Version 1 (modified by fricke, 15 years ago) (diff)


Monte-Carlo-Simulation of Radiation Transfer Through an Inhomogeneous Cloud Layer
Responsible: Ulrich Hamann
Project type: Diplomarbeit (equivalent to master thesis), in co-operation with the radiation and remote sensing group
Duration: 03/11/2003 - 02/11/2004

A Monte Carlo simulation for radiation models the path of numerous photon packages through the atmosphere. This approach is necessary, if the atmosphere is not horizontally homogeneous, but contains variable formed clouds. The cloud fields used in this work are provided by the LES model of the PALM group. The simulation will include the transfer of wavelength in the infrared, the visible and the UV spectrum. The goal of the simulation are the heating rate at the surface derived from the irradiance as well as the heating inside the clouds. As this method demands a high computational effort, the program will be parallelized.