Version 2 (modified by wagner, 4 years ago) (diff)


Job preparation for PALM self nesting

The following example provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up a nesting system with one parent (root) domain and two child domains.

  1. Prepare parameter files for all domains, e.g. topography files or static drivers and separate each file for each domain:
    testrun_p3d (root/parent domain)
    testrun_p3d_N02 (child domain 1)
    testrun_p3d_N03 (child domain 2)

Note that numbering of the child domains must start with "02" as "01" is internally reserved for the root domain.

  1. The nesting system is activated by specifying a &nesting_parameters NAMELIST in the _p3d file of the root domain, e.g.:
     &nesting_parameters domain_layouts = 'root domain',      1,  -1,  24,    0.0,    0.0,
                                          'child domain 1',   2,   1,  24,  100.0,  100.0,
                                          'child domain 2',   3,   2,  24,  200.0,  200.0,
              nesting_datatransfer_mode = 'mixed',
              nesting_mode = 'two-way',

For details on the parameters, see &nesting_parameters.

  1. No additional file connection statements for the child domains are required as long as the suffix * is set:
    # List of input-files for nested model runs
    PARIN         in:tr      d3#      $base_data/$run_identifier/INPUT      _p3d*
  2. Execute palmrun and specify the nesting input files, i.e.,
    palmrun -r testrun -a "d3#" -X 72 ...

Make sure that the total number of PEs (here 72) the sum of the PEs allocated for the individual domains (3 x 24).