Changes between Version 94 and Version 95 of todo

Apr 13, 2017 3:12:24 PM (8 years ago)



  • todo

    v94 v95  
    44== Documentation ==
    6 [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Responsibilities for PALM-internal workshop 2016 are marked in red color)]]
     6[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Responsibilities for PALM-internal workshop 2017 are marked in red color)]]
    77||='''Page (e. g. wiki/doc/app/userint)'''  =||='''What to do?'''  =||='''Name'''  =||
    8 ||wiki/doc/tec/developerrules  ||~~Write reference document for code formatting and programming rules / programmer guidelines~~ ||~~[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Siggi )]]~~  ||
    98||wiki/doc/app/jobcontrol  ||Restructure mrun documentation  ||  ||
    109||wiki/doc/tec/mbuild  ||Description of mbuild  ||  ||
    1110||wiki/doc/tec/subjob ||Description of subjob  ||  ||
    12 ||to be created  ||Create descriptive page for "Model Steering"  ||  ||
    13 ||wiki/doc/app/...  ||Navigation for documentation pages (Steering  of interactive/batch runs)  ||  ||
     11||wiki/doc  ||more clear structure for {{{wiki/doc}}}  ||  ||
    1412||wiki/doc/tec/1d_model  ||Description of 1d model  ||  ||
    1513||wiki/doc/tec/cloud_physics  ||Description of cloud physics module  ||  ||
    16 ||~~wiki/doc/app/examples/turbinf~~  ||~~Update description about usage of turbulent inflow~~  || ~~[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Tobias )]]~~ ||
    17 ||wiki/doc  ||Update of page "Documentation"  ||  ||
    1814||<page>  ||complete explanations for PALM error messages  || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, all, if there is time to spare )]] ||
    1915||<page>  ||Links from manual to tutorial  ||  ||
    2016||<page>  ||Write descriptions for exercises 6-14 (divide all exercises into Tutorial exercises and Advanced exercises), Advanced examples->Research project examples   ||  ||
    21 ||gallery ||Update the gallery (new images from research projects)||  ||
    22 ||wiki/Help/FAQ  || Extend FAQ list  ||  ||
    23 ||...  ||List the literature on which the applied methods and approaches (physical and numerical) are based on and set links to this list wherever references are made||  ||
    2417||wiki/doc/ ||Description of statistical methods (computation of fluxes and variances, horizontal averaging, etc.)  ||  ||
    25 ||wiki/doc#Modelformulation ||Transfer contents from the PALM paper (Maronga et al. 2015) to the trac system  ||Hiwi  ||
    26 ||<page>  ||Write documentation for wind turbine parametrization code  || Björn Witha ||
    27 ||~~wiki/doc/tec/lsm~~  ||~~Write documentation for land surface model~~ || ~~[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Björn )]]~~ ||
    28 ||~~wiki/doc/tec/radiation~~  ||~~Write documentation for radiation models~~ || ~~[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Björn )]]~~ ||
    29 ||~~wiki/doc/tec/bc~~  ||~~Write documentation for new treatment of the constant flux layer~~ || ~~[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Björn )]]~~ ||
    30 ||~~wiki/doc/tec/ocean~~ ||~~density in formulas need to be corrected:  in-situ density is used in the buoyancy and energy production term, potential density is only used to calculate stability (Brunt-Vaisala frequency for calculating the mixing length). This error was made in the Maronga et al.(2015) paper as well! ~~ ||~~addressed in r2126 and r2194~~ ||
     18||<page>  ||Write documentation for wind turbine parametrization code  || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Björn Witha)]] ||
    3119|| ||Add additions/correction page for the Maronga et al. 2015 paper so that we can incorporate them in the next model description paper || ||
    5038== Source Code ==
    5139||='''Program parts'''  =||='''What to do?'''  =||='''Name'''  =||
    52 ||~~mrun, subjob, mbuild~~     ||~~Translate German comments to English~~     ||~~Siggi~~ r1289     ||
