Oct 30, 2007 12:12:24 PM (17 years ago)

prognostic_equations include the respective wall_*flux in the parameter list of
calls of diffusion_s. Same as before, only the values of wall_heatflux(0:4)
can be assigned. At present, wall_humidityflux, wall_qflux, wall_salinityflux,
wall_scalarflux are kept zero. diffusion_s uses the respective wall_*flux
instead of wall_heatflux. This update serves two purposes:

  • it avoids errors in calculations with humidity/scalar/salinity and prescribed

non-zero wall_heatflux,

  • it prepares PALM for a possible assignment of wall fluxes of

humidity/scalar/salinity in a future release.

Bugfix: assignment of fluxes at walls

Updates to documentation:

Default for mrun options -q and -n is "sla3" for lctit. Queues bes1 and bes2
removed. DOC/misc/Tsubame.html updated.

Modified default paths (/work/...) for lctit in .mrun.config.default

1 edited


  • palm/trunk/DOC/app/chapter_3.5.4.html

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    1313quantities which are not part of PALM's standard output. The basic user
    1414interface includes a number of subroutines which allow the calculation
    15 of user-defined quantities and output of these quantities as time series, (horizontally averaged) vertical profile, 2d cross
    16 section or 3d volume data. The respective subroutines
     15of user-defined quantities and output of these quantities as (horizontally averaged) <a href="#vertical_profiles">vertical profiles</a>, <a href="#time_series">time series</a>, <a href="#2D_and_3D">2d cross
     16section</a> or <a href="#2D_and_3D">3d volume data</a>. The respective subroutines
    1717contain sample code lines (written as comment lines) for defining, calculating and
    1818output of such quantities.<br><br>Output times, averaging intervals, etc. are steered by the same variables as used for the standard PALM output quantities, e.g. <a href="chapter_4.2.html#dt_data_output">dt_data_output</a>.<br><br>The
    1919rest of this chapter explains step-by-step how to modify/extend the
    20 default file user_interface.f90 in order to generate the respective output.<br><br><br><h4>Output of vertical profiles</h4>This example shows the output of the
     20default file user_interface.f90 in order to generate the respective output.<br><br><br><h4><a name="vertical_profiles"></a>Output of vertical profiles</h4>This example shows the output of the
    2121quantity "turbulent resolved-scale horizontal momentum flux" (u*v*). If more than one user-defined
    2222quantity shall be output, the following steps have to be carried out in the
    4949calculation is stored in array <span style="font-family: Courier New,Courier,monospace;">sums_l</span>.
    5050The second index of this array is the identification number of the
    51 profile which must match the one given in the previous step 2.</li></ol><br><h4>Output of timeseries</h4>still to be added<br>&nbsp;<br><h4><span style="font-weight: bold;">Output of 2d cross sections or 3d volume data</span></h4><br>This example shows the output of the
     51profile which must match the one given in the previous step 2.</li></ol><br><h4><a name="time_series"></a>Output of timeseries</h4>This example shows the output of  two time series for the absolut extremal values of the horizontal velocities <span style="font-style: italic;">u</span> and <span style="font-style: italic;">v</span>. If more than one user-defined
     52quantity shall be output, the following steps have to be carried out in the
     53same way for each of the quantities.<br><br><ol><li>For each time series quantity you have to give a label and a unit  (subroutine <a href="chapter_3.5.1.html#user_init">user_init</a>), which will be used for the NetCDF file. They must not contain more than seven characters. The value of <code>dots_num</code> has to be increased by the number of new time series quantities. Its old value has to be stored in <code>dots_num_palm</code>.<br><br><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; dots_label(dots_num<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">+1</span>) = '<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">abs_umx</span>'<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; dots_unit(dots_num<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">+1</span>)&nbsp; = '<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">m/s</span>'<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; dots_label(dots_num<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">+2</span>) = '<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">abs_vmx</span>'<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; dots_unit(dots_num<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">+2</span>)&nbsp; = '<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">m/s</span>'<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; dots_num_palm = dots_num<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; dots_num = dots_num <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">+ 2</span><br><br></code>Only those parts in <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">red</span> have to be adjusted by the user.<br><br></li><li>These quantities are&nbsp;calculated and output in subroutine <a href="chapter_3.5.1.html#user_statistics">user_statistics</a> for every statistic region <code>sr</code> defined by the user,&nbsp;but at least for the region <span style="font-style: italic;">"total domain"</span>:<br>&nbsp;<br><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ts_value(dots_num_palm+1,sr) = ABS( u_max )<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ts_value(dots_num_palm+2,sr) = ABS( v_max )<br></code>&nbsp;<br></li></ol><h4><span style="font-weight: bold;"><a name="2D_and_3D"></a>Output of 2d cross sections or 3d volume data</span></h4><br>This example shows the output of the
    5254quantity "square of the u-component" (<span style="font-weight: bold;">Note:</span> this quantity
    5355could of course easily be calculated from the u-component by
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