6 | | An often used model to analyse flow and pollutant dispersion in street canyons is the k- ε model, which parametrizes the turbulence of the flow completely. \\ |
7 | | Sini et al. (1996: Pollutant dispersion and thermal effects in urban street canyons; Atmos. Env. Vol. 30, No. 15, 2659-2677) have shown that for wind directions approximately perpendicular to the street canyon three different flow regimes depending on the value of the aspect ratio (street width/ canyon height) are formed, the isolated roughness flow, the wake interference flow and the skimming flow. The number and arrangement of the vortex inside the street canyon affect the vertical exchange and so the pollutant dispersion inside the street canyon significantly. Aim of this project is to use the LES-model PALM, which resolves the turbulence of the flow, to analyse if Sini et al. describe the vortex inside the street canyon correctly and if the turbulence parametrization in k- ε models can describe the turbulent exchange in street canyons quantitatively and qualitatively correct. Besides this the flow pattern and the pollutant dispersion inside street canyons shall be examined for three different aspect ratios. |
| 6 | An often used model to analyse flow and pollutant dispersion in street canyons is the k-ε model, which parametrizes the turbulence of the flow completely. \\ |
| 7 | Sini et al. (1996: Pollutant dispersion and thermal effects in urban street canyons; Atmos. Env. Vol. 30, No. 15, 2659-2677) have shown that for wind directions approximately perpendicular to the street canyon three different flow regimes depending on the value of the aspect ratio (street width/ canyon height) are formed, the isolated roughness flow, the wake interference flow and the skimming flow. The number and arrangement of the vortex inside the street canyon affect the vertical exchange and so the pollutant dispersion inside the street canyon significantly. Aim of this project is to use the LES-model PALM, which resolves the turbulence of the flow, to analyse if Sini et al. describe the vortex inside the street canyon correctly and if the turbulence parametrization in k-ε models can describe the turbulent exchange in street canyons quantitatively and qualitatively correct. Besides this the flow pattern and the pollutant dispersion inside street canyons shall be examined for three different aspect ratios. |