Version 168 (modified by gronemeier, 7 years ago) (diff) |
PALM workshop (May 22-25, 2018)
Category | What to do? | Name |
Web docu | Restructure entire PALM docu | Farah |
Web docu | Update palmrun description | Siggi |
Web docu | Update links to palmrun description, remove/rename traces to mbuild, mrun, subjob | tba |
Web docu | Helge | |
Web docu | Complete and check existing PALM error messages (Remaining Numbers without description: PA0149, 226, 228, 234, 245-270, 296-301, 309, 319-321, 327, 328, 330, 334-338, 460-464, UI0002; the error message itself is sufficient for many of these -> mark them in a special way?) | Sebastian, Katrin |
Web docu | Check consistency of parameter lists (namelist pages and alphabetical list) | Katrin |
Web docu | Update links from manual to Tutorial (new: PALM seminar material) | Farah |
Web docu | Revise description of timeseries output | Farah |
Web docu | Tobias | |
Web docu | documentation of the PIDS and of surface model (e.g. how to create drivers, or the different level-of-details) | Matthias |
Web docu | automatic generation of a machine-readable list of all NAMELIST-parameters including their default values | tba |
Tickets | Sort tickets of component "General" into appropriate components (change title and keywords where needed, create new components where necessary), delete non-relevant tickets, add answers to FAQ | Katrin |
PALM code | Check for double-use of error numbers | Sebastian |
PALM code | Clean up / extend location messages / time measurements, remove output of '--- finished' in advance mode | Farah, Matthias, Siggi |
PALM code | Comment variables/parameters in declaration sections: as a first step, identify routines, create a list of these routines and assign responsibilities | Katrin |
PALM code | Known bug: W* and Z_I in the first line of the run control file don't correspond to the values in the last run control output line of the previous run. | Sebastian |
PALM code | Known bug: Restart crashes in sum_up_3d_data if an _av quantity is given in the restart run NAMELIST file (_p3dr) but not in the initial run NAMELIST file (_p3d) --> Implement check?! | Sebastian |
Scripts | Helge | |
Scripts | Finalize first version of new palmplot script (python) | Helge |
Scripts | Tobias | |
Discussion | Parameter file inconsistencies. Settings for data output are not consistent within the parameter file. For example, 3d/2d/pr output variables are explicitly declared, but timeseries are always the same (confusing for users). Also, differentiation between data_output and data_output_pr is confusing. A possible solution would be to use data_output exclusively and include profiles, e.g. for pt this then would read "pt", "pt_xy", "pt_pr", etc. I would leave this as it is. Several quantities only exist as profiles, so it don't make sense to add a _pr to all of them. It should be enough to add (better) hints in the docu. Siggi | group |
Discussion | Discuss the treatment of package parameters, regarding their appearance in rrd_global and wrd_global. Discuss the general treatment / separation of inipar and d3par parameters. | Sebastian |
PALM code | Tobias | |
PALM code | Make use of already implemented 'long_name' attribute of variables, i.e. give possibility to assign a long_name for user defined variables | Tobias |
PALM code | Make proper use of global attributes; especially do not write time average interval in title if there exists a specific attribute (time_avg) for this. I think this information in the title is quite helpful for interpreting the plot. If it is omitted in the title, we need to add this information to the plot at some other place. Siggi | Tobias |
PALM code | Add georeferencing (lat/lon) and global attributes according to [UC]² data policyto NetCDF output | Matthias |
PALM code | Extend plant canopy model to handle basal area (trunks, branches) | Björn |
homepage | replace the provisional picture (showing Kelvin-Helmholtz waves) by a nicer one from an urban canopy simulation | Tobias |
test suite | Design test cases for microphysic and lagrangian particles | Johannes |
PALM code | Implement and homogenize output of cloud-physical variables derived from bulk and Lagrangian cloud physics (e.g., qc, ql, qr, lpt, pt) | Johannes |
PALM code/ documentation | Change the name specific humidity to mixing ratio! We don't compute specific humidities. | Johannes |
PALM code | replace CEILING function with INT or NINT where appropriate | tba |
PALM code | 3D output in serial mode seems to be quite different from parallel runs although RUN_CONTROL files are identical | tba |
Page (e. g. wiki/doc/app/userint) | What to do? | Name |
wiki/doc/tec/1d_model | Description of 1d model | |
wiki/doc/tec/cloud_physics | Description of cloud physics module | Johannes |
<page> | Write descriptions for exercises 6-14 (divide all exercises into Tutorial exercises and Advanced exercises), Advanced examples->Research project examples | |
wiki/doc/ | Description of statistical methods (computation of fluxes and variances, horizontal averaging, etc.) | |
wiki/doc/tec/wtm | Write documentation for wind turbine parametrization code | Björn Witha |
Add additions/correction page for the Maronga et al. 2015 paper so that we can incorporate them in the next model description paper | ||
Tutorial | Various exercises and general presentation are since long time listed as "under construction". Links have been removed for now. | |
* Data visualization with VAPOR (see also comment in "Tools") | ||
* Data visualization with DVR | ||
* Exercise 6: Cumulus cloud from cloud droplets | ||
* Exercise 7: Ocean mixed layer | ||
* Exercise 8: Atmosphere-ocean coupling | ||
* Exercise 9: Canopy flow | ||
* Exercise 12: Non-cyclic boundary conditions | ||
* Exercise 13: Turbulence recycling | ||
