Version 180 (modified by kanani, 7 years ago) (diff)



PALM workshop

Category What to do? Name
Discussion Parameter file inconsistencies. Settings for data output are not consistent within the parameter file. For example, 3d/2d/pr output variables are explicitly declared, but timeseries are always the same (confusing for users). Also, differentiation between data_output and data_output_pr is confusing. A possible solution would be to use data_output exclusively and include profiles, e.g. for pt this then would read "pt", "pt_xy", "pt_pr", etc.
I would leave this as it is. Several quantities only exist as profiles, so it don't make sense to add a _pr to all of them. It should be enough to add (better) hints in the docu. Siggi
Discussion Discuss the treatment of package parameters, regarding their appearance in rrd_global and wrd_global. Discuss the general treatment / separation of inipar and d3par parameters. Sebastian
Homepage replace the provisional picture (showing Kelvin-Helmholtz waves) by a nicer one from an urban canopy simulation Tobias
PALM code Check for double-use of error numbers Sebastian
PALM code Clean up / extend location messages / time measurements, remove output of '--- finished' in advance mode Farah, Matthias, Siggi
PALM code Comment variables/parameters in declaration sections (see list at the bottom of this page) ALL
PALM code Known bug: W* and Z_I in the first line of the run control file don't correspond to the values in the last run control output line of the previous run. Sebastian
PALM code Known bug: Restart crashes in sum_up_3d_data if an _av quantity is given in the restart run NAMELIST file (_p3dr) but not in the initial run NAMELIST file (_p3d) --> Implement check?! Sebastian
PALM code Revise variable/dimension names and attributes in the NetCDF data input and PIDS input according to the [UC]² data policy Revised PIDS --> V1.9, renamed variables which are already implemented in PALMTobias
PALM code Make use of already implemented 'long_name' attribute of variables, i.e. give possibility to assign a long_name for user defined variables Tobias
PALM code Make proper use of global attributes; especially do not write time average interval in title if there exists a specific attribute (time_avg) for this. I think this information in the title is quite helpful for interpreting the plot. If it is omitted in the title, we need to add this information to the plot at some other place. Siggi Tobias
PALM code Add georeferencing (lat/lon) and global attributes according to [UC]² data policyto NetCDF output Matthias
PALM code Extend plant canopy model to handle basal area (trunks, branches) Björn
PALM code Implement and homogenize output of cloud-physical variables derived from bulk and Lagrangian cloud physics (e.g., qc, ql, qr, lpt, pt) Johannes
PALM code/ documentation Change the name specific humidity to mixing ratio! We don't compute specific humidities. Johannes
PALM code replace CEILING function with INT or NINT where appropriate tba
PALM code 3D output in serial mode seems to be quite different from parallel runs although RUN_CONTROL files are identical tba
PALM code Use of u_init (v_init) and ug (vg) not consistent in prognostic equations tba
Scripts Write new script to find the next unused of free error number + next free log_point number Helge
Scripts Finalize first version of new palmplot script (python) Helge
Scripts Remove deprecated vapor scripts (already removed since r1611)Tobias
Test suite Design test cases for microphysic and lagrangian particles Johannes
Test suite Use new namelist names in parameter files tba
Tickets Sort tickets of component "General" into appropriate components (change title and keywords where needed, create new components where necessary), delete non-relevant tickets, add answers to FAQ Katrin
Web docu Restructure entire PALM docu Farah
Web docu Update palmrun description Siggi
Web docu Update links to palmrun description, remove/rename traces to mbuild, mrun, subjob tba
Web docu Update installation/requirements description Helge
Web docu Complete and check existing PALM error messages (Remaining Numbers without description: PA0149, 226, 228, 234, 245-270, 296-301, 309, 319-321, 327, 328, 330, 334-338, 460-464, UI0002; the error message itself is sufficient for many of these -> mark them in a special way?) Sebastian
Web docu Check consistency of parameter lists (namelist pages and alphabetical list) Katrin
Web docu Update links from manual to Tutorial (new: PALM seminar material) Farah
Web docu Revise description of timeseries output Farah
Web docu Update VAPOR page Tobias
Web docu documentation of the PIDS and of surface model (e.g. how to create drivers, or the different level-of-details) Matthias
Web docu automatic generation of a machine-readable list of all NAMELIST-parameters including their default values tba


Page (e. g. wiki/doc/app/userint) What to do? Name
wiki/doc/tec/1d_model Description of 1d model
wiki/doc/tec/cloud_physics Description of cloud physics module Johannes
<page> Write descriptions for exercises 6-14 (divide all exercises into Tutorial exercises and Advanced exercises), Advanced examples->Research project examples
wiki/doc/ Description of statistical methods (computation of fluxes and variances, horizontal averaging, etc.)
wiki/doc/tec/wtm Write documentation for wind turbine parametrization code Björn Witha
Add additions/correction page for the Maronga et al. 2015 paper so that we can incorporate them in the next model description paper
Tutorial Various exercises and general presentation are since long time listed as "under construction". Links have been removed for now.
* Data visualization with VAPOR (see also comment in "Tools")
* Data visualization with DVR
* Exercise 6: Cumulus cloud from cloud droplets
* Exercise 7: Ocean mixed layer
* Exercise 8: Atmosphere-ocean coupling
* Exercise 9: Canopy flow
* Exercise 12: Non-cyclic boundary conditions
* Exercise 13: Turbulence recycling
* Exercise 14: Using DVR
* Example: Footprints
* Example: Stable boundary layer (GABLS3)
* Cloud Physics up to date?

