Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of doc/tec/releasenotes/summaryforpalm6

Oct 29, 2018 6:37:46 PM (6 years ago)



  • doc/tec/releasenotes/summaryforpalm6

    v21 v22  
    1818 - about 1000 (at least if feels like this) small fixes
    1919 - adaptation of namelist {{{chemistry_parameters}}} to new features
     20* Self nesting
     21 - nesting of chemistry quantities implemented
     22 - RANS-RANS and RANS-LES nesting implemented
     23* New feature Offline Nesting has been introduced
     24 - time-dependent boundary conditions at the model boundaries as well as time-dependent geostrophic forcing can be derived from the  output of the larger-scale COSMO model via the pre-processing tool INIFOR
     25 - information is stored in dynamic input file
     26 - to initiate turbulence, a synthetic turbulence generator is applied at all lateral boundaries, which imposes turbulent fluctuations onto the COSMO-derived boundary values of the three velocity components, while the strength of fluctuations depend on the actual atmospheric conditions
    2027* The vertical grid stretching mechanism has been extended to allow more than one stretched region. In addition, stretching from coarse to fine as well as from fine to coarse is possible now. For more information see parameter [../../../app/inipar/#dz dz] or have a look into file {{{init_grid.f90}}}.
    2128* The model now comprises a biometeorology module that can be used to determine the thermal indices Perceived Temperature (PT), Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) and Physiologically Equivalent Temperature (PET). The indices are calculated as soon as the namelist {{{biometeorology_parameters}}} exists and can be disabled by setting e.g. {{{biom_pt = .F.}}}.
    2229* New feature human exposure model has been added, that calculates the vitamin D3-weighted UV exposure of a human. It is modularized in the new file {{{uv_exposure_model_mod.f90}}} and can be steered using the new namelist {{{biometeorology_parameters}}}.
     30* Revision of NetCDF data input and extended checks for consistent static and dynamic input files
     31* Reflection of Lagrangian particles at downward-facing surfaces implemented
     32* Output of unstructured surface data is enabled via a new namelist {{{surface_output_parameters}}}. This allows further processing of surface data into Paraview-readable files in order to display surface data such as surface temperature at building walls in an urban-environment
     33* New module to perform virtual measurements {{{virtual_meas_mod.f90}}}
     34 - NetCDF data input of coordinates from 'real-world' measurements for point-, profile-, or trajectory measurements
     35 - automatic sampling and output of the quantities according to the measurement coordinates
    2336* change 3
    2437* etc