Changes between Version 98 and Version 99 of todo

Apr 21, 2017 12:28:45 PM (8 years ago)



  • todo

    v98 v99  
    4343||PALM code  ||code clearing and restructuring following programmer guidelines of DWD/DMI  ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, all, Siggi )]]  ||
    4444||PALM code  ||Add description for all variables/quantities used in PALM according to doxygen syntax, most important is file modules.f90 ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Farah )]]  ||
    45 ||  ||- review MODULE concept and extend it to other parts of the code (coupling, ...). This should include swap_timelevel.f90 ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Björn )]] ||
    4645||  ||- move initialization from init_3d_model to the respective modules  ||  ||
    4746||<page>  ||Avoid collecting of 2D data on PE0 (topography data, surface coupling layer) ||  ||
    4847||<page>  ||Subgrid-scale saturation fluctuation for Lagrangian cloud model  ||Fabian  ||
    4948||  ||implementation of a tracbot, which automatically runs and checks examples in case of any code changes  ||  ||
    50 ||data_output  ||implement output of hydrostatic pressure ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Björn, Helge)]]  ||
     49||data_output  ||implement output of hydrostatic pressure (already done?) ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Helge)]]  ||
    5150||data_output  ||implement output of scalar and momentum fluxes calculated by temporal EC ||  ||
    5251||PALM code  ||Create temporary job sub-directories via mrun (does not work properly with the FORTRAN system call function)  || ||
    7978|| PALM code || allow more flexible vertical grid stretching, e.g. for having near-surface stretching, constant grid spacing above and again stretching in the free atmosphere || ||
    8079|| check parameters || with psolver=multigrid, check that the subdomains can be divived by 2 at least once (see documentation of the multigrid). Is this still a problem? Needs to be checked. || ||
     80|| LSM         || adjustments          ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Björn)]]  ||
    8282== Code performance==