Changes between Version 197 and Version 198 of todo

Jun 11, 2019 8:34:29 AM (6 years ago)



  • todo

    v197 v198  
    1212||PALM code    ||Subtract 3d-average from pressure before output in case that Neumann boundary conditions are used at all 6 boundaries (which is always the case in the child domain). Otherwise, large differences in pressure levels may appear between parent and child. ||tba  ||
    1313||PALM code    ||Add check for non valid NAMELIST names in the NAMELIST file. Reason (e.g.): in case of typos in the nesting NAMELIST a non-nested run will be started.  Run should better be terminated. ||tba ||
    14 ||PALM code    ||~~Check for double-use of error numbers~~ ||[[span(style=color: #008000, Sebastian)]] ||
    1514||PALM code    ||Clean up / extend location messages / time measurements, remove output of '--- finished' in ''advance'' mode ||Farah, Matthias, Siggi ||
    1615||PALM code    ||Comment variables/parameters in declaration sections (see list at the bottom of this page) ||ALL  ||
    17 ||PALM code    ||~~Known bug: W* and Z_I in the first line of the run control file don't correspond to the values in the last run control output line of the previous run.~~ ||[[span(style=color: #008000, Sebastian)]] ||
    18 ||PALM code    ||~~ Known bug: Restart crashes in sum_up_3d_data if an {{{_av}}} quantity is given in the restart run NAMELIST file (_p3dr) but not in the initial run NAMELIST file (_p3d) --> Implement check?! ~~ ||[[span(style=color: #008000, Sebastian)]]  ||
    1916||PALM code    ||Extend plant canopy model to handle basal area (trunks, branches) ||Björn ||
    2017|| PALM code || Implement and homogenize output of cloud-physical variables derived from bulk and Lagrangian cloud physics (e.g., qc, ql, qr, lpt, pt) || Johannes  ||
    21 ||PALM code/ documentation  ||~~Change the name specific humidity to mixing ratio! We don't compute specific humidities.~~  ||Johannes  ||
    2218||PALM code || replace {{{CEILING}}} function with {{{INT}}} or {{{NINT}}} where appropriate ||tba  ||
    2319||PALM code || 3D output in serial mode seems to be quite different from parallel runs although RUN_CONTROL files are identical ||tba  ||
    2420||PALM code || Use of u_init (v_init) and ug (vg) not consistent in prognostic equations ||tba ||
    2521||  ||  ||  ||
    26 ||Scripts      ||~~Write new script to find the next unused of free error number + next free log_point number~~\\[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Script does not function properly. Tobias)]] ||[[span(style=color: #008000, Helge)]]||
    2722||Scripts      ||Finalize first version of new palmplot script (python) ||Helge ||
    2823||Scripts      ||palmrun does not yet interpret variables in IC commands ||Siggi ||
    2924||  ||  ||  ||
    30 ||Test suite  ||~~ Design test cases for microphysic and lagrangian particles~~ ||Johannes  ||
    3125||Test suite  ||Use new namelist names in parameter files ||tba ||
    32 ||  ||  ||  ||
    33 ||Tickets      ||~~Sort tickets of component "General" into appropriate components (change title and keywords where needed, create new components where necessary), delete non-relevant tickets, add answers to FAQ~~ ||[[span(style=color: #008000, Katrin)]] ||
    3426||  ||  ||  ||
    3527||Web docu     ||Restructure entire PALM docu ||Farah ||
    3628||Web docu     ||Update palmrun description ||Siggi ||
    3729||Web docu     ||Update links to palmrun description, remove/rename traces to mbuild, mrun, subjob ||tba ||
    38 ||Web docu     ||~~Update installation/requirements description~~ ||[[span(style=color: #008000, Helge)]]||
    39 ||Web docu     ||~~Complete and check existing PALM error messages (Remaining Numbers without description: PA0149, 226, 228, 234, 245-270, 296-301, 309, 319-321, 327, 328, 330, 334-338, 460-464, UI0002; the error message itself is sufficient for many of these -> mark them in a special way?)~~ ||[[span(style=color: #008000, Sebastian)]] ||
    4030||Web docu     ||Check consistency of parameter lists (namelist pages and alphabetical list) ||Katrin ||
    41 ||Web docu     ||~~Update links from manual to Tutorial (new: PALM seminar material) ~~||[[span(style=color: #008000, Farah)]] ||
    4231||Web docu     ||Revise description of timeseries output ||Farah ||
    4332||Web docu     ||documentation of the PIDS and of surface model (e.g. how to create drivers, or the different level-of-details) ||Matthias  ||
    5140||='''Page (e. g. wiki/doc/app/userint)'''  =||='''What to do?'''  =||='''Name'''  =||