Source Code

Program parts What to do? Name
develop new GUI for parameter file generation
PALM code remove the iwp (working precision for INTEGERS), because many routines (e.g. MPI) cannot handle others than 32bit INTEGER
PALM code code clearing and restructuring following programmer guidelines of DWD/DMI all, Siggi
<page> Avoid collecting of 2D data on PE0 (topography data, surface coupling layer) Matthias
<page> Subgrid-scale saturation fluctuation for Lagrangian cloud model Johannes
data_output implement output of scalar and momentum fluxes calculated by temporal EC
PALM code Create temporary job sub-directories via mrun (does not work properly with the FORTRAN system call function) There is currently no proper solution for this. Postponed.
Example runs Modify the "building" example run (example_building_p3d), since topography is allowed with WS-scheme Tobias
PALM code For reference_state='horizontal_average' round the averaged profile (e.g. 3.3 digits) to make runs repeatable Siggi
PALM code Avoid repeating code blocks in data_output routines and use subroutines instead
PALM code Avoid unnecessary grid checks when using multi grid solver ??
data_output In profile output define zu and zw only once instead of define a vertical dimension for each individual variable (e.g. zpt, zw"u, zw"v, ...)
data_output When calculating vertical cross sections averaged along x or y, leave out topography
data_output Do not output ghost points in masked output Siggi
PALM code Separate option "cyclic_fill" from restart run to avoid unwanted effects (e.g. surface heat flux value in namelist of a run using "cyclic_fill" will always be overwritten by the value used in the precursor run). Björn / Tobias
PALM code define dimensions of data_output, data_output_pr, etc. as variables (avoid fixed numbers in code)
PALM code Implement a more flexible y-shift method for non-cyclic but also for cyclic runs Simon
PALM code Particle code: unify allocation of particle arrays within lpm_droplet_collision, lpm_droplet_condensation, ... (REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE or REAL(wp), DIMENSION(prt_count(k,j,i))) Johannes
PALM code Review summation of "1E-5_wp" in lines 164/167 in diffusivities.f90 (r2119), see ticket:393 Tobias
data_output Set missing values/fill values inside topography and define these missing values as attributes in NetCDF file Matthias
PALM code for consistency reasons, implement "initial gradient" top boundary conditions for the mixing ratio too Johannes
RRTMG coupling allow for dry runs with RRTMG (might lead to unrealistic results if the atmosphere is considered totally dry!) Björn
1d-model fix 1d model to work without Coriolis force why is this required? Siggi
PALM code allow more flexible vertical grid stretching, e.g. for having near-surface stretching, constant grid spacing above and again stretching in the free atmosphere Sebastian
check parameters with psolver=multigrid, check that the subdomains can be divived by 2 at least once (see documentation of the multigrid). Is this still a problem? Needs to be checked. Siggi
Spectra output Check and possibly revise spectra normalization with wavenumber Matthias
Initialization It needs to be clarified that the initial wind profile constructed by ug_surface, ug_vertical_gradient etc. describes the forcing by the geostrophic wind (pressure gradient), and at the same time depicts the initial actual-wind profile. just add better hints in docuSiggi
palmrun do not write message restart run initiated if the restart palmrun has failed Siggi
NAMELISTs it should be possible to give output levels in real coordinates (m) instead of grid level, output should then be done for the nearest grid point Sebastian
data_output all output checks should be done BEFORE the first time step, and not when the first output is done
Nesting output additional output of nesting information is required (e.g. in header): for root domain: number of nested domains, name of nested domains, number of nesting levels; for each domain: position of the nest domains given in grid index number range, e.g. (20..40,10:15), also position of lower left corners in physical coordinates?
PALM code routine global_min_max does not work for mode 'min', 'max', and 'minmax'. Tobias
PALM code discuss using Fortran Intrinsic Function "SUM" instead of loops as done many times in the code all (KS)
initializing_actions discuss use of initializing_actions='user', because its usage requires good code knowledge and the advantage over using 'set_constant_profiles' and later overwriting variables in user_init_3d_model.f90 is not clear just give better explanations in the docu. Siggi all (KS)
PALM code Revise Fortran NAMELIST names (e.g. &inipar --> &initialization_parameters)Björn see r2932
PALM code Revise vertical loops in plant-canopy model in order to get rid-off 2D-index array pch_index Matthias
PALM code File local_system.f90 has become redundant since SYSTEM subroutine is intrinsic. After a year of no issues with this, remove local_system calls and replace with SYSTEM calls everywhere (2018-05-22) tba

Code performance

define setups for scaling / benchmark runs Björn, Siggi, Fabian
carry out runs to determine PALM's weak/strong scaling behaviour + parallel efficiency, this might be good to be carried out during the test phase of the HLRNIV ?
debug ex_lsm_clearsky and reincorporate it to standard test cases Björn, Katrin


- extend PALM grid finder for nesting configurations Hiwi
- tool for finding vertical grid configuration with grid stretching (maybe as part of palm_gf) Katrin+HiWi?

Variable descriptions

Please delete entries that you have taken care of. See the attached bash script to check that you missed nothing or to update the list.

