Changes between Version 160 and Version 161 of todo

May 18, 2018 6:14:02 AM (7 years ago)



  • todo

    v160 v161  
    2020||PALM code    ||Clean up / extend location messages / time measurements, remove output of '--- finished' in ''advance'' mode ||Farah, Matthias, Siggi ||
    2121||PALM code    ||Comment variables/parameters in declaration sections: as a first step, identify routines, create a list of these routines and assign responsibilities ||Katrin  ||
    22 ||PALM code    ||~~Known bug: W* and Z_I in the first line of the run control file don't correspond to the values in the last run control output line of the previous run. ||Sebastian~~ ||
    23 ||PALM code    ||~~Known bug: Restart crashes in sum_up_3d_data if an {{{_av}}} quantity is given in the restart run NAMELIST file (_p3dr) but not in the initial run NAMELIST file (_p3d) --> Implement check?!~~ ||Sebastian  ||
     22||PALM code    ||Known bug: W* and Z_I in the first line of the run control file don't correspond to the values in the last run control output line of the previous run. ||Sebastian ||
     23||PALM code    ||Known bug: Restart crashes in sum_up_3d_data if an {{{_av}}} quantity is given in the restart run NAMELIST file (_p3dr) but not in the initial run NAMELIST file (_p3d) --> Implement check?! ||Sebastian  ||
    2424||Scripts      ||Write new script to find the next unused of free error number + next free log_point number ||Helge  ||
    2525||Scripts      ||Finalize first version of new palmplot script (python) ||Helge ||
    2929||PALM code    ||Revise variable/dimension names and attributes in the NetCDF data input and PIDS input according to the [UC]² data policy ||Tobias ||
    3030||PALM code    || Make use of already implemented 'long_name' attribute of variables, i.e. give possibility to assign a long_name for user defined variables ||Tobias  ||
    31 ||PALM code    || Make proper use of global attributes; especially do not write time average interval in title if there exists a specific attribute ({{{time_avg}}}) for this. ||Tobias  ||
     31||PALM code    || Make proper use of global attributes; especially do not write time average interval in title if there exists a specific attribute ({{{time_avg}}}) for this. [[span(style=color: #FF0000, I think this information in the title is quite helpful for interpreting the plot. If it is omitted in the title, we need to add this information to the plot at some other place. Siggi)]] ||Tobias  ||
    3232||PALM code    ||Add georeferencing (lat/lon) and global attributes according to [UC]² data policyto NetCDF output ||Matthias  ||
    3333||PALM code    ||Extend plant canopy model to handle basal area (trunks, branches) ||Björn ||
    3838||PALM code || replace {{{CEILING}}} function with {{{INT}}} or {{{NINT}}} where appropriate ||tba  ||
    3939||PALM code || 3D output in serial mode seems to be quite different from parallel runs although RUN_CONTROL files are identical ||tba  ||
    40 ||PALM code || Create all NetCDF files during the initial run (currently files are created at first data output instead) ||tba  ||
    9796||Initialization || It needs to be clarified that the initial wind profile constructed by ug_surface, ug_vertical_gradient etc. describes the forcing by the geostrophic wind (pressure gradient), and at the same time depicts the initial actual-wind profile. [[span(style=color: #FF0000, just add better hints in docu)]]||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Siggi)]]  ||
    9897||PALM scripts || Not all SCRIPTS bash based yet. ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Helge)]]  ||
    99 ||palmrun      || make working directory independent from installation directory, rename activation string "d3#" / "d3r". || Siggi ||
     98||palmrun      || make working directory independent from installation directory || Siggi ||
    10099||NAMELISTs    || it should be possible to give output levels in real coordinates (m) instead of grid level, output should then be done for the nearest grid point ||[[span(style=color: #FF0000, Sebastian)]] ||
    101100|| data_output || all output checks should be done BEFORE the first time step, and not when the first output is done ||   ||