Changes between Version 96 and Version 97 of todo

Apr 21, 2017 9:39:10 AM (8 years ago)



  • todo

    v96 v97  
    1212||wiki/doc/tec/1d_model  ||Description of 1d model  ||  ||
    1313||wiki/doc/tec/cloud_physics  ||Description of cloud physics module  ||  ||
    14 ||<page>  ||complete explanations for PALM error messages  || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, all, if there is time to spare )]] ||
     14||<page>  ||complete explanations for PALM error messages  || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Simon and Sebastian with help from others )]] ||
    1515||<page>  ||Links from manual to tutorial  ||  ||
    1616||<page>  ||Write descriptions for exercises 6-14 (divide all exercises into Tutorial exercises and Advanced exercises), Advanced examples->Research project examples   ||  ||
    4242||mrun, subjob, mbuild  ||cleaning  ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Siggi )]]  ||
    4343||PALM code  ||code clearing and restructuring following programmer guidelines of DWD/DMI  ||all  ||
    44 ||PALM code  ||Add description for all variables/quantities used in PALM according to doxygen syntax ||all  ||
     44||PALM code  ||Add description for all variables/quantities used in PALM according to doxygen syntax, most important is file modules.f90 ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Simon and Sebastian, with help from others )]]  ||
    4545||  ||- review MODULE concept and extend it to other parts of the code (coupling, ...). This should include swap_timelevel.f90 ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Björn )]] ||
    4646||  ||- move initialization from init_3d_model to the respective modules  ||  ||
    4747||<page>  ||Avoid collecting of 2D data on PE0 (topography data, surface coupling layer) ||  ||
    48 ||  ||remove flux limiter for Wicker-Skamarock~~ || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Matthias )]] ||
    4948||<page>  ||Subgrid-scale saturation fluctuation for Lagrangian cloud model  ||Fabian  ||
    5049||  ||implementation of a tracbot, which automatically runs and checks examples in case of any code changes  ||  ||
    51 ||data_output  ||implement output of hydrostatic pressure ||Björn, Helge   ||
     50||data_output  ||implement output of hydrostatic pressure ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Björn, Helge)]]  ||
    5251||data_output  ||implement output of scalar and momentum fluxes calculated by temporal EC ||  ||
    53 ||PALM code ||Use NetCDF instead of ASCII for topography data  ||to be done in MOSAIK, Matthias??  ||
    5452||PALM code  ||Create temporary job sub-directories via mrun (does not work properly with the FORTRAN system call function)  || ||
    5553||PALM code  ||Discuss the treatment of package parameters, regarding their appearance in {{{read_var_list}}} and {{{write_var_list}}}. Discuss the general treatment / separation of {{{inipar}}} and {{{d3par}}} parameters. ||all  ||
    5856||PALM code  ||Avoid repeating code blocks in {{{data_output}}} routines and use subroutines instead ||  ||
    5957||PALM code  ||Avoid unnecessary grid checks when using multi grid solver ||??  ||
    60 ||PALM code  ||Implement Johannes' splitting and merging algorithm for Lagrangian particles || Fabian, Johannes ||
    61 ||PALM code  ||make simple random number generator available for general usage || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Fabian?? )]] ||
     58||PALM code  ||Implement Johannes' splitting and merging algorithm for Lagrangian particles ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Johannes)]] ||
     59||PALM code  ||make simple random number generator available for general usage || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Fabian )]] ||
    6260|| PALM code || Implement and homogenize output of cloud-physical variables derived from bulk and Lagrangian cloud physics (e.g., qc, ql, qr, lpt, pt) || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Fabian )]] ||
    6361||PALM code/ documentation  ||Change the name specific humidity to mixing ratio! We don't compute specific humidities.  || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Fabian )]] ||
    6765|| PALM code || Separate option "cyclic_fill" from restart run to avoid unwanted effects (e.g. surface heat flux value in namelist of a run using "cyclic_fill" will always be overwritten by the value used in the precursor run). || ||
    6866|| PALM code || define dimensions of data_output, data_output_pr, etc. as variables (avoid fixed numbers in code) || ||
    69 || PALM code || Implement synthetic turbulence generation method || Tobias ||
     67|| PALM code || Implement synthetic turbulence generation method ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Tobias)]] ||
     68|| PALM code || Implement a more flexible y-shift method for non-cyclic but also for cyclic runs ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Tobias)]] ||
    7069|| PALM code || Particle code: unify allocation of particle arrays within lpm_droplet_collision, lpm_droplet_condensation, ... (REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE or REAL(wp), DIMENSION(prt_count(k,j,i))) || Fabian ||
    7170|| PALM code || Use only one Magnus formula within the code (not several as in microphysics.f90, lpm_droplet_condensation.f90, calc_liquid_water.f90, land_surface_model.f90) || Fabian ||