Dec 9, 2008 6:00:48 PM (16 years ago)
  • NCL scripts in trunk/SCRIPTS/NCL updated
1 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/init_grid.f90

    r145 r217  
    44! Actual revisions:
    55! -----------------
    6 !
     6! +topography_grid_convention
    88! Former revisions:
    374 !--       Set the actual total size of the building. Due to the staggered grid,
    375 !--       the building will be displaced by -0.5dx in x-direction and by -0.5dy
    376 !--       in y-direction compared to the scalar grid.
     374!--       Define the building.
    377375          nzb_local = 0
    378376          nzb_local(bys:byn,bxl:bxr) = bh
    420418!--       The DEFAULT case is reached either if the parameter topography
    421 !--       contains a wrong character string or if the user has coded a special
     419!--       contains a wrong character string or if the user has defined a special
    422420!--       case in the user interface. There, the subroutine user_init_grid
    423421!--       checks which of these two conditions applies.
    436434!-- Consistency checks and index array initialization are only required for
    437 !-- non-flat topography, also the initialization of topography heigth arrays
     435!-- non-flat topography, also the initialization of topography height arrays
    438436!-- zu_s_inner and zw_w_inner
    439437    IF ( TRIM( topography ) /= 'flat' )  THEN
    472470       ENDIF
     472       IF ( topography_grid_convention == 'cell_edge' )  THEN
    475 !--    The array nzb_local as defined above describes the actual total size of
    476 !--    topography which is defined by u=0 on the topography walls in x-direction
    477 !--    and by v=0 on the topography walls in y-direction. However, PALM uses
    478 !--    individual arrays nzb_u|v|w|s_inner|outer that are based on nzb_s_inner.
    479 !--    Therefore, the extent of topography in nzb_local is now reduced by 1dx
    480 !--    at the E topography walls and by 1dy at the N topography walls to form
    481 !--    the basis for nzb_s_inner.
    482        DO  j = -gls, ny + gls
    483           DO  i = -gls, nx
    484              nzb_local(j,i) = MIN( nzb_local(j,i), nzb_local(j,i+1) )
    485           ENDDO
    486        ENDDO
    487 !--    apply cyclic boundary conditions in x-direction
    488        nzb_local(:,nx+1:nx+gls) = nzb_local(:,0:gls-1)
    489        DO  i = -gls, nx + gls
    490           DO  j = -gls, ny
    491              nzb_local(j,i) = MIN( nzb_local(j,i), nzb_local(j+1,i) )
    492           ENDDO
    493        ENDDO
    494 !--    apply cyclic boundary conditions in y-direction
    495        nzb_local(ny+1:ny+gls,:) = nzb_local(0:gls-1,:)
     474!--       The array nzb_local as defined using the 'cell_edge' convention
     475!--       describes the actual total size of topography which is defined at the
     476!--       cell edges where u=0 on the topography walls in x-direction and v=0
     477!--       on the topography walls in y-direction. However, PALM uses individual
     478!--       arrays nzb_u|v|w|s_inner|outer that are based on nzb_s_inner.
     479!--       Therefore, the extent of topography in nzb_local is now reduced by
     480!--       1dx at the E topography walls and by 1dy at the N topography walls
     481!--       to form the basis for nzb_s_inner.
     482          DO  j = -gls, ny + gls
     483             DO  i = -gls, nx
     484                nzb_local(j,i) = MIN( nzb_local(j,i), nzb_local(j,i+1) )
     485             ENDDO
     486          ENDDO
     487!--       apply cyclic boundary conditions in x-direction
     488!(ist das erforderlich? Ursache von Seung Bus Fehler?)
     489          nzb_local(:,nx+1:nx+gls) = nzb_local(:,0:gls-1)
     490          DO  i = -gls, nx + gls
     491             DO  j = -gls, ny
     492                nzb_local(j,i) = MIN( nzb_local(j,i), nzb_local(j+1,i) )
     493             ENDDO
     494          ENDDO
     495!--       apply cyclic boundary conditions in y-direction
     496!(ist das erforderlich? Ursache von Seung Bus Fehler?)
     497          nzb_local(ny+1:ny+gls,:) = nzb_local(0:gls-1,:)
     498       ENDIF
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