Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of doc/tec/releasenotes/summaryforpalm6

Oct 30, 2018 4:02:02 PM (6 years ago)

basic information about urban surface mod changes


  • doc/tec/releasenotes/summaryforpalm6

    v22 v23  
    3434 - NetCDF data input of coordinates from 'real-world' measurements for point-, profile-, or trajectory measurements
    3535 - automatic sampling and output of the quantities according to the measurement coordinates
     36* urban surface mod
     37 - output variables {{{usm_t_surf_*}}} for bare building walll and roof tiles was renamed to {{{usm_t_surf_wall_*}}} (* = north/ south/ east/ west/ roof)
     38 - calculation of short wave radiation inside window layers changed
     39 - increased building database to provide parameters for all wall and window height levels (ground floor, above ground floor, roof level)
     40 - window surface and layers temperatures are fixed during spinup to make larger time step {{{dt_spinup}}} possible
     41 - latent heat flux for green wall and roof tiles and output variables {{{usm_qsws_*}}}, usm_{{{qsws_veg_*}}}, {{{usm_qsws_liq_*}}}
     42 - calculation of latent heat flax for green roof tiles according to soil water content, green wall tiles dont take soil water content into account
     43 - output parameter {{{usm_swc_*}}} for soil water content of green substrate layers
     44 - calculation of green roof substrate layers heat capacity and conductivity according to soil water content and soil parameters
     45 - building database parameter green_type_roof to choose between intensiv and extensiv green roof type
     46 - new boolean namelist parameter {{{usm_wall_mod}}} (default = .F.) to decrease heat advection during spinup in the first two wall layers by factor 10 to increase the possible time step {{{dt_spinup}}}
    3647* change 3
    3748* etc