Version 5 (modified by fricke, 14 years ago) (diff)


Investigations of self organized and forced roll convection during a cold air outbreak with LES
Responsible: Jens Kampmeyer
Project type: Diplomarbeit (equivalent to master thesis)
Duration: 01/04/2009-30/03/2010

This Thesis deals with two types of roll convection.

At first, the laminar scenario conditions from Gryschka M. (2005)? are used to generate self organized roll convection via turbulent inflow according to Lund T. et al. (1998).

In the second part, results of Gryschka M. (2008)? are used for investigate the influence of ice inhomogeneities to so called forced rolls. Therefore the subjection of explicit ice gabs-variation to roll-reaching in flow direction will be studied.