Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of imuk/projects/2003_06

Sep 15, 2010 1:10:35 PM (15 years ago)



  • imuk/projects/2003_06

    v1 v1  
     1'''Further LES-Study on the Energy Imbalance Problem with Eddy Covariance Fluxes''' \\
     2Responsible: Gerald Steinfeld \\
     3Project type: [ DAAD] grant and Academic Frontiers Student Exchange Promotion Program In 2003-2004 ([ MEXT], Japan) \\
     4This is a joint project together with Prof. Manabu Kanda at the [ Department of International Development Engineering], Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. It includes a one-year research stay in Japan. \\\\
     5This study is based on the former co-operation between Prof. Kanda and Dipl.-Met. Marcus Letzel - [../2001_02 LES Study of the Energy Imbalance Problem with Eddy Covariance Fluxes]. In their study they carried out simulations of a convective boundary layer with the following prerequisites: \\
     6* horizontal homogenous surface heat flux (or a mere 1D horizontal variation) \\
     7* vanishing horizontal mean value of the vertical velocity. \\\\
     8In the scope of this project it should be investigated what the effects are on the observed energy imbalance if at least one of these "ideal case" prerequisites does not apply. For example, the presence of inhomogenities is characteristic of the Earth´s surface. \\\\
     9Therefore it is planned to carry out simulations with a prescribed one-dimensional sinusoidal surface heat flux (parameter studies with e.g. varying maximum amplitude and wavelength) in order to study the effects of the thermally induced meso-scale circulation on the observed energy imbalance characteristics. These studies imply a slightly different definition of energy imbalance compared with the former studies of [wiki:kanda Kanda et al.] \\\\
     10Furthermore the influence of a synoptic-scale downward movement - as it is observed in high pressure systems - on the energy imbalance should be investigated by a LES-study. The goal is to examine the results of some theoretical studies. \\\\
     11Finally, some fundamental comparisons between the heat fluxes calculated by the temporal eddy covariance method and calculated the spatial eddy covariance method will be carried out.