Version 60 (modified by maronga, 9 years ago) (diff)




Page (e. g. wiki/doc/app/userint) What to do? Name
<page> Write reference document for code formatting and programming rules / programmer guidelines Siggi
wiki/doc/app/jobcontrol Restructure mrun documentation
wiki/doc/tec/mbuild Description of mbuild
wiki/doc/tec/subjob Description of subjob
to be created Create descriptive page for "Model Steering"
wiki/doc/app/... Navigation for documentation pages (Steering of interactive/batch runs)
wiki/doc/tec/1d_model Description of 1d model
wiki/doc/tec/cloud_physics Description of cloud physics module
wiki/doc/app/examples/turbinf Update description about usage of turbulent inflow
wiki/doc Update of page "Documentation"
<page> complete explanations for PALM error messages
<page> Links from manual to tutorial
<page> Write descriptions for exercises 6-14 (divide all exercises into Tutorial exercises and Advanced exercises), Advanced examples->Research project examples
gallery Update the gallery (new images from research projects)
wiki/Help/FAQ Extend FAQ list
... List the literature on which the applied methods and approaches (physical and numerical) are based on and set links to this list wherever references are made
wiki/doc/ Description of statistical methods (computation of fluxes and variances, horizontal averaging, etc.)
wiki/doc#Modelformulation Transfer contents from the PALM paper (Maronga et al. 2015) to the trac system
<page> Write documentation for wind turbine parametrization code Björn Witha

