Version 25 (modified by suehring, 11 years ago) (diff)




Page (e. g. wiki/doc/app/userint) What to do? Name
wiki/doc/app/jobcontrol Restructure mrun documentation <name>
wiki/doc/tec/mbuild Description of mbuild <name>
wiki/doc/tec/subjob Description of subjob <name>
to be created Create descriptive page for "Model Steering" <name>
wiki/doc/app/... Navigation for documentation pages (Steering of interactive/batch runs) <name>
wiki/doc/tec/1d_model Description of 1d model <name>
wiki/doc/tec/cloud_physics Description of cloud physics module <name>
wiki/doc/app/examples/turbinf Update description about usage of turbulent inflow <name>
wiki/doc Update of page "Documentation" <name>
<page> complete explanations for PALM error messages <name>
<page> Links from manual to tutorial <name>
<page> Write descriptions for exercises 6-14 (divide all exercises into Tutorial exercises and Advanced exercises), Advanced examples->Research project examples <name>
gallery Update the gallery (new images from research projects)<name>
wiki/Help/FAQ Extend FAQ list <name>

Source Code

Program parts What to do? Name
mrun, subjob, mbuild Translate German comments to English <name>
mrun restructure and simplify the parameter-file check <name>
develop new GUI for parameter file generation Björn
develop an installation script (using make install mechanism <name>
PALM code completion of single-GPU porting <name>
PALM code re-evaluation of the MPI-GPU-version <name>
mrun, subjob allow batch-job-directives (e.g. PBS) and execution commands (mpiexec, aprun, etc.) to be configured using entries in .mrun.config <name>
mrun, subjob, mbuild cleaning <name>
PALM code code clearing and restructuring following programmer guidelines of DWD/DMI <name>
- use KIND parameter for defining single/double pprecision instead of compiler options (e.g. -r8)
- select from modules only those variables really required, using the ONLY attribute
- describe variables in the declaration statements
- extend the MODULE concept to other parts of the code (canopy model, etc.)
- move initialization from init_3d_model to the respective modules <name>
PALM code output progress messages on terminal or to the job protocol (see Helges progress bars) <name>
finish implementation of FFT/ALLTOALL overlapping <name>
finish implementation of prognostic_equation/SENDRECV overlapping <name>
<page> Avoid collecting of 2D data on PE0 (topography data, surface coupling layer) <name>
Implement flux limiter for Wicker-Skamarock
<page> Implement RRTM radiation model <name>
<page> Subgrid-scale saturation fluctuation for Lagrangian cloud model <name>
Implement new particle data structure in LPM
Implement logarithmic interpolation of particle velocities near the surface
Separate equation for passive scalar (multiple scalars?)
Modification of random number generator to allow better parallelization
implementation of a tracbot, which automatically runs and checks examples in case of any code changes <name>
implement SGS model from Igor Esau <name>
implement a soil model (similar to DALES?) Björn
calc_spectra check and update the internal calculation of spectra
improve output of standard timeseries: L is defined as Obukhov-length for dry air; should also be defined for moist air; output of buoyancy flux w"vpt"0 Björn
data_output implement output of hydrostatic pressure Björn
data_output implement output of scalar and momentum fluxes calculated by temporal EC
implement random number generation for ensemble runs Björn
implement new boundary condition for cases where the grid spacing is in the order of the roughness length
increase limit for some identifier strings (e.g. length of variable names is very limited)Björn
PALM code implement anelastic approximation <name>
<page> <what> <name>

Code performance

define setups for scaling / benchmark runs <name>
carry out runs to determine PALM's weak/strong scaling behaviour + parallel efficiency, this might be good to be carried out during the test phase of the HLRNIII-Hannover-complex <name>
<page> <what> <name>
<page> <what> <name>

Entries of former ToDo?-List

Page (e. g. wiki/doc/app/userint) What to do? Name
wiki/doc/app/intdbg Directly get the corresponding passage of
.mrun.config out of the repository
wiki/doc/install Link directories to svn-repository Björn W.
several mark some navigation entries in bold face <name>
wiki/doc/app/ncmasked delete <name>
<page> <what> <name>

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