Version 11 (modified by hellstea, 7 years ago) (diff)



A multi-scale nesting system is available since r1763. It currently undergoes major testing and revisions. A detailed description will follow after the official release.

Job preparation

The following example provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up a nesting system with one parent (root) domain and two child domains.

  1. Prepare parameter files for all domains, e.g. for run with topography and separate topography data for each domain:
    testrun_p3d (root/parent domain)
    testrun_02_p3d (child domain 1)
    testrun_03_p3d (child domain 2)

Note that numbering of the child domains must start with "02" as "01" is internally reserved for the root domain.

  1. The nesting system is activated by specifying a &nestpar NAMELIST in the _p3d file of the root domain, e.g.:
     &nestpar domain_layouts = 'root domain',      1,  -1,  24,    0.0,    0.0,
                               'child domain 1',   2,   1,  24,  100.0,  100.0,
                               'child domain 2',   3,   2,  24,  200.0,  200.0,
              nesting_datatransfer_mode = 'mixed',
              nesting_mode = 'two-way',

For details on the parameters, see nestpar.

  1. Add file connection statements for all child domains to the .mrun.config file,
    # List of input-files for nested model runs
    PARIN_02                  in:job        nest#      $base_data/$fname/INPUT   _02_p3d
    PARIN_03                  in:job        nest#      $base_data/$fname/INPUT   _03_p3d
    TOPOGRAPHY_DATA_02        in:locopt     nest#      $base_data/$fname/INPUT   _02_topo
    TOPOGRAPHY_DATA_03        in:locopt     nest#      $base_data/$fname/INPUT   _03_topo
    # List of output-files for nested domains
    RUN_CONTROL_02     out:loc:tr   nest#     $base_data/$fname/MONITORING  _2_rc
    RUN_CONTROL_02     out:loc:tra  nestf     $base_data/$fname/MONITORING  _2_rc
    HEADER_02          out:loc:tr   nest#     $base_data/$fname/MONITORING  _2_header
    HEADER_02          out:loc:tra  nestf     $base_data/$fname/MONITORING  _2_header
    CPU_MEASURES_02    out:loc:tr   nest#     $base_data/$fname/MONITORING  _2_cpu
    CPU_MEASURES_02    out:loc:tra  nestf     $base_data/$fname/MONITORING  _2_cpu
    BINOUT_02          out:loc:flpe restart   $base_data/$fname/RESTART     _2_d3d
    RUN_CONTROL_03     out:loc:tr   nest#     $base_data/$fname/MONITORING  _3_rc
    RUN_CONTROL_03     out:loc:tra  nestf     $base_data/$fname/MONITORING  _3_rc
    HEADER_03          out:loc:tr   nest#     $base_data/$fname/MONITORING  _3_header
    HEADER_03          out:loc:tra  nestf     $base_data/$fname/MONITORING  _3_header
    CPU_MEASURES_03    out:loc:tr   nest#     $base_data/$fname/MONITORING  _3_cpu
    CPU_MEASURES_03    out:loc:tra  nestf     $base_data/$fname/MONITORING  _3_cpu
    BINOUT_03          out:loc:flpe restart   $base_data/$fname/RESTART     _3_d3d
    DATA_1D_PR_NETCDF_02    out:loc:tr pro#:prof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _2_pr  nc
    DATA_1D_SP_NETCDF_02    out:loc:tr spo#:spof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _2_sp  nc
    DATA_1D_TS_NETCDF_02    out:loc:tr tso#:tsof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _2_ts  nc
    DATA_1D_PTS_NETCDF_02   out:loc:tr ptso#:ptsof $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _2_pts nc
    DATA_2D_XY_NETCDF_02    out:loc:tr xyo#:xyof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _2_xy  nc
    DATA_2D_XY_AV_NETCDF_02 out:loc:tr xyo#:xyof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _2_xy_av  nc
    DATA_2D_XZ_NETCDF_02    out:loc:tr xzo#:xzof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _2_xz  nc
    DATA_2D_XZ_AV_NETCDF_02 out:loc:tr xzo#:xzof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _2_xz_av  nc
    DATA_2D_YZ_NETCDF_02    out:loc:tr yzo#:yzof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _2_yz  nc
    DATA_2D_YZ_AV_NETCDF_02 out:loc:tr yzo#:yzof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _2_yz_av  nc
    DATA_3D_NETCDF_02       out:loc:tr 3do#:3dof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _2_3d  nc
    DATA_3D_AV_NETCDF_02    out:loc:tr 3do#:3dof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _2_3d_av nc
    DATA_1D_PR_NETCDF_03    out:loc:tr pro:prof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _3_pr  nc
    DATA_1D_SP_NETCDF_03    out:loc:tr spo#:spof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _3_sp  nc
    DATA_1D_TS_NETCDF_03    out:loc:tr tso#:tsof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _3_ts  nc
    DATA_1D_PTS_NETCDF_03   out:loc:tr ptso#:ptsof $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _3_pts nc
    DATA_2D_XY_NETCDF_03    out:loc:tr xyo#:xyof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _3_xy  nc
    DATA_2D_XY_AV_NETCDF_03 out:loc:tr xyo#:xyof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _3_xy_av  nc
    DATA_2D_XZ_NETCDF_03    out:loc:tr xzo#:xzof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _3_xz  nc
    DATA_2D_XZ_AV_NETCDF_03 out:loc:tr xzo#:xzof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _3_xz_av  nc
    DATA_2D_YZ_NETCDF_03    out:loc:tr yzo#:yzof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _3_yz  nc
    DATA_2D_YZ_AV_NETCDF_03 out:loc:tr yzo#:yzof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _3_yz_av  nc
    DATA_3D_NETCDF_03       out:loc:tr 3do#:3dof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _3_3d  nc
    DATA_3D_AV_NETCDF_03    out:loc:tr 3do#:3dof   $base_data/$fname/OUTPUT _3_3d_av nc

Attention: To get NetCDF output from the children requires to set the d3par-parameter netcdf_data_format = 5 or 6 (parallel I/O support). Otherwise, the NetCDF files are created but will be empty (filled with zero data only).

  1. Execute mrun and specify the nesting input files, i.e.,
    mrun -d testrun -r "d3# nest# ts# pr# ... tso# pro# ..." -X "72" ...

Make sure that the total number of PEs (here 72) the sum of the PEs allocated for the individual domains (3 x 24).

Attachments (4)

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