3 | | This is the PALM ticket system. Please note that the support we offer is not funded and '''voluntarily provided by the PALM developers team'''. Response times will thus depend on our availability. Also note that we can provide free support for '''non-commercial users only''' unless you have a special cooperation agreement. Furthermore, we can only support you on problems directly related to PALM, but not for basic handling of linux operating systems, compiler installation and usage, etc.. In order to read or submit tickets, you must first create an account using the [[//trac/register|register form]]. This account will allow you to login on this trac-server and to submit trouble tickets. As a registered user you will also be informed about new PALM updates by email. If you have further questions please contact [mailto:giersch@meteo.uni-hannover.de]. |
| 3 | This is the PALM ticket system. Please note that the support we offer is not funded and '''voluntarily provided by the PALM developers team'''. Response times will thus depend on our availability. Also note that we can provide free support for '''non-commercial users only''' unless you have a special cooperation agreement. Furthermore, we can only support you on problems directly related to PALM, but not for basic handling of linux operating systems, compiler installation and usage, installation of NetCDF and MPI libraries, etc.. We can also not give support for developing or debugging user-interfaces. |
| 4 | |
| 5 | In order to read or submit tickets, you must first create an account using the [[//trac/register|register form]]. This account will allow you to login on this trac-server and to submit trouble tickets. As a registered user you will also be informed about new PALM updates by email. If you have further questions please contact [mailto:giersch@meteo.uni-hannover.de]. |