    53 ||~~mrun~~  ||~~restructure / simplify / remove the parameter-file check~~  ||~~[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Björn )]]~~  ||
    5440||      ||develop new GUI for parameter file generation ||  ||
    55 ||      ||~~develop an installation script (using cmake mechanism~~ ||~~[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Helge )]]~~  ||
    56 ||~~PALM code, OpenACC~~  ||~~completion of single-GPU porting~~  ||~~Siggi~~ GPU porting has been frozen  ||
    57 ||~~PALM code, OpenACC~~  ||~~implement CUDA-aware MPI~~  ||done in branch GPU_porting_eurohack  ||
    5841||mrun, subjob  ||allow batch-job-directives (e.g. PBS) and execution commands (mpiexec, aprun, etc.) to be configured using entries in .mrun.config  ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Siggi )]]  ||
    5942||mrun, subjob, mbuild  ||cleaning  ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Siggi )]]  ||
    6043||PALM code  ||code clearing and restructuring following programmer guidelines of DWD/DMI  ||all  ||
    61 ||  ||~~- use KIND parameter for defining single/double precision instead of compiler options (e.g. -r8)~~  ||~~all~~ r1354  ||
    62 ||  ||~~- select from modules only those variables really required, using the ONLY attribute~~  ||~~all~~ r1324  ||
    63 ||  ||- describe variables in the declaration statements  ||all  ||
    64 ||  ||- review MODULE concept and extend it to other parts of the code (canopy model, coupling, ). This should include swap_timelevel.f90 ||~~Farah (canopy)~~ r1484, [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Björn )]] ||
     44||PALM code  ||Add description for all variables/quantities used in PALM according to doxygen syntax ||all  ||
     45||  ||- review MODULE concept and extend it to other parts of the code (coupling, ...). This should include swap_timelevel.f90 ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Björn )]] ||
    6546||  ||- move initialization from init_3d_model to the respective modules  ||  ||
    66 ||PALM code  ||~~output progress messages on terminal or to the job protocol (see Helges progress bars)~~  ||~~Siggi, Helge~~ r1402  ||
    67 ||  ||~~finish implementation of FFT/ALLTOALL overlapping~~  ||~~Ketelsen, Siggi~~ r1306  ||
    68 ||  ||finish implementation of prognostic_equation/SENDRECV overlapping  ||  ||
    69 ||<page>  ||Avoid collecting of 2D data on PE0 (topography data, surface coupling layer), maybe using co-array FORTRAN ||  ||
    70 ||  ||~~Implement flux limiter for Wicker-Skamarock~~ ||~~Matthias, Lennart~~ postponed due to inherent optimization drawbacks  ||
    71 ||<page>  ||~~Implement RRTMG radiation model~~  ||~~Björn~~  ||
     47||<page>  ||Avoid collecting of 2D data on PE0 (topography data, surface coupling layer) ||  ||
     48||  ||remove flux limiter for Wicker-Skamarock~~ || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Matthias )]] ||
    7249||<page>  ||Subgrid-scale saturation fluctuation for Lagrangian cloud model  ||Fabian  ||
    73 || ||~~Implement new particle data structure in LPM~~ ||~~Fabian~~  ||
    74 || ||~~Implement logarithmic interpolation of particle velocities near the surface~~ ||~~Matthias~~ r1315 ||
    75 ||  ||Separate equation for passive scalar (multiple scalars?) ||to be done in MOSAIK  ||
    76 ||  ||Modification of random number generator to allow better parallelization ||Helge  ||
    7750||  ||implementation of a tracbot, which automatically runs and checks examples in case of any code changes  ||  ||
    78 ||  ||implement SGS model from Igor Esau  ||to be done in MOSAIK  ||
    79 ||  ||~~implement a soil model (similar to DALES?)~~ ||~~Björn~~ ||
    80 ||~~calc_spectra~~  ||~~check and update the internal calculation of spectra~~ ||~~Matthias (check)~~ ||
    81 ||  ||~~improve output of standard timeseries: L is defined as Obukhov-length for dry air; should also be defined for moist air; output of buoyancy flux w"vpt"0~~  ||~~Björn~~  ||
    8251||data_output  ||implement output of hydrostatic pressure ||Björn, Helge   ||
    8352||data_output  ||implement output of scalar and momentum fluxes calculated by temporal EC ||  ||
