Changes between Version 43 and Version 44 of todo

Oct 23, 2015 11:22:34 AM (9 years ago)



  • todo

    v43 v44  
    4343||<page>  ||Avoid collecting of 2D data on PE0 (topography data, surface coupling layer) ||  ||
    4444||  ||~~Implement flux limiter for Wicker-Skamarock~~ ||~~Matthias, Lennart~~ postponed due to inherent optimization drawbacks  ||
    45 ||<page>  ||Implement RRTM radiation model  ||  ||
     45||<page>  ||~~Implement RRTMG radiation model  ||Björn  ||
    4646||<page>  ||Subgrid-scale saturation fluctuation for Lagrangian cloud model  ||Fabian  ||
    47 || ||Implement new particle data structure in LPM ||Fabian  ||
     47|| ||~~Implement new particle data structure in LPM ||Fabian  ||
    4848|| ||~~Implement logarithmic interpolation of particle velocities near the surface~~ ||~~Matthias~~ r1315 ||
    4949||  ||Separate equation for passive scalar (multiple scalars?) ||?  ||
    5151||  ||implementation of a tracbot, which automatically runs and checks examples in case of any code changes  ||  ||
    5252||  ||implement SGS model from Igor Esau  ||  ||
    53 ||  ||implement a soil model (similar to DALES?) || ||
     53||  ||~~implement a soil model (similar to DALES?) ||Björn ||
    5454||~~calc_spectra~~  ||~~check and update the internal calculation of spectra~~ ||~~Matthias (check)~~ ||
    55 ||  ||improve output of standard timeseries: L is defined as Obukhov-length for dry air; should also be defined for moist air; output of buoyancy flux w"vpt"0  ||Björn  ||
     55||  ||~~improve output of standard timeseries: L is defined as Obukhov-length for dry air; should also be defined for moist air; output of buoyancy flux w"vpt"0  ||Björn  ||
    5656||data_output  ||implement output of hydrostatic pressure ||Björn   ||
    5757||data_output  ||implement output of scalar and momentum fluxes calculated by temporal EC ||  ||
    58 ||  ||implement random number generation for ensemble runs ||Helge, Björn   ||
     58||  ||~~implement random number generation for ensemble runs ||Helge, Björn   ||
    5959||  ||implement new boundary condition for cases where the grid spacing is in the order of the roughness length ||  ||
    60 ||  ||increase limit for some identifier strings (e.g. length of variable names is very limited)||Björn  ||
     60||  ||~~increase limit for some identifier strings (e.g. length of variable names is very limited)||Björn  ||
    6161||PALM code  ||implement anelastic approximation  ||  ||
    6262||  ||implementation of viscous topography  ||  ||
    6363||PALM code ||Use NetCDF instead of ASCII for topography data  ||  ||
    6464||PALM code ||~~Update GPL~~  ||~~all~~ r1310 ||
    65 ||PALM code  ||Allow runs for >= 10000 cores ||Björn, Siggi  ||
    66 ||PALM code  ||Create temporary job directory via mrun (does not work properly with the FORTRAN system call function)  || ||
     65||PALM code  ||~~Allow runs for >= 10000 cores ||Björn, Siggi  ||
     66||PALM code  ||~~Create temporary job directory via mrun (does not work properly with the FORTRAN system call function)  || ||
    6767||PALM code  ||Discuss the treatment of package parameters, regarding their appearance in {{{read_var_list}}} and {{{write_var_list}}}.  ||all  ||
    6868|| Example runs ||Modify the "building" example run (example_building_p3d), since topography is allowed with WS-scheme ||  ||
    7575== Tools==
    76 ||VAPOR  ||Release final version of nc2vdf  ||  ||
     76||~~VAPOR  ||~~Release final version of nc2vdf  ||  ||
    7777||<page>  ||<what>  ||<name>  ||