| 33 | ||2016, 17/10-21/10 ||Yign Noh ||Working on joint draft paper on cloud droplets ||From ||Yonsei Univ., Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul || |
| 34 | ||2016, 20/11-21/11 ||Siegfried Raasch ||Presentation ||To ||National Institute of Meteorological Research (NIMR), Jeju Island, Korea || |
| 35 | ||2016, 22/11-25/11 ||Siegfried Raasch ||PALM installation ||To ||Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Korea || |
| 36 | ||2016, 15/12-21/12 ||Katrin Scharf, Sebastian Giersch, Tobias Gronemeier, Siegfried Raasch ||Attending the Fifth International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science, organized by Tokyo Institute of Technology, member of external review board (SR) ||To ||San Diego, California || |
| 37 | ||2017, March ||Björn Maronga ||Work on nesting and joint paper ||To ||Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helsinki, Finland || |
| 38 | ||2017, 19/03-24/03 ||Siegfried Raasch ||PALM installation ||To ||Research Institute of Applied Mechanics (RIAM), Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan || |
| 39 | ||2017, 29/03-31/03 ||Siegfried Raasch ||Presentation ||To ||Dept. of Oceanography, Kyoto University, Japan || |