Changeset 1657
- Timestamp:
- Sep 17, 2015 6:31:36 PM (10 years ago)
- Location:
- palm/trunk
- Files:
- 10 edited
- 1 moved
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1446 r1657 1 #$Id: .mrun.config. default 1231 2013-09-20 11:25:45Z kanani$1 #$Id: .mrun.config.cuhk 1231 2013-09-20 11:25:45Z knoop $ 2 2 #column 1 column 2 column 3 3 3 #name of variable value of variable (~ must not be used) scope … … 22 22 # 23 23 # The next block contains all informations for compiling the PALM code 24 # and for generating and running the PALM executable using MPI. Replace all 25 # required paths (given in <>) by the respective paths valid on your host. 26 # Also replace <hi> by your host identifier (see above <hi> example "lcmy") 27 # in each line! 24 # and for generating and running the PALM executable using MPI. 28 25 # Compilernames, cpp-options and compiler-options are assuming 29 # an Intel-Compiler and mpich2 on this host! Please change26 # an GNU-Compiler and mpich2 on this host! Please change 30 27 # appropriately, if you are using a different compiler / MPI-Version. 31 28 # 32 %tmp_user_catalog /home/student/tmp lccuhk parallel 29 # CUHK 30 %remote_username student lccuhk parallel 31 %tmp_user_catalog $HOME/palm/tmp lccuhk parallel 33 32 %compiler_name mpif90 lccuhk parallel 34 %compiler_name_ser ifort lccuhk parallel 35 %cpp_options -cpp:-D__mpi2:-DMPI_REAL=MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION:-DMPI_2REAL=MPI_2DOUBLE_PRECISION:-D__netcdf lccuhk parallel 36 %netcdf_inc -I:/opt/netcdf-3.6.3/include lccuhk parallel 37 %netcdf_lib -L/opt/netcdf-3.6.3/lib:-lnetcdf lccuhk parallel 38 %mopts -j:4 lccuhk parallel 39 %fopts -xS:-r8:-nbs:-convert:little_endian:-I:/opt/mpich2/include lccuhk parallel 40 %lopts -xS:-r8:-nbs:-Vaxlib:-L:/opt/mpich2/lib lccuhk parallel 41 %remote_username student lccuhk parallel 42 # if you want to use your own hostfile, uncomment next line 43 #%hostfile $base_directory/.hostfile lccuhk parallel 44 # if you want to load modules on the remote host, use the following line 45 #%modules <replace_by_the_modules_to_be_loaded> lccuhk parallel 46 # if you want to perform initial commands on ssh connections, use the following line 47 #%login_init_cmd <replace_by_the_inital_commands> lccuhk parallel 48 #%login_init_cmd <replace_by_the_inital_commands> lccuhk parallel 33 %compiler_name_ser gfortran lccuhk parallel 34 %cpp_options -cpp:-DMPI_REAL=MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION:-DMPI_2REAL=MPI_2DOUBLE_PRECISION:-D__lc:-D__netcdf:-D__parallel lccuhk parallel 35 %netcdf_inc -I:$HOME/opt/netcdf-3.6.3/include lccuhk parallel 36 %netcdf_lib -L:$HOME/opt/netcdf-3.6.3/lib:-lnetcdf lccuhk parallel 37 %mopts -j:8 lccuhk parallel 38 %fopts -Ofast lccuhk parallel 39 %lopts -Ofast lccuhk parallel 49 40 # 50 # 51 %tmp_user_catalog /home/student/tmp lccuhk parallel trace 41 # CUHK debug/trace mode 42 %remote_username student lccuhk parallel trace 43 %tmp_user_catalog $HOME/palm/tmp lccuhk parallel trace 52 44 %compiler_name mpif90 lccuhk parallel trace 53 %compiler_name_ser ifort lccuhk parallel trace 54 %cpp_options -cpp:-DMPI_REAL=MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION:-DMPI_2REAL=MPI_2DOUBLE_PRECISION:-D__netcdf lccuhk parallel trace 55 %netcdf_inc -I:/opt/netcdf-3.6.3/include lccuhk parallel trace 56 %netcdf_lib -L/opt/netcdf-3.6.3/lib:-lnetcdf lccuhk parallel trace 57 %mopts -j:4 lccuhk parallel trace 58 %fopts -C:-check:nooutput_conversion:-fpe0:-debug:-traceback:-g:-w:-xT:-O0:-cpp:-r8:-ftz:-fno-alias:-no-prec-div:-no-prec-sqrt:-ip:-nbs:-convert:little_endian lccuhk parallel trace 59 %lopts -C:-check:nooutput_conversion:-fpe0:-debug:-traceback:-g:-w:-xT:-O0:-cpp:-r8:-ftz:-fno-alias:-no-prec-div:-no-prec-sqrt:-ip:-nbs:-Vaxlib lccuhk parallel trace 60 %remote_username student lccuhk parallel trace 61 # if you want to use your own hostfile, uncomment next line 62 #%hostfile $base_directory/.hostfile lccuhk parallel trace 63 # if you want to load modules on the remote host, use the following line 64 #%modules <replace_by_the_modules_to_be_loaded> lccuhk parallel trace 65 # if you want to perform initial commands on ssh connections, use the following line 66 #%login_init_cmd <replace_by_the_inital_commands> lccuhk parallel trace 45 %compiler_name_ser gfortran lccuhk parallel trace 46 %cpp_options -cpp:-DMPI_REAL=MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION:-DMPI_2REAL=MPI_2DOUBLE_PRECISION:-D__lc:-D__netcdf:-D__parallel lccuhk parallel trace 47 %netcdf_inc -I:$HOME/opt/netcdf-3.6.3/include lccuhk parallel trace 48 %netcdf_lib -L:$HOME/opt/netcdf-3.6.3/lib:-lnetcdf lccuhk parallel trace 49 %mopts -j:8 lccuhk parallel trace 50 %fopts -O0:-Wall:-fbacktrace lccuhk parallel trace 51 %lopts -O0:-Wall:-fbacktrace lccuhk parallel trace 67 52 # 68 53 # -
r1648 r1657 1 #$Id: .mrun.config. imuknb 1446 2014-08-07 10:08:56Z maronga$1 #$Id: .mrun.config.gfortran 1446 2014-08-07 10:08:56Z knoop $ 2 2 #column 1 column 2 column 3 3 3 #name of variable value of variable (~ must not be used) scope … … 41 41 %fopts -Ofast <hi> parallel 42 42 %lopts -Ofast <hi> parallel 43 # if you want to use your own hostfile, uncomment next line 44 #%hostfile $base_directory/.hostfile <hi> parallel 45 # if you want to load modules on the remote host, use the following line 46 #%modules <replace_by_the_modules_to_be_loaded> <hi> parallel 47 # if you want to perform initial commands on ssh connections, use the following line 48 #%login_init_cmd <replace_by_the_inital_commands> <hi> parallel 43 49 # 44 50 # … … 53 59 %fopts -O0:-Wall:-fbacktrace <hi> parallel trace 54 60 %lopts -O0:-Wall:-fbacktrace <hi> parallel trace 61 # if you want to use your own hostfile, uncomment next line 62 #%hostfile $base_directory/.hostfile <hi> parallel trace 63 # if you want to load modules on the remote host, use the following line 64 #%modules <replace_by_the_modules_to_be_loaded> <hi> parallel trace 65 # if you want to perform initial commands on ssh connections, use the following line 66 #%login_init_cmd <replace_by_the_inital_commands> <hi> parallel trace 67 # 55 68 # 56 69 %write_binary true restart -
r1656 r1657 30 30 # appropriately, if you are using a different compiler / MPI-Version. 31 31 # 32 %tmp_user_catalog /tmp <hi> parallel 32 # 33 %remote_username <replace_with_your_local_username> <hi> parallel 34 %tmp_user_catalog $HOME/palm/tmp <hi> parallel 33 35 %compiler_name mpif90 <hi> parallel 34 36 %compiler_name_ser ifort <hi> parallel 35 37 %cpp_options -cpp:-D__mpi2:-DMPI_REAL=MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION:-DMPI_2REAL=MPI_2DOUBLE_PRECISION:-D__netcdf:-D__intel_compiler <hi> parallel 36 38 %netcdf_inc -I:<replace_by_netcdf_include_path> <hi> parallel 37 %netcdf_lib -L <replace_by_netcdf_library_path>:-lnetcdf<hi> parallel39 %netcdf_lib -L:<replace_by_netcdf_library_path>:-lnetcdf <hi> parallel 