[1080] | 1 | %$Id: canopy_model.tex 1515 2015-01-02 11:35:51Z gronemeier $ |
| 2 | \input{header_tmp.tex} |
| 3 | %\input{../header_lectures.tex} |
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| 25 | morecomment=[l]{!\ }% Comment only with space after ! |
| 26 | } |
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[1515] | 28 | |
| 29 | \institute{Institute of Meteorology and Climatology, Leibniz UniversitÀt Hannover} |
| 30 | \selectlanguage{english} |
[1080] | 31 | \date{last update: \today} |
| 32 | \event{PALM Seminar} |
| 33 | \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} |
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| 47 | %\logo{\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{luhimuk_logo.png}} |
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| 49 | \title[PALM's Canopy Model]{PALM's Canopy Model} |
[1515] | 50 | \author{PALM group} |
[1080] | 51 | |
| 52 | |
| 53 | % Notes: |
| 54 | % jede subsection bekommt einen punkt im menu (vertikal ausgerichtet. |
| 55 | % jeder frame in einer subsection bekommt einen punkt (horizontal ausgerichtet) |
| 56 | \begin{document} |
| 57 | |
| 58 | \begin{frame} |
| 59 | \titlepage |
| 60 | \end{frame} |
| 61 | |
| 62 | \section{PALM's Canopy Model} |
| 63 | \subsection{The embedded Canopy Model} |
| 64 | |
| 65 | %Folie 01 |
| 66 | \begin{frame} |
| 67 | \frametitle{Overview} |
| 68 | \begin{itemize} |
[1205] | 69 | \item<1->{The canopy model embedded in PALM can be used to study the effect of a plant canopy on e.g.:} |
[1080] | 70 | \begin{itemize} |
| 71 | \item<2->{mean flow field,} |
| 72 | \item<3->{development of coherent turbulence structures,} |
| 73 | \item<4->{scalar exchange processes between canopy and atmosphere.} |
| 74 | \end{itemize} |
[1515] | 75 | \item<5->{Within the canopy model, the plant canopy acts as a sink for momentum and as a source/sink for active (e.g. temperature) and passive (e.g. tracer) scalars.} |
| 76 | \item<6->{The canopy model does not account for each plant element, but rather accounts for a volume averaged effect on the flow and scalar concentration, depending on:} |
[1080] | 77 | \begin{itemize} |
[1205] | 78 | \item<7->{leaf area density,} |
[1515] | 79 | \item<8->{drag coefficient.} |
[1080] | 80 | \end{itemize} |
| 81 | \end{itemize} |
| 82 | \end{frame} |
| 83 | |
| 84 | |
| 85 | |
| 86 | %Folie 02 |
| 87 | \begin{frame} |
| 88 | \frametitle{Theory (I)} |
| 89 | \begin{footnotesize} |
| 90 | \begin{itemize} |
| 91 | \item<1->{A plant canopy affects the flow by acting as a momentum sink due to form and viscous drag forces.} |
| 92 | \item<2->{The effectiveness of momentum absorption depends on the amount of leaf area per unit volume and the aerodynamic drag.} |
[1515] | 93 | \item<3->{Due to the aerodynamic drag, the flow is decelerated within the canopy, leading to an inflection point in the vertical profile of the horizontal velocity at the canopy top. |
[1080] | 94 | \begin{center} |
| 95 | \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{canopy_model_figures/abb1.png} |
| 96 | \end{center} |
| 97 | } |
| 98 | \end{itemize} |
| 99 | \end{footnotesize} |
| 100 | \end{frame} |
| 101 | |
| 102 | |
| 103 | |
| 104 | %Folie 03 |
| 105 | \begin{frame} |
| 106 | \frametitle{Theory (II)} |
| 107 | \begin{footnotesize} |
| 108 | \begin{itemize} |
[1205] | 109 | \item<1->{The inflection point in the velocity profile introduces instabilities to the flow, leading to the formation of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves near the canopy top (\textcircled{{\tiny 1}}).} |
| 110 | \item<2->{Wave breaking induces further instabilities, whereby a longitudinal component is added to the developing turbulence structures (\textcircled{{\tiny 2}} \& \textcircled{{\tiny 3}}).} |
| 111 | \item<3->{Due to the persistent instabilities the turbulence structures develop a distinct three-dimensionality (\textcircled{{\tiny 4}}).} |
[1080] | 112 | \item<4->{The large turbulence structures developing due to the inflection point instability significantly contribute to the vertical mixing of in-canopy and above-canopy air. |
| 113 | \begin{center} |
| 114 | \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{canopy_model_figures/abb2.png} |
| 115 | \end{center} |
| 116 | } |
| 117 | \end{itemize} |
| 118 | \end{footnotesize} |
| 119 | \end{frame} |