* Exercise 14: Using DVR | ||
* Example: Footprints | ||
* Example: Stable boundary layer (GABLS3) | ||
* Cloud Physics up to date? |
Source Code
Program parts | What to do? | Name |
develop new GUI for parameter file generation | ||
PALM code | remove the iwp (working precision for INTEGERS), because many routines (e.g. MPI) cannot handle others than 32bit INTEGER | |
PALM code | code clearing and restructuring following programmer guidelines of DWD/DMI | all, Siggi |
<page> | Matthias | |
<page> | Subgrid-scale saturation fluctuation for Lagrangian cloud model | Johannes |
data_output | implement output of scalar and momentum fluxes calculated by temporal EC | |
PALM code | ||
Example runs | Modify the "building" example run (example_building_p3d), since topography is allowed with WS-scheme | Tobias |
PALM code | For reference_state='horizontal_average' round the averaged profile (e.g. 3.3 digits) to make runs repeatable | Siggi |
PALM code | Avoid repeating code blocks in data_output routines and use subroutines instead | |
PALM code | Avoid unnecessary grid checks when using multi grid solver | ?? |
data_output | In profile output define zu and zw only once instead of define a vertical dimension for each individual variable (e.g. zpt, zw"u, zw"v, ...) | |
data_output | When calculating vertical cross sections averaged along x or y, leave out topography | |
data_output | Do not output ghost points in masked output | Siggi |
PALM code | Separate option "cyclic_fill" from restart run to avoid unwanted effects (e.g. surface heat flux value in namelist of a run using "cyclic_fill" will always be overwritten by the value used in the precursor run). | Björn / Tobias |
PALM code | define dimensions of data_output, data_output_pr, etc. as variables (avoid fixed numbers in code) | |
PALM code | Implement a more flexible y-shift method for non-cyclic but also for cyclic runs | Simon |
PALM code | Particle code: unify allocation of particle arrays within lpm_droplet_collision, lpm_droplet_condensation, ... (REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE or REAL(wp), DIMENSION(prt_count(k,j,i))) | Johannes |
PALM code | Review summation of "1E-5_wp" in lines 164/167 in diffusivities.f90 (r2119), see ticket:393 | Tobias |
data_output | | Matthias |
PALM code | for consistency reasons, implement "initial gradient" top boundary conditions for the mixing ratio too | Johannes |
RRTMG coupling | allow for dry runs with RRTMG (might lead to unrealistic results if the atmosphere is considered totally dry!) | Björn |
1d-model | fix 1d model to work without Coriolis force why is this required? Siggi | |
PALM code | allow more flexible vertical grid stretching, e.g. for having near-surface stretching, constant grid spacing above and again stretching in the free atmosphere | Sebastian |
check parameters | with psolver=multigrid, check that the subdomains can be divived by 2 at least once (see documentation of the multigrid). Is this still a problem? Needs to be checked. | Siggi |
Spectra output | | Matthias |
Initialization | It needs to be clarified that the initial wind profile constructed by ug_surface, ug_vertical_gradient etc. describes the forcing by the geostrophic wind (pressure gradient), and at the same time depicts the initial actual-wind profile. just add better hints in docu | Siggi |
palmrun | make working directory independent from installation directory | Siggi |
NAMELISTs | it should be possible to give output levels in real coordinates (m) instead of grid level, output should then be done for the nearest grid point | Sebastian |
data_output | all output checks should be done BEFORE the first time step, and not when the first output is done | |
Nesting output | additional output of nesting information is required (e.g. in header): for root domain: number of nested domains, name of nested domains, number of nesting levels; for each domain: position of the nest domains given in grid index number range, e.g. (20..40,10:15), also position of lower left corners in physical coordinates? | |
PALM code | routine global_min_max does not work for mode 'min', 'max', and 'minmax'. | Tobias |
PALM code | discuss using Fortran Intrinsic Function "SUM" instead of loops as done many times in the code | all (KS) |
initializing_actions | discuss use of initializing_actions='user', because its usage requires good code knowledge and the advantage over using 'set_constant_profiles' and later overwriting variables in user_init_3d_model.f90 is not clear just give better explanations in the docu. Siggi | all (KS) |
PALM code | ||
PALM code | Revise vertical loops in plant-canopy model in order to get rid-off 2D-index array pch_index | Matthias |
PALM code | File local_system.f90 has become redundant since SYSTEM subroutine is intrinsic. After a year of no issues with this, remove local_system calls and replace with SYSTEM calls everywhere (2018-05-22) | tba |
Code performance
define setups for scaling / benchmark runs | Björn, Siggi, Fabian | |
carry out runs to determine PALM's weak/strong scaling behaviour + parallel efficiency, this might be good to be carried out during the test phase of the HLRNIV | ? | |
debug ex_lsm_clearsky and reincorporate it to standard test cases | Björn, Katrin |
- | extend PALM grid finder for nesting configurations | Hiwi |
- | tool for finding vertical grid configuration with grid stretching (maybe as part of palm_gf) | Katrin+HiWi? |
Vapor | remove deprecated vapor scripts. Users try to use them but they are highly specialized for our IMUK system and the old HLRN2 complex (deprecated). Also update documentation (see above). | Tobias |
Attachments (1)
(3.4 KB) -
added by sward 7 years ago.
bash script to find out insufficiently commented variable declarations
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