| 1 | '''HD(CP)2: High definition clouds and precipitation for advancing climate prediction – Project M2: Benchmarking'''\\ |
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| 3 | Responsible: Rieke Heinze\\ |
| 4 | Project type: [http://http://www.fona.de/ BMBF] research project in collaboration with [http://www.mpimet.mpg.de/ Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie Hamburg]\\ |
| 5 | Duration: 01/10/2012-30/09/2015 \\\\ |
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| 7 | There is a lack of understanding of processes associated with clouds and precipitation which results in large uncertainties in climate change projections. The Geman-wide research initiative |
| 8 | [http://hdcp2.zmaw.de/ HD(CP)2] addresses issues concerning the representation of clouds and precipitation by developing a very high resolution model for climate predictions. |
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| 10 | Within the project M2, PALM is used to produce LES simulation data for the evaluation and benchmarking of the [http://hdcp2.zmaw.de/ HD(CP)2] model. A hierarchy of idealized and semi-idealized scenarios are conducted to examine uncertainties associated with land-surface representations, subgrid-scale modeling and effects of the stable boundary layer on the evolution of the diurnal cycle. |