| 120 | |
| 121 | |
| 122 | |
| 123 | %Folie 04 |
| 124 | \begin{frame} |
| 125 | \frametitle{Methods (I)} |
| 126 | \begin{footnotesize} |
| 127 | \begin{itemize} |
| 128 | \item<1->{The canopy model in PALM is based on the models used by Shaw and Schumann (1992) and Watanabe (2004).} |
| 129 | \item<2->{The aerodynamic effect of the canopy on the turbulent flow is accounted for by an additional term in the momentum equations:\\ |
| 130 | \begin{align*} |
| 131 | \frac{\partial \bar{u}_{i}}{\partial t} = \text{...} - c_{d} a U \bar{u}_{i} |
| 132 | \end{align*} |
| 133 | } |
| 134 | \begin{itemize} |
[1515] | 135 | \item<3->{ $c_{d}$ : drag coefficient} |
| 136 | \item<4->{ $a $ : leaf area density $[m^{2}m^{-3}]$} |
| 137 | \item<5->{ $U$ : $(u^{2} + v^{2} + w^{2})^{1/2}$ $[m s^{-1}]$} |
| 138 | \item<6->{ $u_{i}$ : velocity component ($u_{1}=u$, $u_{2}=v$, $u_{3}=w$)} |
[1080] | 139 | \end{itemize} |
| 140 | \end{itemize} |
[1515] | 141 | \uncover<7->{Note: The canopy model does not resolve the effect of single plant elements.} |
[1080] | 142 | \end{footnotesize} |
| 143 | \end{frame} |
| 144 | |
| 145 | |
| 146 | |
| 147 | %Folie 05 |
| 148 | \begin{frame} |
| 149 | \frametitle{Methods (II)} |
| 150 | \begin{footnotesize} |
| 151 | \begin{itemize} |
[1515] | 152 | \item<1->{The effect of the canopy on the subgrid scale turbulence is accounted for by adding a sink term to the prognostic equation for the subgrid scale turbulent kinetic energy:\\ |
[1080] | 153 | \begin{align*} |
| 154 | \frac{\partial e}{\partial t} = \text{...} - 2 c_{d} a U e |
| 155 | \end{align*} |
| 156 | } |
[1515] | 157 | \item<2->{It is assumed that the subgrid scale turbulent kinetic energy is dissipated by the canopy due to the rapid dissipation of wake turbulence in the lee of canopy elements (e.g. Watanabe, 2004).} |
[1080] | 158 | \end{itemize} |
| 159 | \end{footnotesize} |
| 160 | \end{frame} |
| 161 | |
| 162 | |
| 163 | |
| 164 | %Folie 06 |
| 165 | \begin{frame} |
| 166 | \frametitle{Methods (III)} |
| 167 | \begin{footnotesize} |
| 168 | \begin{itemize} |
| 169 | \item<1->{If desired, the effect of the canopy on the sensible heat transport can be considered. A source term is added to the prognostic equation for potential temperature:\\ |
| 170 | \begin{align*} |
| 171 | \frac{\partial \bar{\theta}}{\partial t} = \text{...} + S_{\theta} |
| 172 | \end{align*} |
| 173 | } |
[1515] | 174 | \item<2->{It is assumed that the foliage is warmed by the penetrating solar radiation and, in turn, warms the surrounding air.} |
[1205] | 175 | \item<3->{The source strength $S_{\theta}$ is defined as the vertical derivative of the upward kinematic vertical heat flux $Q_{\theta}$, given by (Shaw and Schumann, 1992):\\ |
[1080] | 176 | \begin{align*} |
| 177 | Q_{\theta}(z) = Q_{\theta}(h) exp(-\alpha F) \text{ , } Q_{\theta}(h) \text{ : Heat flux at canopy top} |
| 178 | \end{align*} |
| 179 | } |
| 180 | \begin{itemize} |
| 181 | \item<4->{ $\alpha = 0.6$ (extinction coefficient)} |
| 182 | \item<5->{ $F = \int\limits_{z}^{h} a \: dz$ (downward cumulative leaf area index)} |
| 183 | \end{itemize} |
| 184 | \end{itemize} |
| 185 | \end{footnotesize} |
| 186 | \end{frame} |
| 187 | |
| 188 | |
| 189 | |
| 190 | %Folie 07 |
| 191 | \begin{frame} |
| 192 | \frametitle{Methods (IV)} |
| 193 | \begin{footnotesize} |
| 194 | \begin{itemize} |
| 195 | \item<1->{The canopy might act as a sink or source for other scalars $q$ (e.g. humidity, passive tracer). Therefore, an additional term is added to the scalar transport equation:\\ |
| 196 | \begin{align*} |
| 197 | \frac{\partial \bar{q}}{\partial t} = \text{...} - c_{q} a U (\bar{q} - q_{c}) |
| 198 | \end{align*} |
| 199 | } |
| 200 | \begin{itemize} |
| 201 | \item<2->{ $c_{q}$ : scalar exchange coefficient} |
| 202 | \item<3->{ $q_{c}$ : scalar concentration at leaf surface} |
| 203 | \end{itemize} |
| 204 | \end{itemize} |
| 205 | \end{footnotesize} |
| 206 | \end{frame} |
| 207 | |
| 208 | |
| 209 | |
| 210 | %Folie 08 |
| 211 | \begin{frame} |
| 212 | \frametitle{Basics (I)} |
| 213 | \begin{itemize} |
[1515] | 214 | \item<1->{The canopy model is switched on by setting the parameter {\small \texttt{plant\_canopy = .TRUE.}} within the \&inipar {\small \texttt{NAMELIST}} in the parameter file ({\small \texttt{PARIN}}).} |