File Line routine, function or module responsible notes
advec_s_bc.f90 Matthias
134 SUBROUTINE advec_s_bc
advec_s_pw.f90 Matthias
103 SUBROUTINE advec_s_pw
160 SUBROUTINE advec_s_pw_ij
advec_s_up.f90 Matthias
103 SUBROUTINE advec_s_up
195 SUBROUTINE advec_s_up_ij
advec_u_pw.f90 Matthias
95 SUBROUTINE advec_u_pw
149 SUBROUTINE advec_u_pw_ij
advec_u_up.f90 Matthias
94 SUBROUTINE advec_u_up
182 SUBROUTINE advec_u_up_ij
advec_v_pw.f90 Matthias
96 SUBROUTINE advec_v_pw
151 SUBROUTINE advec_v_pw_ij
advec_v_up.f90 Matthias
94 SUBROUTINE advec_v_up
182 SUBROUTINE advec_v_up_ij
advec_w_pw.f90 Matthias
95 SUBROUTINE advec_w_pw
150 SUBROUTINE advec_w_pw_ij
advec_ws.f90 Matthias
1157 SUBROUTINE advec_s_ws_ij
1732 SUBROUTINE advec_u_ws_ij
2230 SUBROUTINE advec_v_ws_ij
2735 SUBROUTINE advec_w_ws_ij
3215 SUBROUTINE advec_s_ws
3771 SUBROUTINE advec_u_ws
4265 SUBROUTINE advec_v_ws
4770 SUBROUTINE advec_w_ws
advec_w_up.f90 Matthias
94 SUBROUTINE advec_w_up
180 SUBROUTINE advec_w_up_ij
boundary_conds.f90 Micha
179 SUBROUTINE boundary_conds
buoyancy.f90 Siggi
131 SUBROUTINE buoyancy
237 SUBROUTINE buoyancy_ij
calc_liquid_water_content.f90 Johannes
93 SUBROUTINE calc_liquid_water_content
calc_mean_profile.f90 Farah
82 SUBROUTINE calc_mean_profile
calc_radiation.f90 Siggi
77 MODULE calc_radiation_mod
104 SUBROUTINE calc_radiation
253 SUBROUTINE calc_radiation_ij
check_for_restart.f90 Sebastian
79 SUBROUTINE check_for_restart
check_open.f90 Siggi
165 SUBROUTINE check_open
chem_gasphase_mod.f90 Farah → others Coding standard..?
1 MODULE chem_gasphase_mod
693 SUBROUTINE initialize
722 SUBROUTINE integrate
796 SUBROUTINE kppsolve
808 SUBROUTINE kppdecomp
845 REAL(kind=dp)FUNCTION wlamch
887 SUBROUTINE jac_sp
916 elemental REAL(kind=dp)FUNCTION k_arr
929 SUBROUTINE update_rconst
944 REAL(kind=dp)FUNCTION arr2
950 SUBROUTINE initialize_kpp_ctrl
1002 SUBROUTINE error_output
1014 SUBROUTINE wcopy
1050 SUBROUTINE wscal
1112 SUBROUTINE waxpy
1145 SUBROUTINE rosenbrock
1437 SUBROUTINE ros_errormsg
1477 SUBROUTINE ros_integrator
1680 REAL
1713 SUBROUTINE ros_funtimederivative
1737 SUBROUTINE ros_preparematrix
1818 SUBROUTINE ros_decomp
1843 SUBROUTINE ros_solve
2290 SUBROUTINE funtemplate
2309 SUBROUTINE jactemplate
2347 SUBROUTINE chem_gasphase_integrate
2416 SUBROUTINE fill_temp
chemistry_model_mod.f90 Farah → others
119 MODULE chemistry_model_mod
284 SUBROUTINE chem_boundary_conds
718 SUBROUTINE set_const_initial_values
889 SUBROUTINE chem_integrate_ij
987 SUBROUTINE chem_swap_timelevel
1019 SUBROUTINE chem_define_netcdf_grid
1053 SUBROUTINE chem_check_data_output
1103 SUBROUTINE chem_check_data_output_pr
1157 SUBROUTINE chem_data_output_3d
1240 SUBROUTINE chem_3d_data_averaging
1338 SUBROUTINE chem_wrd_local
1368 SUBROUTINE chem_rrd_local
1446 SUBROUTINE chem_prognostic_equations_ij
1548 SUBROUTINE chem_prognostic_equations
chem_modules.f90 Farah → others
49 MODULE chem_modules
chem_photolysis_mod.f90 Farah → others Coding standard..?
47 MODULE chem_photolysis_mod
close_file.f90 Siggi
86 SUBROUTINE close_file
compute_vpt.f90 Johannes
65 SUBROUTINE compute_vpt
coriolis.f90 Siggi
105 SUBROUTINE coriolis
208 SUBROUTINE coriolis_ij
cpulog_mod.f90 Siggi check module description → too detailed
159 MODULE PROCEDURE cpu_statistics
200 SUBROUTINE cpu_log
309 SUBROUTINE cpu_statistics
data_log.f90 Siggi
61 SUBROUTINE data_log
111 SUBROUTINE data_log_2d
159 SUBROUTINE data_log_2d_int
data_output_2d.f90 Tobias
216 SUBROUTINE data_output_2d
data_output_3d.f90 Tobias
194 SUBROUTINE data_output_3d
data_output_dvrp.f90 Siggi
105 SUBROUTINE color_dvrp
125 RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE data_output_dvrp
data_output_profiles.f90 Tobias
91 SUBROUTINE data_output_profiles
data_output_ptseries.f90 Johannes
83 SUBROUTINE data_output_ptseries
data_output_spectra.f90 Matthias
93 SUBROUTINE data_output_spectra
240 SUBROUTINE output_spectra_netcdf
data_output_tseries.f90 Sebastian
76 SUBROUTINE data_output_tseries
diagnostic_quantities_mod.f90 Johannes
77 SUBROUTINE supersaturation
127 FUNCTION magnus
diffusion_s.f90 Matthias
124 SUBROUTINE diffusion_s
435 SUBROUTINE diffusion_s_ij
diffusion_u.f90 Matthias
125 SUBROUTINE diffusion_u
362 SUBROUTINE diffusion_u_ij
diffusion_v.f90 Matthias
120 SUBROUTINE diffusion_v
350 SUBROUTINE diffusion_v_ij
diffusion_w.f90 Matthias
124 SUBROUTINE diffusion_w
302 SUBROUTINE diffusion_w_ij
disturb_field.f90 Helge
86 SUBROUTINE disturb_field
disturb_heatflux.f90 Helge
74 SUBROUTINE disturb_heatflux
eqn_state_seawater.f90 Siggi
84 MODULE eqn_state_seawater_mod
130 SUBROUTINE eqn_state_seawater
244 SUBROUTINE eqn_state_seawater_ij
350 REAL(wp) FUNCTION eqn_state_seawater_func
exchange_horiz_2d.f90 Simon
82 SUBROUTINE exchange_horiz_2d
exchange_horiz.f90 Simon
96 SUBROUTINE exchange_horiz
fft_xy_mod.f90 Siggi (Ketelsen)
146 MODULE fft_xy
265 SUBROUTINE fft_init
397 SUBROUTINE fft_x
749 SUBROUTINE fft_x_1d
984 SUBROUTINE fft_y
1314 SUBROUTINE fft_y_1d
1539 SUBROUTINE fft_x_m
1679 SUBROUTINE fft_y_m
flow_statistics.f90 Siggi
272 SUBROUTINE flow_statistics
global_min_max.f90 Siggi
68 SUBROUTINE global_min_max
gust_mod.f90 Helge
219 SUBROUTINE gust_check_data_output_pr
238 SUBROUTINE gust_check_data_output
269 SUBROUTINE gust_init
290 SUBROUTINE gust_define_netcdf_grid
326 SUBROUTINE gust_actions
342 SUBROUTINE gust_actions_ij
361 SUBROUTINE gust_swap_timelevel
378 SUBROUTINE gust_3d_data_averaging
395 SUBROUTINE gust_data_output_2d
425 SUBROUTINE gust_data_output_3d
451 SUBROUTINE gust_statistics
471 SUBROUTINE gust_rrd_global
506 SUBROUTINE gust_rrd_local
header.f90 Tobias
357 SUBROUTINE header
init_3d_model.f90 Tobias
464 SUBROUTINE init_3d_model
init_advec.f90 Matthias
75 SUBROUTINE init_advec
init_cloud_physics.f90 Johannes
93 SUBROUTINE init_cloud_physics
init_coupling.f90 Siggi change file name?
