Changes between Version 62 and Version 63 of todo

Feb 4, 2016 2:05:18 PM (9 years ago)



  • todo

    v62 v63  
    2323||...  ||List the literature on which the applied methods and approaches (physical and numerical) are based on and set links to this list wherever references are made||  ||
    2424||wiki/doc/ ||Description of statistical methods (computation of fluxes and variances, horizontal averaging, etc.)  ||  ||
    25 ||wiki/doc#Modelformulation ||Transfer contents from the PALM paper (Maronga et al. 2015) to the trac system  ||  ||
     25||wiki/doc#Modelformulation ||Transfer contents from the PALM paper (Maronga et al. 2015) to the trac system  ||Hiwi  ||
    2626||<page>  ||Write documentation for wind turbine parametrization code  || Björn Witha ||
    2929||='''Program parts'''  =||='''What to do?'''  =||='''Name'''  =||
    3030||~~mrun, subjob, mbuild~~     ||~~Translate German comments to English~~     ||~~Siggi~~ r1289     ||
    31 ||mrun  ||restructure / simplify / remove the parameter-file check  ||Björn  ||
     31||mrun  ||restructure / simplify / remove the parameter-file check  ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Björn )]]  ||
    3232||      ||develop new GUI for parameter file generation ||  ||
    3333||      ||develop an installation script (using cmake mechanism ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Helge )]]  ||
    4141||  ||~~- select from modules only those variables really required, using the ONLY attribute~~  ||~~all~~ r1324  ||
    4242||  ||- describe variables in the declaration statements  ||all  ||
    43 ||  ||- extend the MODULE concept to other parts of the code (canopy model, etc.)  ||~~Farah (canopy)~~ r1484, Jens (coupling) ||
     43||  ||- review MODULE concept and extend it to other parts of the code (canopy model, coupling, ). This should include swap_timelevel.f90 ||~~Farah (canopy)~~ r1484, [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Björn )]] ||
    4444||  ||- move initialization from init_3d_model to the respective modules  ||  ||
    4545||PALM code  ||~~output progress messages on terminal or to the job protocol (see Helges progress bars)~~  ||~~Siggi, Helge~~ r1402  ||
    6464||  ||implement new boundary condition for cases where the grid spacing is in the order of the roughness length ||  ||
    6565||  ||~~increase limit for some identifier strings (e.g. length of variable names is very limited)~~ ||~~Björn~~  ||
    66 ||PALM code  ||implement anelastic approximation  ||  ||
     66||PALM code  ||implement anelastic approximation  ||Helge  ||
    6767||  ||implementation of viscous topography  ||  ||
    6868||PALM code ||Use NetCDF instead of ASCII for topography data  ||to be done in MOSAIK  ||
    9393|| PALM code || Implement synthetic turbulence generation method || Tobias ||
    9494|| mrun / ?  || put INPUT and USER_CODE folder under revision control (git) with automatic updates whenever a job is sent || ||
    95 || PALM code || Revision of large-scale forcing / nudging implementation including input data format. In this course, allow for using the mechanism to initialize PALM with explicit vertical profiles without further large-scale forcing or nudging || ||
     95|| PALM code || Revision of large-scale forcing / nudging implementation including input data format. In this course, allow for using the mechanism to initialize PALM with explicit vertical profiles without further large-scale forcing or nudging ||could be done within MOSAIK ||
    103103== Tools==
    104 ||-  ||new plotting tool to replace palmplot  ||<name>  ||
    105 ||-  ||new tool to find possible model grid configurations  ||<name> ||
     104||-  ||new plotting tool to replace palmplot  ||Christoph + Hiwi  ||
     105||-  ||new tool to find possible model grid configurations  ||HiWi ||
    106106||watchdog  ||Debugging: runs on two hosts at the same time, display error messages only once, add on/off switches for each host, add "do you really want to cancel job hannover.1234567 ?"-button ||Björn  ||