[1080] | 215 | \item<2->{All parameters for steering the canopy model are described in:\\ |
[1515] | 216 | {\scriptsize Documentation $\rightarrow$ Model steering $\rightarrow$ Parameters $\rightarrow$ Initialization $\rightarrow$ Canopy}\\ |
[1080] | 217 | (http://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de) |
| 218 | } |
[1515] | 219 | \item<3->{The following slides will describe how to set up a simulation with a simple horizontally homogeneous canopy block covering the entire model domain surface. In this case, {\small \texttt{canopy\_mode = 'block'}} must be set in \&inipar {\small \texttt{NAMELIST}}.} |
[1080] | 220 | \end{itemize} |
| 221 | \end{frame} |
| 222 | |
| 223 | |
| 224 | |
| 225 | %Folie 09 |
| 226 | \begin{frame} |
[1515] | 227 | \frametitle{Basic canopy parameter (I)} |
| 228 | The parameters for steering the canopy model have to be added to the \&inipar {\small \texttt{NAMELIST}} in the parameter file ({\small \texttt{PARIN}}).\\ |
[1080] | 229 | \begin{itemize} |
[1515] | 230 | \item<1->{Step I: Define the upper boundary of the plant canopy layer using the parameter {\small \texttt{pch\_index (grid point index, default 0)}}. {\small \texttt{pch\_index}} specifies the number of grid points resolving the canopy layer in the vertical direction.} |
[1080] | 231 | \end{itemize} |
| 232 | \vspace{10pt} |
| 233 | |
| 234 | \tikzstyle{background} = [rectangle, fill=gray!10, text width=1\textwidth, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=10em] |
| 235 | \tikzstyle{Key1} = [rectangle, draw, fill=gray!70, text width=0.05, minimum size=0.05, font=\tiny] |
| 236 | \tikzstyle{Key2} = [rectangle, draw, fill=green!90, text width=0.05, minimum size=0.05, font=\tiny] |
| 237 | \tikzstyle{Key3} = [rectangle, text width=3.0cm, minimum size=16pt, font=\tiny] |
| 238 | |
| 239 | \begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex'] |
| 240 | %%% Edit the following coordinate to change the shape of your |
| 241 | %%% cuboid |
| 242 | |
| 243 | %% Vanishing points for perspective handling |
| 244 | \coordinate (P1) at (-4cm,1.5cm); % left vanishing point (To pick) |
| 245 | \coordinate (P2) at (10cm,1.5cm); % right vanishing point (To pick) |
| 246 | |
| 247 | %% (A1) and (A2) defines the 2 central points of the cuboid |
| 248 | \coordinate (A1) at (0cm,0cm); % central top point (To pick) |
| 249 | \coordinate (A2) at (0cm,-2cm); % central bottom point (To pick) |
| 250 | |
| 251 | %% (A3) to (A8) are computed given a unique parameter (or 2) .8 |
| 252 | % You can vary .8 from 0 to 1 to change perspective on left side |
| 253 | \coordinate (A3) at ($(P1)!.8!(A2)$); % To pick for perspective |
| 254 | \coordinate (A4) at ($(P1)!.8!(A1)$); |
| 255 | |
| 256 | % You can vary .8 from 0 to 1 to change perspective on right side |
| 257 | \coordinate (A7) at ($(P2)!.7!(A2)$); |
| 258 | \coordinate (A8) at ($(P2)!.7!(A1)$); |
| 259 | |
| 260 | %% Automatically compute the last 2 points with intersections |
| 261 | \coordinate (A5) at |
| 262 | (intersection cs: first line={(A8) -- (P1)}, |
| 263 | second line={(A4) -- (P2)}); |
| 264 | \coordinate (A6) at |
| 265 | (intersection cs: first line={(A7) -- (P1)}, |
| 266 | second line={(A3) -- (P2)}); |
| 267 | |
| 268 | %% Drawing the canopy layer |
| 269 | \coordinate (A9) at (0em,-1.7cm); % central bottom point (To pick) |
| 270 | \coordinate (A10) at ($(P2)!.7!(A9)$); |
| 271 | \coordinate (A12) at ($(P1)!.8!(A9)$); % To pick for perspective |
| 272 | \coordinate (A11) at |
| 273 | (intersection cs: first line={(A10) -- (P1)}, |
| 274 | second line={(A12) -- (P2)}); |
| 275 | |
| 276 | %%% Depending of what you want to display, you can comment/edit |
| 277 | %%% the following lines |
| 278 | |
| 279 | {\node [background, right=-0.8cm of A12] (background) {};} |
| 280 | |
| 281 | %% Possibly draw back faces |
| 282 | |
| 283 | \fill[gray!70] (A2) -- (A3) -- (A6) -- (A7) -- cycle; % face 6 |
| 284 | \node at (barycentric cs:A2=1,A3=1,A6=1,A7=1) {\tiny }; |
| 285 | |
| 286 | \fill[gray!30] (A3) -- (A4) -- (A5) -- (A6) -- cycle; % face 3 |
| 287 | \node at (barycentric cs:A3=1,A4=1,A5=1,A6=1) {\tiny }; |
| 288 | |
| 289 | \fill[gray!10] (A5) -- (A6) -- (A7) -- (A8) -- cycle; % face 4 |
| 290 | \node at (barycentric cs:A5=1,A6=1,A7=1,A8=1) {\tiny }; |
| 291 | |
| 292 | |
| 293 | \fill[green!90] (A9) -- (A10) -- (A11) -- (A12) -- cycle; % face 7 |