71 SUBROUTINE init_coupling
init_dvrp.f90 Siggi
77 SUBROUTINE init_dvrp
777 SUBROUTINE init_dvrp_logging
840 SUBROUTINE close_dvrp
init_masks.f90 Tobias
121 SUBROUTINE init_masks
602 SUBROUTINE set_mask_locations
init_ocean.f90 Siggi
83 SUBROUTINE init_ocean
init_pegrid.f90 Matthias
225 SUBROUTINE init_pegrid
init_pt_anomaly.f90 Matthias
68 SUBROUTINE init_pt_anomaly
init_rankine.f90 Siggi rename betrag, check necessity
66 SUBROUTINE init_rankine
init_slope.f90 Siggi
68 SUBROUTINE init_slope
land_surface_model_mod.f90 Björn
396 MODULE land_surface_model_mod
1069 SUBROUTINE lsm_check_data_output
1185 SUBROUTINE lsm_check_data_output_pr
1653 SUBROUTINE lsm_energy_balance
4839 SUBROUTINE lsm_soil_model
5166 SUBROUTINE lsm_swap_timelevel
5249 SUBROUTINE lsm_3d_data_averaging
5590 SUBROUTINE lsm_define_netcdf_grid
5627 SUBROUTINE lsm_data_output_2d
5931 SUBROUTINE lsm_data_output_3d
6199 SUBROUTINE lsm_rrd_local
large_scale_forcing_nudging_mod.f90 Matthias
62 MODULE lsf_nudging_mod
165 SUBROUTINE forcing_bc_mass_conservation
779 SUBROUTINE lsf_nudging_check_data_output_pr
998 SUBROUTINE lsf_init
1420 SUBROUTINE ls_forcing_surf
1507 SUBROUTINE ls_forcing_vert
1545 SUBROUTINE ls_advec
1648 SUBROUTINE ls_advec_ij
1734 SUBROUTINE nudge_init
1887 SUBROUTINE calc_tnudge
1921 SUBROUTINE nudge
2058 SUBROUTINE nudge_ij
2173 SUBROUTINE nudge_ref
local_system.f90 Siggi no longer necessary
56 SUBROUTINE local_system
local_tremain.f90 Sebastian rename count (is intrinsic function)
68 SUBROUTINE local_tremain
local_tremain_ini.f90 Sebastian rename count (is intrinsic function)
68 SUBROUTINE local_tremain_ini
lpm_advec.f90 Johannes
156 SUBROUTINE lpm_advec
lpm_boundary_conds.f90 Johannes
111 SUBROUTINE lpm_boundary_conds
lpm_calc_liquid_water_content.f90 Johannes
65 SUBROUTINE lpm_calc_liquid_water_content
lpm_collision_kernels.f90 Johannes
134 MODULE lpm_collision_kernels_mod
196 SUBROUTINE init_kernels
317 SUBROUTINE recalculate_kernel
403 SUBROUTINE turbsd
574 REAL(wp) FUNCTION phi_w
591 REAL(wp) FUNCTION zhi
631 SUBROUTINE fallg
671 SUBROUTINE effic
843 SUBROUTINE turb_enhance_eff
lpm_data_output_particles.f90 Johannes
72 SUBROUTINE lpm_data_output_particles
lpm_droplet_collision.f90 Johannes
113 SUBROUTINE lpm_droplet_collision
lpm_droplet_condensation.f90 Johannes
122 SUBROUTINE lpm_droplet_condensation
lpm_exchange_horiz.f90 Johannes
150 MODULE lpm_exchange_horiz_mod
886 SUBROUTINE Add_particles_to_gridcell
1187 SUBROUTINE realloc_particles_array
1244 SUBROUTINE dealloc_particles_array
lpm.f90 Johannes
lpm_init.f90 Johannes
206 MODULE lpm_init_mod
288 SUBROUTINE lpm_init
1035 SUBROUTINE lpm_init_aerosols
lpm_merging.f90 Johannes
50 SUBROUTINE lpm_merging
lpm_pack_arrays.f90 Johannes
123 SUBROUTINE lpm_sort_in_subboxes
220 SUBROUTINE lpm_pack
lpm_read_restart_file.f90 Johannes
78 SUBROUTINE lpm_read_restart_file
lpm_set_attributes.f90 Johannes
78 SUBROUTINE lpm_set_attributes
lpm_write_exchange_statistics.f90 Johannes
80 SUBROUTINE lpm_write_exchange_statistics
lpm_write_restart_file.f90 Johannes
67 SUBROUTINE lpm_write_restart_file
message.f90 Sebastian
89 SUBROUTINE message
256 SUBROUTINE location_message
microphysics_mod.f90 Johannes
166 MODULE microphysics_mod
391 SUBROUTINE microphysics_control
485 SUBROUTINE adjust_cloud
555 SUBROUTINE activation
683 SUBROUTINE condensation
786 SUBROUTINE autoconversion
932 SUBROUTINE autoconversion_kessler
996 SUBROUTINE accretion
1095 SUBROUTINE selfcollection_breakup
1172 SUBROUTINE evaporation_rain
1318 SUBROUTINE sedimentation_cloud
1433 SUBROUTINE sedimentation_rain
1758 SUBROUTINE microphysics_control_ij
1881 SUBROUTINE adjust_cloud_ij
1944 SUBROUTINE activation_ij
2084 SUBROUTINE condensation_ij
2194 SUBROUTINE autoconversion_ij
2323 SUBROUTINE autoconversion_kessler_ij
2381 SUBROUTINE accretion_ij
2470 SUBROUTINE selfcollection_breakup_ij
2531 SUBROUTINE evaporation_rain_ij
2677 SUBROUTINE sedimentation_cloud_ij
2776 SUBROUTINE sedimentation_rain_ij
3070 FUNCTION gamm
mod_particle_attributes.f90 Johannes
102 MODULE particle_attributes
modules.f90 Sebastian
1900 MODULE pegrid