38 40 %mopts -j:4 <hi> parallel 39 41 %fopts -I:<replace_by_mpi_include path>:-fpe0:-O3:-xHost:-fp-model:source:-ftz:-fno-alias:-no-prec-div:-no-prec-sqrt:-ip:-nbs:-diag-disable:8290,8291 <hi> parallel … … 41 43 # if you want to use your own hostfile, uncomment next line 42 44 #%hostfile $base_directory/.hostfile <hi> parallel 43 # if you want this host to be used as a remote host, uncomment next line44 #%remote_username <replace_by_your_username_on_this_host> <hi> parallel45 45 # if you want to load modules on the remote host, use the following line 46 46 #%modules <replace_by_the_modules_to_be_loaded> <hi> parallel … … 49 49 # 50 50 # 51 %tmp_user_catalog /tmp <hi> parallel trace 51 %remote_username <replace_with_your_local_username> <hi> parallel trace 52 %tmp_user_catalog $HOME/palm/tmp <hi> parallel trace 52 53 %compiler_name mpif90 <hi> parallel trace 53 54 %compiler_name_ser ifort <hi> parallel trace 54 55 %cpp_options -cpp:-DMPI_REAL=MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION:-DMPI_2REAL=MPI_2DOUBLE_PRECISION:-D__netcdf:-D__intel_compiler <hi> parallel trace 55 56 %netcdf_inc -I:<replace_by_netcdf_include_path> <hi> parallel trace 56 %netcdf_lib -L <replace_by_netcdf_library_path>:-lnetcdf<hi> parallel trace57 %netcdf_lib -L:<replace_by_netcdf_library_path>:-lnetcdf <hi> parallel trace 57 58 %mopts -j:4 <hi> parallel trace 58 59 %fopts -C:-check:nooutput_conversion:-fpe0:-debug:-traceback:-g:-w:-O0:-ftz:-fno-alias:-no-prec-div:-no-prec-sqrt:-ip:-nbs <hi> parallel trace … … 60 61 # if you want to use your own hostfile, uncomment next line 61 62 #%hostfile $base_directory/.hostfile <hi> parallel trace 62 # if you want this host to be used as a remote host, uncomment next line63 #%remote_username <replace_by_your_username_on_this_host> <hi> parallel trace64 63 # if you want to load modules on the remote host, use the following line 65 64 #%modules <replace_by_the_modules_to_be_loaded> <hi> parallel trace -
r1649 r1657 202 202 \end{frame} 203 203 204 \bgroup 205 \setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=white} 206 \begin{frame}[plain,noframenumbering]{} 207 \end{frame} 208 \egroup 209 204 210 % Folie 8 205 211 \section{Results} -
r1649 r1657 239 239 \end{frame} 240 240 241 \bgroup 242 \setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=white} 243 \begin{frame}[plain,noframenumbering]{} 244 \end{frame} 245 \egroup 246 241 247 % Folie 9 242 248 \section{Results} -
r1650 r1657 155 155 \end{frame} 156 156 157 \bgroup 158 \setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=white} 159 \begin{frame}[plain,noframenumbering]{} 160 \end{frame} 161 \egroup 162 157 163 % Folie 6 158 164 \section{Results \quad \, } -
r1534 r1657 138 138 \end{frame} 139 139 140 \bgroup 141 \setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=white} 142 \begin{frame}[plain,noframenumbering]{} 143 \end{frame} 144 \egroup 145 140 146 % Folie 6 141 147 \section{Results} -
r1649 r1657 241 241 \end{frame} 242 242 243 \bgroup 244 \setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=white} 245 \begin{frame}[plain,noframenumbering]{} 246 \end{frame} 247 \egroup 248 243 249 \section{Results} 244 250 \subsection{Results} -