| 294 | \node at (barycentric cs:A9=1,A10=1,A11=1,A12=1) {\tiny }; |
| 295 | |
| 296 | \fill[green!100] (A9) -- (A12) -- (A3) -- (A2) -- cycle; % face 8 |
| 297 | \node at (barycentric cs:A9=1,A12=1,A3=1,A2=1) {\tiny }; |
| 298 | |
| 299 | \fill[green!100] (A9) -- (A10) -- (A7) -- (A2) -- cycle; % face 9 |
| 300 | \node at (barycentric cs:A9=1,A10=1,A7=1,A2=1) {\tiny }; |
| 301 | |
| 302 | \draw[thin,dashed] (A5) -- (A6); |
| 303 | \draw[thin,dashed] (A3) -- (A6); |
| 304 | \draw[thin,dashed] (A7) -- (A6); |
| 305 | |
| 306 | \draw[thin,dashed] (A11) -- (A12); |
| 307 | \draw[thin,dashed] (A10) -- (A11); |
| 308 | |
| 309 | %% Possibly draw front faces |
| 310 | |
| 311 | % \fill[orange] (A1) -- (A8) -- (A7) -- (A2) -- cycle; % face 1 |
| 312 | % \node at (barycentric cs:A1=1,A8=1,A7=1,A2=1) {\tiny f1}; |
| 313 | \fill[gray!50,opacity=0.2] (A1) -- (A2) -- (A3) -- (A4) -- cycle; % f2 |
| 314 | \node at (barycentric cs:A1=1,A2=1,A3=1,A4=1) {\tiny }; |
| 315 | \fill[gray!90,opacity=0.2] (A1) -- (A4) -- (A5) -- (A8) -- cycle; % f5 |
| 316 | \node at (barycentric cs:A1=1,A4=1,A5=1,A8=1) {\tiny }; |
| 317 | |
| 318 | %% Possibly draw front lines |
| 319 | \draw[thin] (A1) -- (A2); |
| 320 | \draw[thin] (A3) -- (A4); |
| 321 | \draw[thin] (A7) -- (A8); |
| 322 | \draw[thin] (A1) -- (A4); |
| 323 | \draw[thin] (A1) -- (A8); |
| 324 | \draw[thin] (A2) -- (A3); |
| 325 | \draw[thin] (A2) -- (A7); |
| 326 | \draw[thin] (A4) -- (A5); |
| 327 | \draw[thin] (A8) -- (A5); |
| 328 | |
| 329 | \draw[thin] (A9) -- (A10); |
| 330 | \draw[thin] (A9) -- (A12); |
| 331 | |
| 332 | % Possibly draw points |
| 333 | % (it can help you understand the cuboid structure) |
| 334 | \foreach \i in {1,2,...,12} |
| 335 | { |
| 336 | % \draw[fill=black] (A\i) circle (0.05em) |
| 337 | % node[above right] {\tiny \i}; |
| 338 | } |
| 339 | % \draw[fill=black] (P1) circle (0.1em) node[below] {\tiny p1}; |
| 340 | % \draw[fill=black] (P2) circle (0.1em) node[below] {\tiny p2}; |
| 341 | |
| 342 | %Key |
| 343 | \coordinate (K1) at (0.5cm,-2.3cm); |
| 344 | \coordinate (K2) at (0.5cm,-2.7cm); |
| 345 | |
| 346 | |
| 347 | \node [Key1, right=0.0cm of K1] (key1) {}; |
| 348 | \node [Key2, right=0.0cm of K2] (key2) {}; |
| 349 | \node [Key3, right=0.4cm of K1] (key11) {Total model domain}; |
| 350 | \node [Key3, right=0.4cm of K2] (key21) {Plant canopy volume}; |
| 351 | |
| 352 | %% frame specific elements |
| 353 | \node [Key3, right=0.45cm of A10] (label1) {\texttt{zw(pch\_index)} = canopy top}; |
| 354 | \node [Key3, right=0.05cm of A10] (label0) {}; |
| 355 | |
| 356 | \draw[<-] (label0) -- (label1); |
| 357 | \end{tikzpicture} |
| 358 | |
| 359 | |
| 360 | \end{frame} |
| 361 | |
| 362 | |
| 363 | |
| 364 | %Folie 10 |
| 365 | \begin{frame} |
[1515] | 366 | \frametitle{Basic canopy parameter (II)} |
[1080] | 367 | \begin{itemize} |
| 368 | \item<1->{ Step II: Construct the vertical profile of the leaf area density (lad) to prescribe the distribution of leaf area within the plant canopy volume.\\ |
[1515] | 369 | The canopy top is located between {\small \texttt{zu(pch\_index)}} and {\small \texttt{zu(pch\_index + 1)}} because this is the transition between the in-canopy grid point and the above-canopy grid point. |
| 370 | } |
[1080] | 371 | \end{itemize} |
| 372 | \vspace{10pt} |
| 373 | |
| 374 | \tikzstyle{background} = [rectangle, fill=gray!10, text width=1\textwidth, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=10em] |
| 375 | \tikzstyle{Key1} = [rectangle, draw, fill=gray!70, text width=0.05, minimum size=0.05, font=\tiny] |
| 376 | \tikzstyle{Key2} = [rectangle, draw, fill=green!90, text width=0.05, minimum size=0.05, font=\tiny] |
| 377 | \tikzstyle{Key3} = [rectangle, text width=4.5cm, minimum size=16pt, font=\tiny] |
| 378 | \tikzstyle{label} = [rectangle, text width=2.0cm, align=center, minimum size=16pt, font=\tiny] |
| 379 | |
| 380 | \begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex'] |
| 381 | %%% Edit the following coordinate to change the shape of your |
| 382 | %%% cuboid |
| 383 | |
| 384 | %% Vanishing points for perspective handling |
| 385 | \coordinate (P1) at (-4cm,1.5cm); % left vanishing point (To pick) |
| 386 | \coordinate (P2) at (10cm,1.5cm); % right vanishing point (To pick) |
| 387 | |