netcdf_data_input_mod.f90 Tobias
121 MODULE netcdf_data_input_mod
1991 SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_init_3d
3773 SUBROUTINE open_read_file
4209 SUBROUTINE get_variable_3d_int8
4253 SUBROUTINE get_variable_3d_real
4297 SUBROUTINE get_variable_3d_real_v
4374 SUBROUTINE get_variable_4d_real
4511 SUBROUTINE handle_error
netcdf_interface_mod.f90 Tobias
266 MODULE netcdf_interface
496 SUBROUTINE netcdf_define_header
5465 SUBROUTINE netcdf_create_file
5538 SUBROUTINE netcdf_open_write_file
5573 SUBROUTINE netcdf_handle_error
5606 SUBROUTINE netcdf_create_dim
5637 SUBROUTINE netcdf_create_var
outflow_turbulence.f90 Tobias
44 SUBROUTINE outflow_turbulence
package_parin.f90 Johannes
158 SUBROUTINE package_parin
parin.f90 Simon replace i with ii
380 SUBROUTINE parin
plant_canopy_model_mod.f90 Farah
303 SUBROUTINE pcm_check_data_output
417 SUBROUTINE pcm_data_output_3d
507 SUBROUTINE pcm_define_netcdf_grid
543 SUBROUTINE pcm_header
660 SUBROUTINE pcm_init
1089 SUBROUTINE pcm_read_plant_canopy_3d
pmc_child_mod.f90 Ketelsen
1 MODULE pmc_child
180 SUBROUTINE pmc_childinit
212 SUBROUTINE pmc_set_dataarray_name
281 SUBROUTINE pmc_set_dataarray_name_lastentry
305 SUBROUTINE pmc_c_get_2d_index_list
420 LOGICAL FUNCTION pmc_c_getnextarray
457 SUBROUTINE pmc_c_set_dataarray_2d
490 SUBROUTINE pmc_c_set_dataarray_ip2d
522 SUBROUTINE pmc_c_set_dataarray_3d
558 SUBROUTINE pmc_c_setind_and_allocmem
730 SUBROUTINE pmc_c_getbuffer
865 SUBROUTINE pmc_c_putbuffer
pmc_general_mod.f90 Ketelsen
1 MODULE pmc_general
175 SUBROUTINE pmc_g_setname
202 SUBROUTINE sort_2d_i
pmc_handle_communicator_mod.f90 Ketelsen
116 MODULE PMC_handle_communicator
186 SUBROUTINE pmc_init_model
398 SUBROUTINE pmc_get_model_info
474 SUBROUTINE read_coupling_layout
pmc_interface_mod.f90 Ketelsen
287 MODULE pmc_interface
674 SUBROUTINE pmci_init
800 SUBROUTINE pmci_setup_parent
1055 SUBROUTINE pmci_create_index_list
1161 SUBROUTINE set_child_edge_coords
1203 SUBROUTINE pmci_setup_child
1448 SUBROUTINE pmci_map_fine_to_coarse_grid
1546 SUBROUTINE pmci_init_interp_tril
1658 SUBROUTINE pmci_init_loglaw_correction
2679 SUBROUTINE pmci_define_loglaw_correction_parameters
2787 SUBROUTINE pmci_find_logc_pivot_k
2824 SUBROUTINE pmci_find_logc_pivot_j
2883 SUBROUTINE pmci_find_logc_pivot_i
2942 FUNCTION pmci_find_nearest_coarse_grid_index_j
2966 FUNCTION pmci_find_nearest_coarse_grid_index_i
2990 SUBROUTINE pmci_init_anterp_tophat
3289 SUBROUTINE pmci_init_tkefactor
3450 SUBROUTINE pmci_setup_coordinates
3477 SUBROUTINE pmci_set_array_pointer
3605 INTEGER FUNCTION get_childid
3622 SUBROUTINE get_child_edges
3647 SUBROUTINE get_child_gridspacing
3662 SUBROUTINE pmci_create_child_arrays
3768 SUBROUTINE pmci_parent_initialize
3792 SUBROUTINE pmci_child_initialize
3918 SUBROUTINE pmci_interp_tril_all
4077 SUBROUTINE pmci_check_setting_mismatches
4172 SUBROUTINE pmci_ensure_nest_mass_conservation
4298 SUBROUTINE pmci_synchronize
4322 SUBROUTINE pmci_set_swaplevel
4346 SUBROUTINE pmci_datatrans
4402 SUBROUTINE pmci_parent_datatrans
4473 SUBROUTINE pmci_child_datatrans
5139 SUBROUTINE pmci_interp_tril_lr
5358 SUBROUTINE pmci_interp_tril_sn
5574 SUBROUTINE pmci_interp_tril_t
pmc_mpi_wrapper_mod.f90 Ketelsen
1 MODULE pmc_mpi_wrapper
156 SUBROUTINE pmc_recv_from_parent_logical
173 SUBROUTINE pmc_send_to_child_logical
193 SUBROUTINE pmc_send_to_parent_integer
211 SUBROUTINE pmc_recv_from_parent_integer
230 SUBROUTINE pmc_send_to_parent_integer_2
249 SUBROUTINE pmc_send_to_parent_real_r1
267 SUBROUTINE pmc_recv_from_parent_real_r1
286 SUBROUTINE pmc_send_to_parent_real_r2
303 SUBROUTINE pmc_recv_from_parent_real_r2
321 SUBROUTINE pmc_send_to_parent_real_r3
339 SUBROUTINE pmc_recv_from_parent_real_r3
357 SUBROUTINE pmc_send_to_child_integer
378 SUBROUTINE pmc_recv_from_child_integer
399 SUBROUTINE pmc_recv_from_child_integer_2
420 SUBROUTINE pmc_send_to_child_real_r1
441 SUBROUTINE pmc_recv_from_child_real_r1
462 SUBROUTINE pmc_send_to_child_real_r2
483 SUBROUTINE pmc_recv_from_child_real_r2
504 SUBROUTINE pmc_send_to_child_real_r3
525 SUBROUTINE pmc_recv_from_child_real_r3
