Changes between Version 25 and Version 26 of doc/tec/radiation

Apr 5, 2016 10:19:38 AM (9 years ago)



  • doc/tec/radiation

    v25 v26  
    115115=== Basics ===
     117The RRTMG scheme is used as a "black box" in PALM. The main advantage is that radiative effects of clouds are explicitly treated in RRTMG. RRTMG is used as a vertical column model called for each horizontal grid point. Effects of cloud shadows that depend on the declination of the sun and horizontal radiative transfer are neglected at the moment. Moreover, ice clouds are not considered. In principle, the coupling to PALM is realized by performing the following steps each time RRTMG is called:
     1181. Provide vertical profiles of actual temperature and water vapor mixing ratio for the LES column at full and half levels of the RRTMG grid
     1192. Provide vertical profiles of the in-cloud liquid water path and the effective droplet radius for each grid volume for each LES column in case of clouds
     1203. Call RRTMG longwave radiation routine using the above profiles
     1214. (is sun is up) call RRTMG longwave radiation routine using the above profiles
     1225. RRTMG provides radiative surface fluxes (longwave incoming, longwave outgoing, shortwave incoming, shortwave outgoing) as well as shortwave and longwave heating rates for each grid volume in the LES column. Moreover a tendency for the change in outgoing longwave radiation for a change in surface temperature is provided.
     1236. Calculate net radiation
     125The calculated heating rates are later used as tendency terms in the prognostic equations for temperature. The radiative fluxes are used in the solver for the energy budget of the Earth's surface.
     127As the radiative transfer is done from the surface to the top of the atmosphere, the LES profiles need to be extended in the vertical direction. Moreover, RRTMG requires profiles of pressure and trace gases in the atmosphere. During initialization, vertical sounding data and trace gas sounding are read from two netCDF files (such sounding data is delivered as two netCDF files with RRTMG and is used by default in PALM. The user can replace these files to adjust the sounding profiles).
     129The following profiles must be provided to RRTMG:
     130* hydrostatic pressure at full and half levels
     131* temperature at full and half levels
     132* H20 mixing ratio
     133* O3 mixing ratio
     134* O2 mixing ratio
     135* CO2 mixing ratio
     136* CH4 mixing ratio
     137* N20 mixing ratio
     138* CFC11 mixing ratio
     139* CFC 12 mixing ratio
     140* CFC 22 mixing ratio
     141* CCL4 mixing ratio
     142In order to avoid large gradients at the interface between PALM's upper boundary and the upper atmospheric profiles, temperature and H20 mixing ratio profiles are gradually blended over 5 grid points above the LES domain.
     144Note that additionally, several flag parameters required by RRTMG are automatically set in PALM.
     147==== Calculation of surface albedos