    84 ||  ||~~implement random number generation for ensemble runs~~ ||~~Helge, Björn~~   ||
    85 ||  ||implement new boundary condition for cases where the grid spacing is in the order of the roughness length ||  ||
    86 ||  ||~~increase limit for some identifier strings (e.g. length of variable names is very limited)~~ ||~~Björn~~  ||
    87 ||PALM code  ||~~implement anelastic approximation~~  ||~~Helge~~  ||
    88 ||  ||implementation of viscous topography  ||  ||
    89 ||PALM code ||Use NetCDF instead of ASCII for topography data  ||to be done in MOSAIK  ||
    90 ||PALM code ||~~ Update GPL~~  ||~~all~~ r1310 ||
    91 ||PALM code  ||~~Allow runs for >= 10000 cores~~ ||~~Björn, Siggi~~  ||
     53||PALM code ||Use NetCDF instead of ASCII for topography data  ||to be done in MOSAIK, Matthias??  ||
    9254||PALM code  ||Create temporary job sub-directories via mrun (does not work properly with the FORTRAN system call function)  || ||
    9355||PALM code  ||Discuss the treatment of package parameters, regarding their appearance in {{{read_var_list}}} and {{{write_var_list}}}. Discuss the general treatment / separation of {{{inipar}}} and {{{d3par}}} parameters. ||all  ||
    9456||Example runs ||Modify the "building" example run (example_building_p3d), since topography is allowed with WS-scheme ||  ||
    9557||PALM code  ||For reference_state='horizontal_average' round the averaged profile (e.g. 3.3 digits) to make runs repeatable ||  ||
    96 ||PALM code  ||Add description for all variables/quantities used in PALM according to doxygen syntax ||  ||
    9758||PALM code  ||Avoid repeating code blocks in {{{data_output}}} routines and use subroutines instead ||  ||
    9859||PALM code  ||Avoid unnecessary grid checks when using multi grid solver ||??  ||
    99 ||PALM code, topography  ||remove bug which appears for complex topography; the current workaround is to filter the topography apriori, but this doesn't help in case of topography on coarse-grid MG levels; filter may have to be applied within PALM code directly  ||  ||
    100 ||PALM code  ||~~Remove unnecessary tail and dvrp code from Lagrangian particle model~~ || ~~[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Fabian )]]~~ ||
    101 ||PALM code  ||~~Substitute some mathematical descriptions of processes in Lagrangian cloud model by more appropriate parameterizations (terminal velocities in lpm_advec and lpm_collision_kernels)~~ || ~~[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Fabian )]]~~ ||
    10260||PALM code  ||Implement Johannes' splitting and merging algorithm for Lagrangian particles || Fabian, Johannes ||
    103 ||PALM code  ||~~Implement random velocity perturbations for Lagrangian droplets~~; make simple random number generator available for general usage || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Fabian )]] ||
    104 ||PALM code  ||~~Unification of bulk cloud microphysics (i.e., delete calc_precipitation, calc_liquid_water, impact_of_latent_heat and introduce these processes to the microphysics subroutine)~~ || ~~[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Fabian )]]~~ ||
     61||PALM code  ||make simple random number generator available for general usage || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Fabian?? )]] ||
    10562|| PALM code || Implement and homogenize output of cloud-physical variables derived from bulk and Lagrangian cloud physics (e.g., qc, ql, qr, lpt, pt) || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Fabian )]] ||
    10663||PALM code/ documentation  ||Change the name specific humidity to mixing ratio! We don't compute specific humidities.  || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Fabian )]] ||
    10966|| data_output || Do not output ghost points || ||
    11067|| PALM code || Separate option "cyclic_fill" from restart run to avoid unwanted effects (e.g. surface heat flux value in namelist of a run using "cyclic_fill" will always be overwritten by the value used in the precursor run). || ||