546 SUBROUTINE pmc_bcast_integer
575 SUBROUTINE pmc_bcast_character
604 SUBROUTINE pmc_inter_bcast_integer_1
643 SUBROUTINE pmc_alloc_mem_integer_1
669 SUBROUTINE pmc_alloc_mem_real_1
698 FUNCTION pmc_time
pmc_parent_mod.f90 Ketelsen
1 MODULE pmc_parent
193 SUBROUTINE pmc_parentinit
243 SUBROUTINE pmc_s_set_2d_index_list
329 LOGICAL FUNCTION pmc_s_getnextarray
364 SUBROUTINE pmc_s_set_dataarray_2d
395 SUBROUTINE pmc_s_set_dataarray_ip2d
419 SUBROUTINE pmc_s_set_dataarray_3d
457 SUBROUTINE pmc_s_setind_and_allocmem
622 SUBROUTINE pmc_s_fillbuffer
716 SUBROUTINE pmc_s_getdata_from_buffer
852 SUBROUTINE get_da_names_from_child
878 SUBROUTINE pmc_s_setarray
919 SUBROUTINE pmc_s_set_active_data_array
946 INTEGER FUNCTION pmc_s_get_child_npes
957 SUBROUTINE set_pe_index_list
pmc_particle_interface.f90 Ketelsen
1 MODULE pmc_particle_interface
234 SUBROUTINE pmcp_g_alloc_win
315 SUBROUTINE pmcp_c_get_particle_from_parent
389 SUBROUTINE pmcp_c_send_particle_to_parent
506 SUBROUTINE pmcp_p_fill_particle_win
649 SUBROUTINE pmcp_p_empty_particle_win
769 SUBROUTINE pmcp_g_print_number_of_particles
832 SUBROUTINE check_and_alloc_coarse_particle
967 SUBROUTINE c_copy_particle_to_coarse_grid
1082 SUBROUTINE p_copy_particle_to_org_grid
poisfft_mod.f90 Siggi
153 MODULE poisfft_mod
193 SUBROUTINE poisfft_init
220 SUBROUTINE poisfft
724 SUBROUTINE ffty_tr_yx
857 SUBROUTINE tr_xy_ffty
992 SUBROUTINE fftx_tri_fftx
1136 SUBROUTINE fftx_tr_xy
1249 SUBROUTINE tr_yx_fftx
1362 SUBROUTINE ffty_tri_ffty
poismg_mod.f90 Siggi
148 SUBROUTINE poismg
428 SUBROUTINE restrict
566 SUBROUTINE prolong
733 SUBROUTINE redblack
1046 SUBROUTINE sort_k_to_even_odd_blocks
1162 SUBROUTINE sort_k_to_even_odd_blocks_int
1235 SUBROUTINE sort_k_to_sequential
1291 SUBROUTINE mg_gather
1372 SUBROUTINE mg_scatter
1421 RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE next_mg_level
1806 SUBROUTINE init_even_odd_blocks
1870 SUBROUTINE special_exchange_horiz
poismg_noopt_mod.f90 Siggi
193 SUBROUTINE poismg_noopt
342 SUBROUTINE resid_noopt
487 SUBROUTINE restrict_noopt
702 SUBROUTINE prolong_noopt
813 SUBROUTINE redblack_noopt
1286 SUBROUTINE mg_gather_noopt
1368 SUBROUTINE mg_scatter_noopt
1418 RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE next_mg_level_noopt
1795 SUBROUTINE poismg_noopt_init
posix_calls_from_fortran.f90 Tobias edit module description, check coding standard
42 MODULE posix_calls_from_fortran
53 FUNCTION fsleep( seconds ) BIND
75 SUBROUTINE fortran_sleep
pres.f90 Siggi
print_1d.f90 Sebastian
70 SUBROUTINE print_1d
prognostic_equations.f90 Sebastian
437 SUBROUTINE prognostic_equations_cache
1353 SUBROUTINE prognostic_equations_vector
progress_bar_mod.f90 Helge
59 MODULE progress_bar
radiation_model_mod.f90 Björn
336 MODULE radiation_model_mod
1047 SUBROUTINE radiation_check_data_output
1113 SUBROUTINE radiation_check_data_output_pr
2745 SUBROUTINE radiation_rrtmg
3961 SUBROUTINE read_trace_gas_data
4215 SUBROUTINE netcdf_handle_error_rad
4328 SUBROUTINE radiation_interaction
4870 PURE SUBROUTINE box_absorb
4942 SUBROUTINE calc_diffusion_radiation
5008 SUBROUTINE radiation_interaction_init
5334 SUBROUTINE radiation_calc_svf
6062 SUBROUTINE raytrace
6253 SUBROUTINE raytrace_2d
6606 SUBROUTINE radiation_presimulate_solar_pos
6700 PURE LOGICAL FUNCTION surface_facing
6760 SUBROUTINE radiation_read_svf
6893 SUBROUTINE radiation_write_svf
6944 PURE FUNCTION svf_lt
6960 RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE quicksort_svf
6988 PURE FUNCTION csf_lt
7009 RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE quicksort_csf
7037 SUBROUTINE merge_and_grow_csf
7121 RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE quicksort_csf2
7152 PURE FUNCTION csf_lt2
7162 PURE FUNCTION searchsorted
7301 SUBROUTINE radiation_3d_data_averaging
7626 SUBROUTINE radiation_define_netcdf_grid
7677 SUBROUTINE radiation_data_output_2d
7951 SUBROUTINE radiation_data_output_3d
8180 SUBROUTINE radiation_data_output_mask
8491 SUBROUTINE radiation_rrd_local
8796 SUBROUTINE radiation_write_debug_log
random_function_mod.f90 Helge merge into random_generator_parallel_mod.f90?
73 MODULE random_function_mod
111 FUNCTION random_function
random_gauss.f90 Siggi merge into random_generator_parallel_mod.f90?
66 FUNCTION random_gauss
random_generator_parallel_mod.f90 Helge
73 MODULE random_generator_parallel
142 SUBROUTINE init_parallel_random_generator
198 SUBROUTINE ran0_s
234 SUBROUTINE ran_init
354 SUBROUTINE random_seed_parallel
407 SUBROUTINE ran_hash_v
453 FUNCTION reallocate_iv
483 FUNCTION reallocate_im
522 FUNCTION arth_i
read_restart_data_mod.f90 Sebastian
88 SUBROUTINE rrd_global
808 SUBROUTINE rrd_read_parts_of_global
1036 SUBROUTINE rrd_local
2065 SUBROUTINE rrd_skip_global
run_control.f90 Sebastian
79 SUBROUTINE run_control
set_slicer_attributes_dvrp.f90 Siggi
62 SUBROUTINE set_slicer_attributes_dvrp
singleton_mod.f90 Siggi edit description
167 MODULE singleton
201 FUNCTION fft1d
230 FUNCTION fft2d
258 FUNCTION fft3d
288 FUNCTION fft4d
317 FUNCTION fft5d
348 FUNCTION fft6d
379 FUNCTION fft7d
468 SUBROUTINE fftradix
535 SUBROUTINE factorize
604 SUBROUTINE transform
959 SUBROUTINE permute
sor.f90 Siggi
spectra_mod.f90 Siggi coding standard
126 MODULE spectra_mod
413 SUBROUTINE calc_spectra
546 SUBROUTINE preprocess_spectra
654 SUBROUTINE calc_spectra_x
801 SUBROUTINE calc_spectra_y
subsidence_mod.f90 Tobias
119 SUBROUTINE init_w_subsidence
196 SUBROUTINE subsidence
311 SUBROUTINE subsidence_ij
sum_up_3d_data.f90 Matthias
184 SUBROUTINE sum_up_3d_data
surface_coupler.f90 Siggi coding standard
91 SUBROUTINE surface_coupler
676 SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_atmos
765 SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_ocean
surface_layer_fluxes_mod.f90 Matthias
743 SUBROUTINE init_surface_layer_fluxes
983 SUBROUTINE calc_uvw_abs_v_ugrid
1018 SUBROUTINE calc_uvw_abs_v_vgrid
1052 SUBROUTINE calc_uvw_abs_v_wgrid
1104 SUBROUTINE calc_uvw_abs_v_sgrid
surface_mod.f90 Matthias
174 MODULE surface_mod
521 SUBROUTINE init_bc
3274 SUBROUTINE surface_rrd_local
4272 SUBROUTINE surface_restore_elements_1d
4333 SUBROUTINE surface_restore_elements_2d
swap_timelevel.f90 Sebastian !> instead of !<
122 SUBROUTINE swap_timelevel
temperton_fft_mod.f90 Siggi coding standard, descriptions
112 SUBROUTINE fft991cy
354 SUBROUTINE qpassm
1231 SUBROUTINE rpassm
2085 SUBROUTINE set99
time_integration.f90 Sebastian
340 SUBROUTINE time_integration
time_integration_spinup.f90 Sebastian
88 SUBROUTINE time_integration_spinup
581 FUNCTION solar_angle
timestep.f90 Siggi
112 SUBROUTINE timestep
time_to_string.f90 Simon move function to module, USE, coding standard
62 FUNCTION time_to_string
transpose.f90 Siggi coding standard
93 SUBROUTINE resort_for_xy
137 SUBROUTINE transpose_xy
222 SUBROUTINE resort_for_xz
264 SUBROUTINE transpose_xz
352 SUBROUTINE resort_for_yx
396 SUBROUTINE transpose_yx
484 SUBROUTINE transpose_yxd
561 SUBROUTINE resort_for_yz
605 SUBROUTINE transpose_yz
691 SUBROUTINE resort_for_zx
732 SUBROUTINE transpose_zx
818 SUBROUTINE resort_for_zy
863 SUBROUTINE transpose_zy
952 SUBROUTINE transpose_zyd
tridia_solver_mod.f90 Siggi
105 MODULE tridia_solver
140 SUBROUTINE tridia_init
179 SUBROUTINE maketri
272 SUBROUTINE tridia_substi
348 SUBROUTINE tridia_substi_overlap
425 SUBROUTINE split
472 SUBROUTINE tridia_1dd
533 SUBROUTINE maketri_1dd
600 SUBROUTINE split_1dd
628 SUBROUTINE substi_1dd
turbulence_closure_mod.f90 Tobias
371 SUBROUTINE tcm_check_data_output
415 SUBROUTINE tcm_define_netcdf_grid
468 SUBROUTINE tcm_3d_data_averaging
607 SUBROUTINE tcm_data_output_2d
728 SUBROUTINE tcm_data_output_3d
950 SUBROUTINE tcm_init
2175 SUBROUTINE tcm_prognostic_ij
2381 SUBROUTINE production_e
3098 SUBROUTINE production_e_ij
3793 SUBROUTINE diffusion_e
3928 SUBROUTINE diffusion_e_ij
4111 SUBROUTINE diffusion_diss_ij
4289 SUBROUTINE tcm_diffusivities
4509 SUBROUTINE tcm_swap_timelevel
