5 | | This is a joint project together with Prof. Manabu Kanda at the [http://www.ide.titech.ac.jp/~kandalab/ Department of International Development Engineering], Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. It includes a one-year research stay in Japan. \\\\ |
6 | | This study is based on the former co-operation between Prof. Kanda and Dipl.-Met. Marcus Letzel - [../2001_02 LES Study of the Energy Imbalance Problem with Eddy Covariance Fluxes]. In their study they carried out simulations of a convective boundary layer with the following prerequisites: \\ |
| 5 | This is a joint project together with Manabu Kanda at the [http://www.ide.titech.ac.jp/~kandalab/ Department of International Development Engineering], Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. It includes a one-year research stay in Japan. \\\\ |
| 6 | This study is based on the former co-operation between Kanda and Marcus Letzel - [../2001_02 LES Study of the Energy Imbalance Problem with Eddy Covariance Fluxes]. In their study they carried out simulations of a convective boundary layer with the following prerequisites: \\ |