    111 || ~~PALM code~~ || ~~Change mass flux correction from addition to multiplication~~ || ~~[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Tobias )]]~~ ||
    112 || PALM code || Integrate wind turbine parametrization code into the default code || Björn Witha ||
    11368|| PALM code || define dimensions of data_output, data_output_pr, etc. as variables (avoid fixed numbers in code) || ||
    11469|| PALM code || Implement synthetic turbulence generation method || Tobias ||
    115 || mrun / ?  || put INPUT and USER_CODE folder under revision control (git) with automatic updates whenever a job is sent || ||
    116 || PALM code || Revision of large-scale forcing / nudging implementation including input data format. In this course, allow for using the mechanism to initialize PALM with explicit vertical profiles without further large-scale forcing or nudging ||could be done within MOSAIK ||
    11770|| PALM code || Particle code: unify allocation of particle arrays within lpm_droplet_collision, lpm_droplet_condensation, ... (REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE or REAL(wp), DIMENSION(prt_count(k,j,i))) || Fabian ||
    11871|| PALM code || Use only one Magnus formula within the code (not several as in microphysics.f90, lpm_droplet_condensation.f90, calc_liquid_water.f90, land_surface_model.f90) || Fabian ||
    119 || PALM code || Implement PALM error messages in parallel random number generator module ||  ||
     72|| PALM code || Implement PALM error messages in parallel random number generator module ||Helge  ||
    12073|| mrun / data output || Use same cycle number for all output files ||  ||
    12174|| PALM code || Review summation of "1E-5_wp" in lines 164/167 in diffusivities.f90 (r2119), see ticket:393 ||  ||
    12376|| data_output || Set missing values/fill values inside topography and define these missing values as attributes in NetCDF file. ||  ||
    12477||mrun, .mrun.config || allow for a different name and directory for the "job_queue" folder ||  ||
    125 || PALM code   || optimise calculation of npex and npey in init_pegrid, such that a working (and efficient) processor topology will be found if it exists || Katrin ||
    12678|| PALM code   || for consistency reasons, implement "initial gradient" top boundary conditions for the mixing ratio too || Siggi ||
    12779|| RRTMG coupling   || allow for dry runs with RRTMG (might lead to unrealistic results if the atmosphere is considered totally dry!) || Björn ||
    12880|| PALM code || allow more flexible vertical grid stretching, e.g. for having near-surface stretching, constant grid spacing above and again stretching in the free atmosphere || ||
    129 || check parameters || with psolver=multigrid, check that the subdomains can be divived by 2 at least once (see documentation of the multigrid) || ||
     81|| check parameters || with psolver=multigrid, check that the subdomains can be divived by 2 at least once (see documentation of the multigrid). Is this still a problem? Needs to be checked. || ||
    13183== Code performance==
    13284||  ||define setups for scaling / benchmark runs  ||Björn, Siggi, Fabian  ||
    133 ||  ||carry out runs to determine PALM's weak/strong scaling behaviour + parallel efficiency,  this might be good to be carried out during the test phase of the HLRNIII-Hannover-complex  ||?  ||
     85||  ||carry out runs to determine PALM's weak/strong scaling behaviour + parallel efficiency,  this might be good to be carried out during the test phase of the HLRNIV  ||?  ||
    13486||<page>  ||<what>  ||<name>  ||
    13991== Tools==
    14092||-  ||new plotting tool to replace palmplot  ||Christoph + Hiwi  ||
    141 ||-  ||new tool to find possible model grid configurations  ||HiWi ||
    142 ||~~watchdog~~  ||~~Debugging: runs on two hosts at the same time, add on/off switches for each host, add "do you really want to cancel job hannover.1234567 ?"-button~~ ||~~Björn~~  ||
     93||-  ||extend PALM grid finder for nesting configurations  ||HiWi ||