| 388 | %% (A1) and (A2) defines the 2 central points of the cuboid |
| 389 | \coordinate (A1) at (0cm,0cm); % central top point (To pick) |
| 390 | \coordinate (A2) at (0cm,-2cm); % central bottom point (To pick) |
| 391 | |
| 392 | %% (A3) to (A8) are computed given a unique parameter (or 2) .8 |
| 393 | % You can vary .8 from 0 to 1 to change perspective on left side |
| 394 | \coordinate (A3) at ($(P1)!.8!(A2)$); % To pick for perspective |
| 395 | \coordinate (A4) at ($(P1)!.8!(A1)$); |
| 396 | |
| 397 | % You can vary .8 from 0 to 1 to change perspective on right side |
| 398 | \coordinate (A7) at ($(P2)!.7!(A2)$); |
| 399 | \coordinate (A8) at ($(P2)!.7!(A1)$); |
| 400 | |
| 401 | %% Automatically compute the last 2 points with intersections |
| 402 | \coordinate (A5) at |
| 403 | (intersection cs: first line={(A8) -- (P1)}, |
| 404 | second line={(A4) -- (P2)}); |
| 405 | \coordinate (A6) at |
| 406 | (intersection cs: first line={(A7) -- (P1)}, |
| 407 | second line={(A3) -- (P2)}); |
| 408 | |
| 409 | %% Drawing the canopy layer |
| 410 | \coordinate (A9) at (0em,-1.7cm); % central bottom point (To pick) |
| 411 | \coordinate (A10) at ($(P2)!.7!(A9)$); |
| 412 | \coordinate (A12) at ($(P1)!.8!(A9)$); % To pick for perspective |
| 413 | \coordinate (A11) at |
| 414 | (intersection cs: first line={(A10) -- (P1)}, |
| 415 | second line={(A12) -- (P2)}); |
| 416 | |
| 417 | %%% Depending of what you want to display, you can comment/edit |
| 418 | %%% the following lines |
| 419 | |
| 420 | {\node [background, right=-0.8cm of A12] (background) {};} |
| 421 | |
| 422 | %% Possibly draw back faces |
| 423 | |
| 424 | \fill[gray!70] (A2) -- (A3) -- (A6) -- (A7) -- cycle; % face 6 |
| 425 | \node at (barycentric cs:A2=1,A3=1,A6=1,A7=1) {\tiny }; |
| 426 | |
| 427 | \fill[gray!30] (A3) -- (A4) -- (A5) -- (A6) -- cycle; % face 3 |
| 428 | \node at (barycentric cs:A3=1,A4=1,A5=1,A6=1) {\tiny }; |
| 429 | |
| 430 | \fill[gray!10] (A5) -- (A6) -- (A7) -- (A8) -- cycle; % face 4 |
| 431 | \node at (barycentric cs:A5=1,A6=1,A7=1,A8=1) {\tiny }; |
| 432 | |
| 433 | |
| 434 | \fill[green!90] (A9) -- (A10) -- (A11) -- (A12) -- cycle; % face 7 |
| 435 | \node at (barycentric cs:A9=1,A10=1,A11=1,A12=1) {\tiny }; |
| 436 | |
| 437 | \fill[green!100] (A9) -- (A12) -- (A3) -- (A2) -- cycle; % face 8 |
| 438 | \node at (barycentric cs:A9=1,A12=1,A3=1,A2=1) {\tiny }; |
| 439 | |
| 440 | \fill[green!100] (A9) -- (A10) -- (A7) -- (A2) -- cycle; % face 9 |
| 441 | \node at (barycentric cs:A9=1,A10=1,A7=1,A2=1) {\tiny }; |
| 442 | |
| 443 | \draw[thin,dashed] (A5) -- (A6); |
| 444 | \draw[thin,dashed] (A3) -- (A6); |
| 445 | \draw[thin,dashed] (A7) -- (A6); |
| 446 | |
| 447 | \draw[thin,dashed] (A11) -- (A12); |
| 448 | \draw[thin,dashed] (A10) -- (A11); |
| 449 | |
| 450 | %% Possibly draw front faces |
| 451 | |
| 452 | % \fill[orange] (A1) -- (A8) -- (A7) -- (A2) -- cycle; % face 1 |
| 453 | % \node at (barycentric cs:A1=1,A8=1,A7=1,A2=1) {\tiny f1}; |
| 454 | \fill[gray!50,opacity=0.2] (A1) -- (A2) -- (A3) -- (A4) -- cycle; % f2 |
| 455 | \node at (barycentric cs:A1=1,A2=1,A3=1,A4=1) {\tiny }; |
| 456 | \fill[gray!90,opacity=0.2] (A1) -- (A4) -- (A5) -- (A8) -- cycle; % f5 |
| 457 | \node at (barycentric cs:A1=1,A4=1,A5=1,A8=1) {\tiny }; |
| 458 | |
| 459 | %% Possibly draw front lines |
| 460 | \draw[thin] (A1) -- (A2); |
| 461 | \draw[thin] (A3) -- (A4); |
| 462 | \draw[thin] (A7) -- (A8); |
| 463 | \draw[thin] (A1) -- (A4); |
| 464 | \draw[thin] (A1) -- (A8); |
| 465 | \draw[thin] (A2) -- (A3); |
| 466 | \draw[thin] (A2) -- (A7); |
| 467 | \draw[thin] (A4) -- (A5); |
| 468 | \draw[thin] (A8) -- (A5); |
| 469 | |
| 470 | \draw[thin] (A9) -- (A10); |
| 471 | \draw[thin] (A9) -- (A12); |
| 472 | |
| 473 | % Possibly draw points |
| 474 | % (it can help you understand the cuboid structure) |
| 475 | \foreach \i in {1,2,...,12} |
| 476 | { |
| 477 | % \draw[fill=black] (A\i) circle (0.05em) |
| 478 | % node[above right] {\tiny \i}; |
| 479 | } |
| 480 | % \draw[fill=black] (P1) circle (0.1em) node[below] {\tiny p1}; |
| 481 | % \draw[fill=black] (P2) circle (0.1em) node[below] {\tiny p2}; |
| 482 | |
| 483 | %Key |
| 484 | \coordinate (K1) at (0.5cm,-2.3cm); |
| 485 | \coordinate (K2) at (0.5cm,-2.7cm); |
| 486 | |
| 487 | |
| 488 | \node [Key1, right=0.0cm of K1] (key1) {}; |
| 489 | \node [Key2, right=0.0cm of K2] (key2) {}; |