r1649 r1657 100 100 \vspace{-2mm} 101 101 \begin{itemize} 102 \item< 2->{... about the current model status (PALM 4.0) \\ \par\medskip102 \item<1->{... about the current model status (PALM 4.0) \\ \par\medskip 103 103 \tiny{\textbf{Maronga, B., Gryschka, M., Heinze, R., Hoffmann, F., Kanani-SÃŒhring, F., Keck, M., Ketelsen, K., Letzel, M. O., SÃŒhring, M., and Raasch, S., 2015}: The Parallelized Large-Eddy Simulation Model (PALM) 104 version 4.0 for atmospheric and oceanic flows: model formulation, recent developments, and future perspectives, Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 2515-2551, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-2515-2015. 105 \item< 3->{... about application for urban flows: \\ \par\medskip104 version 4.0 for atmospheric and oceanic flows: model formulation, recent developments, and future perspectives, Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 2515-2551, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-2515-2015.}} 105 \item<2->{... about application for urban flows: \\ \par\medskip 106 106 \tiny{\textbf{Letzel, M.O., M. Krane and S. Raasch, 2008}: High resolution urban large-eddy simulation studies 107 from street canyon to neighbourhood scale, Atmos. Env., 42, 8770-8784, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.08.001. 108 \item< 4->{... about non-cyclic boundary conditions: \\ \par\medskip107 from street canyon to neighbourhood scale, Atmos. Env., 42, 8770-8784, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.08.001.}} 108 \item<3->{... about non-cyclic boundary conditions: \\ \par\medskip 109 109 \tiny{\textbf{Gryschka, M. and S. Raasch, 2005}: Roll Convection During a Cold Air Outbreak: A Large Eddy Simulation with Stationary Model Domain. 110 Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L14805, doi:10.1029/2005GL022872. \\ \par\medskip 110 Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L14805, doi:10.1029/2005GL022872. \\ \par\medskip 111 111 \textbf{Gryschka, M., C. DrÃŒe, D. Etling and S. Raasch. 2008}: On the influence of sea-ice inhomogeneities onto roll convection in 112 cold-air outbreaks, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L23804, doi:10.1029/2008GL035845. 113 \item<5->{... about the Lagrangian particle model: \\ \par\medskip 112 cold-air outbreaks, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L23804, doi:10.1029/2008GL035845.}} 113 \end{itemize} 114 \end{frame} 115 116 % Folie 4b 117 \begin{frame} 118 \frametitle{More PALM Information ...} 119 \footnotesize 120 \vspace{-2mm} 121 \begin{itemize} 122 \item<1->{... about the Lagrangian particle model: \\ \par\medskip 114 123 \tiny{\textbf{Steinfeld, G., S. Raasch and T. Markkanen, 2008}: Footprints in homogeneously and heterogeneously driven boundary layers derived 115 124 from a Lagrangian stochastic particle model embedded into large-eddy simulation, Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 129, 225-248.\\ \par\medskip 116 \textbf{Riechelmann, T., Y. Noh and S. Raasch, 2012}: A new method for large-eddy simulations of clouds with Lagrangian droplets including the effects of turbulent collision., New J. Phys., 14, 065008. 117 \item< 6->{... on our webpage: \\125 \textbf{Riechelmann, T., Y. Noh and S. Raasch, 2012}: A new method for large-eddy simulations of clouds with Lagrangian droplets including the effects of turbulent collision., New J. Phys., 14, 065008.}} 126 \item<2->{... on our webpage: \\ 118 127 \tiny{\textbf{}}} 119 \item<7->{Current model status (PALM 4.0) will be published soon \\in \textit{Geoscientific Model Development}}120 128 \end{itemize} 121 129 \end{frame}
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