113 | | \\\\ |
114 | | |
| 116 | |
| 117 | = PALM Data I/O and Visualization = |
| 118 | |
| 119 | {{{#!table align=center style="border: none; text-align:left" |
| 120 | {{{#!tr |
| 121 | {{{#!td align=left style="border: none; vertical-align:top; width: 35%" |
| 122 | [[Image(palmpage_icons_wotitle_io.png, 100%)]] |
| 123 | }}} |
| 124 | {{{#!td style="border: none;vertical-align:top; width:20%" |
| 125 | \\'''PALM I/O files'''\\\\ |
| 126 | [wiki:doc/app/iofiles Input/Output files]\\ |
| 127 | [wiki:doc/app/iofiles/pids Palm input data standard] |
| 128 | }}} |
| 129 | {{{#!td style="border: none;vertical-align:top; width:20%" |
| 130 | \\'''NetCDF data output'''\\\\ |
| 131 | [wiki:doc/app/netcdf Overview]\\\\ |
| 132 | [wiki:doc/app/ncgen Generation of a PALM netCDF file]\\ |
| 133 | [wiki:doc/app/ncexample Example of a PALM netCDF data set]\\ |
| 134 | [wiki:doc/app/maskedoutput Masked data output]\\ |
| 135 | }}} |
| 136 | {{{#!td style="border: none;vertical-align:top; width:20%" |
| 137 | \\'''Visualization'''\\\\ |
| 138 | [wiki:doc/app/ncl Plotting with palmplot (NCL)]\\ |
| 139 | [wiki:doc/app/idl Postprocessing with IDL]\\ |
| 140 | [wiki:doc/app/dvr Visualization with dvr]\\ |
| 141 | [wiki:doc/app/vapor Visualization with VAPOR]\\ |
| 142 | [wiki:doc/app/img2video Creating animations with img2video]\\ |
| 143 | [wiki:doc/app/img2stereo Creating stereo images with img2stereo]\\ |
| 144 | }}} |
| 145 | }}} |
| 146 | }}} |
122 | | |
123 | | |
124 | | |
125 | | |
126 | | |
127 | | = PALM Data I/O and visualization = |
128 | | (to be resorted!!) |
129 | | * '''[wiki:doc/app/iofiles Input/Output files]''' |
130 | | |
131 | | * '''[wiki:doc/app/netcdf netCDF data output]''' |
132 | | * [wiki:doc/app/ncgen Generation of a PALM netCDF file] |
133 | | * [wiki:doc/app/ncexample Example of a PALM netCDF data set] |
134 | | * [wiki:doc/app/maskedoutput Masked data output] |
135 | | * '''[wiki:doc/app/ncl Postprocessing with NCL]''' |
136 | | * [wiki:doc/app/nclparlist List of parameters for PALM NCL scripts] |
137 | | * [wiki:doc/app/idl Postprocessing with IDL] |
138 | | * [wiki:doc/app/dvr Visualization with dvr] |
139 | | * [wiki:doc/app/vapor Visualization with VAPOR] |
140 | | * [wiki:doc/app/img2video Creating animations with img2video] |
141 | | * [wiki:doc/app/img2stereo Creating stereo images with img2stereo] |
142 | | |
143 | | |
144 | | |
145 | | |
146 | | * '''[wiki:doc/app/iofiles Input/Output files]''' |
147 | | * [wiki:doc/app/iofiles/pids Palm input data standard] |
| 154 | |
| 155 | |
| 156 | |
188 | | === [wiki:doc/app/examples Steering examples for special setups] |
189 | | * [wiki:doc/app/examples/cbl Minimum set for simulating the CBL] |
190 | | * [wiki:doc/app/examples/topo Topography] |
191 | | * [wiki:doc/app/examples/turbinf Turbulent inflow] |
192 | | * [wiki:doc/app/examples/ocean Ocean runs] |
193 | | * [wiki:doc/app/examples/coupled Coupled atmosphere-ocean runs] |
194 | | * [wiki:doc/app/examples/lsf Runs with large scale forcing and nudging] |
195 | | * [wiki:doc/app/examples/rrtmg Run with land surface model and coupled to the RRTMG radiation model] |
| 196 | === |
| 197 | ... |
198 | | * '''[wiki:doc/app/netcdf netCDF data output]''' |
199 | | * [wiki:doc/app/ncgen Generation of a PALM netCDF file] |
200 | | * [wiki:doc/app/ncexample Example of a PALM netCDF data set] |
201 | | * [wiki:doc/app/maskedoutput Masked data output] |
202 | | * '''[wiki:doc/app/ncl Postprocessing with NCL]''' |
203 | | * [wiki:doc/app/nclparlist List of parameters for PALM NCL scripts] |
204 | | * [wiki:doc/app/idl Postprocessing with IDL] |
205 | | * [wiki:doc/app/dvr Visualization with dvr] |
206 | | * [wiki:doc/app/vapor Visualization with VAPOR] |
207 | | * [wiki:doc/app/img2video Creating animations with img2video] |
208 | | * [wiki:doc/app/img2stereo Creating stereo images with img2stereo] |
| 200 | ... |