| 490 | \node [Key3, right=0.4cm of K1] (key11) {Total model domain}; |
| 491 | \node [Key3, right=0.4cm of K2] (key21) {Plant canopy volume}; |
| 492 | |
| 493 | %% frame specific elements |
| 494 | |
| 495 | %% boundary layer profile 2D |
| 496 | \coordinate (B1) at (4.0cm,0.3cm); |
| 497 | \coordinate (B2) at (4.0cm,-2.5cm); |
| 498 | |
| 499 | \coordinate (B3) at (4.0cm,0.6cm); |
| 500 | \coordinate (B4) at (6.6cm,-2.5cm); |
| 501 | |
| 502 | \draw[thin, dotted] (A10) -- (B1); |
| 503 | \draw[thin, dotted] (A7) -- (B2); |
| 504 | \draw[<-] (B3) -- (B2); |
| 505 | \draw[<-] (B4) -- (B2); |
| 506 | |
| 507 | \coordinate (xlab) at (5.3cm,-2.5cm); |
| 508 | \coordinate (ylab) at (4.0cm,-1.1cm); |
| 509 | \node [label, below=0.0cm of xlab] (xlabel) {lad $[m^{2}m^{-3}]$}; |
| 510 | \node [label, rotate=90, above=0.0cm of ylab] (ylabel) {z$[m]$}; |
| 511 | |
| 512 | |
| 513 | \coordinate (B5) at (4.5cm,-2.5cm); |
| 514 | % \draw [-,color=red] (B1) to [out=-10,in=90,looseness=2.0, relative=false] .. controls (4,0) and (5,0) .. (B5); |
| 515 | \draw {(B1) .. controls (8.0,-0.2) and (4.5,-1.0) .. (B5)}; |
| 516 | |
| 517 | \draw [decorate, decoration={markings, |
| 518 | mark=at position 00mm with{\draw[fill=black] (0,0) circle (0.1em);}, |
| 519 | mark=at position 04mm with{\draw[fill=black] (0,0) circle (0.1em);}, |
| 520 | mark=at position 08mm with{\draw[fill=black] (0,0) circle (0.1em);}, |
| 521 | mark=at position 12mm with{\draw[fill=black] (0,0) circle (0.1em);}, |
| 522 | mark=at position 16mm with{\draw[fill=black] (0,0) circle (0.1em);}, |
| 523 | mark=at position 20mm with{\draw[fill=black] (0,0) circle (0.1em);}, |
| 524 | mark=at position 24mm with{\draw[fill=black] (0,0) circle (0.1em);}, |
| 525 | mark=at position 28mm with{\draw[fill=black] (0,0) circle (0.1em);}, |
| 526 | mark=at position 32mm with{\draw[fill=black] (0,0) circle (0.1em);}, |
| 527 | mark=at position 36mm with{\draw[fill=black] (0,0) circle (0.1em);}, |
| 528 | mark=at position 40mm with{\draw[fill=black] (0,0) circle (0.1em);}, |
| 529 | mark=at position 44mm with{\draw[fill=black] (0,0) circle (0.1em);}, |
| 530 | }] |
| 531 | {(B5) .. controls (4.5,-1.0) and (8.0,-0.2) .. (B1)}; |
| 532 | |
| 533 | \node [Key3, right=1.1cm of B1] (label1) {\texttt{zu(pch\_index + 1)}: lad = 0.0 (default)}; |
| 534 | \node [Key3, left=0.1cm of B1] (label0) {}; |
| 535 | \draw[-, dashed] (label0) -- (label1); |
| 536 | |
| 537 | \coordinate (curvelabel00) at (4.65cm,-2.45cm); |
| 538 | \coordinate (curvelabel01) at (5.0cm,-2.25cm); |
| 539 | \draw[<-] (curvelabel00) -- (curvelabel01); |
| 540 | \node [Key3, right=0.0cm of curvelabel01] (curvelabel02) {\texttt{lad\_surface} (default 0.0)}; |
| 541 | |
| 542 | \coordinate (curvelabel10) at (5.4cm,-1.3cm); |
| 543 | \coordinate (curvelabel11) at (5.6cm,-1.6cm); |
| 544 | \draw[<-] (curvelabel10) -- (curvelabel11); |
| 545 | \node [Key3, right=0.0cm of curvelabel11] (curvelabel12) {\texttt{lad\_vertical\_gradient\_level} (5)}; |
| 546 | |
| 547 | \coordinate (curvelabel10) at (5.47cm,-1.05cm); |
| 548 | \coordinate (curvelabel11) at (5.8cm,-1.3cm); |
| 549 | \draw[<-] (curvelabel10) -- (curvelabel11); |
| 550 | \node [Key3, right=0.0cm of curvelabel11] (curvelabel12) {\texttt{lad\_vertical\_gradient} (5)}; |
| 551 | |
| 552 | \coordinate (curvelabel10) at (5.7cm,-0.93cm); |
| 553 | \coordinate (curvelabel11) at (5.9cm,-1.0cm); |
| 554 | \draw[<-] (curvelabel10) -- (curvelabel11); |
| 555 | \node [Key3, right=0.0cm of curvelabel11] (curvelabel12) {\texttt{lad\_vertical\_gradient\_level} (6)}; |
| 556 | \end{tikzpicture} |
| 557 | |
| 558 | |
| 559 | \end{frame} |
| 560 | |
| 561 | |
| 562 | |
[1515] | 563 | %Folie 11 |
[1080] | 564 | \begin{frame} |
[1515] | 565 | \frametitle{Basic canopy parameter (III)} |
[1080] | 566 | \begin{footnotesize} |
| 567 | \begin{itemize} |
[1515] | 568 | \item<1->{Step III: Prescribe a value for the parameter {\small \texttt{drag\_coefficient (default 0.0)}}. The drag coefficient is a dimensionless factor describing the magnitude of the form drag by the canopy working against the flow. A larger form drag results in a greater momentum reduction.} |
[1080] | 569 | \end{itemize} |
| 570 | |
| 571 | |
| 572 | \begin{minipage}{0.47\textwidth} |
| 573 | \begin{center} |
