Version 8 (modified by gronemeier, 9 years ago) (diff)


PALM group international scientific exchange

Date Persons Purpose From / To Place
2014,04-2015,03 Tobias Gronemeier Implementing and testing a synthetic turbulence generator (DAAD grant) To Tokyo Institute of Technology, Dept. of Int. Development Eng.
2015, 19/01-31/03 Antti Hellsten Development of nesting method for PALM From Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki
2015, 31/01-06/02 Siegfried Raasch, Farah Kanani, Rieke Heinze, Fabian Hoffmann, Helge Knoop PALM seminar To CPTEC, Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil
2015, 09/02-13/02 Siegfried Raasch, Farah Kanani, Rieke Heinze, Fabian Hoffmann DFG workshop on scientific collaboration with Brazil about boundary layer research in the Amazon basin To INPE, Sao Jose dos Campos
2015, 17/03-19/03 Timo Vesala, Leena Järvi, Mikko Auvinen Discussion of footprint modelling and collaboration From Univ. Helsinki, Dept. of Physics
2015, 01/06-06/07 Shuang Li Learning PALM installation and testing setups for atmosphere-ocean modelling From Zhejiang Univ., Ocean College, China
2015, 20/07-24/07 Mohammed Bakkali Discussion of urban modelling From UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering, Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources, London
2015, ??/09-17/09 Fabian Hoffmann Discussion of joint paper on droplet simulations To Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Department of Atmospheric Sciences
2015, 18/09-29/09 Siegfried Raasch, Micha Gryschka, Fabian Hoffmann, Helge Knoop PALM seminar To Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Architecture
2015, 12/10-16/10 Antti Hellsten Further development of PALM nesting From Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki
2015, 07/12-11/12 Katrin Scharf, Lennart Böske, Siegfried Raasch Attending the Fourth International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science, organized ny Tokyo Institute of Technology To Maui, Hawaii
2016, 20/01 Ryo Onishi Exchange about urban modelling From Earth Simulation Research Group, Center for Earth Information Science and Technology, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
2016, 15/02-19/02 Christoph Knigge Discussion of gust research results To Earth Simulation Research Group, Center for Earth Information Science and Technology, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
2016, 22/02-11/03 Siegfried Raasch Nesting code development To Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki
2016, 14/04-15/04 Johan Schmidt Discussion of collaboration concerning implementation of chemistry From Univ. Copenhagen
2016, 18/04-22/04 Antti Hellsten Nesting code development From Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki
2016, 21/04 Jaroslav Resler Discussion of building energy balance and radiation modelling From Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences
2016, 22/04 Fotios Barmpas, Nicolas Moussiopoulos Discussion about future collaboration on urban modelling From Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering, Greece
2016, 28/04-31/05 Björn Maronga Research on stability functions To Univ. Bergen, Norway, Geophysical Institute
2016, 23/05-27/05 Edward Ng, Weiwen Wang Discussion of joint project Hong Kong simulation results From Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Architecture
2016, 01/06-07/06 Yign Noh Working on joint draft paper on cloud droplets From Yonsei Univ., Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul
2016, 05/06-10/06 Jan-Niklas Welß Discussing pure vertical nesting feature To Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki
2016, 13/06-17/06 Siegfried Raasch PALM installation on KISTI computer To Yonsei Univ., Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul