Version 18 (modified by kanani, 11 years ago) (diff)




Page (e. g. wiki/doc/app/userint) What to do? Name
wiki/doc/app/jobcontrol Restructure mrun documentation <name>
wiki/doc/tec/mbuild Description of mbuild <name>
wiki/doc/tec/subjob Description of subjob <name>
to be created Create descriptive page for "Model Steering" <name>
wiki/doc/app/... Navigation for documentation pages (Steering of interactive/batch runs) <name>
wiki/doc/tec/1d_model Description of 1d model <name>
wiki/doc/tec/cloud_physics Description of cloud physics module <name>
wiki/doc/app/examples/turbinf Update description about usage of turbulent inflow <name>
wiki/doc Update of page "Documentation" <name>
<page> complete explanations for PALM error messages <name>
<page> Links from manual to tutorial <name>
<page> Write descriptions for exercises 6-14 (devide all exercises into Tutorial exercises and Advanced exercises), Advanced examples->Research project examples <name>
<page> <what> <name>

Source Code

Program parts What to do? Name
mrun, subjob, mbuild Translate German comments to English <name>
mrun restructure and simplify the parameter-file check <name>
develop new GUI for parameter file generation <name>
develop an installation script (using make install mechanism <name>
PALM code completion of single-GPU porting <name>
PALM code re-evaluation of the MPI-GPU-version <name>
mrun, subjob allow batch-job-directives (e.g. PBS) and execution commands (mpiexec, aprun, etc.) to be configured using entries in .mrun.config <name>
mrun, subjob, mbuild cleaning <name>
PALM code code clearing and restructuring following programmer guidelines of DWD/DMI <name>
- use KIND parameter for defining single/double pprecision instead of compiler options (e.g. -r8)
- select from modules only those variables really required, using the ONLY attribute
- describe variables in the declaration statements
- extend the MODULE concept to other parts of the code (canopy model, etc.)
- move initialization from init_3d_model to the respective modules <name>
PALM code output progress messages on terminal or to the job protocol (see Helges progress bars) <name>
finish implementation of FFT/ALLTOALL overlapping <name>
finish implementation of prognostic_equation/SENDRECV overlapping <name>
<page> Avoid collecting of 2D data on PE0 (topography data, surface coupling layer) <name>

Code performance

define setups for scaling / benchmark runs <name>
carry out runs to determine PALM's weak/strong scaling behaviour + parallel efficiency, this might be good to be carried out during the test phase of the HLRNIII-Hannover-complex <name>
<page> <what> <name>
<page> <what> <name>

Entries of former ToDo?-List

Page (e. g. wiki/doc/app/userint) What to do? Name
wiki/doc/app/intdbg Directly get the corresponding passage of
.mrun.config out of the repository
wiki/doc/install Link directories to svn-repository Björn W.
several mark some navigation entries in bold face <name>
wiki/doc/app/vapor Usage of VAPOR and data converting Björn M.
wiki/doc/app/ncmasked delete <name>
<page> <what> <name>

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