| 1 | '''Analysis of the relative importance of terrain heterogeneity, heterogeneous land use and heterogeneous forcing on the ABL structure using LES '''\\ |
| 2 | Responsible: [[imuk/members/suehring|Matthias Sühring]]\\ |
| 3 | Project type: [[http://www.dfg.de|DFG]] research project with [[http://www.dwd.de|DWD]] (German Weather Service), [[http://www.bayceer.uni-bayreuth.de/LITFASS|Universität Bayreuth]] and [[http://www.geo.uni-tuebingen.de/arbeitsgruppen/angewandte-geowissenschaften/umweltphysik.html|Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen]]\\ |
| 4 | Duration: 01/11/2010- \\ |
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| 6 | The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is directly affected by the underlying surface. Inhomogeneous meteorological surface forcing can yield to circulations affecting the turbulent exchange in the entire ABL. \\ |
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| 8 | This research project studies the effect of heterogeneous meteorological forcing on the structure of the ABL using LES. Simulations based on the LITFASS-2003 dataset will be carried out to investigate exchange processes and the state of turbulent mixing under different atmospheric conditions. Furthermore, the measurement strategies of the LITFASS-2003 experiment will be investigated and possible improvements for the measurement strategies will be derived. |