Source Code

Program parts What to do? Name
mrun, subjob, mbuild Translate German comments to English Siggi r1289
mrun restructure / simplify / remove the parameter-file check Björn
develop new GUI for parameter file generation
develop an installation script (using make install mechanism Helge
PALM code, OpenACC completion of single-GPU porting Siggi
PALM code, OpenACC re-evaluation of the MPI-GPU-version
PALM code, OpenACC implement CUDA-aware MPI
mrun, subjob allow batch-job-directives (e.g. PBS) and execution commands (mpiexec, aprun, etc.) to be configured using entries in .mrun.config Siggi
mrun, subjob, mbuild cleaning Siggi
PALM code code clearing and restructuring following programmer guidelines of DWD/DMI all
- use KIND parameter for defining single/double precision instead of compiler options (e.g. -r8) all r1354
- select from modules only those variables really required, using the ONLY attribute all r1324
- describe variables in the declaration statements all
- extend the MODULE concept to other parts of the code (canopy model, etc.) Farah (canopy) r1484, Jens (coupling)
- move initialization from init_3d_model to the respective modules
PALM code output progress messages on terminal or to the job protocol (see Helges progress bars) Siggi, Helge r1402
finish implementation of FFT/ALLTOALL overlapping Ketelsen, Siggi r1306
finish implementation of prognostic_equation/SENDRECV overlapping
<page> Avoid collecting of 2D data on PE0 (topography data, surface coupling layer), maybe using co-array FORTRAN
Implement flux limiter for Wicker-Skamarock Matthias, Lennart postponed due to inherent optimization drawbacks
<page> Implement RRTMG radiation model Björn
<page> Subgrid-scale saturation fluctuation for Lagrangian cloud model Fabian
Implement new particle data structure in LPM Fabian
Implement logarithmic interpolation of particle velocities near the surface Matthias r1315
Separate equation for passive scalar (multiple scalars?) ?
Modification of random number generator to allow better parallelization Helge
implementation of a tracbot, which automatically runs and checks examples in case of any code changes
implement SGS model from Igor Esau
implement a soil model (similar to DALES?) Björn
calc_spectra check and update the internal calculation of spectra Matthias (check)
improve output of standard timeseries: L is defined as Obukhov-length for dry air; should also be defined for moist air; output of buoyancy flux w"vpt"0 Björn
data_output implement output of hydrostatic pressure Björn, Helge
data_output implement output of scalar and momentum fluxes calculated by temporal EC
implement random number generation for ensemble runs Helge, Björn
implement new boundary condition for cases where the grid spacing is in the order of the roughness length
increase limit for some identifier strings (e.g. length of variable names is very limited) Björn
PALM code implement anelastic approximation
implementation of viscous topography
PALM code Use NetCDF instead of ASCII for topography data
PALM code Update GPL all r1310
PALM code Allow runs for >= 10000 cores Björn, Siggi
PALM code Create temporary job sub-directories via mrun (does not work properly with the FORTRAN system call function)
PALM code Discuss the treatment of package parameters, regarding their appearance in read_var_list and write_var_list. Discuss the general treatment / separation of inipar and d3par parameters. all
Example runs Modify the "building" example run (example_building_p3d), since topography is allowed with WS-scheme
PALM code For reference_state='horizontal_average' round the averaged profile (e.g. 3.3 digits) to make runs repeatable
PALM code Add description for all variables/quantities used in PALM according to doxygen syntax
PALM code Avoid repeating code blocks (e.g. for data output) and use subroutines instead
PALM code Modularize code parts wherever possible, modularize swap_timelevels etc.
PALM code Avoid unnecessary grid checks when using multi grid solver
PALM code, topography remove bug which appears for complex topography; the current workaround is to filter the topography apriori, but this doesn't help in case of topography on coarse-grid MG levels; filter may have to be applied within PALM code directly
PALM code Remove unnecessary tail and dvrp code from Lagrangian particle model Fabian
PALM code Substitute some mathematical descriptions of processes in Lagrangian cloud model by more appropriate parameterizations (terminal velocities in lpm_advec and lpm_collision_kernels) Fabian
PALM code Implement Johannes' splitting and merging algorithm for Lagrangian particles Fabian, Johannes
PALM code Implement random velocity perturbations for Lagrangian droplets Fabian
PALM code Unification of bulk cloud microphysics (i.e., delete calc_precipitation, calc_liquid_water, impact_of_latent_heat and introduce these processes to the microphysics subroutine) Fabian
PALM code Implement and homogenize output of cloud-physical variables derived from bulk and Lagrangian cloud physics (e.g., qc, ql, qr, lpt, pt) Fabian
PALM code/ documentation Change the name specific humidity to mixing ratio! We don't compute specific humidities.
data_output In profile output define zu and zw only once instead of define a vertical dimension for each individual variable (e.g. zpt, zw"u, zw"v, ...)
data_output When calculating vertical cross sections averaged along x or y, leave out topography
data_output Do not output ghost points
PALM code Separate option "cyclic_fill" from restart run to avoid unwanted effects (e.g. surface heat flux value in namelist of a run using "cyclic_fill" will always be overwritten by the value used in the precursor run).
PALM code Change mass flux correction from addition to multiplication Tobias
PALM code Integrate wind turbine parametrization code into the default code Björn Witha
PALM code define dimensions of data_output, data_output_pr, etc. as variables (avoid fixed numbers in code)
PALM code Implement synthetic turbulence generation method Tobias
mrun / ? put INPUT and USER_CODE folder under revision control (git) with automatic updates whenever a job is sent
PALM code Revision of large-scale forcing / nudging implementation including input data format. In this course, allow for using the mechanism to initialize PALM with explicit vertical profiles without further large-scale forcing or nudging

Code performance

define setups for scaling / benchmark runs Björn, Siggi, Fabian
carry out runs to determine PALM's weak/strong scaling behaviour + parallel efficiency, this might be good to be carried out during the test phase of the HLRNIII-Hannover-complex ?
<page> <what> <name>


- new plotting tool to replace palmplot <name>
- new tool to find possible model grid configurations <name>
watchdog Debugging: runs on two hosts at the same time, display error messages only once, add on/off switches for each host, add "do you really want to cancel job hannover.1234567 ?"-button Björn

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