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LES study on the effect of secondary circulations on the boundary layer turbulence during LITFASS-2003
Responsible: Björn Maronga?
Project type: Diplomarbeit (equivalent to master thesis)
Duration: 18/06/2009-17/06/2010

Former large-eddy simulation (LES) studies of Uhlenbrock (2006) investigated the turbulent structure of the atmospheric boundary layer over heterogeneous land surfaces during the LITFASS-2003 measurement campaign. The results showed the development of thermal induced mesoscale circulations (such as roll convections) and its impact on fluxes of different scales in the boundary layer.

Within the scope of this thesis some of these simulations shall be repeated with technical improvements of the parallelized LES-model PALM. Furthermore, correlations between the structure of the secondary circulations and the land surface heteorogeneities shall be identified, especially in case of roll convections, to give better explanations about the structure of these circulations.

In addition to this purpose, corresponding PALM simulations considering topography and possibly a vegetation model could be compared to the "flat" simulations.

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