Changes between Version 44 and Version 45 of doc/tec/nesting

May 7, 2021 8:21:17 AM (4 years ago)



  • doc/tec/nesting

    v44 v45  
    1717The self-nesting can be operated as a 1-way nesting, where the anterpolation step is omitted, i.e. there is no feedback in the parent by the child model, and as a 2-way nesting, where parent and child solution mutually depend on each other. Starting from -r4777 the two-way coupling is equipped with a canopy-restricted anterpolation in order to avoid certain anomalies that are likely to occur if anterpolation is made within obstacle canopies. It is recommended to use this feature e.g. for urban canopy flows to switch off the anterpolation within the layer occupied by the buidings.
    19 Child domains can be recursively nested within each other under the condition that the child domain fits completely into its respective parent domain. Child domains can also be parallel to each other sharing the same parent domain, but the parallel child domains must not overlap each other. Recursive and parallel children may co-exist in the same run. Please note also that the outer boundaries of a nested child domain must match the underlying parent-grid lines in all directions. Morever, inside the child domain, all the parent-grid lines must match the corresponding child-grid lines. Therefore, also the grid-spacing ratios in each coordinate direction must be integer valued. This also implies that vertical grid stretching is not allowed in nested runs except in the root domain above the top level of the highest nested domain. The domain decomposition (pe grid) of all children must be such that the subdomain size is never smaller than the parent grid-spacing in the respective direction.
     19Child domains can be recursively nested within each other under the condition that the child domain fits completely into its respective parent domain. Child domains can also be parallel to each other sharing the same parent domain, but the parallel child domains must not overlap each other. Recursive and parallel children may co-exist in the same run. Please note also that the outer boundaries of a nested child domain must match the underlying parent-grid lines in all directions. Morever, inside the child domain, all the parent-grid lines must match the corresponding child-grid lines. Therefore, also the grid-spacing ratios in each coordinate direction must be integer valued. This also implies that vertical grid stretching is not allowed in nested runs except in the root domain above the top level of the highest nested domain. The domain decomposition (pe grid) of all children must be such that the subdomain size is never smaller than the parent grid-spacing in the respective direction. It is also important to make sure that all the same prognostic variables are solved in all model domains of a nested model system. Otherwise a crash follows because the palm model coupler (pmc) tries to couple arrays which do not exist in all the domains. 
    2121To apply the self nesting, the namelist [wiki:doc/app/nesting_parameters#nesting_parameters &nesting_parameters] must be provided.
    23 '''Please note:''' The PALM self nesting currently undergoes major testing and revisions. A more detailed description will follow after the official release.