| 574 | \includegraphics[width=1\textwidth]{canopy_model_figures/large.png}\\ |
| 575 | \end{center} |
| 576 | \end{minipage} |
| 577 | \hfill |
| 578 | \begin{minipage}{0.47\textwidth} |
| 579 | \begin{center} |
| 580 | \includegraphics[width=1\textwidth]{canopy_model_figures/small.png}\\ |
| 581 | \end{center} |
| 582 | \end{minipage} |
| 583 | |
| 584 | \begin{minipage}{0.47\textwidth} |
| 585 | \begin{center} |
| 586 | Strong trees offer a larger form drag to the flow. |
| 587 | \end{center} |
| 588 | \end{minipage} |
| 589 | \hfill |
| 590 | \begin{minipage}{0.47\textwidth} |
| 591 | \begin{center} |
| 592 | Young / small trees offer a smaller form drag to the flow because they are more flexible. |
| 593 | \end{center} |
| 594 | \end{minipage} |
| 595 | |
| 596 | \end{footnotesize} |
| 597 | |
| 598 | \end{frame} |
| 599 | |
| 600 | |
| 601 | |
[1515] | 602 | %Folie 12 |
[1080] | 603 | \begin{frame} |
[1515] | 604 | \frametitle{Basic canopy parameter (IV)} |
[1080] | 605 | \begin{itemize} |
[1515] | 606 | \item<1->{For steering the effect of the canopy sensible heat transfer, prescribe a value for the sensible heat flux at the canopy top, using the parameter \texttt{cthf} (see Methods (III)).} |
| 607 | \item<2->{The sink/source effect of the canopy on other scalar quantities, such as humidity or a passive tracer can be steered by the parameters \texttt{leaf\_surface\_concentration} and \texttt{scalar\_exchange\_coefficient} (see Methods (IV)).} |
[1080] | 608 | \end{itemize} |
| 609 | \end{frame} |
| 610 | |
| 611 | |
| 612 | |
[1515] | 613 | %Folie 13 |
[1080] | 614 | \begin{frame} |
| 615 | \frametitle{User-defined canopy} |
| 616 | \begin{footnotesize} |
| 617 | Do you want to simulate a more customized canopy, which e.g. covers only half the model surface?\\ |
| 618 | \begin{itemize} |
[1205] | 619 | \item<2->{Step I: Copy the file \texttt{user\_init\_plant\_canopy.f90} from {\small \texttt{trunk/SOURCE}} to the directory {\small \texttt{\$Home/palm/current\_version/USER\_CODE/<enter job name>}} and make the desired changes for {\small \texttt{CASE ('user\_defined\_canopy\_1')}}.} |
[1080] | 620 | \item<3->{Step II: In your parameter file set: {\scriptsize \texttt{canopy\_mode = 'user\_defined\_canopy\_1'}}} |
| 621 | \end{itemize} |
| 622 | \end{footnotesize} |
| 623 | \vspace{7pt} |
[1205] | 624 | |
[1080] | 625 | \tikzstyle{background} = [rectangle, fill=gray!10, text width=1\textwidth, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=10em] |
| 626 | \tikzstyle{Key1} = [rectangle, draw, fill=gray!70, text width=0.05, minimum size=0.05, font=\tiny] |
| 627 | \tikzstyle{Key2} = [rectangle, draw, fill=green!90, text width=0.05, minimum size=0.05, font=\tiny] |
| 628 | \tikzstyle{Key3} = [rectangle, text width=2.0cm, minimum size=4pt, font=\tiny] |
| 629 | \tikzstyle{text1} = [rectangle, text width=0.4\textwidth, minimum height=10em] |
| 630 | \begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex'] |
| 631 | %%% Edit the following coordinate to change the shape of your |
| 632 | %%% cuboid |
| 633 | |
| 634 | %% Vanishing points for perspective handling |
| 635 | \coordinate (P1) at (-4cm,1.5cm); % left vanishing point (To pick) |
| 636 | \coordinate (P2) at (10cm,1.5cm); % right vanishing point (To pick) |
| 637 | |
| 638 | %% (A1) and (A2) defines the 2 central points of the cuboid |
| 639 | \coordinate (A1) at (0cm,0cm); % central top point (To pick) |
| 640 | \coordinate (A2) at (0cm,-2cm); % central bottom point (To pick) |
| 641 | |
| 642 | %% (A3) to (A8) are computed given a unique parameter (or 2) .8 |
| 643 | % You can vary .8 from 0 to 1 to change perspective on left side |
| 644 | \coordinate (A3) at ($(P1)!.8!(A2)$); % To pick for perspective |
| 645 | \coordinate (A4) at ($(P1)!.8!(A1)$); |
| 646 | |
| 647 | % You can vary .8 from 0 to 1 to change perspective on right side |
| 648 | \coordinate (A7) at ($(P2)!.7!(A2)$); |
| 649 | \coordinate (A8) at ($(P2)!.7!(A1)$); |
| 650 | |
| 651 | %% Automatically compute the last 2 points with intersections |
| 652 | \coordinate (A5) at |
| 653 | (intersection cs: first line={(A8) -- (P1)}, |
| 654 | second line={(A4) -- (P2)}); |
| 655 | \coordinate (A6) at |
| 656 | (intersection cs: first line={(A7) -- (P1)}, |
| 657 | second line={(A3) -- (P2)}); |
| 658 | |
| 659 | %% Drawing the canopy layer |