urban_surface_mod.f90 Farah → others
274 MODULE urban_surface_mod
814 SUBROUTINE usm_allocate_surface
1202 SUBROUTINE usm_average_3d_data
2247 SUBROUTINE usm_check_data_output
2348 SUBROUTINE usm_data_output_3d
3332 SUBROUTINE usm_define_netcdf_grid
3516 SUBROUTINE usm_init_urban_surface
5324 SUBROUTINE usm_read_anthropogenic_heat
5410 SUBROUTINE usm_rrd_local
6590 SUBROUTINE usm_read_urban_surface_types
7068 PURE FUNCTION advance_surface
7099 SUBROUTINE usm_read_wall_temperature
7661 SUBROUTINE usm_swap_timelevel
user_3d_data_averaging.f90 Simon
67 SUBROUTINE user_3d_data_averaging
user_actions.f90 Simon
99 SUBROUTINE user_actions
206 SUBROUTINE user_actions_ij
user_check_data_output.f90 Simon
60 SUBROUTINE user_check_data_output
user_check_data_output_pr.f90 Simon
63 SUBROUTINE user_check_data_output_pr
user_data_output_2d.f90 Simon
76 SUBROUTINE user_data_output_2d
user_data_output_3d.f90 Simon
71 SUBROUTINE user_data_output_3d
user_data_output_dvrp.f90 Simon
57 SUBROUTINE user_data_output_dvrp
user_data_output_mask.f90 Simon
55 SUBROUTINE user_data_output_mask
user_define_netcdf_grid.f90 Simon
59 SUBROUTINE user_define_netcdf_grid
user_dvrp_coltab.f90 Simon
55 SUBROUTINE user_dvrp_coltab
user_header.f90 Simon
63 SUBROUTINE user_header
user_init.f90 Simon
64 SUBROUTINE user_init
user_lpm_init.f90 Simon
66 SUBROUTINE user_lpm_init
user_lpm_set_attributes.f90 Simon
63 SUBROUTINE user_lpm_set_attributes
user_module.f90 Simon
71 MODULE user
user_parin.f90 Simon
86 SUBROUTINE user_parin
user_read_restart_data_mod.f90 Simon
63 SUBROUTINE user_rrd_global
102 SUBROUTINE user_rrd_local
user_spectra.f90 Simon
66 SUBROUTINE user_spectra
user_statistics.f90 Simon
78 SUBROUTINE user_statistics
uv_exposure_model_mod.f90 Michael hard coding necessary?
68 MODULE uv_exposure_model_mod
256 SUBROUTINE uvem_check_data_output
315 SUBROUTINE uvem_data_output_2d
395 SUBROUTINE uvem_define_netcdf_grid
477 SUBROUTINE uvem_3d_data_averaging
vertical_nesting_mod.f90 Farah → SadiqHuq?
78 MODULE vertical_nesting_mod
221 SUBROUTINE vnest_init_fine
629 SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_w
761 SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_u
907 SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_v
1051 SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_s
1201 SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_kh
1369 SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_km
1539 SUBROUTINE interpolate_to_fine_flux
1675 SUBROUTINE vnest_boundary_conds
1839 SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_w
1941 SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_u
2041 SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_v
2150 SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_s
2291 SUBROUTINE vnest_boundary_conds_khkm
2442 SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_kh
2580 SUBROUTINE vnest_set_topbc_km
2725 SUBROUTINE vnest_anterpolate
2998 SUBROUTINE anterpolate_to_crse_u
3068 SUBROUTINE anterpolate_to_crse_v
3137 SUBROUTINE anterpolate_to_crse_w
3206 SUBROUTINE anterpolate_to_crse_s
3280 SUBROUTINE vnest_anterpolate_e
3438 SUBROUTINE anterpolate_to_crse_e
3537 SUBROUTINE vnest_init_pegrid_rank
3631 SUBROUTINE vnest_init_pegrid_domain
virtual_flight_mod.f90 Matthias
920 SUBROUTINE flight_rrd_global
wind_turbine_model_mod.f90 Sebastian
143 MODULE wind_turbine_model_mod
479 SUBROUTINE wtm_parin
627 SUBROUTINE wtm_rrd_global
717 SUBROUTINE wtm_init_arrays
933 SUBROUTINE wtm_init
1316 SUBROUTINE wtm_read_blade_tables
1565 SUBROUTINE wtm_rotate_rotor
1630 SUBROUTINE wtm_forces
2490 SUBROUTINE wtm_yawcontrol
2633 SUBROUTINE wtm_speed_control
write_restart_data_mod.f90 Sebastian
86 SUBROUTINE wrd_global
948 SUBROUTINE wrd_local

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