    5241||wiki/doc/tec/1d_model  ||Description of 1d model  ||  ||
    53 ||wiki/doc/tec/cloud_physics  ||~~Description of cloud physics module ~~ || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Johannes)]]  ||
    5442||<page> ||Write descriptions for exercises 6-14 (divide all exercises into Tutorial exercises and Advanced exercises), Advanced examples->Research project examples   ||  ||
    5543||wiki/doc/ ||Description of statistical methods (computation of fluxes and variances, horizontal averaging, etc.)  ||  ||
    7967||<page>  ||Subgrid-scale saturation fluctuation for Lagrangian cloud model  ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Johannes)]]  ||
    8068||data_output  ||implement output of scalar and momentum fluxes calculated by temporal EC ||  ||
    81 ||PALM code  ||~~Create temporary job sub-directories via mrun (does not work properly with the FORTRAN system call function)~~ There is currently no proper solution for this. Postponed.  || ||
    8269||PALM code  ||For reference_state='horizontal_average' round the averaged profile (e.g. 3.3 digits) to make runs repeatable || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Siggi)]] ||
    8370||PALM code  ||Avoid repeating code blocks in {{{data_output}}} routines and use subroutines instead ||  ||
    8976|| PALM code || define dimensions of data_output, data_output_pr, etc. as variables (avoid fixed numbers in code) || ||
    9077|| PALM code || Implement a more flexible y-shift method for non-cyclic but also for cyclic runs || [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Simon)]] ||
    91 || PALM code ||~~ Particle code: unify allocation of particle arrays within lpm_droplet_collision, lpm_droplet_condensation, ... (REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE or REAL(wp), DIMENSION(prt_count(k,j,i))) ~~||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Johannes)]] ||
    9278|| PALM code || Review summation of "1E-5_wp" in mixing_length_les (turbulence_closure_mod), see ticket:393 ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Tobias)]]  ||
    9379|| PALM code   || for consistency reasons, implement "initial gradient" top boundary conditions for the mixing ratio too ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Johannes)]] ||
    9480|| RRTMG coupling   || allow for dry runs with RRTMG (might lead to unrealistic results if the atmosphere is considered totally dry!) ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Björn)]] ||
    9581|| 1d-model  || fix 1d model to work without Coriolis force  [[span(style=color: #FF0000, why is this required? Siggi)]] ||    ||
    96 || PALM code || ~~ allow more flexible vertical grid stretching, e.g. for having near-surface stretching, constant grid spacing above and again stretching in the free atmosphere ~~ ||[[span(style=color: #008000, Sebastian)]] ||
    9782|| check parameters || with psolver=multigrid, check that the subdomains can be divived by 2 at least once (see documentation of the multigrid). Is this still a problem? Needs to be checked. ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Siggi)]] ||
    9883||Initialization || It needs to be clarified that the initial wind profile constructed by ug_surface, ug_vertical_gradient etc. describes the forcing by the geostrophic wind (pressure gradient), and at the same time depicts the initial actual-wind profile. [[span(style=color: #FF0000, just add better hints in docu)]]||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Siggi)]]  ||
    10489|| PALM code || discuss using Fortran Intrinsic Function "SUM" instead of loops as done many times in the code || all (KS) ||
    10590||initializing_actions|| discuss use of initializing_actions='user', because its usage requires good code knowledge and the advantage over using 'set_constant_profiles' and later overwriting variables in user_init_3d_model.f90 is not clear [[span(style=color: #FF0000, just give better explanations in the docu. Siggi)]]|| all (KS) ||
    106 ||PALM code    ||~~Revise Fortran NAMELIST names (e.g. &inipar --> &initialization_parameters)~~||~~Björn~~ see r2932 ||
    10791||PALM code    ||Revise vertical loops in plant-canopy model in order to get rid-off 2D-index array pch_index ||Matthias ||
    10892||PALM code    ||File local_system.f90 has become redundant since SYSTEM subroutine is intrinsic. After a year of no issues with this, remove local_system calls and replace with SYSTEM calls everywhere (2018-05-22) ||tba ||