Aug 24, 2007 3:10:38 PM (18 years ago)
  • Improved coupler: evaporation - salinity-flux coupling for humidity = .T.,

avoid MPI hangs when coupled runs terminate, add DOC/app/chapter_3.8;

  • Optional calculation of km and kh from initial TKE e_init;
  • Default initialization of km,kh = 0.00001 for ocean = .T.;
  • Allow data_output_pr= q, wq, w"q", w*q* for humidity = .T.;
  • Bugfix: Rayleigh damping for ocean fixed.
1 edited


  • TabularUnified palm/trunk/DOC/app/chapter_4.0.html

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    8 <body style="direction: ltr;" lang="en-US"><h2 style="line-height: 100%;"><font size="4">4.0
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     41<body style="direction: ltr;" lang="en-US">
     43<h2 style="line-height: 100%;"><font size="4">4.0
    944Steering parameters</font></h2>
    1047<p style="line-height: 100%;">Before carrying out a model
    1148run, the user
    1754should be, at which times and points plot output are supposed to be
    1855made, etc. <br>
    19 </p><p style="line-height: 100%;">These data are
     60<p style="line-height: 100%;">These data are
    2061assigned with the help of
    2162so-called&nbsp;&ldquo;NAMELIST-driven input&rdquo; (FORTRAN -
    3172example shows the format of the file
    3273PARIN: <br>
    33 &nbsp; </p>
    34 <ul> <p style="line-height: 100%; font-family: monospace;">&amp;inipar
     76&nbsp; </p>
     83  <p style="line-height: 100%; font-family: monospace;">&amp;inipar
    3685= 79, ny = 79, nz = 40, <br>
    3889dx = 50.0, dy = 50.0, dz =
    399050.0, <br>
    4194initializing_actions =
    4295"set_1d-model_profiles", <br>
    44 prandtl_layer = .TRUE.,/ </p> <p style="line-height: 100%; font-family: monospace;">&amp;d3par&nbsp;
    45 end_time = 9000.0, section_xy = 1, 10, 20,/ </p> <p style="line-height: 100%; font-family: monospace;">&amp;packagename
    46 var1 = .TRUE. / </p> <p style="line-height: 100%;"><span style="font-family: monospace;">&amp;userpar
     99prandtl_layer = .TRUE.,/ </p>
     103  <p style="line-height: 100%; font-family: monospace;">&amp;d3par&nbsp;
     104end_time = 9000.0, section_xy = 1, 10, 20,/ </p>
     108  <p style="line-height: 100%; font-family: monospace;">&amp;packagename
     109var1 = .TRUE. / </p>
     113  <p style="line-height: 100%;"><span style="font-family: monospace;">&amp;userpar
    47114abcd = 1234,0,/ </span><br>
    48117&nbsp; <br>
    50 </ul><p style="line-height: 100%;">The parameters
     125<p style="line-height: 100%;">The parameters
    51126are separated into four
    52127different groups which all start with the so-called NAMELIST group
    65140concerning the NAMELIST syntax, refer to
    66141appropriate FORTRAN manuals. <br>
    67 </p><p style="line-height: 100%;">Parameters
     146<p style="line-height: 100%;">Parameters
    68147belonging to the group <span style="font-family: monospace;">inipar</span>
    69148are first read by PALM.
    84163(see chapter <a href="chapter_3.7.html">3.7</a>),
    85164further NAMELIST groups may be inserted before the group <span style="font-family: monospace;">userpar</span>.
    86 </p><p style="line-height: 100%;"><b>The
     167<p style="line-height: 100%;"><b>The
    87168initialization, run</b> and
    88169<b>package parameters</b> differ as follows: </p>
    89 <ul> <li> <p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%;">The <b>initialization
     174 <li>
     176    <p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%;">The <b>initialization
    90177parameters </b>are steering the basic settings of the model run.
    101188value<span style="font-family: thorndale,serif,mon;"> </span><span style="font-family: monospace; font-style: italic;">read_restart_data</span><span style="font-family: thorndale,serif,mon;"> for </span>restart
    102189runs). <br>
    103 &nbsp; </p> </li> <li> <p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%;">The <b>run
     192&nbsp; </p>
     194 </li>
     196 <li>
     198    <p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%;">The <b>run
    104199parameters</b> are generally steering actions to be carried out
    111206usually keep their values, provided that the NAMELIST input file was
    112207not changed by the user in the meantime). <br>
    113 &nbsp; </p> </li> <li> <p style="line-height: 100%;"><b>Package parameters</b>
     210&nbsp; </p>
     212 </li>
     214 <li>
     216    <p style="line-height: 100%;"><b>Package parameters</b>
    114217behave like <b>run parameters</b>. Package parameters
    115218determine the behavior of
    116 the additional (not user-defined) software packages . </p> </li>
    117 </ul><p style="line-height: 100%;">The user-defined
     219the additional (not user-defined) software packages . </p>
     221 </li>
     226<p style="line-height: 100%;">The user-defined
    118227parameters are assigned
    119228by the user within the NAMELIST group name <tt>&amp;userpar</tt>
    137246(described in <a href="chapter_3.2.html">chapter
    1382473.2</a>) for the execution of a model test run. </p>
    139250<p style="line-height: 100%;">PALM assigns default
    140251values to nearly all parameters. They become effective
    142253default values as well as the parameter name, type and its
    143254explanation are described in the lists of the following subsections. <br>
    144 &nbsp; </p>
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