG AUSGEFUEHRT WERDEN (SONST FEHLEN MAKE 1263 # Z.B. DIE PFADE ZUM COMPILER) 1264 echo " *** execute \"make\" on remote host" 1265 1266 if [[ $remote_host = nech ]] 1267 then 1268 make_call_string="sxmake F90=$compiler_name COPT=\"$cpp_options\" F90FLAGS=\"$compiler_options\" LDFLAGS=\"$loader_options\" " 1269 else 1270 make_call_string="make F90=$compiler_name COPT=\"$cpp_options\" F90FLAGS=\"$compiler_options\" LDFLAGS=\"$loader_options\" " 1271 fi 1272 1273 if [[ $remote_host = ibms || $remote_host = ibmy ]] 1274 then 1275 1276 ssh ${remote_username}@${remote_addres} "cd ${remote_ud}; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" 2>&1 | tee ${remote_host}_last_make_protokoll 1277 1278 elif [[ $remote_host = ibmb || $remote_host = ibmh ]] 1279 then 1280 1281 print "export OBJECT_MODE=64; cd ${remote_ud}; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" | ssh ${remote_username}@${remote_addres} 2>&1 | tee ${remote_host}_last_make_protokoll 1282 1283 elif [[ $remote_host = lctit ]] 1284 then 1285 1286 echo " " > ${remote_host}_last_make_protokoll 1287 while [[ $(cat ${remote_host}_last_make_protokoll | grep -c "Forwarding to N1GE") = 0 ]] 1288 do 1289 print "cd ${remote_ud}; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" | ssh ${remote_username}@${remote_addres} 2>&1 | tee ${remote_host}_last_make_protokoll 1290 done 1291 1292 else 1293 1294 print "cd ${remote_ud}; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" | ssh ${remote_username}@${remote_addres} 2>&1 | tee ${remote_host}_last_make_protokoll 1295 1296 fi 1297 1298 if [[ $(grep -c MAKE_ERROR ${remote_host}_last_make_protokoll) != 0 ]] 1299 then 1300 printf "\a\n +++ error(s) occurred during compiling or linking on host \"$remote_host\" " 1301 if [[ $silent = false ]] 1302 then 1303 answer=dummy 1304 printf "\n" 1305 while [[ "$answer" != c && "$answer" != k ]] 1306 do 1307 printf " >>> continue / list errors / kill mbuild (c/l/k) ? " 1308 read answer 1309 if [[ "$answer" = l ]] 1310 then 1311 more ${remote_host}_last_make_protokoll 1312 fi 1313 done 1314 if [[ $answer = k ]] 1315 then 1316 locat=user_abort; exit 1317 fi 1318 fi 1319 fi 1320 fi # ENDE UEBERSETZUNG DER UTILITY-PROGRAMME 1321 1322 1224 1323 # NUR AUF EINEM HLRN-RECHNER UEBERSETZEN 1225 1324 [[ $remote_host = ibmb || $remote_host = ibmh ]] && ibm_hb_done=true … … 1228 1327 1229 1328 # MAKE MIT ZUVOR ERMITTELTEN OPTIONEN AUF LOKALEM RECHNER AUSFUEHREN 1329 echo " " 1230 1330 echo " *** execute \"make\" on local host" 1231 1331 … … 1260 1360 tar -cf ${mainprog}_current_version.tar *.$suf *.o *.mod 1261 1361 1362 1363 # COMPILE THE UTILITY PROGRAMS 1364 if [[ $compile_utility_programs = true ]] 1365 then 1366 printf "\n\n" 1367 echo " *** compiling the utility programs ..." 1368 cd ${local_source_path}/../UTIL 1369 make F90=$compiler_name COPT="$cpp_options" F90FLAGS="$compiler_options" LDFLAGS="$loader_options" 1370 cd - > /dev/null 1371 fi 1372 1373 1262 1374 # NUR EINMAL AUF LCMUK UEBERSETZEN 1263 1375 [[ $remote_host = lcmuk ]] && lcmuk_done=true -
r21 r22 109 109 # 14/02/07 - Siggi - dvrp support for neck added 110 110 # 28/02/07 - Siggi - empty lines in configuration file are accepted 111 # mrun_path replaced by PALM_BIN 111 112 112 113 … … 243 244 trap 'if [[ $locat != localhost ]] 244 245 then 245 if [[ ! -f ${mrun_path}/statistik/mrun_statistik ]] 246 then 247 cat > ${mrun_path}/statistik/mrun_statistik << %STATEND% 248 MRUN-calls on $localhost 249 250 date and time user localhost remotehost termination mrun-command 251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 252 %STATEND% 253 chmod 666 ${mrun_path}/statistik/mrun_statistik 254 fi 255 256 # EINTRAG IN DIE STATISTIK-DATEI 257 string4=$host 258 string5=$locat 259 if [[ "$job_on_file" = "" && $locat != control_c && $locat != user_abort ]] 260 then 261 if [[ $do_batch = true ]] 262 then 263 printf "$string1$string2$string3$string4$string5$mrun_com \n" >> ${mrun_path}/statistik/mrun_statistik 264 else 265 printf "$string1$string2$string3$string4$string5$mc \n" >> ${mrun_path}/statistik/mrun_statistik 266 fi 267 fi 246 # if [[ ! -f ${mrun_path}/statistik/mrun_statistik ]] 247 # then 248 # cat > ${mrun_path}/statistik/mrun_statistik << %STATEND% 249 #MRUN-calls on $localhost 250 # 251 #date and time user localhost remotehost termination mrun-command 252 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 253 #%STATEND% 254 # chmod 666 ${mrun_path}/statistik/mrun_statistik 255 # fi 256 # 257 # # EINTRAG IN DIE STATISTIK-DATEI 258 # string4=$host 259 # string5=$locat 260 # if [[ "$job_on_file" = "" && $locat != control_c && $locat != user_abort ]] 261 # then 262 # if [[ $do_batch = true ]] 263 # then 264 # printf "$string1$string2$string3$string4$string5$mrun_com \n" >> ${mrun_path}/statistik/mrun_statistik 265 # else 266 # printf "$string1$string2$string3$string4$string5$mc \n" >> ${mrun_path}/statistik/mrun_statistik 267 # fi 268 # fi 269 continue 268 270 fi 269 271 … … 313 315 314 316 317 # CHECK IF THE PATH FOR THE PALM BINARIES (SCRIPTS+UTILITY-PROGRAMS) HAS 318 # BEEN SET 319 if [[ "$PALM_BIN" = "" ]] 320 then 321 printf "\n +++ environment variable PALM_BIN has not been set" 322 printf "\n please set it to the directory where the PALM scripts are located" 323 locat=palm_bin; exit 324 fi 325 326 315 327 # EVTL. NAMEN DES LOKALEN RECHNERS MIT UEBERGREIFENDEM NAMEN VERSEHEN 316 328 case $localhost_realname in 317 (atmos) mrun_path=/home/siggi/pub 318 localhost=lcide;; 319 (bora|breva|elephanta|gallego|gregale|hababai|irifi|levanto|maestro|orkan|ostria|poniente|quanero|scirocco|vorias) mrun_path=/home/raasch/pub 320 localhost=lcmuk;; 321 (breg*-en0|berni*-en0) mrun_path=/home/b/niksiraa/pub 322 localhost=ibmb; archive_system=tivoli;; 323 (cs*) mrun_path=/pf/b/b323011/pub 324 localhost=nech; archive_system=ut;; 325 (gate|n-sx) mrun_path=/home/DSRC/NC/tatuyama/pub 326 PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/nqsII:$mrun_path 327 localhost=neck;; 328 ( mrun_path=/usr/users/raasch/pub 329 localhost=decalpha;; 330 ( mrun_path=/usr2/users/raasch/pub 331 localhost=decalpha;; 332 (gfdl5) mrun_path=/usr1/users/raasch/pub 333 localhost=ibmy;; 334 (|| mrun_path=/usr/users/sraasch/pub 335 localhost=ibm;; 336 (hreg*-en0|hanni*-en0) mrun_path=/home/h/niksiraa/pub 337 localhost=ibmh; archive_system=tivoli;; 338 (nobel*) mrun_path=/edun/z051nyg/pub 339 localhost=ibms;; 340 (sun1|sun2) mrun_path=/home/nhbksira/pub/ 341 localhost=unics;; 342 (tgg*) mrun_path=/home2/usr5/mkanda/pub 343 localhost=lctit;; 329 (atmos) localhost=lcide;; 330 (bora|breva|elephanta|gallego|gregale|hababai|irifi|levanto|maestro|orkan|ostria|poniente|quanero|scirocco|vorias) localhost=lcmuk;; 331 (breg*-en0|berni*-en0) localhost=ibmb; archive_system=tivoli;; 332 (cs*) localhost=nech; archive_system=ut;; 333 (gate|n-sx) PATH=$MRUN_BIN:$PATH:/usr/bin/nqsII; localhost=neck;; 334 ( localhost=decalpha;; 335 ( localhost=decalpha;; 336 (gfdl5) localhost=ibmy;; 337 (hreg*-en0|hanni*-en0) localhost=ibmh; archive_system=tivoli;; 338 (nobel*) localhost=ibms;; 339 (sun1|sun2) localhost=unics;; 340 (tgg*) localhost=lctit;; 344 341 (*) printf "\n +++ Host \"$localhost_realname\" not admitted for mrun \n" 345 342 locat=localhost; exit;; … … 3794 3791 # ABDECKZEICHEN VERHINDERN, DASS ERSETZUNGEN ERFOLGEN 3795 3792 echo "cat > $mrun_script_name <<\"%END%\"" >> $jobfile 3796 cat ${ mrun_path}/$mrun_script_name>> $jobfile3793 cat ${PALM_BIN}/$mrun_script_name >> $jobfile 3797 3794 echo "%END%" >> $jobfile 3798 3795 if [[ $host = lctit ]] … … 3849 3846 3850 3847 # EBENSO LOKALEN MRUN-KATALOG UEBERGEBEN 3851 echo "LOCAL_MRUN_PATH=$ mrun_path">> $jobfile3848 echo "LOCAL_MRUN_PATH=$PALM_BIN" >> $jobfile 3852 3849 echo "export LOCAL_MRUN_PATH" >> $jobfile 3853 3850
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