Version 33 (modified by kanani, 7 years ago) (diff)


Tickets that refer to old versions of PALM (<4.0), bugs that have already been fixed, and very specific problems not of general interest have been deleted on 23.05.18

Open tickets

All open tickets. If you experience problems with PALM or if you like to request new enhancements, feel free to create a new ticket. If you like to continue existing tickets, please use the comment function in order to keep the ticket system clean and tidy.

Closed tickets, sorted by component

Atmosphere-Ocean coupling

Code compilation

DVRP graphics

Ticket Summary Status Type Reporter
No tickets found


Graphical User Interface (GUI)


Ticket Summary Status Type Reporter
No tickets found


NetCDF Output



PALM Ocean

Particle model

Restart runs


Turbulence recycling method


Urban surface model

User interface


Refused tickets

Open MOSAIK tickets

All open tickets. If you experience problems with PALM or if you like to request new enhancements, feel free to create a new ticket. If you like to continue existing tickets, please use the comment function in order to keep the ticket system clean and tidy.