| 660 | \coordinate (A9) at (0em,-1.7cm); % central bottom point (To pick) |
| 661 | \coordinate (A10) at ($(P2)!.7!(A9)$); |
| 662 | \coordinate (A12) at ($(P1)!.8!(A9)$); % To pick for perspective |
| 663 | \coordinate (A11) at |
| 664 | (intersection cs: first line={(A10) -- (P1)}, |
| 665 | second line={(A12) -- (P2)}); |
| 666 | |
| 667 | \coordinate (A13) at ($(A9)!.54!(A10)$); |
| 668 | \coordinate (A14) at ($(A2)!.54!(A7)$); |
| 669 | |
| 670 | \coordinate (A15) at |
| 671 | (intersection cs: first line={(A13) -- (P1)}, |
| 672 | second line={(A12) -- (P2)}); |
| 673 | \coordinate (A16) at |
| 674 | (intersection cs: first line={(A14) -- (P1)}, |
| 675 | second line={(A3) -- (P2)}); |
| 676 | %%% Depending of what you want to display, you can comment/edit |
| 677 | %%% the following lines |
| 678 | |
| 679 | {\node [background, right=-0.8cm of A12] (background) {};} |
| 680 | |
| 681 | %% Possibly draw back faces |
| 682 | |
| 683 | \fill[gray!70] (A2) -- (A3) -- (A6) -- (A7) -- cycle; % face 6 |
| 684 | \node at (barycentric cs:A2=1,A3=1,A6=1,A7=1) {\tiny }; |
| 685 | |
| 686 | \fill[gray!30] (A3) -- (A4) -- (A5) -- (A6) -- cycle; % face 3 |
| 687 | \node at (barycentric cs:A3=1,A4=1,A5=1,A6=1) {\tiny }; |
| 688 | |
| 689 | \fill[gray!10] (A5) -- (A6) -- (A7) -- (A8) -- cycle; % face 4 |
| 690 | \node at (barycentric cs:A5=1,A6=1,A7=1,A8=1) {\tiny }; |
| 691 | |
| 692 | |
| 693 | \fill[green!90] (A13) -- (A10) -- (A11) -- (A15) -- cycle; % face 4 |
| 694 | \node at (barycentric cs:A9=1,A10=1,A11=1,A12=1) {\tiny }; |
| 695 | |
| 696 | \fill[green!100] (A13) -- (A15) -- (A16) -- (A14) -- cycle; % face 4 |
| 697 | \node at (barycentric cs:A9=1,A12=1,A3=1,A2=1) {\tiny }; |
| 698 | |
| 699 | \fill[green!100] (A13) -- (A10) -- (A7) -- (A14) -- cycle; % face 4 |
| 700 | \node at (barycentric cs:A9=1,A10=1,A7=1,A2=1) {\tiny }; |
| 701 | |
| 702 | \draw[thin,dashed] (A5) -- (A6); |
| 703 | \draw[thin,dashed] (A3) -- (A6); |
| 704 | \draw[thin,dashed] (A7) -- (A6); |
| 705 | |
| 706 | \draw[thin,dashed] (A11) -- (A15); |
| 707 | \draw[thin,dashed] (A10) -- (A11); |
| 708 | |
| 709 | %% Possibly draw front faces |
| 710 | |
| 711 | % \fill[orange] (A1) -- (A8) -- (A7) -- (A2) -- cycle; % face 1 |
| 712 | % \node at (barycentric cs:A1=1,A8=1,A7=1,A2=1) {\tiny f1}; |
| 713 | \fill[gray!50,opacity=0.2] (A1) -- (A2) -- (A3) -- (A4) -- cycle; % f2 |
| 714 | \node at (barycentric cs:A1=1,A2=1,A3=1,A4=1) {\tiny }; |
| 715 | \fill[gray!90,opacity=0.2] (A1) -- (A4) -- (A5) -- (A8) -- cycle; % f5 |
| 716 | \node at (barycentric cs:A1=1,A4=1,A5=1,A8=1) {\tiny }; |
| 717 | |
| 718 | %% Possibly draw front lines |
| 719 | \draw[thin] (A1) -- (A2); |
| 720 | \draw[thin] (A3) -- (A4); |
| 721 | \draw[thin] (A7) -- (A8); |
| 722 | \draw[thin] (A1) -- (A4); |
| 723 | \draw[thin] (A1) -- (A8); |
| 724 | \draw[thin] (A2) -- (A3); |
| 725 | \draw[thin] (A2) -- (A7); |
| 726 | \draw[thin] (A4) -- (A5); |
| 727 | \draw[thin] (A8) -- (A5); |
| 728 | |
| 729 | \draw[thin] (A13) -- (A10); |
| 730 | \draw[thin] (A13) -- (A15); |
| 731 | \draw[thin] (A14) -- (A16); |
| 732 | \draw[thin] (A13) -- (A14); |
| 733 | \draw[thin] (A15) -- (A16); |
| 734 | |
| 735 | % Possibly draw points |
| 736 | % (it can help you understand the cuboid structure) |
| 737 | \foreach \i in {1,2,...,16} |
| 738 | { |
| 739 | % \draw[fill=black] (A\i) circle (0.05em) |
| 740 | % node[above right] {\tiny \i}; |
| 741 | } |
| 742 | % \draw[fill=black] (P1) circle (0.1em) node[below] {\tiny p1}; |
| 743 | % \draw[fill=black] (P2) circle (0.1em) node[below] {\tiny p2}; |
| 744 | |
| 745 | %Key |
| 746 | \coordinate (K1) at (0.5cm,-2.3cm); |
| 747 | \coordinate (K2) at (0.5cm,-2.7cm); |
| 748 | |
| 749 | |
| 750 | \node [Key1, right=0.0cm of K1] (key1) {}; |
| 751 | \node [Key2, right=0.0cm of K2] (key2) {}; |
| 752 | \node [Key3, right=0.4cm of K1] (key11) {Total model domain}; |
| 753 | \node [Key3, right=0.4cm of K2] (key21) {Plant canopy volume}; |
| 754 | |
| 755 | % % Text |
[1515] | 756 | \uncover<4->{\node [text1, right=0.7cm of A7] (text1) {{\footnotesize Note: You might have to make changes in other parts of your {\small \texttt{USER\_CODE}} according to the changes / used parameters in: \texttt{user\_init\_plant\_canopy.f90}}};} |
[1080] | 757 | \end{tikzpicture} |
| 758 | |
| 759 | |
| 760 | \end{frame} |
| 761 | |
| 762 | \end{document} |