6 | | The ocean version differs from the atmospheric version by a few modifications, which are handled in the code by distinction of cases, so that both versions share the same basic code. In particular, seawater buoyancy and static stability depend not only on ''θ'', but also on the salinity Sa. In order to account for the effect of salinity on density, a prognostic equation is added for Sa (in PSU, ''practical salinity unit''): |
| 6 | The ocean mode differs from the atmospheric mode by a few modifications, which are handled in the code by case distinctions, so that both versions share the same basic code. In particular, seawater buoyancy and static stability depend not only on ''θ'', but also on the salinity Sa. In order to account for the effect of salinity on density, a prognostic equation is added for Sa (in PSU, ''practical salinity unit''): |
51 | | Note that the current version of the ocean option does not account for the effect of surface waves (e.g., Langmuir circulation and wave-breaking). Parametrization schemes might, however, be provided within the user interface (see Sect. [wiki:doc/tec/user user interface]) and have been used, e.g., by [#noh2004 Noh et al. (2004)]. The ocean option in its current state was recently used for simulations of the ocean mixed layer by [#esau2014 Esau (2014)], who investigated indirect air-sea interactions by means of the atmosphere-ocean coupling scheme that will be described in Sect. [wiki:doc/tec/coupled coupled atmosphere-ocean simulations]. Note that most previous PALM studies of the |
52 | | OML used the atmospheric code, subsequent inversion of the ''z''-axis and appropriate normalization of the results, instead of using the |
53 | | relatively new ocean option (e.g., [#noh2004 Noh et al., 2004], [#noh2009 2009]). |
| 51 | Starting from revision r...., the ocean mode can also account for the effect of surface waves (Langmuir circulation and wave-breaking) as described in [#noh2004 Noh et al. (2004)]. The ocean mode in its current state was recently used for simulations of the ocean mixed layer by [#esau2014 Esau (2014)], who investigated indirect air-sea interactions by means of the atmosphere-ocean coupling scheme that are described in Sect. [wiki:doc/tec/coupled coupled atmosphere-ocean simulations]. Note that most previous PALM studies of the |
| 52 | OML used the atmospheric mode, subsequent inversion of the ''z''-axis and appropriate normalization of the results, instead of using the |
| 53 | relatively new ocean mode (e.g., [#noh2004 Noh et al., 2004], [#noh2009 2009]).\\\\ |
| 54 | The ocean mode is switched on by providing the FORTRAN namelist {{{&ocean_parameters}}} in the input parameter file. |